Thai treat

Thursday, July 28
7:33 am 
Good morning! 70, looks perfect out. Busy day – zap #28, work w/ all staff mtg, then a project event tonite. Whee! Hope your Thursday is thoroughly great!

5:30 pm Tried a new Thai place.  Yum.

6:56 pm 
At the event – setting up. Hope you’re having a great evening!
11:28 pm 
Wow! What a night! Great event. Saw lots of kissing. Reminded me of… you know.
Sweet dreams kid.

4 thoughts on “Thai treat

  1. Advizor54 says:

    I love Thai food.
    I especially like to be Thaied up and have my noodles eaten. LOL (OK, that was an awful joke, but it made me laugh)

  2. Yes you would go for the Creamof-Sumyung-guy SassyG. It’s very good for your skin I’ve heard.
    On a more tasty note, from my perspective.. Does the restaurant serve SomTam? This is the sign of a good thai food outlet. If you haven’t tried it.. get yourself some.

  3. Creamof-Sumyung-guy? LOL!

    Oh yes… SomTam = Yum! A pal taught English in Bangkok and came home singing the praises of that dish, so I’ve started ordering it a lot. Especially good for a cool treat on a hot summer night.

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