Hello Readers!
We interrupt our regularly scheduled sexy Sassy and Phil posts with this breaking news bulletin!
Big news! Sassy is joining the chain gang! No… not with a bunch of prisoners, but a blog chain!
It always make my day to get email from bloggers, but a message from the handsome, talented and obtuse Ryan Beaumont from The Ashley Madison Adventures of A Regular Guy Gone Bad is something special! He invited me to participate in Prowling With Kat‘s Blog Chain, a fun exercise in posting monthly on the same topic with a bunch of bloggers. It’s a fun way to see what bloggers with different styles post on a topic, and show us new blogs to read! Yay! I feel like one of the cool kids!
It set off a creative frenzy – I wrote several posts about my past I’ve been meaning to pull together, and about my 6-month blogiversary in less than two hours! Whee!
The first blog chain post went up today about “Firsts,” and there will be a new topic each month on the 10th! Many thanks to Kat and Ryan for their work on this project! If you haven’t read their blogs, go the beginning and read every post! Amazing sexy stories! And advice! And consider adding them and all the chain posters to your blog roll so you won’t miss a post. And if you blog, join in with your own ideas!
Click here to see what this project is all about and leave juicy comments. Enjoy!
Glad you joined and of course I had already read about your first through #100th time and enjoyed. Looking forward to your post next month.