So… AM #1 is gone. I woke up the next morning filled with a new spirit. I am not going to let him ruin this experiment! Onward and upward!
Friday I decided to write to two guys who “winked” me. People told me to ignore winks – if the guy couldn’t be bothered to spend credits on me then forget him. But there was something about each profile that caught my eye. They both wrote right back, shared more about themselves.
The Professor
“Scot” sent me a brief message and the “key” to unlock his photos on the site. There were four photos! He says he’s 6′ 2″ 195 pounds and in his late 40’s, a professor who went to Yale! Wow! He’s got a great smile, graying, fit… I wrote back and asked a few questions. I didn’t hear back from him right away but it is common to not hear over a weekend.
The Lawyer
“Tom” wrote to say he’s a lawyer in downtown Boston. His profile lists him as tall 6″2, and thin 200 pounds, in his 50s. Hmmm…. I had a hunch and told him in a cagey way that I worked for a large law firm but have been gone 10 years and not kept in touch and don’t work with lawyers now, but he might have known me as the demure lady down the hall if he worked there (and I added something that only a person who worked at my prior employer would know).
He wrote back saying “sounds like you might have worked at the same place?? if so, no worries– I will admit to having worked there, but it was long, long ago (think late 70s!!) and I seriously doubt whether our paths have crossed. even so, I can keep a secret….and if you were that demure lady, I probably fantasized about you anyway!!” That probably means he went to Harvard (as they had not started their affirmative action plan – letting in Yalies and other Ivy League law schools) until about the time I arrived in the mid 80s.
Two Ivy Leaguers right off the bat. Wow! Who knew smart men would find me?! Woot!
Make ’em work for it though. That Ivy League degree doesn’t mean much outside the Country Club!