Blog Chain: Holiday Sex

Hello Readers!

It’s time for a brief break from the Philip & Sassy Long Distance Romance for the seventh round of Prowling With Kat‘s Blog Chain, a delightful monthly exercise in posting on the same topic with a bunch of sexy bloggers.  For December we are posting about “Holiday Sex.”

I am whole and cancer-free now, but two years ago, I was staring 8 months of cancer treatments in the face, prepping for surgery in late December, chemo February-May and daily radiation treatments over the entire summer.  I didn’t know what all that would mean.  I was taking it one day at a time, trying not to freak out over the what-ifs… but wishing for a way to stop thinking about it for a little while.

I told Philip he could go away… he had not signed up to deal with a lady with cancer.  He made it clear he was with me for the long haul one night that December by coming to see me!  He asked me what I wanted for Christmas, and I replied, “You.”  I got my wish!  Read the seven posts about our second visit starting here or go straight to the sexy part here.  We only had eight hours together but it was the best Christmas present I’ve ever gotten!

Also, please go read the other smoking hot entries of this month’s Blog Chain!  Marvel at bloggers taking off in different directions from the same starting point!  Leave comments!   Find new blogs to read!  Enjoy! 

If you missed the other monthly entries, pop over to the blog chain posts for 

Many thanks to Kat and Ryan from The Ashley Madison Adventures of a Regular Guy Gone Bad for their work!  Be sure to read their blogs!  You’ll be glad you did.  Consider adding them and all the chain bloggers to your blog roll so you won’t miss a post.  

BLOGGERS!  Please join in with your own sexy entry next month when the topic is “The Super Bowl of Sex (best sex ever)!  Kat makes hopping on the blog chain gang easy and fun.  Here’s how it works


2 thoughts on “Blog Chain: Holiday Sex

  1. Thanks for the plug and those were some great posts you guess got a lot of bang for that quick trip!

    I remember all your planning, can we say ENTJ.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Thanks for the great links!

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