Fancy sushi

Friday, August 1, 2014           
8:18am Philip
Good morning. Couple a meetings and then back home. I should be excited but I’m not. I have zero desire to be up there, no desire to see Fred, no desire to see my wife. Don’t miss any of it. Seems so strange, it’s supposed to be home but it’s not. Geez.

Have a great Friday Girl. Hope something brings a smile to your face.

Sound familiar?
[postcard with a man and woman.  Man says “Honey, Do you have anything to say before football season starts?]
3:56pm Philip
Love it!  Needed a smile

Map of the US with the wealthiest person in each state.  You can click to learn more about them.  Interesting how many I knew and how many I didn’t.

6:32pm Philip
[photo of meat on the grill]
6:32pm Philip
So bummed, so friggin sad. Dinner. Tipsy.

Lord Sass, like my soul is gone. What is wrong with me?

How can you look at that gorgeous meat and not smile?  
Aww…sorry kid.

I just had phone sex…mmmm

6:36pm Philip

I’d give everything just for a hug. Just one more chance to hold her. I’m so fucked up and such a pansy. I love that girl so much. Can’t get past it.

I don’t want anyone. Feel like she cut my heart out. This is awful but I own it. My fault. I deserve the pain and complete loneliness. I can’t turn it off. I’m such a girl

7:16pm Philip
Chops were good. I like lamb. Sweet potatoes and fresh green beans with it. Can’t say I enjoyed it. My mind is focused on the one thing I can’t have and it’s eating me up. 
Phone sex is always hot and fun. Glad you had a little fun!

Had an amazing sushi dinner.  We tried to get in to the little hole in the wall… no parking for blocks!  So we went to Fugakyu, the fancy place, taking a friend for her birthday. Sooo good!  Here’s my lobster tempura maki and Hubby’s tuna sashimi, which won the prize for most beautiful presentation! And a lovely hydrangea along the sidewalk.

Blog Fan bad news, good news?

Thursday, July 31, 2014

from: Blog Fan
to:  Sassy
date:  Thursday, Jul 31, 2014 at 8:42 AM
subject:  Meeting…
I have no cell phone, and limited internet access.
Plans have unfortunately changed.  Can’t make it
for Friday night, but could meet you Saturday noon.
Let me know if that works for you. I’ll email you then.
Sorry about the change, but it is unavoidable.  If you
cannot make it I’ll be disappointed, but understanding.
from: Sassy
to:  Blog Fan
date:  Thursday, Jul 31, 2014 at 9:25 AM
subject:  Meeting…
No worries.  I have to move some things around but should be able to see you on Saturday.  Been thinking about your arms around me and smiling. 


Ugh… he can’t make it tomorrow night.  Boo.  What could be more important than me on a Friday night?!  

But he can see me Saturday.  Yay!  
So instead of dinner and a “dessert” tomorrow I get… something the next day.  What?  Ah well… we’ll see!

Brain tricks

Thursday, July 31, 2014
9:09am Phil 
Good morning. Hope your day is good!

That damn girl has completely fucked up my head. I was ok, moving along. I did not need to hear about how happy she is with her new guy even though he is broke and not very bright. Her friends are on her for the obvious. The guy lives with her, does not help with bills, she buys his clothes, bought him a phone and she can’t afford all that. Her friends all feel she is being used. Broke dude has a place to live, phone, clothes and food and is getting laid. Why would he not be as nice to her as can be. Her friends don’t trust the dude and don’t like him but Beach Gal is stubborn and the more people push back at her the more she stands tall. I don’t think this will last long cause his money pays for beer and cigarettes and nothing else. I think she puts gas in his truck too. I just don’t get it. Dude does not smile and in my opinion he’s goofy looking. When your friends are all going “what are you thinking?!” eventually no one wants to hang with you cause your boyfriend says douchy things all the time. I understand not caring about money, but when you are already struggling financially and it’s not going to get any better, it makes it hard. When you are educated and a pretty bright articulate person, I would think at some point, you run out of conversation with someone who just isn’t very bright and that’s what people say about this dude, he’s slow, inappropriate and not especially likable.

            I need to accept the fact that all she needs is someone who pays attention to her. She says he loves her, is good to her, makes her laugh and would do anything for her. No shit, he’s back to living in his truck otherwise.
           She said we shit just isn’t meant to be, and you need to just walk away and get over it, ok then why call me sweetie and babe and why be so concerned with how I’m doing?  I am just so conflicted!
            Hope your day is good and you have a better day.

Awww Philip… I hear you.  I have my own issues, but they don’t involve such a long-term thing with so many variables.  I know it seems like a morass.  But first, don’t worry too much about the guy.  As you say, he won’t be there long.  Second, enjoy whatever time and talk she gives you.  Third, mouth off to me!  I hope today is better for you too!

I am mired in helping run a retirement party outdoors this afternoon for someone I am very glad is leaving!  Here is the menu. Wish you were here to taste it… and me!  
Armenian Lamejun Pizzas
             Red Pepper Paste
             Spinach and Cheese
             Meat with Garlic

Vegetarian Stuffed Grape Leaves

Quinoa Salad

Fruit Salad

Dips, Olives and bread
            Tan:  Hummus – chickpeas, tahini, olive oil, lemon, garlic
            White: Jajek – cucumber, yogurt, garlic and mint
            Orange: Feta-pepper spread
            Beige: Baba ganoush – eggplant, onions, tomatoes
            Green: Tabouleh – bulgar, parsley, mint, scallions, lemon, olive oil
            Dark-green: stuffed grape leaves with rice and tomatoes
Falafel with tahini garlic sauce
            Walnut baklava
             Pistachio baklava
             Florentine cookies

3:55pm Phil 
Party sounds divine. 
Meeting one of my former military colleagues tonight to talk leadership. He is struggling with it. His wife asked if I would talk to him. Should cheer me up. Always up to talk to folks in the service. 
I don’t know what will happen with Beach Gal. I truly don’t. Hurts my heart is all. Enjoy playing hostess!

Chinese food for dinner at a different place – Changsho.  Not bad but I don’t need to go back.

Soup dumplings, stuffed beef scallion pancake 
and flank steak au poivre!

10:54pm Phil 

Another place she and I used to come. I miss this, miss the girl

Awww, kid.  How does the song go?  “I’d rather hurt than feel nothing at all…”  I hope things get clearer soon.

11:30pm Phil 

That’s what the song says. 
She has posted nothing since. Wonder if it struck her odd to fall right into sweetie and babe. I will live, had a nice time, wonderful memories but remember dancing and laughing with her in that place, our place right down the street.

You doing ok tonight? I know you have things weighing on your heart too. 

Was supposed to go to a winery tomorrow. Have zero desire for that. Stayed over here instead of going to see her. Gotta go tomorrow though. 
Maybe I’ll have wonderful dreams. Sweet dreams


Weird night.  I haven’t watched TV in forever, but hubby bought our first flatscreen from a neighbor for $200 and put on a Magnum PI marathon.  Tom Selleck reminds me of you!
Sleep well dear man.

11:33pm Phil 
I love Magnum PI. One of my favorites

I miss holding someone when I sleep. Both girls loved sleeping in my arms, always close, next to me. I miss it more than I ever imagined

The guy canceled our meet for tomorrow night.  Said he’d see me noon Saturday… not clear for what.  *sigh

I hear that… Kris adored being close to me… *sigh

11:37pm Phil 
Awww, we’re both having strange, lonely weeks


He’d wake me up at 4 am to… well.. you know

The next morning I asked him how it was to “sleep with a woman he could wake up and fuck.”

He giggled, looked both ways, then leaned over and whispered… “I fucked her and it felt great!!”
He was so good to me.

11:40pm Phil 
I love it! 
People get in your head and heart and just stay there. 
Sometimes that’s fun, others sad
Good guy

My brain is playing that trick… building him up now that he’s gone.

11:42pm Phil 

The way the mind works. I remember Beach Gal’s issues clearly but I remember the sweetness as clearly and there was a lot of that


I suppose it’s best that I am dwelling on the best moments, not doing the “he’s gone so he must be a jerk” thing

I’d better get to bed… I do wish all the best for you!  Hope both our luck changes SOON!

11:54pm Phil 
Nite babe

Renegade lasagna

Wednesday, Jul 30, 2014
Good morning kid!  Hope you have a grand day!

8:49am Phil 

Tired. Worked most of the night but in a good mood, looking forward to beer and oysters on the beach tonight. A good run and workout and then some down time. Still no idea what the hell last nite was but whatever it was, it was nice

Enjoy the day!


Opened my desk drawer to get a pad to write a note.  There was a note on it from Kris telling me how sexy I am. *sigh

9:48am Phil 

Awwww, trust me I understand.

10:55am Phil 
Don’t know why it’s got to be so hard sometimes. Just is. I was sort of ok yesterday and now all twisted up again. Damn women are killing me.


Misery loves company but it’s no fun when you and I are in the same emo territory

Did you see these different “lasagnas?”  They look great for you to make and share.  
5 renegade lasagnas to make for National Lasagna Day 

Ricotta and noodles are old news. Try these lasagna recipes instead.

  • Bacon cheeseburger lasagna
  • Taco Lasagna
  • Apple pie lasagna
  • Chocolate lasagna
  • Pancake lasagna

12:11pm Phil 

Oh cool. Gotta look.
Gonna sit a chair in the surf tonight with a cigar and scotch and just contemplate life.  just to relax in my favorite dive bar.


I am blowing off work and going somewhere!
2:09pm Phil 
Good plan. I neeeeed some time alone with my thoughts too.

8:13pm Phil 

Where did you end up going?  I just headed to the beach

Jimmy’s Steer House… had fish.   See photos on my wall.

I forgot Hubby had plan tonight.

 Crispy coconut shrimp 
 Zucchini sticks
Baked stuffed scrod with spinach rice pilaf

8:43pm Phil 



I’m the Road Runner! Zooooom!

9:47pm Phil 
Ha! Pepe for me!


9:48pm Phil 

I prefer to think of the hot lover


Oh… that makes much more sense!

10:14pm Phil 
: )


Monday, July 28, 2014
Good morning kid.  Happy Monday!
8:17am Phil 
Morning and happy Monday to you!

Eating outside tonight!  We tried all the specials.

Loaded tater tots with 
pork belly, pineapple, cheddar and blue cheese sauce

 St Louis cut pork ribs served with cole slaw 
and corn bread with honey butter

Hubby’s steak BLT with kimchi fried rice

New vibe

Sunday, July 27, 2014
Good morning kid!  Hope you have fun with wine and the lady.  I’m going to a fundraiser this afternoon.  Here’s to a fun day!

8:37am Phil 
Wine with the lady is Friday. 
Good morning. Enjoy the day!

4:40pm Phil 
Some how while my phone was in my pocket, it sent a friend request to Beach Gal which she accepted. WTF? I would never have sent a friend request because I never thought she would accept. Our entire relationship, things like this kept happening. Just weird but I’m so glad she accepted.


Twilight Zone!

4:44pm Phil 

We got together that way. We both just ended up in the middle of the street at 10 at night and had no clue why we were there. Wow

Trying an Italian place.  Looks like a deli but there’s a big restaurant in there. 

Pasta e fagoli 
Spaghetti and sausage

6:39pm Phil 
Why am I such an insufferable sap?



6:50pm Phil 

I know…….

Cause you’ve seen the tough parts of life so you appreciate the sweet moments all the more?
9:25pm Phil 


Bought a new vibe.  It’s purple.

Wild G-Spot Vibrator – G Spot and clitoral stimulation make this vibrator one of Adam and Eve’s most popular sex toys.

10:35pm Phil 

A rabbit, I’ve used one of those, very effective! Enjoy!


Online friend recommended it so I bought it!  
So hard to know what’s good… too many choices!

Also found a 50% off coupon…

10:38pm Phil 

Those are amazing, you are going to like it, beads roll around and it thrusts while the rabbit does it’s thing


Hoping it will help me out when there aren’t any men around!

10:41pm Phil 

Let me know what you think although it’s much more fun with a partner

Indeed… I’ve had so much fun learning to use them

I heard from the guy who showed up in the worst snowstorm last December with a cucumber.

He is visiting Boston again on Friday, asked me to dinner.

That is perking me up a lot.

10:46pm Phil 

Oh cool!


Maybe he’ll bring a carrot this time?

10:59pm Phil 

Sounds like fun, fresh out of the shower, going to slowly jerk off thinking about that rabbit

: )

The Universe Smiles at Sassy

Saturday, July 26, 2014
Remember the Blog Fan I met in December?  He emailed me this afternoon!  He’s going to visit Boston again!  The universe is smiling on me!  
from: Blog Fan
to: Sassy
date: Sat, Jul 26, 2014 at 2:03 pm
subject: Boston 
I’m going to be in Boston this Friday evening and Saturday until late
afternoon.  Any chance that we might get together?
from: Sassy
to: Blog Fan
date: Sat, Jul 26, 2014 at 4:49 pm
subject: Re: Boston 
Hiya! Oh, this is the best news!  I will be here and most pleased to see you.  Please let me know if I can be of any help with trip arrangements, reservations, rides etc. 
My guy said good bye last Sunday, so I have been quite sad since.  The prospect of your visit is cheering me up!
from: Blog Fan
to: Sassy
date: Sat, Jul 26, 2014 at 4:53 pm
subject: Boston 
No need for reservations, etc.  I’ll be traveling and out of touch until Friday.
Do be careful.  I caught up a bit on your blog and read about your unfortunate
from: Sassy
to: Blog Fan
date: Sat, Jul 26, 2014 at 5:05 pm
subject: Re: Boston 
I am so excited!  I usually get out of work at 4 pm on summer Fridays, so anytime after that is fine.  Just tell me when and where.  Would you like me to stay the night?  Should I bring my toys?  🙂 
Thank you for reading.  You are so sweet to be concerned.  I appreciate it.  I have been much more careful since then and had much better adventures!  
from: Blog Fan
to: Sassy
date: Sat, Jul 26, 2014 at 5:14 pm
subject: Boston
Don’t know yet where I’m staying.  Bring whatever you wish.

The combo

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Good morning kid!
11:25am Phil 
[PHOTO of a beer and a plate with six scallops wrapped in bacon on a bed of lettuce]
11:25am Phil 
Good morning! Been out running on the beach. 
Enjoying my reward. Bacon wrapped scallops!

 My view

11:26am Phil 

[PHOTO a dune with a walkway and the ocean in the background]
I could help you finish those.  Then lick your fingers.


I stayed up late talking to a new man in chat – he just retired near a beach.  
Fun to help him figure out he’s found a safe place to talk.
Off to Mom’s.
Have a super Saturday!
11:55am Phil 
Food was amazing. Scallops and beer for breakfast!
Great start to the day!
Like to be slipping my fingers in you and licking them
A new man! Cool, enjoy Mom.
No point, just a distraction.
I’m wishing for a Philip protein lunch

1:05pm Phil 


Mom wanted the Chinese buffet today!  They make the best leek wontons.  So crispy!

Enjoyed a late night supper at The Ninety Nine

9:38pm Phil 

[PHOTO of him smiling soaking wet in a polo shirt]
9:38pm Phil 
Got caught in the rain


9:55pm Phil 
I look upset
Nah, grinning as always.
10:03pm Phil 
I just try to have a good time
You succeed better than anyone else I know!
10:12pm Phil 
Ha! Why not? Life’s way to short!


You out somewhere?
10:15pm Phil 
Yeah.  Fun bar!

10:25pm Phil 

Taking the Red Head to a Winery with history. 
She’s a Civil War buff. Figure she’ll love it.

10:27pm Phil 

[PHOTO of him smiling in a sweatshirt holding a glass of scotch]
10:27pm Phil 
A smile for you


You are so good looking!

10:38pm Phil 

Yeah whatever but thanks
The combo of how you look and what I know you can do… sets me off every time!
10:40pm Phil 
Ahh, I’ll take that!

I try


I want you to take me.
10:43pm Phil 
Would be my pleasure!

Mr Frisky Philip

Friday, July 25, 2014
Good morning Mr Frisky!   
Hope you have a fantastic Friday!
8:41am Phil 
Sounds like a cat! There appear to be dicks on your screen.

Good morning. Pretty morning at the Beach! 3/4 day business, a quick workout and some beach time for this boy


Ha ha… you made me go look up “frisky.”  The regular dictionary says “Playful and full of energy” which certainly works… and the urban dictionary says “horny” which seems perfect!  You know I would never use cat words for you!

Another perfect day here… sunny, mid 70’s.  We have been so lucky this summer!  I envy your beach time!