Monthly Archives: August 2015
Thursday, August 21, 2014
Kris: Seriously conflicted. feel like I’m setting u up for more pain, when I really cant deal with guilt. getting very paranoid lately – bad thoughts – losing wife, family, job…MIND. Divorce 2 weeks from today if I agree, which I may want to delay. sex isnt much on my mind right now SASSY!!!!!!! 6:38 PM
Me: Take deep breaths. Don’t worry about me. Hugs. 6:39 PM
Kris: 🙂 u make it hard to let u go. evil woman. 😉 6:46 PM
Me: I’m going to a project event tonight. 6:52 PM
Kris: Have fun! I’m headed to the gym on bike. see if i can turn skinny man into more pulchritude. 😉 6:54 PM
Me: I’m praying for you. Let me know what else I can do to help. Mwah! 6:55 PM
Kris: Ok…thank u. u r very sweet. thank u 6:56 PM
Me: You are most welcome! I care about you, you pulchritudinous man! 7:00 PM
Kris: Oh yeah. u can go for a ride on my mindbike! (couldnt resist. evil grin). no woman has been on it yet. u said u like being “the first” – here’s your chance! 7:00 PM
Kris: Pulchritudinous. u HAD to make that up. LOL! 7:01 PM
Kris: Meant bike…. Not mindbike (though I’m sure “pretending” would b just fine with u! 🙂 7:03 PM
Me: I did not make up that word! 7:04 PM
Kris: Didnt really think so. teasing. 😉 7:11 PM
Me: Still mired in imagining your “mindbike” 7:12 PM
Kris: Ur dodging again, Ms. Demure. shame shame 7:14 PM
Me: Dodging? 7:14 PM
Kris: Going for bike ride….try to keep up… 😉 7:15 PM
Me: I’m scared. 7:20 PM
Kris: I know. cant resist asking. it’s ok. gotta go now. later. Big long hug…light kiss on mouth. 7:23 PM
Me: Relaxing back rub with scratching! 7:24 PM
Brosnan resemblance
Trouble and a bike
Tuesday, August 19, 2014
Kris: Gonna go hang with “bad boys”. old black bar buddies. have to find their current water hole in the burbs…cops shut down old one. dumb cuz they would just find new one. I’ll find it…won’t drink…PROMISE. my nick name with them: “Crazy Kris”. for real. but now it’s just for “show”. but they don’t know that. so I’ll get “respect”…and be ok. and won’t drink. my intimate, “non-sexual” (HA!) friend. 6:23 PM
Kris: Say hi to mom for me. tell her I owe her a lunch. and when u go to the bathroom we can swap secrets about u. tell her I’ve got some really juicy (literally) ones to share. OMG!!!!!!! 6:46 PM
Me: We were just talking about you! We’re at The 99 again. I showed her your bike. 6:48 PM
Kris: What did she say? 6:49 PM
Me: You look skinny. 🙂 6:49 PM
Kris: She’s a riot! You’re too fat and I’m too skinny! Ever here the bad joke about Mama Cass and Karen Carpenter? 6:53 PM
Me: No…do I want to? 6:55 PM
Kris: Probably not. think that will stop me? 😉 6:56 PM
Kris: If Mama Cass had shared her sandwich with Karen Carpenter they’d both be alive today! 6:58 PM
Kris: Bad. I know. Ok. off on bike to play bad boy biker. Walter Mitty. 6:59 PM
Kris: Google what caused Karen Carpenter’s death if u didn’t get that bad joke. I really am an evil man. You’re just blinded by the occasional mediocre sex. 7:03 PM
Kris: Ok…off on bike. later… 😉 7:04 PM
Me: I am still smiling about late Sunday…mmm. 7:12 PM
Kris: U r incorrigible. taking advantage of poor skinny little me. 😉 7:17 PM
Kris: (not on bike yet. cleaning up house a little first. have renter. can’t be fun slob. 🙁 7:20 PM
Me: You betcha! Mwah! 7:20 PM
Kris: 🙂 7:20 PM
Me: Come see me instead? 🙂 7:25 PM
Kris: Gotta get it outta my system.. nutha time (less u get bettah offer in meantime. in which case go for it!). 8:10 PM
Me: Have fun! 8:11 PM
Kris: Maybe one of those AM winks is a nice man. just poor! 😉 8:11 PM
Kris: “Have fun!”. So u! Thanks for treating me like a grown up. another reason hard to let u go…Ms. Unflappable. 8:20 PM
from: Sassy
to: Kris
date: Tue, Aug 19, 2014 at 9:32 PM
subject: Trouble and a bike
Here’s an interesting photo that reminds me of you.
Kris: U probably won’t read till morning. went to several bars. no one around. tried to have some fun by offering “working girl” ride on bike. but she said had to be a “working ride”…guess what I said. NO THANKS (SHARKS, ALLIGATORS, PIRRHANAS…GOD KNOWS WHAT’S IN THAT POOL). Oh well…time for Walter to go home. Had two cokes and played juke box. more danger with Sassy than that! Yawnnnnn!!!!!!! 12:09 AM
Me: Thanks for the update. Was thinking about you 🙂 12:11 AM
Me: FYI – Hubby and his lady are away overnight next Tuesday, 8/26 and returning Wednesday. If the stars align and you could keep me company that evening, I’d adore having you stay over. 12:16 AM
No more Dolphin
Monday, August 18, 2014
From: The Lawyer
To: Sassy
Sent: Monday, August 18, 2014 5:01 PM
Subject: re: No more Dolphin
sorry for my delay in responding— thank you!! the pleasure was mine!!
I will miss the Dolphin!!
On Thursday, August 14, 2014 7:58 PM, Sassy wrote:
From: Sassy
To: The Lawyer
Sent: Thursday, August 14, 2014 7:58 PM
Subject: No more Dolphin
Thank you for a lovely afternoon!
Went back to my computer and this popped up. I have such fond memories of our first lunch there!
Boston Burger Company May Be Moving into Dolphin Seafood Space in Cambridge
Boston Restaurant Talk
A burger restaurant that has locations in Somerville and Boston may be opening a third, with this one apparently being between Harvard Square and Central Square in Cambridge.
View on
Sparked something
Monday, August 18, 2014
from: Blog Fan
to: Sassy
date: Mon, Aug 18, 2014 at 8:01 AM
subject: How are things…
Back at home and getting ready to dive back into work. Had a great vacation in wonderful weather. Wish you had been with me: there were places where I wanted to get out of the car, put a blanket on the ground and have alfresco sex. Could our little escape in the cemetery have sparked something in me?
from: Sassy
to: Blog Fan
date: Mon, Aug 18, 2014 at 10:02 AM
subject: Re: How are things…
Good morning! Great to hear our adventure inspired some titillating fantasies! It certainly has stuck in my mind and sent my thoughts spinning in all the different ways we could have done more!
I saw two men this week! The Lawyer appeared on Thursday for our annual tryst, and the longer term guy I thought was gone is back kinda sorta. We are gearing up for the huge conferences at work, so the next two weeks are the busiest of the year for me. Just trying to survive until September! Hope your return to work goes well! Mwah!
from: Blog Fan
to: Sassy
date: Mon, Aug 18, 2014 at 4:12 PM
subject: Re: How are things…
You’re a very busy, and very sensuous woman!
from: Sassy
to: Blog Fan
date: Mon, Aug 18, 2014 at 4:17 PM
subject: Re: How are things…
I so wish you were here to keep me occupied. That off-hand remark about you being here… fucking me every night and some mornings? Really gets my brain going. Even if it turned out to be every other Thursday for two hours! 🙂
from: Blog Fan
to: Sassy
date: Mon, Aug 18, 2014 at 4:22 PM
subject: Re: How are things…
I would do much more than simply fuck you. I would kiss you,
unclothe you, knead your ample breasts and then suck those
nipples, finger you pussy before going down to lick it and eat it
and have its juices cover my face, finger you pussy and ass
together, deeply, lick you ass.
Only after all that would I consider fucking you.
from: Sassy
to: Blog Fan
date: Mon, Aug 18, 2014 at 4:27 PM
subject: Re: How are things…
You are… I don’t even know what to call it…
charming? Hot? Damn… I am tingling now.
I want to hand all my toys to you and see
what your incredible talents do with them!
Meet #28 Part 2 Never a dull moment
Monday, August 18, 2014
My alarm went off at 7:03 am. I went out to check on Kris. He was coming out of the bathroom already dressed. He said he had showered and had breakfast and was ready to head out. He gave me a big hug and kissed me deeply. It felt so good but confused me. Ah well…
I told him I would pray for him and be safe on the bike.
He left at 7:15 am and I went about getting ready for work, mulling over all that had happened. Never a dull moment with this guy!
from: Kris
to: Sassy
date: Mon, Aug 18, 2014 at 3:38 PM
subject: Learned a little more about what wife and kids know–and how
Hi Sassy/Real You,
I learned from my wife today that the extent of our communication that she and my children were privy to was 3 days worth of the content of text messages between us. They did not access either any email or IM exchanges between us. I challenged my wife about that and said I didn’t believe the content of text messages could be hacked into. But my wife said that before I had my son’s line removed from our family plan that he found a way to do it. After I took his line off he wasn’t able to anymore. Apparently there was enough explicit sex talk between us to make it clear what we were doing–and in ways that pretty much freaked everyone out. That’s the bad news (given it’s leading to my divorce).
The good news it’s highly unlikely they know your real name, where you live, or anything about you. When my daughter confronted me to prove she knew about you she only used the name “Sassy.”
Also, they most likely never went on your Google Plus site because my wife said she learned that “I had taken you places I brought our family” by noticing that I charged the food we had at Woodman’s to a credit card. So she figured I took you boating and then ate there. So she does not know anything about the Cape–or who you are—or where you live.
I admitted to her (which I hadn’t until today) that you were hiding in the truck on the night of the “high speed chase“. However, when she asked me when I broke it off with you I lied and told her I broke it off with you mid-July. I didn’t think telling her I finger-fucked you and played your clit like a “maestro”–and that you gave me a blow job last night (or rather early this morning)–would have been such a good idea. Do you?
“Oh what a tangled web we weave–when first we practice to deceive.”
Kris: Learned new info about what wife knows about you, what she likely doesn’t, and source of info. See my email with details. 3:48 PM
Me: Thanks for the heads-up. Good news! I have all our texts. Can get specifics. Good for me to have locked down my accounts anyway. 4:08 PM
from: Sassy
to: Kris
date: Mon, Aug 18, 2014 at 4:42 PM
subject: Re: Learned a little more about what wife and kids know–and how
Thank you for this info! If we can narrow down the dates, I will know exactly what they saw. More on this later if you want.
Ugh… not sure I would’ve recommended telling her about the chase or the break-off date. Please try very hard not to respond! But I know you have to do what you have to do but… count to 10 and try not to!
from: Sassy
to: Kris
date: Mon, Aug 18, 2014 at 5:17 PM
subject: Re: Learned a little more about what wife and kids know–and how
Did you admit stuff in email? Be super careful about that or text…she can give it to her lawyer!