Saturday, July 30
8:06 am
Good morning! 73 gorgeous start! Feeling productive – already started laundry, counted money from Thurs. event. Breast hurts but ignoring it! Ha! Off to shower and bank! Hope the concert rocked. Have a great day!
2:30 pm
Mom took me out for an Italian lunch at a new place in Lexington. Overpriced, poor service, but edible. Won’t go back!
8:06 am
Good morning! 73 gorgeous start! Feeling productive – already started laundry, counted money from Thurs. event. Breast hurts but ignoring it! Ha! Off to shower and bank! Hope the concert rocked. Have a great day!
2:30 pm
Mom took me out for an Italian lunch at a new place in Lexington. Overpriced, poor service, but edible. Won’t go back!
That seems heavy for brunch. I think I would just go with a cannoli and a cappuccino.
Mom took lots home – she adores leftovers for lunches. She says it often tastes better the next day! Thanks for stopping by!
That was a lot of food – but the pictures look good. I do hate when you try a place and the service sucks on top of being over priced.
I’m always searching for good, fast and cheap eats. If one isn’t right, I may give them another chance, but more than that it goes on my “no thanks!” list! Thanks for stopping by!