Meeting the Blog Fan

Tuesday, December 17, 2013
He wrote me a fan email about my blog about a year ago.

From: Blog Fan
To: Sassy
January 23, 2013 10:07 am 
Love your blog, reading about your adventures, past and
present, and your sexy photos.  Your beau is a lucky man!
I wrote back to thank him and ask for more info about him.  This started a long, pleasant, infrequent correspondence, several announcements of visits that never happened, a few late night phone calls from his hotel room when he was traveling for business, and finally an invitation to dinner on December 17, with a request for hotel ideas and a dinner reservation! 
He is from South of the Mason-Dixon Line… a true gentleman.  He sent me a photo.  It was the best head shot a man ever sent me… nice smile, fedora and a twinkle in his eye!  That combined with a romantic pattern to his prose that made him very attractive.  
He had read the early part of my blog, up through my first meeting with Philip.  He also read other sexy blogs (he found me through Prowling with Kat) and was astonished there are “women over 40 who are still interested in sex!”  Ha!  He told me stories of girlfriends before he got married but indicated he has not had sex with his wife in a long time.  He wrote beautiful fantasies about what he would like to have happen.  He was just learning about submissive women, and balked when I pointed out his dom tendencies but enjoyed me sharing info about what I know about that scene. 
He made a reservation at the hotel I recommended and liked my restaurant choice.  It started to feel real.  I was more excited than nervous to meet him.  There is always the “what if we don’t click?” but it seemed more remote in this case.  
I was concerned about the impending snowstorm, but the forecast said 3 inches, which is no big deal in Boston. 
The plan was for me to pick him up at the hotel at 6 pm.  I made a dinner reservation for 6:30 pm. 
That Day
This day dragged like molasses. 
8:37 am He emailed me to say he was stuck waiting for a plane, delayed due to the snow further south.  Ugh.  I had visions of our meet being blocked by the stupid weather and airline delays.  Noooo!  
1:00 pm The snow started here
1:27 pm He finally wrote telling me he’d made it to the hotel and was going off to his meeting. 
2:59 pm He told me where he was meeting.  It was near my office, so I asked if he wanted to meet in my building instead of going back to his hotel, as the restaurant was closer to my work.  
3 pm I sent my office staff home to get ahead of the storm.  I waited to see if he’d get out of his meeting and meet me at the office.  
4:48 pm He didn’t get the message… wrote to tell me he was walking back to the hotel because he couldn’t get a cab!  I told him to go inside anywhere and I’d come get him.  He didn’t respond. 
I told my husband to pick me up. 
5:10 pm I left my office.  The traffic was fierce.  The snow was coming down at over an inch an hour… the wipers couldn’t keep up, I couldn’t see, no plowing had been done.  We creeped along.  I started to fret that I wouldn’t make it to his hotel by 6 pm. 
5:30 pm He called to tell me he made it back to the hotel, would need half an hour to thaw and dry off but would be ready.  I told him I was on the way and would call when I got closer.  
5:50 pm. I dropped Hubby off at home.  I called the restaurant to tell them I was coming – not to give up our table!  
 It’s usually only 5 minutes to the hotel, but it took me 20 minutes.  The cell network went down and I couldn’t get a message out.  Argh!  
That Night
6:10 pm I rolled through the hotel’s portico worrying about how to contact him.  He was standing there!  He opened the door and said, “Sassy?”  I nodded and he hopped into the passenger seat. 
I leaned over for that awkward in-the-car hug, then grabbed his face and kissed him.  He seemed surprised but recovered quickly, taking over the kiss and groping my breast!  Yes!  I felt this instant jolt of…”YES!  THAT’S THE WAY TO DO IT!” 
He was wearing a sheepskin coat with toggles, his trademark fedora, a henley long sleeve black shirt, jeans and Oxfords.  I had on my business lady clothes – blue silk scarf, black button-down jersey top, blue slacks, black shoes and clogs, blue cotton briefs and my lucky black bra! 
I ventured out onto the roadway… I have never driven in worse conditions.  I’ve driven in deeper snow but without many cars around.  This was coming down too fast for the wipers to clear, so I couldn’t really see, there was a lot of traffic, and I was sliding!  I was freaking out.  He was very soothing, offered to get out and clear the windshield, but we were on the big road and very close to our destination.  
We made it to the parking garage. I donned my blue hoodie, scarf, blue parka, one black glove and one pink glove.  We hoofed it the block to the restaurant, holding each other up as we slipped and slid in ankle deep snow.  He had no gloves, no scarf and the Oxfords – not prepared for this weather!  
6:40 pm We slid into the restaurant!  We hung up our coats and the host said, “Reservation for [my real name]?  Ugh.  The blog fan didn’t seem to be listening.  Whatever.  Note to self – Find a way around that name thing next time! 
We had a lovely side table next to the window.  I had asked for privacy for a distinguished guest.  He ordered a glass of malbec and I had iced tea.  We looked over the menu and agreed to share the 
~ pan-seared sea scallops   $10.
served over bacon-glazed Brussels sprout hash,
finished with apple cider reduction
~lobster chowder   $13.
fresh lobster tail & claw meat,
with corn, red bliss potatoes & smokehouse bacon
I ordered the 
~ lobster risotto   $25.
prepared with fresh lobster meat, 
 triple cream brie & Swiss chard
and he got the
~ traditional steamed lobster   $27.
with coleslaw, red bliss potatoes & drawn butter
As the food came, he asked if I was going to take a photo.  Ha!  I do post a lot of food photos in my blog.  He smiled indulgently as I snapped photos.  We shared tastes of the scallops and lobster chowder.  The chowder was a delight!  He agreed and saw the wisdom of my choice. 
We told stories and he asked questions about Philip, Ashley Madison, my past.  It’s fun to be with someone who knows my secrets.  I was bold and asked him questions.  He was rather vague in his answers but pulled up interesting anecdotes about his adventures.  He told me a joke!
I asked to see the dessert menu and was tempted by the mango sorbet, but decided I’d rather be alone with him sooner.  He asked for the bill, plunked down three $50 bills, and went off to the men’s room, so I got a chance to see that it was $110.  Not bad for 2 glasses of wine, my iced tea, two starters and two mains with lobster!  
We made our way back to the car – cutting through a mall to decrease the steps in the snow.  I kissed him in the elevator of the parking garage.  I couldn’t recall what floor I parked on.  We went to 3… nope.  I kissed him again as we went up to 4.  Nope.  So I kissed him again as we went down to 2.  Eureka!  We worked together cleaning off the wipers and windshield.  He enjoyed the heated seats.  
The snow had stopped!  It was much easier driving when I could see, and with less traffic, but the roads were still awful.  
9 pm We made it to the hotel.

He had a great room – at the quiet end of the corridor away from the elevators, with a gorgeous view of Boston and Fenway Park!  I stared out the window… the snow looked beautiful from up there.  I took a photo.

He came up behind me, kissed my neck and cupped my breast.  Yes!  He asked why the lights were on at Fenway and I told him about the hockey event on New Years Day and the little ski slopes they were building for a fun thing to do in there. 
He said, “Let’s sit on the edge of the bed,” and took my hand to lead me over there.  He told me to take off my shoes.  He took off my silk scarf and held it to his face.  He kissed me.  He pressed me down onto the bed and kissed for a long while.  Very very good kisser!  
He said he wanted my top to go away.  I started unbuttoning it and he took over, kissing my neck, cleavage and tummy as he went.  He smiled at my lucky black bra.  He raised it and sucked on a nipple, tweaking and twisting the other.  Hmmm… the man knows what to do!  I was squirming and moaning. 
He asked me to get rid of my bra.  He marveled as I undid it behind my back with one hand.  He rubbed my back, then asked me lie on my back again.  He asked if I would let him lick me between my legs.  I said I wanted him to do it.  He slid down between my legs, rubbing his face on my thighs, teasing around my belly button and legs and revving me up wondering when he would hone in on my center.  At last I felt his face brushing my slit… mmmm…. so good!  He had this way of licking my vaginal opening while his nose pressed my clit… oh yes!  He added a finger and then a second… I adore that!  He got this amazing look on his face and whispered, “I’m inside Sassy!  I dreamed of this so many times…tell me I am pleasing you?”  I assured him he was making me feeling incredible.  I felt like a celebrity!  Heady stuff. 
Then he did something no one has done to me.  He lubed up his little finger and put it in my ass while his other fingers were inside my vagina.  Wow!  I told him I hadn’t prepped for that, he might find more than he bargained for.  He said he had prepared – pointed to a towel and wipes on the bedside table!  Wow!  
Everything he did, I thought.. wow… that’s the way to do it! 
He asked me if I would let him play with me with a cucumber!  Sure, whatever.  I think he had a bit of a complex about his size but he is beautifully endowed… probably watched too much porn.  The men in those are crazy big!  I like average size… easier to deep throat! 
He warmed it with his hands and breath, lubed it and started to gently press it against my clit and then inside me.  So I lost my vegetable virginity!  
I was worried that he’d get too vigorous or too deep but he was very careful, watching my reactions and sighing.  He said he’d always wanted to do that!  I adore helping a man fulfill a fantasy!  I told him I could bring my toys next time.  He seemed very interested in that.  
He came up to kiss me (see if I’d do it with my juices on his face – passed that test!) He smiled.  
I made my way down his body, playing with his nipples, his belly button, then caressing his very hard cock.  It was not small!  It was very thick and beautifully formed.  
I played with him with my hand, then got between his legs to give him a sassy blow job.  I asked if he was ready to be licked… sucked… he nodded.  I asked if I should help him cum.  He said no… just take him to the edge and stop.  Okay.  I did my usual routine, say hello, lick, blow cool air, then gulp him down.  He moaned well.  He was watching me.  Murmured, “It’s been so long since I’ve had a blow job!” “How long?” I ask.  “DECADES” he says.  Oooh… I adore being able to end a man’s drought!  He held my hair, tilted my head… and I was thinking… wow I could do this every day!  I tried to deep-throat him but he was too big around!  He said, “I think we need to meet again… yes?”  I smiled up at him and told him I’d like that, though I think it’s more of a “I’m enjoying this” than any commitment to appear again.   
I kept sucking on him, licking up and down, across his balls, a little lower… just when I got going he’d stop me.  He asked if he could come in my mouth and I said yes.  But he didn’t.  He talked about eating a cream pie but didn’t do that either. 
Finally he asked me to lie on my back again.  He played with my chest some more, then grabbed a condom and rolled over onto me, kissing me.  He slipped inside… wow!  I haven’t done missionary in… forever!  He wasn’t intimidated by my tummy.  His weight felt so good on me!  He said he was sorry his dick wasn’t bigger.  I told him it was fine, felt wonderful.  He stared deep into my eyes.  There was an incredible connection!  I’ve felt connected to other men but this was different – a wild mixture of comfort and chemistry.  Wow!  He came pretty quickly.  That happens a lot with first times after a lot of anticipation.  A year of foreplay makes it very likely!  
He collapsed beside me… apologized, said he has gotten up at 4 am to get to the airport and cumming is a like a sleeping pill.  I told him it was fine… to sleep and I’d watch over him.  I stroked his back a bit then went to pee and read email on my phone.  He called out to me after about 15 minutes.  I went back in, thinking I’d dress and leave.  He pulled me under the covers with him, asked me to stay.  I told him I couldn’t.  We told each other more stories.  He said he really had to sleep.  I kissed him and he touched my breast again.  I reached lower and found him very hard.  He marveled… said he had not been able to recover like that in years!  He started to roll onto me to do missionary again and I asked him if he’d like to try doggie style.  
His eyes widened… he admitted he’d never done that!  He is such an odd combo of amazing technique, great ideas and little experience.  He rolled me over onto all fours, donned another condom, added some lube.  I put my head down and he pulled me onto him.  Wow!  He commented on how deep he could get, how sexy it is to watch himself go in and out… I moaned and shrieked a lot.  🙂  and he came again and expressed great surprise he could do that.  
He collapsed again and he was really going to sleep now, had to be awake in 6 hours to catch his plane out.  
I got dressed, kissed him once more.  I asked him to do one thing for me – email me when he gets home. He said he was not a good correspondent.  I said I know, but do this one thing.  He promised.  
12:45 am I left him.  
I felt such chemistry with this man.  Being with him was magic!  Wow.  Wow.  Wow!  Why is it the guys I like best live so far away?!  Argh.  I wonder if I will ever hear from him again?  See him again?  *sigh*
This was definitely the best night of the year… isn’t it amazing the things I get to do because I blog?!

One thought on “Meeting the Blog Fan

  1. GoodWill says:

    Yes! Glad you made it safely through the snow. Such a sexy night for you two. I hope there’s more to this guy’s story!

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