Special man

Sunday, December 4, 2011
Phil: Yeah that Mark Harmon. Just finished my workout, now for some house cleaning, whip up some food and then off to the bigwig’s for his Holiday open house and to hear the band play their Christmas concert and then football. Gotta tape the games and then have friends coming over to eat and watch. Enjoy your day! 
I have the worst urge to call you!  I am filled with questions about all your fun.  Say more about Mark Harmon?  Was it like he spoke at a big dinner or something smaller?  Did you get to actually talk to him?  What was your impression?  You are so lucky!  How was the football? 
I had a very productive Saturday – met project people, then gas and groceries, cooked a chicken with wild rice stuffing, spinach soufflé, green bean casserole, mashed potatoes and gravy!  The evening went to figuring out my new computer and cleaning up the little messes that the transfer over from the dead one made.
Today I got a lot of chores done around here and in between?  Well, I got lost in sex blogs. Can’t believe how many there are! Learning a lot.  But Philip? None of them are as hot as you.  I mean it.  They give me ideas that could keep things interesting, but what you write and my memories are much hotter.  I don’t understand the chemistry we have, but the more I read the more I know how rare it is…you are a very special man! 

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