From: Scot
Monday Nov 26, 2012 11:37 pm
To: Sassy
Re: Thanksgiving
Hey, S,
Yes, I know, it sounds positively inhuman, but I’m HAPPY to be back at work and AWAY FROM MY FAMILY. This last week was a LITTLE TOO MUCH FAMILY “TOGETHERNESS.” Don’t get me wrong: I love my parents, siblings, nephews, etc., but I’ve got a limited tolerance for their manifold idiosyncrasies.
For example, I’m glad I don’t have to hear my near-senile father berate yet another innocent waiter about the frankly invisible defects in his balsamic-free, tomato-free, lactose-free, gluten-free, wheat-free, everything-else-that-makes-his-“system”-malfunction-free granola-and-vegetable-yougurt-concoction. Let him go back to NYC and be a curmudgeon there. I’m DONE.
Anyway, so much for that. On to more important matters. When do I get to finally meet you in person?
From: Sassy
Tuesday, Nov 27, 2012 12:21 am
To: Scot
Re: Meeting
Hiya Scot,
Meet? When you ask me? 🙂
Hmmm… ages ago we said tomorrow. But you’d rather not trudge around in the snow, I bet. I don’t want you falling for me that way! Let me know what works for you. I am usually open any day but Wednesday at lunch. And any late afternoon.
I dunno… it’s only been two months. Are you sure? 🙂
From: Scot
Tuesday, Nov 27, 2012 12:34 am
To: Sassy
Re: Meeting
Do you want to meet this Thursday for lunch or a late afternoon snack/drink? I’d really like that. It’s no problem for me to cancel my office hours.
From: Sassy
Wednesday, Nov 28, 2012 8:03 am
To: Scot
Re: Meeting
Hiya Scot,
Tomorrow sounds great! I hate to rob your students of your excellent counsel, but do rather want to see your smiling face. Does the 12:30 pm plan make sense for this time or did you want something different? I could also get out about 4 pm if that works better. Let me know.
Thank you!
From: Scot
Wednesday, Nov 28, 2012 10:24 am
To: Sassy
Re: Meeting
Dear S,
A 12:30 meeting would be terrific, but could you run the logistics of getting to that particular site past me again?
From: Sassy
Nov 28, 2012 2:32 pm
To: Scot
Re: Lunch details
Hiya Scot,
I hope your Wednesday is going well. I’m having another nutty day at work, but smiling at the thought of having a good reason to escape for an hour tomorrow to see you! Here are the details of the lunch plan. It may be a sunny day, if the forecaster are to be believed.
Thanks again for agreeing to travel over here! I picked a restaurant near the T exit
[directions redacted]
They have great food.
If your plans change, please let me know at [Sassy’s Google Voice #]. I am not a flake… I will be there at 12:30 pm or call you, unless I get squished under the Mass Ave bus. It looks like it will be cold, so wait inside. They usually won’t seat people until everyone is there, so go to the bar and I will find you. Likewise, if I get there first, I will head to the bar. I’ll be the one in blue with a lighter silk scarf.
I know these meets can be nerve-wracking. If there is anything that will make it easier, don’t hesitate to say. This should be fun! I am very excited to fill in more pieces of the Scot puzzle!
From: Scot
Nov 28, 2012 10:22 pm
To: Sassy
Re: Lunch details
Hey S,
GREAT. Looking forward to it. I’ll see you at 12:30 tomorrow.
Remember, I have a BIG briefcase. That’s because I live on the T, and I sometimes need to carry a lot of student papers around. Tomorrow, it will be full of sub-literate essays submitted by the students in my class. Also, my hair is a bit longer than in my AM profile. Look for the tall guy with the beard and the blond ‘fro.