Got pounded

Wednesday, May 21, 2014
5/21, 6:46am
Good morning kid!
5/21, 7:08am Phil
I am looking at another lawyer.  I really did not like the guy I spoke with all but at the end of the day is just money.  I won’t be destitute and will still be able to maintain a standard of living and I will certainly not feel any guilt about my wife’s standard of living.  Having someone who cares enough to rub your back and shoulders, to run lotion into your feet until you melt is ideal to me. Ewww does not get it.     
5/21, 7:09am Phil
Oh and good morning!
5/21, 5:56pm
How was your day?  Crazy day for me. … new boss comes back tomorrow.  My stomach is clenching already.  Bleh.  My guy is coming over to distract me!

5/21, 6:06pm Phil
Well enjoy the distraction
5/21, 6:06pm
Thanks!  You getting distracted again soon?
5/21, 6:07pm  Phil
Who knows?
 One day she wants to jump my bones, the next she is reserved and afraid of being hurt.
5/21, 6:09pm
Ah… sounds like someone else I know… YOU!

Be your patient sweet self.  Send more flowers.

Maybe buy something that says forever… like… diamond earrings? or some kind of ring or bracelet? in her style.   If you’re ready to do that.

5/21, 6:16pm Phil
Done that before. The cost of this shook her. She’s afraid I’ll stay and she will get hurt     
5/21, 6:16pm
I can see that.  But your behavior seems different to me this time.
5/21, 6:19pm Phil
I’m trying, really into her and I think we’d have a blast. She’s a great fit with the rest of my crazy family
5/21, 6:23pm
Probably tricky until you make an irrevocable step like moving out or telling your wife or introducing her to your kids or something…

5/21, 6:25pm Phil
I think so. I don’t blame her. Meeting her for drinks and a bite to eat this evening. She’s happy to slap a big ole kiss on me. I’ll take that and be happy with it.
5/21, 6:26pm
Very good.  You’ve navigated tougher waters…you have good instincts.  It will be fine!
5/21, 6:28pm Phil
I’m going at her pace, careful not to rush her. The other night was all her and she’s fine with that and so am I. I’m very happy just being with her
5/21, 6:28pm
Where does your wife think you are?  Work?
5/21, 9:02pm Phil

[photo of Fred and him cuddling in a bar]
5/21, 10:09pm Phil

Fun evening. Spending tomorrow evening together too

5/21, 10:17pm
You two look so happy!   Thank you for sharing.

I got pounded. 🙂

5/21, 10:24pm Phil
Oh I love it. So glad! Nothing like that!

Hoping for that tomorrow

5/21, 10:28pm
Just got a nibble from a possible car buyer for Mom’s car!  A friend of a friend!  Cross your fingers!

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