Tuesday, May 27, 2014
Kris: How r those sniffles? Forget if u have seasonal allergy to pollen (aka: “hay fever). Could it be that? Anyhow…whatever u want to do is fine. By chance we picked best day for boating this week. Cool & possible rain today & tomorrow. THURSDAY MOSTLY SUNNY & WARMER! Whoopee! (high 70–but dress warm as can be cooler on water). Finishing a little yard work…putting stuff in boat…waiting to hear from you… 🙂 5:48 AM
Me: Good morning honey bunny funny man! I am sniffling, coughing a little, sore throat. Going to take a hot shower and see. Never had allergies. Could use TLC but really don’t want you sick! Torn… 8:08 AM
Kris: Ok…I’m not worried about getting sick…but ran into snag in renting truck to tow boat. Guy I was supposed to rent from backed out…so now I’m scrambling to find another. So let’s pass on visit today…so I can focus on trying to find a truck…and you can rest. I don’t have to work until 3:30 today. If you’d be at computer could chat up to around 2:00…to update you and see how you’re feeling. Hope u feel better…Mwah! 8:23 AM
Kris: How u feeling? 9:48 AM
Me: A little better.. had some breakfast, popping around the internet. How’s your day going? 9:49 AM
Kris: Bummed about truck…trying to find another. 9:51 AM
Kris: Woke up thinking of you…fantasizing…horny…wanted to be with you today…now scrambling to keep plans for Thursday alive…Arghh!!! 9:56 AM
Kris: Have 3 possibilities for renting truck…waiting to hear back from a friend…good chance will be able to keep boating on for Thurs…worst case I still have a room reserved at Red Roof for Thurs…so you’re not off the hook either way…lucky you, eh?…(try not to have more fun online than if I had been able to “do you” today)… 😉 11:24 AM
Me: No fun here! Miserable actually. 12:27 PM
Kris: Sorry…what’s wrong? 2:00 PM
Kris: Sick? 2:04 PM
Me: The triad of being sick, during the only week I take off a year, plus my brain won’t shut up about work, plus missing a meet with you… has me feeling pretty cursed! 2:05 PM
Kris: I was thinking the same thing about you being sick on vacation…had to be now, right? Couldn’t be during a work day…for legitimate reason to take work day off. Don’t worry about missing meet…only missing mediocre sex at best (sorry, couldn’t resist–trying to stop). If you’re well I hope to be a fun distraction on Thurs…one way or another. May be time to start channeling “angst” into search for new job–if it’s going to keep messing with your head that badly. Off to work. Touch base later. Try to rest…gentle hug light kiss…Kris. 2:31 PM
Kris: Good news!…got a truck to pull boat. Just need healthy Sassy girl now…to out in it! 2:57 PM
Kris: …meant to put in it! 2:57 PM
Me: Hooray! 2:59 PM
Kris: 🙂 !!! 3:03 PM
Kris: I’m making lunch for us on Thurs…grilling on portable grill i’m bringing…what meat would you like? (OTHER than that…SASSY!…that one’s too easy…don’t even… 😉 4:31 PM
Kris: U up/there? How r u feeling? 7:17 PM
Me: Hiya! Thanks for asking. I’m a little better, sniffling and and coughing less 7:19 PM
Me: Hubby is out until after 10, so it’s quiet 7:19 PM
Me: How was your day? 7:20 PM
Kris: Low key. on way home from work…just pulled over…can u chat for a few minutes…pulled over…have laptop… 7:26 PM
Me: Sure. Too late to head this way? 7:28 PM
· May 27 7:29 PM Sassy: Hiya dear darling delightful man!
· May 27 7:29 PM Sassy: Hiya dear darling delightful man!
Kris: you’re seriously tempting me…need to food shop a little for lunch i’m making on thursday…r u well enough to help me…go to shaw’s…i ‘ll meet u there…pay for stuff…go to your house after… 7:34 PM
Me: I’d better not go out. I’m kinda a mess… probably best not too come tonight. Can chat. 7:35 PM
Kris: ok…but i forgot my jetpack for intetnet, so have to chat later, but need your help with food ideas…starting with meat to grill…burgers, chicken (which parts), steak, sausage, ribs…or none of the above and something else altogether? 7:43 PM
Kris: may b hard to think about eating…lost appetite cuz sick…but need to do now. 7:48 PM
Kris: won’t have much time tomorrow.. 7:49 PM
Kris: I’ll keep driving…waiting…tap, tap, tap… 7:51 PM
Kris: …TEASING! 7:51 PM
Me: I like burgers, white meat chicken, sausage the best. Corn on the cob is yummy grilled. Tomato, cucumber, beets… what other questions? 7:53 PM
Kris: More…other things…desserts…sorry…should write down…u’ve told me bfor 7:58 PM
Me: Go for easy stuff like fruit? Banana? Raspberries? Apples? Whatever look fresh and good and you want too. Do not get all! Keep it simple! 8:01 PM
Kris: Lol…now why would u say THAT? 😉 8:04 PM
Me: Because I have EIGHT kinds of chocolate under my desk? 🙂 8:09 PM
Kris: I have no idea what you’re talking about dear… bring some with u… for later “dessert” 8:15 PM
Me: Will do. Let me know what else I should bring. 8:23 PM
Kris: Toys…your most bodacious self…sense of adventure…trust that you’ll be safe boating…consider spending night with me (just think about it…don’t answer here)… 8:27 PM
Me: Are you picking me up here? 8:28 PM
Kris: Can…then to room at Red Roof…then back home…if that’s what u want to do. 8:31 PM
Kris: I’m spending night at Red Roof…will bring u home any time u want. 8:32 PM
Kris: Meaning…pick you up in morning on way to boat launch…”at your service”…including all needed transportation…by land and sea…ALL DAY (and night?)…WHEE! (as u would say). 8:38 PM
Me: Ah good. Pretty sure H needs the car at some point during all that. Thank you! 8:44 PM
Kris: Wonder what I could have been doing right now…instead of shopping? 😉 8:45 PM
Me: Listen to me sniffle? 8:45 PM
Kris: Lol 8:46 PM
Kris: At walmart now…leaving phone in car to try and make short work of this (and try not to “go overboard”…wink)…think u’ll b up an hour from now to chat a little…or too tired? off to shop…will check back later…9:08 PM
Me: I am still awake. Hope you didn’t have to drive in the pouring rain! 10:06 PM
Kris: No…rained…but not on bike…so don’t care…just leaving walmart…tried to restrain myself…only partly successful. ;). can b online in 30…short chat…to say nite? 10:46 PM
Me: Okay… will try to stay awake. 10:47 PM
Kris: Don’t if you’re tired…tomorrow’s another day…want you to heal…sleep if u need it. 10:49 PM
Kris: You’re sweet…but sleep…i should too. Nite Sass…Mwah! Kris. 10:58 PM
· May 27 11:32 PM Kris: You still up? I texted to say goodnight, so hope you’re asleep…but just in case…couldn’t resist checking…Mwah!