Quiz bacon

Thursday, August 28, 2014
Conference Day 2.  Perfect weather day!  Whee.  Fell asleep at 7 pm last night… missing Kris fiercely.  Hate that!  Hope you had fun with your lady.  Here’s to a smooth Thursday!

7:43am Philip

Aww, had a wonderful dinner with the pooch, relaxed in the porch a bit, was nice. She has been a whirlwind, getting the place together and cleaned. It’s immaculate and she’s so much happier out there. Nice to see.

Took another silly Facebook quiz.  It’s pretty accurate!

What FOOD should you hook up with? 


You got: Bacon
You should hook up with bacon. It’s just meant to be. You’ve probably been thinking about it. Well, your instincts are correct.

Meet #30 Part 2 Dealing

Wednesday, August 27, 2014 
My alarm went off at 6 am.  I was not tired, just a little slow and cranky.  I looked at him lying next to me and smiled.  Such a treat!  

I got up and ready in record time, rubbed on him and kissed his face, told him I was going, and left him lying in my bed at 6:35 am, headed to work for the busiest day of my year, running a huge conference!  Whee! 
It’s odd how this week, when I should be completely focused on work, always has some guy causing a major distraction.  It started with Philip in 2010.  He contacted me about a week before the conference and we were going hot and heavy, talking late into the night and most of the day as I worked.  In 2013, I had two guys I was juggling, one of whom told me his was a sub the morning of the conference, so I stewed over that most of the morning then wrote to him on my lunch break telling him goodbye!   And now Kris kept me talking all night.  Whee! 
Me: Good morning! Are you still at my place? 11:22 AM
Kris: no – had mtg at work at 9, another at 10. just leaving office and heading home.  Need to work on filling out financials for divorce conference with wife’s lawyer next Thursday. 🙁  Hope you’re not too tired and day’s going ok. 12:28 PM
Me: Thanks. Just checking as Hubby is heading home. I’m feeling amazingly well. Day is gruesome but I’m dealing. When it’s bad, I think of you wrapped around me in my bed and smile. You tired? Hope the tasks flow easily! 12:33 PM
Kris: little tired, but “dealing”.  As long as i take my “meds” (caffeine) I’m fine. 😉 12:41 PM

Way Too Late O’Clock

Wednesday, August 27, 2014
Good morning!   On the bus heading to run the huge conference!
Have a wonderful Wednesday kid!

6:44am Philip

Good luck. Enjoyed two wonderful days at Fred’s. Was very very nice. Have a great day!


Kris showed up at midnight!   We talked until Way Too Late o’clock (3:30 am) but I still feel great this morning!  Nothing like sleeping with someone I can touch!

3:39pm Philip

Oh cool!   Heading out to grab a bite with Fred and the pooch. There is a really nice bistro that allows the furry boy in. Great spot for a beer and a bite


Conference day 1 is over.  Woot! 
Headed home to look at the back of my eyelids.
Have fun and eat something yummy for me.

Meet #30 All night

Tuesday, August 26, 2014 
Hubby had gone off to NH with his lady, so I was alone at home.  It was a very rare chance for me to have Kris over to spend the night.  I had invited him on Sunday and he said he was very conflicted – he’d let me know.  I didn’t hear another word from him after he left Monday morning. 
He finally texted me late evening on Tuesday.
Kris: Find someone to keep the creatures away with tonite? 10:36 PM
Me: *sigh. Forgive me for the delay please. Work was gruesome today. No brain left. Please come hold on to me. 10:47 PM
Kris: Can u handle a “cuddle only” bed partner? Too hard/tempting? Or just too late now? Know u have big day tomorrow. 10:48 PM
Me: I can. I promise. I have to be at work at 7 am. Can be up until midnight. 10:50 PM
Kris: Ok….can b there round 11:45…..little pillow talk….cuddle….sleep with “real you.”  😉 10:53 PM
Kris: Getting on bike – u will have to let me in.  Hubby take car? 10:54 PM
Me: Yay! Thank you ever so much. Not sure why it seems so important… just…is 10:54 PM
Me: Hubby has the car. Text when you want in. 10:55 PM
Kris: k.  last text till then.  hopping on bike now.  bout 45 mins. 10:56 PM
Kris: here! 11:58 PM
Me: Be right down 11:59 PM
At midnight I raced down (in my night shirt) to let him in.  He talked me into trying on his extra helmet and sitting on his motorcycle.  He backed up about 10 feet, turned it on, then drove back into the parking space.  He crowed “There!  You are the first woman to ride my bike!”  We laughed.  “And you’ve had your first ride!”  It’s bizarre how happy that made him.  
We came upstairs.  He had a cup of coffee and munched on various snacks sitting on the sofa.  I sat at my desk and we talked.  I told him how my brain is playing tricks, making him perfect when he is not around to annoy me.  The ladies in chat got me to list the ways he is annoying, to help me keep things balanced.
1) he picks on me about being smart
2) he picks on me for my weight 
3) he is relentless trying to get me to ride his motorcycle
4) he likes to listen to rock music WAY TOO LOUD
5) he keeps locking the bathroom door 
6) he takes unnecessary risks and thinks it’s fun
7) he is always late
He allowed as how that was a good psychological defense. 
At 12:45 am he said, “Shouldn’t you go to bed?” I agreed and we crawled into bed and cuddled.  We kept talking.  We got very serious, talked about love and us… not that we do just that we are in pretty deep and whether that means anything and… it was suddenly 3 am!  Ugh.  I had to be up at 6 am.  But I wasn’t tired.  I went to the bathroom, hoping that would somehow make me sleepy.  We talked a little more.  I finally fell asleep about 3:30 am.  Even though there was nothing sexy per se, it was incredibly wonderful to sleep with a man wrapped around me, who I can touch at will!

Happy Boy

Tuesday, August 26, 2014
Good morning!  Off to Day 2 of the hires orientation.  Have a super Tuesday!

9:11am Philip

Happy Boy this morning!  Have a great day!

11:20am Philip

Whoo, guess I was very helpful!


12:25pm Philip
She was exceptionally grateful. lost track after round three.


Yay for gratitude like that!
I’m worn out – on the bus home. Gruesome work day.
Hubby is away in NH with his lady.
Friend of mine is posting photos from National Harbor… makes me think of you and Thai food and smooching!

8:34pm Philip

: )

8:40pm Philip

Got one more nite with Fred


Lucky man!  I invited Kris to spend the night… no word from him since Sunday.  *sigh  Probably the one night this year Hubby is out of the house and I am alone.  Grrr…

Meet #29 Part 2 Double-minded

Monday, August 25, 2014
I got up at 7:08 am to be sure he was awake.  He’d already showered and was on his second cup of coffee!  He ate cereal and talked to me about his week ahead, pulled out my Bible to quote James 1:7 about the “double-minded man.”  Heh.  Using that to say he didn’t know if he’d come back tomorrow night to stay with me while Hubby is away. 
He gave me a hug and left about 7:45 am.
It is so lovely to have him here. Despite the physical limits and his craziness, he makes me smile. 
Me: You make me smile. 8:23 AM
Kris: Good! heard it takes less face muscles to smile than frown. have fun hobnobbing with the elite and whoever else, Ms. Demure. 😉 

A good egg

Monday, August 25, 2014
6:04am Philip
Happy Monday!   Helping Fred move today. Enjoy the day!


Good morning!  You are such a good egg.
I’m off to work to welcome the new hires.
Had dinner with Kris last night and gave him a sassy blow job!  Whee!

8:25am Philip

Told you he would cave. Good for you!

Fred has no friends to help so I’m it. I’m happy to help, got my tools to help hang stuff. This move will be good for her.

Glad you had some fun with your guy!

2:59pm Philip

Moving sucks!   Everything is moved though. Glad I could help. Staying over but sleeping in gym shorts. Just happy to enjoy her company. I did not help in hopes of getting anything . Don’t want her to think that either


Why not have sex every chance?

6:46pm Philip

See where it goes. It’s up to her. I’m horny as a billy goat


I know that.
and like it!

6:48pm Philip



I’m at the movies – gonna see the new Doctor Who season premiere

6:50pm Philip

Cool!  Enjoy!

Theatre buffet – Medium popcorn and soda, corn dog nuggets and cinnabon goey bites!

Sushi post-movie at Basho Japanese Brasserie in the Fenway

 Shrimp fresh rolls
 A boat filled with maki, nigiri and sashimi – oh my!
 Sushi! Tamago, unagi and a shrimp tempura maki

Shrimp and veggies tempura

Meet #29 Three women

Sunday, August 24, 2014  
I was starting to plan dinner and saying to Hubby that I missed Kris.  There had been no word from him since Thursday.  He nodded sagely.  Like magic, there was a text!!
Kris: Wachupto? 5:31 PM
Me: Kris! I was just thinking about you. Quiet evening at home. Wanna hang out? 6:16 PM
Me: I am eager to hear how your week went! 6:18 PM
Kris: Sure – half way there! eta 7. want me to park on the street? 6:36 PM
Me: You are so good. Are you on the bike or car? 6:37 PM
Me: Have you eaten? Hungry? 6:38 PM
Kris: Bike. eaten no. hungry just a little 6:41 PM
Kris: Wanna meet someplace for “light meal”? go dutch. unless u have food and wanna save $. 6:46 PM
Me: Ping me when you arrive. 6:48 PM
Me: Should park inside here. I’ll move car and meet you down in the garage. I need to shower… we’ll figure out food. 6:51 PM
Kris: Here 7:01 PM
Me: Omw down 7:02 PM
Kris: sometimes im actually on time! 😉 7:04 PM

I moved my car and met him in the garage.  He gave me a long hug and put his arm around me while we walked to the elevator.  I took a shower and he sat on the toilet and told me about his three dates and driving all over New England to meet them!   

  • He met “Marlo Thomas” who doesn’t really look like her, and is 10 years older than her photos and just… no.  
  • Then he met “the Little Old Lady Who Lives in a Shoe” who had three kids and married a guy with five, and adopted ten more!  Many of them are still at home!  She was full of energy, looked much younger than her 69 years, and he had fun.  
  • Finally there was “The Colleague” who went to the same schools and has the same job with a competitor. She was fun to talk with.  Then he sat in his car missing his wife.  Ugh.  
I dressed demurely.  We had a fun talk with Hubby about Shakespeare and Doctor Who.  Kris marveled at the calm, intellectual discussion we had… apparently that doesn’t happen at his house.
Kris and I went out to The 99 for supper about 9 pm.  We shared the crackers and cheese, both had onion soup.  I had the fried chicken with corn and mashed potatoes while he ate the chicken pot pie with rice.  We had a great conversation!  
We came back about 10:45 pm and Hubby was ensconced on the sofa playing video games.  So we went into the bedroom and cuddled.  After a while, he played with my clit and made me soar!
Hubby had asked to go to bed at midnight, so Kris and I came out to the sofa. He put his head in my lap and asked me to tell him what I think about when he is touching me.  I told him about the raunchy videos, and certain memories of the two of us.  I played with him and then gave him a sassy blow job!  He said he’d have no trouble falling asleep now. 🙂 
I tucked him in and got to bed at 1 am.

Sausages for lunch

Saturday, August 23, 2014
Lunch with Mom at Olive Garden in Framingham! She can’t resist their “buy one, take one home” deal

 Zuppa toscano – sausage kale potato soup
 Strawberry passion fruit limonada
Spaghetti with meat sauce, a couple of sausages
 and the famous garlic bread stick
You make it home?
8:12pm Philip
I did!   Pooped


I bet.  Just glad you made it safely.

Reconnection 62 years later

Friday, August 22, 2014


TGIF kid!

7:39am Philip

No lie!   Have a great one!

You finish your work?  Headed home? 
I had some stomach bug… came home midday and napped.  Yuck. Starting to feel better.  Phew. 
Have a great weekend!

11:33pm Philip

We are finally done.
Found a great barbecue place for supper and outta here tomorrow.
Enjoy the weekend!