Saturday, June 25
12:10 pm Good morning! Another gray day 50s day. Off to take Mom out for lunch. Hope you’re having a nice day.
2:00 pm Mom took me out for a fancy lunch! Baked stuffed schrod and rice pilaf!
8:03 pm There’s an old joke about two ladies talking, “I went to Boston and got schrod,” one says. “Oooh! I didn’t know it had a pluperfect tense!” the other exclaims.
8:27 pm Phil: What the hell is a pluperfect tense?
11:49 pm Hey kid. Hope you had a grand day. I did! Sweet dreams.
1:13 am Phil: Had a great day with friends. Sweet dreams.
I don’t know what the hell pluperfect tense is but I do know us guys used to use schrod as a descriptor for our dick. 🙂
Does it have something to do with that.
Everything has something to do with a man’s second head in one way or another, so far as I can tell.