Am I wrong to want a man who can type? *sigh Now it’s not only multiple periods, but many commas and question marks too! Combined with a fine whine! Yikes!!!!!!!!
From Rob
Dec 2, 2012
To Sassy
….Sassy……….What’s up ?…..What happened?…….I thought we were beginning to hit it off. You don’t owe me any explanation but I guessed you were a gal with ‘balls’….I really am very interested in getting to know you or in your case was this just a game? The pics were great and I also sent you answers to your questions……..but I hear nothing from you ???????? If you’re up to it ,could you tell me something……….always the best ………….Rob
To: Rob
12/2/2012 7:31:22 P.M.
From: Sassy
Hiya Rob!
So I’m back home, sitting at my computer with cat supervising my typing. Project meeting accomplished, car gassed up, eating Thai food… wondering where you are and what you’re doing…. but I know you don’t like to type much. Email and online chat are my main communication tools, so I’m in new territory.
So what’s next? Hmmmm… send a photo? Ask me something fun? Call me? Get in your car and come see what a curvy broad I am?
Have a good night!
From: Rob
Dec 3, 2012
To Sassy
Sassy ,,,,,,,,,,,thanks for getting back to me ….can we exchange cell # so we can actually speak to each other or even better let’s get together for coffee,lunch, dinner ,etc..I would love to come and see you !!!!!!.let me know if any of this or anything else is ok with you…………I really want to spend several private hours ,alone, with you ……… see this curvy broad………….Rob
Follow your instincts! If you are not feeling it, don’t do it 🙂
I wish you all the best!