Saturday, November 17, 2012
7:47am Phil
You doing OK Sass? Gotta say I have had the worst consecutive two weeks I can ever remember. Just run down and out of gas. Fighting for your reputation is such bullshit. Makes me want to go work in a bar. I seriously don’t ever want to be in charge of anything other than my TV again.
I hope you have a relaxing Saturday. Free your mind girl.
You’re writing exactly what I think. Freaky. Just when I feel so down, there you are to help. Wow.
I too can’t recall such crap. I’m getting it from 3 directions – health, icky selfish men, and work.
Weighing staying to fight vs focusing on job search. Both gross. ugh.
Trying three things – praying, counting my blessings and doing things for others. Something has to get better soon, right?