Saturday, April 14
8:48am Phil
oh thats right! Big run. Had dinner at noodle bar. Spicy boulibase, don’t believe I got that spelled right. Was delicious though and fairly light but probably loaded with sodium. Have to hit it hard in the gym today. Your chinese looked good. Nothing I could eat though. sucky part of watching what you eat is you only get to watch other people eat the good stuff.
Good morning! Gorgeous 62! Sorry to mention food when you’re trying to be good. Most places here have great lite dishes, listed as such. I’ll send you something better to look at…
11:06 am Something good to eat? [sexted a photo of my naked chest]
11:13 am Phil: I love it! In a crowded gym and opened that with a guy standing over my shoulder!
11:13 am Oops! Tell him wrong number! 🙂
11:15 am You should know what a text is likely to have… did he see?!
11:16 am Phil: oh yeah, he saw 🙂
11:17 am What did you SAY???
11:19 am Phil: my buddy from Boston. He said, you got nice friends
11:28 am Phil: I said, why yes I do!
11:38 am Yikes!
11:39 am Tell me this guy is Discreet…
11:42 am Phil: don’t know him so who knows
11:50 am Phil: his reaction was funny. Was trying not to look and then decided fuck it and just stared
11:59 am You don’t know him? Eeep. Does he think I have nice tits?
12:06 pm Phil: apparently
12:40 pm Ha ha. You are too funny!
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Well… that was an interesting morning!
Check out this baby dragon with his baby bottle…
Doesn’t look like that worked… will share on my wall.
Awwww… this is such a cute baby. Reminds me of certain hot food denizens!
A cute little dragon’s baby bottle.