Opening Ceremony

Friday, July 27, 2012
Good morning! Starting off w/ scary heat pump leak, hoping it gets better!  Hope you have a fabulous Friday! 
11:50am Phil
Thank you. So far so good. Hope the leak gets fixed. Have a great Friday!
HVAC folks on the way, praying it’s easy, cheap fix.  Figures this happens day Hubby’s project starts…whee!  What’re you up to?
Meetings all day.
Burrito for dinner and watching the Olympics tonight
Ooh!  Wish I could watch but I get to keep Hubby sane, so that’ll be different!  Enjoy!
You are a brat.   Go Red Sox!
Favor – if you’re watching as NBC shows lighting the Olympic flame, please text the name and some indication of why, like “famous runner”?  Thanks! 
Sure! I’ll be watching the entire event
Thanks!  I wish I could!
A pal was at the dress rehearsal in London and said it is spectacular!
Hiya, kid.  Hope you enjoyed the Olympics.
Hubby’s project had biggest audience ever!  Great performances.
Saw a bunch of nice folks.  Fun evening.
1:58 am Phil
Still watching. Waiting for US to enter.
Sounds like a great project!
Exhausted but determined to see the end.
1:59 am
Wow! Seeing good stuff?
2:05 am Phil
Americans just coming in.
Brits now
2:09 am
Yay USA! Hooray UK!
I have to sleep.. 10 am project meting.
Don’t think about my mouth on you.  Nite, kid.
2:39 am Phil

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