Crazy idea #37
Between Phil and You
December 27 at 5:24am
Hey, kid. Hope your day is off to a good start.
I want to ask a favor. This may be nuts. But… here I go anyway. I couldn’t sleep, so I wrote a short story. Involving a threesome. First time my imagination has gone there. So…
1) Do you want to read it? and tell me what you think? Can I email it to you? Maybe read it the first time with FB chat open, type reactions as you read it? It’s not very long.
2) If you are inspired, will you edit it, add to it, fix it? Give me the benefit of a male perspective and your vast imagination? Or give me ideas of ways to refine it? It’s rough right now, definitely first draft. But I’m stuck.
I know you are busy. But it’s short. If you want to, and there is a time, let me know. Maybe early morning? or late night? If not, I understand. Just… could use your help. Thought it might be fun.
December 27 at 6:53am
Phil Fire away. 19 hours into the trip. Had to do almost all the driving with an annoying noise coming from the passenger seat. Have a great day! Glad to hear you are feeling better.
10:44 am Me: [photo of the parking lot covered in snow.]
White world!
December 27 at 10:46am
Good morning! Hope your drive is going well. It’s a white world here. 28 degrees. Looks like we got about a foot of snow, but with 50 mph winds, it’s blowing! Still snowing lightly…not supposed to get much more. Roads look fine. There is a 30 foot high pile at the base of the lot! Coffee shop and grocery are open. Very quiet out there. Sent you a photo.
December 27 at 10:51am
I can’t believe you started driving yesterday! Eep! Hope the roads weren’t too bad. So sorry to hear about the “annoying noise,” hoped that maybe things would be different. Tell me where you are now and then. Like to follow along.
December 27 at 11:29am
My surgeon called – woke me up about 9:30 am. Mostly good news. But she needs to go back in to snag a tiny bit more. Can do it quickly, under sedation, so no anesthesia, same incision.
Not sure how much you want to hear…Could bcc you on detail email to family, but figure not to, because you have enough to worry about… not keeping secrets. But if you are worrying and details would help, say so. I’m getting lots of support on the cancer front, so I don’t want to burden you with that crap. We have more fun stuff to talk about. 🙂
12:10 pm Phil: [photo of a big pile of snow in a parking lot]
12:10 pm Phil: [photo of a big pile of snow in a parking lot]
1:02 pm Me: Wow, that’s quite a pile! Take care…
December 27 at 1:51pm
Are you there yet? 😉
I cooked! (don’t faint) I made breakfast. At noon. Ham and cheese omelette, English muffins with raspberry jam. OJ. All four food groups! Yum.
December 27 at 4:43pm
Would you read some of my other stories before I show you the rough draft of the new one? Get a better sense of my style. There are four that I think are representative… 3 very short and one longer. They are not high art, but were written awhile ago to get the stories out of my head, to inspire a guy far away who was lonely, as a prompt to get his mind spinning in a good direction and make his body go wild. I itch to edit them now, but they were effective as they were. Maybe they will be a bright spot in your hard days… Don’t open them unless you are alone or have amazing control!
December 27 at 7:23pm
Hiya! Hope your day is ending well. Watching football tonight?
Sent the four stories – The View, The bum, The diner, and The Trade. Hope they warm you up a bit. And you don’t think they’re awful. They should give you an idea of my style. Though they all feel a bit out-of-date. And unfinished. Trying not to be nervous about you reading them… if you have time to comment, that’s fine. If not, just consider them background reading.
Reading them inspired me to try again on current one, “The Flat Tire” so I will wait a little to send that. See if I can make it 2nd draft material before I show it to you. At least I’ve graduated to a three-word title. 🙂
December 27 at 10:49pm
Hiya, kid. Hope you’re having a good evening. Quiet time here. Did some more writing – sent you the latest draft of the tire story. Help! 🙂
10:55 pm Me: Email bouncing… New address?
December 27 at 11:43pm
Last story bounced… said you aren’t a customer anymore. Figures, with you moving…. send new address? Headed to bed… sleep well, sweet man. Stay warm.
Tuesday, December 28
7:29 am Me: [photo of the parking lot the day after the big snow.]
The morning after
Tuesday tubes
Between Phil and You
December 28 at 7:42am
Good morning! I hope your day is off to a great start. Another gorgeous sunrise. Very cold and clear here – 20 degrees – and windy. Brrr…. Quiet in the lot. They got it cleaned up quickly. Have a wonderful day!
8:52 am Phil: Looking better. Need a new email address. I never even thought about that.
Phil December 28 at 9:43am
Been to the gym. Sitting on the floor with a dog on my lap since I have no chairs yet. Gotta go buy are rugs today. Floors are freezing! Have a great one.
10:34 am Me: Whatever server you get, you might want a gmail address, so you don’t have to change it ever. It’s free and they give you huge storage, search features, access via browser. If you need an invite to get it, I have extra.
11:18 am Me: checked, gmail is open access now, just go to and sign-up. It auto-syncs with Android, has great calendar etc
11:43 am Phil: I have a gmail account. Gotta figure out the address
December 28 at 12:41pm
Found a way you can see my stories without using email. Much safer, I think, uploaded as Google Docs. In theory, you click on this URL for first short one, “The view.” Let me know if it works, and I will do them all.
December 28 at 10:10pm
Hey, kid. Hope you had a good one and found nice rugs. Missing you… can it be only been two weeks since our lobsterfest? Call me sometime? Would love to hear your voice. Weird day here. Hubby was in a a complete funk. Sucked. Hope tomorrow is better.
Phil December 28 at 10:59pm
Got great rugs, had a good day. Shoveled snow, threw salt down, chipped ice, had a nice Italian dinner, sipping scotch by the fire now. Winding down.
December 28 at 11:04pm
Ah, what a picture you paint… Fire, scotch, handsome fella… I’m tucked in bed, but not sleepy… Listening to mushy music. Sleep well, sweet man.