From: Rick
To: Sassy
Subject: Pics?
Nov 6, 2012
Hey, Sassy! You’ve got me thinking…is there any way you can escape Miss Demure to share some more lovely photos? I know you enjoy sharing as much as I enjoy receiving.
To: Rick
From: Sassy
Subject: Sassy Slice
Nov 6, 2012
Rick! Sisters for you… enjoy!
[I sent him a photo of my naked chest that I am just too shy to share here! Sorry!]
Subject: Wednesday hello
From: Rick
To: Sassy
Nov 7, 2012
Hi Sassy!
Just a short hello on this blustery Wednesday. Hope your day is great.
What is this that you mentioned about your ‘evil admin’ being gone?
Take care, say hi when you can, and I’d enjoy hearing both random mundane thoughts as well as any racy, titillating ideas.
Date: Wed, 7 Nov 2012 08:09:08 -0800
From: Sassy
Subject: Re: Wednesday hello
To: Rick
Hi Rick!
There’s a Nor’easter coming and I have two doctors appointments today and I am still smiling! Thanks to certain election results and you! So relieved that I don’t have to hear another political commercial for a long while!
What are you thinking this morning?! Other than about my body… which is a very very wonderful thought. What lady thing is covering your man parts today?
For two years I suffered with an evil assistant. I have worked with and around all manner of people in my life, and always been able to find a way to deal with them or help them improve. This one was just… mean. The worst kind of tattle tale, back-stabbing, unpleasant person. Toxic. Made me worry for my job. When she couldn’t find tiny infractions to report people, she made stuff up! But now she is GONE. She took a “much better job” at another part of my workplace and with any luck, all of us will live happily ever after. 🙂 But in the short-term, I have to do parts of her work and deal with hiring and supervising a temp and whee!
Were you studying last night?
I had a wild night in chat helping a guy think differently about being jealous of his lady sleeping with her husband, and propositioned a guy who was alone in a hotel room waiting for his married lady. He kindly turned me down. and I had a very hot phone discussion with an AM guy. Whee! Had to do something to avoid the election results! And not pester you…
I’m off to the doctor this afternoon… getting much needed PT for my miserable foot and seeing an endocrinologist for new blood sugar lowering ideas. Yippee.
Hope you have a great day!
RE: Wednesday hello
From: Rick
To: Sassy
Nov 7, 2012
Thanks for the nice long note! Great to hear from you on all of these topics.
I won’t miss the election ads at all, either. Too many falsifications. I voted for Obama as well, so I am happy. I hope he fulfills my expectations in this next term.
Sorry to hear that you’ve suffered at work with someone like that, and happy that she is gone. I hate when having to deal with someone toxic. Too much unnecessary work, and just painful for all involved. Especially when you know that your boss is believing what he/she says, and that it just isn’t true, so you watch this person be misled.
Funny on your wild chat night! Enjoy those safe activities; it will let Miss Demure allow Sassy some time out to play.
Your foot is still bothering you? Too bad you haven’t met a guy with a foot fetish; he’d love tending to it.
Last night I was working on two classes – meeting with my group, doing some reading, doing some online discussion contributions. It does make for a long night, getting home so late from my commute. Only 5 weeks left, with a Thanksgiving break, for the long winter break. I’ll push through it, expecting excellence!
Today I am wearing Vanity Fair illuminations; high cut, small white print on dark blue background. I forget the name of the print. Not overly feminine, but still panties so I guess that alone makes them pretty feminine! Too bad you aren’t close by so you could see for yourself what they look like, and how much I can stretch out the front. 🙂
Maybe you’d be up for a drive on Monday, if I end up in the home office? That could be nice. You could feel safe with no expectations, and it could be just a quiet time for Rick and Miss Demure to sit and talk. No expectations of anything else, but the sexual tension could be fun.
What are you wearing today? Tell me your entire outfit, from the inside out. I want to be able to picture it in my mind. What I’d also enjoy seeing is a pic of you in your work outfit; not a sexy pic; so I can see what you look like on an average day.
From: Rick
To: Sassy
Nov 7, 2012
Subject: re: Wednesday hello
Hi. I was asking about next Monday…I meant Friday, seeing I will be at a client on Monday, but then I remembered that you have work on Friday. So, that would bring it back to Monday, if you’d be up for a drive and meeting up for lunch. I couldn’t be out too long, and it would just be food and talk, but I can offer that. I’d enjoy seeing you again.
Date: Fri, 9 Nov 2012 16:24:52 -0800
From: Sassy
Subject: Big options
To: Rick
Hiya! Hope you had a great Friday. I had another wild day at work helping a new temp get started.
Have you seen this intimates site? It has quite the selection for larger ladies, and perhaps interested gentleman? Here’s a page I found interesting. They also have pretty panties.,bras,66,001,10.html
From: Rick
Nov 9, 2012
To: Sassy
Subject: re: Big options
I was looking at that site last night!
I like this one, and others like it. Sexy and satiny, and colorful:
another one:
another one:
There are pretty options on Lady Grace as well, for a woman of your lovely size.