More periods

Here’s more in the conversation with “The Pest” aka “The Man with too many periods.”  If you missed the first part go here.

Asking him #1’s questions slowed him down a bit, thank goodness.  I can only take so many periods in a day!  It took him two days to answer this time.  He did make the switch to my Yahoo email!  

Fri Nov 23 12:01:56 2012
To: Sassy’s Yahoo address
…..Sassy…… answer your questions…..First let me tell you ,I love big women and also those with an edge you………….I don’t want to make love to a pretzel stick with a dress on !!!…….Ques #1..looking for someone that really wants to be made to feel like a real woman,has great stamina,loves to try many positions etc……..Ques#2….rock and roll………Ques#3…great butt and big puppies ………Ques#5…Tina Turner……..Ques#6…..15 yrs old…………Now for the good stuff…..I will saturate you with foreplay until you beg me to make love to you ………I will tease you ,inch by inch,a little in ,a little out,etc………….I have been told that I have great equipment and know how to use it . A quote from a lady ‘you are blessed with what you have’…… pleasure is to please women and would enjoy getting to really ‘know you’…… e-mail is [redacted]………….Hope to hear from you……..Best………Rob
Never seen breasts called puppies before.  He meant tits, right?

He didn’t tell me any stories.  Those questions are supposed to give a guy a chance to tell me stories.  Ah, well.  

I did adore this part “I love big women and also those with an edge you………….I don’t want to make love to a pretzel stick with a dress on !!!”
Oh my… an AOL email address?  Really?  I haven’t seen one of those since… I don’t know when!

From: Sassy
Fri Nov 23 13:03:31 2012

Well, well… hello to you, Rob!  Thanks for switching to email.  Though I haven’t seen an aol address in a long time… wow.  I see you survived Thanksgiving and are back to your frisky self today.  I appreciate you playing along to answer the questions – very interesting!  Here are my sassy answers and some comments on yours.  [redacted – find them under emails to #1 here]
Any questions you want to ask me?  Be bold.

Sat Nov 24 09:37:05 2012
To: Sassy’s Yahoo address
……Sassy…………..I’M not sure how bold you want me to be in an e-mail ,but here goes and if I overstep ,please let me know and I will apologize…………Qoestions for you………which do you prefer,pussy eating,tit sucking,positions for fucking?……..I like all of these ,especially doggy style…..        I really want to lick you all over and make you cum many,many  times……….these e-mails are good but I want to see you ….over a coffee or whatever…..we should make plans to have our own special Xmas …private  !!!!……Are you ready for this? I am but can wait if you’re not ………….PS….I’ll bet you can’t take me all the way in your mouth ……………….love to hear your thoughts on this stuff…………Best ………Rob
I don’t know about you, but I find it almost impossible to read these messages and take them seriously. But he is so earnest.  I will give him another chance and keep writing.

3 thoughts on “More periods

  1. Lol. I got a good chuckle out of this. Makes me miss AM ……just a little. Hearing the phrase “I have lots of stamina” lol, I got so tired of. Can’t wait to see how this one turns oit.

  2. GoodWill says:

    Damn, and I thought *I* overused periods!! Lol…

  3. Simplicity says:

    Ok-i know i overuse ellipses but that’s just ridiculous.

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