Monthly Archives: March 2014
Traveler plans
Traveler tries again
Irish Dancing Gangnam Style
FFF Melody
Bonus Words: +50 if you tell us the last three songs you listened to
Required Word: Melody
Forbidden Words: Ke$ha, Miley, Rihanna
Extra Credit: Before writing, get up and dance to your favorite song!
Sassy Answers: Changing words
Dear Readers,
A lot of you have a story to tell and write to ask me questions about what it takes to write a blog. It’s a lot of work, but for many of us, writing is not an option. I have to write. I started a diary when I was twelve, and have been writing about my life and loves in various formats ever since! Sharing it with THE ENTIRE INTERNET can be time-consuming and scary, but the rewards are wonderful. I get to interact with other bloggers and readers!! The questions can be quite specific, like this one:
Q. In order to stay anonymous, do you replace words and edit out details when writing posts for your blog?
A. Yes!
Everyone thinks of having to change names… but there’s more. Names, locations, work details – here’s the list of nearly two dozen keywords for entries about my old flame that have to be changed for a start, and I catch others as I transfer them into posts. Thank goodness for “find and replace” feature in my word processing program!
Actual Gets replaced with