From: Volt
To: Sassy
Dec 17, 2012 5:10 am
Good Morning
I never heard back from you, hope I didn’t say something to offend you? Look forward to talking more.
From: Sassy
To: Volt
Dec 17, 2012 7:47 am
Hiya Sean!
Hope your week is off to a great start. Is this a busy time for you?
Sorry I was quiet yesterday! Didn’t mean to get you worrying! Please don’t ever take silence as a problem. I am very tough to offend… and if so, I usually say… Hey, what was that?!
We have project meeting tonight, so I had a lot of prep to do, and work around the house, and I was catching up with emails to people who sent me Christmas cards. I was thinking about you and hugs and more!
Have a great Monday!
From: Volt
To: Sassy
Dec 17, 2012 9:33 am
Glad to hear! I have lots to do this time of year, but always have time for you. I still have shopping to do as usual. Spent the day finishing up a project at home. I’m off the week of Xmas so I will finish up all the loose ends that week. I hope to have a nice relaxing week. I will talk to you soon.
From: Sassy
To: Volt
Dec 17, 2012 10:54 am
Hiya Sean!
Aww… you say the sweetest things! I am at my desk at work, hoping for a quiet day. We get free chair massages today! I talked my boss into letting me hire someone to the staff as a year-end present. So at 12:30 pm I will have a man’s hands all over my back. Wish it could be you! Have you had a massage? I used to be rather skittish about them but started getting them for free when I was in chemo… and now they seem like one of the best treats around!
Hope your Monday is going well! Mwah!
From: Volt
To: Sassy
Dec 17, 2012 12:14 pm
Wow..what a great place to work. I have never had one. I have heard its nice. Maybe some time if things work out we can exchange them. Having someone hands all over you could be lots of fun. I just wish it could be me! Have a nice message;)
From: Sassy
To: Volt
Dec 17, 2012 1:40 pm
Hiya Sean!
I am so relaxed! It’s amazing what 20 minutes with a massage therapist will do.
There must be somewhere near your work that they do them for relatively cheap. Most places charge like $12 per 10 minutes… it is so worth it for a treat now and then. I was worried that it would feel sexual, but it doesn’t. It’s more like… someone doing yoga or exercising for you. They also make great presents, if you are stuck on what to give someone.
I am no expert, but I would adore putting my hands on you, rubbing, pressing, getting the kinks out and helping you relax… and I would definitely let you do the same for me. It may be tough to stick to that… but if I cross over into something more sexy, perhaps you won’t mind.
How is your day going? I wish I had time for a nap, but I get to have my weekly meeting with my boss at 3 pm instead. It feels like being called to the principal’s office, but I try not to get too worked up about it.
From: Sassy
To: Volt
Dec 17, 2012 5:06 pm
Hiya Sean,
I hope you had a good day. I am headed off to dinner and a meeting…smiling thinking of you and hoping you have an easy drive home and a relaxing evening. I wish you could be with me! More later… hugs!