Snow and sleet

Thursday, November 8, 2012

7:34am Phil
Morning! Can’t believe all the stupid political bickering going on. Obama won, he is the president. Get behind him and help him succeed. Geez.

Have a great day.

Ah, you know how some people are. Don’t let it raise your bp. Hugs!

We got snow! Not forecast…sleeting now. Bleh.

I started insulin shots today. They say should make me feel / heal much better…hope so!

7:47am Phil
I know, just shows how narrow minded and hateful people can be.
Hope the insulin helps.
No snow here. Still waiting. Has not really been cold yet

When Can We Meet?

From: Scot
To: Sassy 
Sent: Wednesday, November 7, 2012 12:33 AM
Subject: Meet
It was wonderful to hear your voice today.  It was also rude of me not to give you my number, since you were so generous with yours.  You can reach me at my office at [xxx-xxx-xxxx] and on my cell at [xxx-xxx-xxxx].  The former is preferable, since, unfortunately, my wife scans the phone bill every month–although I have a slew of teaching assistants, and normally I can blame unusual calls on my having to harass them to finish grading papers or bluebooks.
Needless to say, I’m delighted with the results of this election, especially on the state level.  I’m an Elizabeth Warren fan.  I WANT a “professor” in the Senate representing me, not an overage frat boy who brags about his truck.
Anyway, enough of that.  When can we MEET?  I’d really like to see you face-to-face, and it’s easy for me to get away.  What days/times work best for you?
To: Scot 
From: Sassy 
Wed, Nov 7, 2012 at 12:30 PM
Subject: Re: Meet
Hi Scot,
I am thinking of you this morning, for several reasons.  There’s a Nor’easter coming and I have two doctors appointments today and I am still smiling!  Thanks to certain election results and you!  So relieved that I don’t have to hear another political commercial for a long while!  Isn’t it marvelous to have Obama and Warren and some new gay marriage states and a gay senator!  Whee!  So relieved.  
It was… magical to talk to you yesterday.  I had that amazing “I could just keep listening! He’s nice!” feeling.  And a few other reactions we might discuss later.  😉  It scared me – sometimes I get invested in meeting someone, and he disappears.  So your message wanting to meet was particularly nice.  I probably said too much… do keep my secrets!  I am old-fashioned about calling men… I wait for them to do it, but thanks for the phone numbers.  
So… I am flexible.  Do you want to meet at Starbucks for a hug and talk for a few minutes?  Or take a chance on lunch?  Or show me a quiet corner of a college library?  12 – 2 pm or right after work @ 5:15 pm is probably best for me, but for you I could have a “doctor’s appointment” any particular time of day if you want to research… me.  
Hope you have a great day! 
From: Scot 
To: Sassy 
Nov 8, 2012
Subject: re: Meet
Dear Sassy,
It was magical to talk to you too.  And, yes, I’d very much like to meet you soon.  I’m sorry to be so tardy with my response; I’m line-editing a bunch of sub-literate rough drafts, and I’m about ready to slit my eyeballs in frustration.  But I should be done with this by the end of the week.
Next week would be absolutely ideal for a meeting.  Tuesdays and Thursdays are best for me, and while I can schedule a post-5 P.M. encounter, earlier would definitely be better.  I can tell students I’m changing my office hours; they don’t have an exam for a while, so they won’t care.  I’d be delighted to take the T to your neck of the woods, if you like.
Incidentally–and while I probably don’t need to say this–I’m completely harmless, at least on a first encounter.  You don’t need to worry about me saying or doing something maladroit.  I’m past forty, and I know how to behave myself.  
So, what days and times are best for you?  I’m at your beck and call.

Election port-mortem

Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Good morning! Nor’easter coming, 2 Dr appts and I’m still smiling. Hope you can too!
8:20am Phil
I serve so we can have a democratic process. The President is my Commander in Chief and I support him. No more excuses about any mess left to him by his predecessor. He now has to do something about the economy, the deficit, unemployment, gas, immigration, our failing relationship with Israel, our rapidly dwindling military, our international image. He needs to stop sending his family on ridiculous vacations at taxpayer expense while so many are struggling to hold onto their homes, jobs and futures. I was not a Romney supporter, he may actually have been much worse but I have great concern for the strength of our nation in the coming years. The Military is stretched to the point of breaking. If Israel hits Iran, we are not ready to support. If Korea or Taiwan erupts, we are screwed. We simply no longer have the assets or the technological advantage to get it done. It scares me. I worry for my children and their future. I think the Republican party needs to get a grip. Their uber-conservative stance on everything is their doom. I guess we will see.

Hope the Noreaster is not too bad. Enough water in that part of the country. Enjoy the day.

It’s very interesting to hear your perspective. Not one I hear from anyone else. I have to think this great country has always found a way, due to good men like you and with inclusion of women there will be even more good minds and things will get better!
10:12am Phil
The country will find a way but our leadership needs to do a better job. I voted with people who could not read the ballot, had to have someone show them where Obama was on the ballot and could not read the simple instructions. They were clearly illiterate, did not vote for anything else and were simply there to put an X next to Obama. Many came in pajamas. This city is a town full of very rich people and many who can not find work outside the restaurant and bar industry, people who can not buy a house or condo and can’t afford the rent on an apartment. Many people here, rent a room in a condo or a house. These same people don’t see a need for government change.  Many of them are poor, working minimum wage jobs. They voted for more of the same.  The fact that a conservative came that close to winning better be a wakeup call to the president and the Democratic party. This country is very divided and that’s not a good thing. Differences are fine but we have some serious issues and the president never said how he planned to fix any of that during the campaign. We will see how it goes. The country has spoken sort of and I respect that. I respect everyone’s opinion and their right to vote and choose. The election is over, it’s time to stand behind our president as a nation and move forward. My outlook on it any way.


From: Mr Truck
To: Sassy 
Subject: Stats
November 5, 2012 10:05 am 
Just a note to tell you that your stats, 5’8″ 260 keep echoing in my mind. I am so excited about seeing a pic of you and one day meeting such an amazing specimen of pure womanhood….
From: Sassy
To: Mr Truck
Sent: Monday, November 5, 2012 1:40 PM
Subject: Re: Stats
Hiya Stan!
How are you this fine Monday?  I was very bad this weekend, so I’m feeling very good today!  
It is tough for me to believe someone wants me after so long… you make me smile.  Your stats echo in my mind…mmm… 6’2″ 238 and your words.   They make me want to say things like… “Get in your truck.  Find me.  Hug me.  Kiss me.  Touch me.   I am having a great hair day!” 
There’s probably a reason I’m not supposed to say that, but I forget!  Hmmm… maybe I should say, “Call me” first? Forgive me… just revved up and ready.  I’ll try to behave. 

Election Day

Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Good morning! Happy Election Day! Headed to the polls. Whee!
Have a terrific Tuesday dear man.

9:30am Phil
Yeah baby! At the polls at 0600 and then Dunkin Donuts! Hope it’s a great day for our country, and people get out and vote in record numbers.

9:35am Phil
psalm 109.8 🙂

Thus Spoke Zarathustra or Ryan’s Rules of AM

Thus Spoke Zarathustra
Dear Readers,

I have a special treat for you!  As you may have read, I have been puzzling my way through the wilds of Ashley Madison, that amazing and terrible online dating site for “married but looking” folks who want to find that special someone who is also “married but looking.”  I may come up with my own rules after I’ve had more adventures, but for now, The Wizard of Blogs, the talented and sexy Ryan Beaumont of “The Ashley Madison Adventures of a Regular Guy Gone Bad has given me his sage advice and allowed me to post his rules so they can help you too!  He also included his trademark detailed philosophical analysis with an incredible synthesis and symbiosis with one of the greatest musical compositions of our time! Like many great rules of our time, I do not understand them.  But I break them anyway!  I hope you will do the same!  

or the Rules of Ashley Madison
by R. Beaumont

1.  You don’t talk about Ashley Madison to your spouse (you blog about it)

2.  You don’t talk about Ashley Madison to your spouse (you blog about it)

3.  If someone says “stop” or quits writing after 2 messages the hook up is over; no regrets, no more wasted credits.

4.  Only two people to a message (be original to the next lady)

5.  As many AM partners as possible until all fantasies are found or the best partner arises.

6.  No shirts, no shoes, no underwear, no regrets!

7.  Affairs and the resulting sex will go on as long as they need to.

8.  If this is your first time on AM, you have to respond (at least once).

The other day I was busy not working as I am often want to do.  I began chatting with Sassy and she told me of her upcoming series of Ashley Madison experiential posts.  That got us to thinking about Ashley Madison.  Soon I realized that Ashley Madison needs rules thus formalizing it and making it a true institution worthy of all this blogging.  Of course once I realized AM needed rules I realized that perhaps it already had rules that just needed to be illuminated.  Well really I just thought maybe somebody had already done the work for me and I could just cut and paste.  I thought about movies and songs I had heard and seen and realized that “Fight Club,” that brilliant 1999 Cult Classic, had rules thus already providing the perfect form for this manifesto.  This was perfect, I could just rip that off, why make Nihilism hard you know!

I did my usual “wiki research” on Fight Club and realized it was in fact the perfect metaphor for Ashley Madison.  The themes it uses include “Rebel without a Cause” and Nietzschean pedagogy.  In a world diluted by the “despair and paralysis people feel from a value system grown out of advertising,” Ashley Madison is the perfect surrender and thus synthesis of that market driven pursuit while simultaneously rising above and defeating the “eternal recurrence of the same.”  Ashley Madison provides that Nihilistic pursuit of “life affirmation.”  Life’s pursuits on Ashley Madison are a trek towards questioning the “doctrines that drain one’s expansive energies.”  I know, I know “you really are full of it today Beaumont;” I hear you thinking!

But let’s really break down all the Nihilistic Existentialism and where it leads.  You see a little Nietzsche can be a dangerous thing, just like AM, left in the wrong hands.  We need rules to make it right.  I know rules and Nietzsche don’t mix but perhaps a thought by Jean Paul Sartre can pull this together for us.  Sure Sartre felt man had no inherent value but you have to read on.  Btw, it’s the fact that someone has treated someone else with no apparent value that leads us to Ashley Madison in the first place, right!?

See Sartre felt that existence precedes essence.  While it may be true that one’s essence is more immutable than one’s existence, one’s existence in pursuit of consciousness ultimately creates value and the underlying meaning of life.  It is that pursuit of consciousness that creates essence and formation of essence is what makes life worth living.

Although now as I’m thinking about this from the female perspective I’m thinking what do these Euro dudes know about women?  Well if you don’t want to take the word of some French or German guy that looks like he never had sex with anything other than his left hand, let’s look to Simone de Beauvoir (not a cousin of mine) who said “one is not born a woman, she becomes one.”  I would take that a step forward and say too often women realize that they do not transform into “womanhood” via marriage.  Too often they look up in their 30’s or 40’s and say “who am I and how did I get here?  Did I choose this path or was it chosen for me?  And if I’m on this path can I get off?”  Again, the pursuit of consciousness and the underlying achievement of essence forms the meaning of our humanity (or for Simone “womanhood”).But let’s get back to fight club.  Why should all the philosophical gobledygook mean that the Rules of Fight Club should be segued into a Rules of Ashley Madison.  Let’s see if the two paths indeed cross!
Two early quotes in Fight Club lead to it’s basic theme “losing all hope is freedom” and “when you have lost everything you are free to do anything.”  And there you go, it’s often that we log onto AM at the point we lose all hope and we just might find freedom.  Perhaps you are not on AM because you lost all hope but in the words of Tyler Durden “never be complete, evolve!”
What you realize quickly on AM, much like Fight Club, is that “who you (are on AM) is not who you (are) in the real world.”  It is true that once an affair starts or even ends nothing is really solved but nothing is wholly wasted either.  I will paraphrase a Tyler quote which I believe sums it all up:  you are looking for a way to change your path in life and you need a roadmap or at least some directional signage.  That could be AM.  On AM you can look the way you want to look, fuck the way you want to fuck.  You will find that in someone’s eyes you are sexy, smart, and capable and perhaps most importantly are free to be the person you want to be.   So as Ed Norton’s character in the movie is so fond of “single serving friends,” you might just try out a “single serving” affair partner and see where that leads.  It may be that doorway or first step toward essence.
We make choices in life but they are part of an evolution.  So while I never would say ignore your commitments to the one’s who matter in your life, I would say get busy evolving!  And follow those damn rules!

Wow, that was a lot of thoughtifying bull *hit.  You know now that I think about it I could have just ripped off a quote from that other Nihilistic Cult Classic Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure and saved us all the last five minutes of our life.  I think I’ll do that now!

Of course a better way to get from that “tabula rasa” to “vini vidi vici” moment is through blogging!

“O man, take care!
What does the deep midnight declare?
“I was asleep—
From a deep dream I woke and swear:—
The world is deep,
Deeper than day had been aware.
Deep is its woe—
Joy—deeper yet than agony:
Woe implores: Go!
But all joy wants eternity—
Wants deep, wants deep eternity.”
from Thus Spoke Zarathustra

Also Sprach Zarathustra, Op. 30 – Strauss

Blonde Angel

From: Mr Truck
To: Sassy 
Subject: Blonde Angel
November 5, 2012 9:47 am

There is so much to like about this girl I don’t know where to start. I usually prefer older and more of a plain Jane or butter face, but she’s so damn cute and has such a sweet enthusiastic smile after she gets her well earned facial (well more of just on her chin, she and her fans did deserve a more of a larger load on her forehead, nose, and cheeks) I thought you’d appreciate it. She loves to play cock games too which is delightful especially when she looks right into the camera. And I could watch her walk around naked all day!
From: Sassy 
To: Mr Truck
Sent: Wednesday, November 7, 2012 7:59 PM
Subject: Re: Blonde Angel 
Hiya Stan!
I finally had a chance to watch this duo more carefully.  What an interesting couple – lots of differences that don’t matter at all in bed.  Yay!
And amazing to see someone bigger than I am!  With a smaller guy.  Goes against so many stereotypes.  
Classic red nail polish… nice. 
She has the largest nipples I’ve ever seen!  Still don’t like the hairless look on their pubes.  But I know it makes it so we can see more on her… 
It is so fun how they reach for each other and seem so into it.  
Great sound… lots of mmm… hissing… from them both!
And talking!  How he talks to her, encourages her, and how she speaks up, “Why don’t you take these off?”  to get what she wants and talks dirty… “that big prick of yours.”  Yum.  Nice how she checks on him “Feel good?” and he sasses her, “Do you hear me complaining?”  hee. 
Fun…. teasing.  Smacking. 
She has a sweet way of smiling at the camera, but it was a little too much looking at the camera and not at him… breaks the “fourth wall” though I can see how some people might like the idea that the camera and being filmed is part of the naughty nature of it.  But it pulls focus for me. 
Interesting that she had bad skin on her legs… that they didn’t cover it.  Makes it more “real people” feel. 
Very nice cock/slit rubbing.  (Twinge for me here!)
There’s the deck chair position!  That slapping sound… oh yes.
I know guys hate them and it hasn’t made it into much p0rn, but I get antsy when there’s no condom.  Have to tell myself a little story about her being on the pill and they’re monogamous and….risking a grisly death is not cool.  But I try not to let that spoil it.  
Is the lube the cue that he is fucking her ass when they doggie style?  Surprised they didn’t show that entrance or action.
Little spanks are nice. 
Interesting that she focusing completely on his shaft… never touches his ball or ass… 
Tits…lube… sliding… got to me.
And their foreheads together… staring at each other’s eyes.  
Whoa!  The camera man speaks! Never heard that before.  
The sounds of her hands sliding over him… and him helping her get it just right.  Yum.  And he told her when he was going to cum… Nice how she sucked him even after he came… get those last drops. 
The ending was a little odd… but it was better than the often “it just stops” thing.  
I would add some kissing.  Here, there and everywhere. 
Thanks, Stan, for finding one that glorifies a large woman, and shows what I have been wanting to do!  
From: Mr Truck
To: Sassy 
Subject: re: Blonde Angel
Nov 8, 2012
Oh babe, you are such an amazing porn analyst! Have a few moments to leave a few comments:
Yes, I like natural pubes, love how a bush adorns a woman’s vulva.  I too noticed and actually liked the chafe marks on her inner thighs. A lot of very big women have that, it’s so private, I like kissing all over the marks. I go for stretch marks on breasts and tummies too. It’s just so natural and real.
More soon!

Time change

Sunday, November 4, 2012
Good morning!  Ah, the time change has me up “early” yay!  Sis is hosting an open house today – renovation done at last!  Have a superb Sunday!
7:40am Phil
Good Morning! Have fun! Enjoy the day!
Home?  Rested? Relaxed?  Hope so!
8:12pm Phil
Just got back. Had a blast!
Buy more wine?
[photos of him with his family on his FB wall]
You are looking so trim and sexy!
9:20pm Phil
10:55pm Phil


Slutty Saturday Seven

From my private journal
November 4, 2012 07:48 pm – Slutty Saturday

 My my my… what a day this was!  Conventional wisdom says weekends are the quiet time in the cheating world, as people have to focus on their families.  That’s usually true but NOT TODAY!  
After a quiet week swapping p0rn with Mr Truck, I heard from SEVEN men today… TOO MUCH!  I seem to be fulfilling Marian Daniell’s mother’s advice that every woman needs seven men in her life.  Heh.  

I had friendly online chats with 2 chatters, a delicious phone call with a blogger and contact with 4 AM men! The emails, IMs and phone calls were flying!  
TWO new AM men sent me messages yesterday!  They spent money to contact me.  Wow.  Nothing like the “start the month off fun” guys! 
1) MidKnight
A brand new AM guy!  Late 40s.  Okay.  Nearby in the same city.  Nice.  6″2 195.  Another tall and skinny one.  I can deal with that.  Hmm… “unhappy husband of an unappreciative wife.”  No no no… don’t bitch about your wife in your profile!  “Looking for a lady who has a wild side.  Fun.  Companionship.”  That’s better.  Vague but fine.  He posted a lovely photo of himself in a suit and tie, standing in a law library.  Heh.  Bet it came from his work web site.  I worry about men who show their face.  Really?  But it was a nice face.

I sent him my mischief Yahoo email and he pinged me on Yahoo IM mid-afternoon!  It’s awkward to start out chatting without any previous emails, but I ran with it.  He seemed distracted, said he was watching college football with his son, and didn’t have long.  Gosh, mister, way to make a woman feel wanted… NOT! I got to ask a few questions.  Good answers!  Another lawyer!  He took off after about 20 minutes saying he’d ping me tonight.  But he never did.  

Lesson learned: I can have a lovely chat, just start feeling a spark and liking the guy and wanting to know more and… he didn’t feel it and that’s it.  How could he not get that I am THE BEST WOMAN EVAH?  Hee hee.  Ah well… I hope he found another lady and had lots of fun. 
2) Speedy 
The second brand new guy on AM!  Let’s see… 50.  Sure.  From… hunh… the next state over.  Hmm… if he will visit my area, do I care?  5″10 160… uh oh.  Shorter and skinny!  But… maybe I will take a chance… not pay so much attention to height and weight?  I want guys to do that for me, I should do it for them, right?  He checked a few random boxes.  Eh.  Then he wrote a little bit:

What really turns him on: “Would like to meet an intelligent, uninhibited, woman with a good sense of humor and a high drive.” Do I have a high drive?  I suppose so.  Sounds like me.  
He closed with: “I’m an intelligent, professional, fit guy, with a good sense of humor.  Communication creates chemistry. Let’s talk. Would be happy to share photos off of this venue.”  Makes sense.  But it doesn’t give me much to work from.  
He gave me his Yahoo email in his first message, so I responded there.  His second message included a photo – just his face.  He looks like… Seinfeld!  With gray hair.  Very distinguished!  Another suit and tie, probably his business website photo.  He asked if we could switch to IM.  Sure.  He gave me his real first time, and his work website… hmm… I’d rather not know!  But you know I googled him.  Nothing freaky.  We typed along and very soon he said he wanted to hear my voice, could he call me?  Wow… um… sure.  Definitely felt like a salesman needing to meet his quota.  Heh.  Moving very fast but it all sounds good, so I roll with it.  This is definitely the fastest I’ve ever gone from contact to the phone. We had a very sexy conversation.  He sent me an email right after, and called again just after dinner.  Wow!  Full court press!  It felt great! 
3) Rick aka “Panties Man” 
He was in the midst of writing a paper for school, pinged me in Yahoo IM to check in.  He is so polite and nice!  He couldn’t stay long but he made me feel special that he took the time to check in.  
4) The Professor
The great cypher professor checked in.  I gave him my phone number.  He said he would call on Monday from his office.  I never went to office hours in college but maybe I can get something from a professor now?  I bet he has a wonderful voice from all that lecturing!  
This definitely felt like TOO MUCH!  And it doesn’t count Stan or Tom or Philip… geesh.  
But who to give up?  How to step back?  Hmmm… which one is going to touch me?  Make me smile most often?  No way to tell… might as well leave all my irons in the fire until something happens.