Tuesday, May 24, 2011
8:19 am Good morning! Warmer 66 now, 78 later. My hair is growing! Have fun!
8:38 am Phil: Morning, gonna be a hot one. Bright and sunny. Off to check on the pool, a workout and lunch with a friend. Hair growing is wonderful!
9:19 am So glad you’re having good weather! Quiet day in the office. Not a single appt on the calendar for the entire staff. Hope to get ahead a bit.
10:33 am Any big news from your kids? I know it’s not possible, but I wish we could have a drink w/ them, hear their stories, so I’d see how they are like you or different. A co-worker who’s leaving brought her mom from Phoenix to meet me yesterday – so neat to see her!
8:58 pm Did you see NCIS finale? Just watched it online. Nice shots of D.C.
10:19 pm Hope you had a great day. Sweet dreams, kid.