In between tits

Saturday, May 12

Good morning! Clear!  Might hit 80!  Yay!  Off to work on a project event all day and night. Whee! Have an amazing Saturday!
Finally home… survived this long day and supper in between with a friend from CT.  Whee!  Hope you had a great day!
Your thought for tonight is my breasts with your lubed cock sliding between them… heading into my mouth to be sucked.

6 thoughts on “In between tits

  1. Red Shoes says:

    Now THAT looks like a great deal of fun!!!

    Just sayin’… ;oD


  2. Max says:

    Great deal of fun…yes indeed! 🙂

  3. Sassy G.. I’m struggling to divert my mind off lubed cock sliding between your ample breast.. headed toward a warm and willing receptacle.. (Thats a normal reaction right?)

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