Monday, May 26, 2014
Kris: Booked hotel room for Thursday night: Red Roof Inn, 19 Commerce Way, Woburn. I’m spending the night there…which you’re obviously welcome to do also. If you prefer to sleep at home…I’d be happy to drive you home…after “wearing you out”. So I have a vested interest in helping you avoid sunburn boating…cuz you’ll be too sore for the hot sex I’d be looking forward to… if you ended up “Red Sassy”…at Red Roof. So expect to be “taken care of”…in as many ways as possible… 😉 Really enjoyed chatting tonight. More SEX…as soon as tomorrow! 🙂 1:47 AM
Kris: Did u sleep any better last night? You had me a little “wound up” (Sassy Girl!)…so stayed up and shopped for room. 76…not bad.Worry about sucky job situation keeping you up? Money? 10:51 AM
Me: Good morning cutie patootie sweetie dear! Stupid work… money… my life… whee! Did get a little more sleep. Off to take Mom to lunch, then off to a theater bbq! Whee! Have a great day! 11:16 AM
Kris: You’re funny with all the sweet endearments…keep feeding me all that sugar and I’ll be gaining weight…”shoog”! Glad u slept a little bettah. Sounds like u have some fun “distractions” lined up for the day. Looking forward to being one tomorrow! 11:57 AM
Me: Hiya snooky wookums! You around? Brief chat? 9:51 PM
Me: Please check with me before you head this way on Tuesday. I have random sniffles. Hope to be better by morning but might be worse. Wouldn’t want to infect you! 10:20 PM
Kris: Your greetings are getting better all the time! Tired from hours of roto-tilling good-sized garden–so going to bed early. But just the fact that u texted me to chat–makes my heart go pitter pat! (Hey! That rhymed!) I’m not worried about catching your cold…but I’ll text in the morning to see how you feel. I would be ok just visiting without sex…maybe give you a back rub…a little TLC if you’re feeling under the weather. Big smack on your mouth! (Screw a little cold virus). Nite sweet cheeks! 10:41 PM