Remembering his dad Part 1

Saturday sights
Between Phil and You
March 12 at 8:03am
Good morning! Sunny start – headed to the 50’s! Being industrious – cleaning, laundry etc. and posting kitty pics! Off to see Mom. Have a good Saturday, Philip.

Phil March 12 at 9:05am
You too! I am also cleaning, catching up at the office. Gonna be a good day! In the 40s here!
March 12 at 8:04pm
Hung w/ Mom, got her out – gassed and washed her car, grocery & shoe shopping, lunch, introduced to her grandcats! They charmed her. 🙂 So nice to be able to do things with her again!

Springing ahead Sunday
Between Phil and You
March 13 at 9:50am
Good morning! 46 already! Strangely busy in the lot for Sunday, must be a sale across the street. Have a smooth Sunday. Change all those clocks. 🙂
Phil March 13 at 9:53am
Gorgeous sunny day here. Having coffee watching the sun come up over the lake. Very productive day yesterday. Hopping for more of the same today! Have a great day! It’s almost time for baseball! That means footballs coming!

Phil March 13 at 9:53am
I love sales, was just at once. Not yours of course but cool store.

March 13 at 11:34am
My older sister is a huge shopper. She has that luck, finding great stuff for cheap. This probably won’t surprise you, but that store over there is 5 years old, and I’ve been there twice. When I say shopping is not my thing, I mean it. But if you were going, I’d tag along. 🙂
March 13 at 12:55pm
Sis is telling me about dinner at a steak house last night, Coach Grill in Wayland – she ordered lobster bisque and they brought two bowls – one lobster meat and one soup, and mixed them. Have you seen that? I haven’t. Drool.
Phil March 13 at 2:29pm
No! Wow! That sounds good. Had lobster bisque the other day. Had lots of lobster in it but all mixed. Sounds awesome!
Phil March 13 at 2:31pm
I don’t mind shopping.  Got a nice corned beef brisket, baby red potatoes and cabbage for St Pattys day. Green beer too!

March 13 at 2:53pm
March 13 at 4:45pm
Off to monthly project meeting, then eat w/ that gang. Nothing big on the agenda, which always make me wonder what trouble we’ll get into. Later, kid. Have a good evening.
March 13 at 10:45pm
Had easy meeting, nice dinner out at a new place. First real meal this week – such a relief to be able to eat again! Hope you had a nice evening, too. Sleep well, sweet man.
Phil March 13 at 11:18pm
Got a ton done. Good day. Relaxing. Ready for another week. Glad you feel better.

Phil March 14 at 5:59am
Dad passed away this morning. Harder than I thought it would be. Heading home soon. I know you know this but this sucks.

Phil March 14 at 8:12am
Oh, Philip. I am so sorry. I will be praying very hard for you, for your Mother and your entire family… traveling mercies and patience and strength.
Phil March 14 at 8:18am
Thanks Sassy. Just feel empty. I appreciate it.
March 14 at 8:34am
In some ways I know exactly how much this sucks. But you are different, so I won’t assume I know what you’re feeling. Tell me and I’ll help. I have advice, what people said that helped. Lean on me.
March 14 at 8:40am
#1 take care of your Mom. Ask her opinion and try to do what she wants. #2 Cut yourself and others LOTS of slack. People will say and do stupid things. Take lots of deep breaths.
Phil March 14 at 8:42am
Got it. Spoke with one of my dearest friends. Made things much better.

March 14 at 9:40am
So glad to hear it. #3 is enjoy your family and friends. I was so strengthened by their stories and presence. You driving or flying?
Phil March 14 at 10:15am
Driving. Going to enjoy all of the above
March 14 at 11:29am
I hope the road is rolling along. Thinking of you. Wishing I could do more…carry some of the burden for you. and boggling at how freakishly parallel our lives are. Is someone there making progress on the details or are you going to do a lot of it?
Phil March 14 at 11:40am
Brother is working it now.

March 14 at 11:45am
Cool. People will help him. That’s another lesson… let the funeral people help. They know the most efficient way in most cases. Is Sally with you?
Phil March 14 at 12:06pm
Have not left yet but she will be

March 14 at 1:01pm
Good that you won’t be alone. Safer. I had a hard time letting people help, but they’re glad to. Farm out tasks if you possibly figure out who/what. Think “Can someone else do it?” We let them bring food, pick up at the airport, pick up Mom, clean her house – you have a big family – use them! And don’t be afraid to whine at me or ask me anything.
March 14 at 1:34pm
Enough advice? Might be time to talk football. 🙁
Phil March 14 at 2:05pm
Appreciate it. Everything helps.
March 14 at 2:54pm
I was numb the first day. Tried to get tasks done and keep the family talking. That gave way to excited to see people, why it was good that it happened now, that the suffering was over etc. and then people started telling stories about dad, some I’d never heard, so that helped. Hope that phase comes and soon.
March 14 at 2:55pm
One of my co-workers just bought an iPad2 and let me hold it. They are wicked nice.
Phil March 14 at 3:03pm
Oh yeah, I have the original
March 14 at 5:26pm
I’m off to another project meeting, the first gathering of the new team for a different event. Thinking of you, sending energy… or whatever. 🙂
March 14 at 7:49pm
Done with my meeting. Nice bunch of people. Waiting for thai take-out, usual soup, satay and pad thai.
March 14 at 10:57pm
You stopping or going through? Hope it’s a smooth trip. Smile at the old home town for me. If you need an ear, call me anytime, day or night. I won’t gloat about the Red Sox beating the Yankees again today. 🙂
Phil  March 15 at 1:32am
You suck
March 15 at 4:31am
You know it. and like it…
Phil March 15 at 4:58am
LOL, as a matter of fact

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