There for me

Saturday, November 17, 2012

7:47am Phil
You doing OK Sass?  Gotta say I have had the worst consecutive two weeks I can ever remember.  Just run down and out of gas. Fighting for your reputation is such bullshit. Makes me want to go work in a bar.  I seriously don’t ever want to be in charge of anything other than my TV again.

I hope you have a relaxing Saturday.  Free your mind girl.

You’re writing exactly what I think.  Freaky.  Just when I feel so down, there you are to help.  Wow.
I too can’t recall such crap.  I’m getting it from 3 directions – health, icky selfish men, and work.

Weighing staying to fight vs focusing on job search.  Both gross.  ugh.

Trying three things – praying, counting my blessings and doing things for others.  Something has to get better soon, right?

Strange licks

From: Mr Truck
To: Sassy
Sent: Thursday, November 15, 2012 1:40 PM
Subject: Hi!
Hey sexy gal, how’s it going? The second I saw this video I knew I had to share it with you. Talk about objectification, this is all cock & balls and her mouth, with lots of soft moans and sighs from here:
Have a good day!
From: Sassy
To: Mr Truck
Sent: Thursday, November 15, 2012 9:16 PM
Subject: Re: Hi!
Hiya Handsome,
Wow… that was different.  Not something I want to watch much of!  She does moan well, and work him in different ways.  Pretty equipment.  Was surprised they didn’t show more of her.  I had never heard of glory holes until very recently.  Have you ever done that?  I am wondering how expensive they are, compared to say… a lap dance at a strip club.  Of course, I want there to be a camera on the other side so I can watch the guy’s reaction!  And I wanted to see him finish.  
To be fair, I need to see a guy going down on a woman in style now.  🙂 
From: Mr Truck 
To: Sassy
Sent: Nov 16, 2012
Subject: re: Hi!
How are you! I got a flu shot yesterday and now I’m feeling all fluish!
As usual your observations are all spot-on. Yeah I too wanted to see her get the reward she worked so hard for.
Ya know, it’s really really difficult to find quality man-eating-pussy vids. All the best most accomplished pussy eating happens in girl girl videos. I just spent a half hour searching and couldn’t find any extended scenes of men eating a woman’s pussy. Here’s a short clip (from a longer series) that show’s what we’re both looking for, long take-your-time cunnilingus scenes, but unfortunately it’s girl girl. But in this case it’s older woman, younger girl, which I love.  I’ll keep looking, let me know if you find anything

Old friends

Friday, November 16, 2012
Hey, kid.  Counting my blessings to get my mind off crap.  Here’s to old friends!  Have a fine Friday!
8:32am Phil
I am taking the “fuck it” approach! Doing my job, grateful for family, good friends, and life.  I’ll get over bumps in the road.

I’m thankful for the people who love me and are always there. To old wonderful friends, to new friends, to this strange journey called life and all its joys and sorrows.

Dance in the rain Sassy, do the Beale Street crawl. It will all be ok. 🙂


It’s Flash Fiction Friday time!  Here’s this week’s simple challenge from Advizor54:

You have 100 words to make me cum.

You get 25 extra words if you write it on Thursday and do it in one draft, typos and all.

Click over to Advizor54’s blog to see what he and other great bloggers saw in this photo.  My take is below.


We sat on the bed – the last ones left after the blogger party.  I started to leave, but he put a hand on my arm and whispered, “Stay.”  He winked and I was convinced.  
“Now you’re mine,” he intoned seriously. 
“Yeah right,” I sassed him.  “What do you want?”
“You,” he stated. 
“But you said…” I started to remind him of the guidelines.  No shenanigans.
“Shhh…. talk later,” he shushed me, a finger on my lips, tracing around them until I trembled.  He covered my lips with his as he uncovered my breast, tweaking my nipple through my bra.  I moaned into his mouth and held his face in my hands.  He stuck his hand up my skirt, fingering the wet spot.  “Fuck now.” 

Foot Massage

From: Rick
To: Sassy
Sent: Thursday, November 15, 2012 2:12 PM
Subject: FW: [Fetish] Meetup details changed: Lovely Feet Affair

Hi. You said you could use a good foot massage…here is a note I got about a foot fetish group.  Maybe you can find someone who wants to give you just that!

So I’d love to know what you’re wearing today…a blouse that I could unbutton?  What color would I see underneath, enveloping and shaping those gorgeous breasts?  And what are you wearing on the bottom. Black pants again?  And…what color underneath?  Did our chats from before have you consider pretty colors and styles to try out?  Maybe some sexy bra and panty set.

You said you want to stop working… buy a lottery ticket and win big!  Then you could be my sugar mamma and buy me beautiful undies.  Ha!  You’re funny, you sugar mama!  I buy lottery tickets every so often and rarely win, so don’t have an incentive to do it often.  But I always hope.

From: Group leader
To: Members
Subject: [Fetish] Meetup details changed: Lovely Feet Affair
Date: Thu, 15 Nov 2012 13:27:29 -0500

The Lovely Feet Affair has been rescheduled. The price has been lowered as well. We are looking for foot enthusiasts and female foot models.  Read all about it here.
When: Thursday, December xx, 2012 5:00 PM
Where: A private studio, Springfield, MA
If the changes affect your plans to attend, please take a moment to update your RSVP. (You can RSVP “No” or “Yes”.)
You can always get in touch with me through my group profile on Meetup.


Date: Thu, 15 Nov 2012 17:55:13 -0800
From: Sassy 
Subject: Re: [Fetish] Meetup details changed: Lovely Feet Affair
To: Rick

Wow!  You are amazing.  I shouldn’t laugh, but I did.  Nice to know people can find each other somehow to share these events.  
How are you doing?  My day sucked royally but I am trying to forget.  Tell me something good?  

Dance in the rain

Thursday, November 15, 2012
7:20am Phil
Thanks, just gotta weather the storm


Don’t forget to dance in the rain!  Take deep breaths.  This too shall pass.  Telling myself that too!  Say a prayer @ 2 pm your time.  I need all the good vibes I can get.
5:56pm Phil
Ok, what up? Thanks 🙂
Thanks for asking.  Got a formal “verbal warning” based on lies the evil assistant told.  Ugly.  Need a new job or tomorrow’s lottery numbers.  Sigh. Hope your day was better than mine.
7:58pm Phil
O man! Sorry to hear that. I am dealing with a similar situation. Do that dance in the rain thing 🙂
Usually I like it when our lives are parallel but right now I wish they weren’t!  I am praying really hard for better days.
8:09pm Phil
Me too

Trading BJ videos

From: Mr Truck
To: Sassy
Sent: Monday, November 12, 2012 3:56 PM
Subject: Hi
Hope you had the day off. I spent 6 hours blowing leafs. Have you been naughty? You need to tell me.
Looking forward to writing more and to talking if you still want.
Deeps kisses while we masturbate each other…
From: Sassy
To: Mr Truck 
Sent: Monday, November 12, 2012 5:57 PM
Subject: Re: Hi
Hiya Stan!
I did have the day off!  I wish I could have been blowing you instead of you blowing the silly leaves.  
Naughty?  Me?  How can I be naughty without you here?   
Sorry if I’ve been too quiet – busy weekend with projects. Yes, I definitely want.  I am a big bundle of WANT!  I want your hands on me, and your mouth.  And your cock inside me.  Oops!  That was a little forward, eh?  Anyway, write more, call, visit… let’s have some fun! 
Here’s a sweet little blow job video to brighten your day – Camille again being Rosie the Riveter! 
Rose the Riveter BJ
She does make great eye contact.  The costume hit my “Oh, please, no…” sensor.  And he doesn’t touch her, doesn’t move?  But I think you might enjoy it.  
Have a great night!  Go out “to the store” and call me!  I want to hear you cum.  🙂
From: Mr Truck
To: Sassy
Sent: Tuesday, November 13, 2012 8:56 PM
Subject: Hi
Morning hot stuff:
Yeah I totally agree about what and who is blowing what and whom. I have a feeling that in meeting you, I just might have met the best cocksucker I ever had. Some women were just born with that talent & craving. How old were you when you got your first taste?
Love Camille Crimson, she’s so pretty and really does relish cock. She’s really entertaining to watch, but I agree with you, no need for novelty costuming. The music is nice but you already know my stand on music. I like the way she gently gobbles cum too, although I’d love to see her face totally blasted with man cream sometime. And yes that eye contact is very hot. I’d like to see Camille actually fuck someday.
Hey thanks to you directing me to RedTube, I discovered Cory. She’s a super deep throater. There’s just something so alluring when I see a man’s balls on a woman’s chin. Camera a little shaky but nice sounds and touching by the man:
Yes I can call you sometime when I’m out shopping or whatever. Nights are best for you, how ’bout early evening?
Woke up this morning craving pussy for breakfast, thought about you, imagined you holding my head as you gently fucked my face while taking dirty to me. I can just see you using your hips in a fucking motion, rubbing your wet pussy lips up and down my nose, mouth, and chin saying, “Eat that pussy, oh yes baby, eat that fucking cunt…”
Talk soon

That kind of week

Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Hey, kid.  What’s up?  We just had sushi dinner @ Sis’s.  Yum.

Hope you’re having a great evening.

10:16pm Phil
Mess at work.  Mega-bigwigs and civilians involved.  Stinks.  Been called incompetent, mentally ill, stupid, ignorant, homophobic and a host of other things.  Been that kind of week
Holy sheet!
10:19pm Phil
Yeah. Great fun. Must be crazy people off their meds
Military people letting outsiders fight their battles?
So sorry… you don’t need this in addition to everything you have to do!
I’ll trade you though.  I get to meet with my dickhead boss and his boss and my union rep tomorrow.  Their dragging in HR because I can’t do 2 jobs at once and never take days off.  Union rep says they are breaking all sorts of rules.  But it mostly means I can’t stay here.  Have to job hunt.  May lose all my doctors when I can’t walk and have wacky blood sugars.  Ugh.
I will pray for better days for both of us!
Feel free to unload on me if it helps… I know you are not any of those things!  You are a good man!

Speedy postscript

Being with Speedy was a meet that on first examination seemed exciting, had its moments, could have gotten better next time.  But the more I thought about it, the worse it got.

How could a guy be so different in person?  His texts and phone calls were so sexy, so attentive, full of great ideas of things we could do together and then?  Ugh.

He lied about his height so he wasn’t a little taller than me but a little shorter… which shouldn’t matter but it does.  If he had been great in other ways, I might not notice.  But that was not the case.

He didn’t like to kiss.  Everyone else has said I am THE BEST KISSER EVAH! so it can’t be me.  What’s up with no kissing?!

Then he didn’t take care of me.  Sadly, this is not rare.  It was the norm with the men I was with before Philip.  Guys – help me cum!  Really.  Just once.  And I will be so much happier with you!  And make you much happier!  More times is better, but really… you can’t manage once?  Grrrr…. if you can’t tell if it’s happened, ask me!  I will tell you!  I don’t ask for a lot… no presents, no meal, no fancy hotel… just this one thing.

Yay he was multi-orgasmic!  Boo… I got to find that out because he asked for multiple bjs.  

I never heard from him again.  *sigh  Just as well, I suppose.  
So… not a word from the first AM men I had sex with.  
Four whole words from the second one.  Bleh.  I HATE SILENCE!

I feel like not seeing anyone else.  I have a grand time talking with them and flirting and poking around in their heads, and then a lot of nerves about meeting, and awkwardness trying to please each other, and then nothing.  So as much as I want to meet them and have them touch me, it kills all the fun.  And I feel dissed.  Not the desired result!  It may have nothing to do with me – they may be pump and dump, as I hear from many women in the blog world.  I will probably meet other men, especially ones like the Professor who have talked for longer but… this is all only in the “better than nothing” realm.

Okay… enough ranting.  Maybe the next guy will be better.  Please please.  Onward and upward!  

A fine whine

Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Good morning! Have a terrific Tuesday!
7:50am Phil
Hey good morning Sass! Hope you date was fun. Nice to have short week! Thanksgiving is coming and we put the Christmas tree up over the weekend. Took advantage of able bodied help. Have a wonderful Tuesday!

Thanks for your words – made me smile on a very bad day. Saw my union rep for the first time ever. Boss is being a jerk. Know anyone who needs an office manager? Or have any intuition on the lottery numbers? With online men who take and don’t give, my stupid foot and wacky blood sugars, and now job crap? Ugh. Please pray for better days! Sorry to whine… can’t sleep. Will go get lost in memories of lobster and sunsets and hugs. Mwah!