Breakfast and lunch

Food for thought
Between Phil and You
October 28 at 6:16am
Good morning! Hope your Thursday is off to a super start. It’s still quiet and dark here… mostly clear with the last clouds speeding away to the north… warm morning, 61! The lights of the city twinkle like the Emerald City of Oz.
Phil October 28 at 9:28am
Wow! I have been buried in spread sheets all morning. UgHhhhhh

October 28 at 11:08am
Ah, spreadsheets. I adore them but they can get to be too much. I hope you unearth yourself soon. 🙂
October 28 at 11:14am
Tell me what you usually eat for breakfast and lunch? I need some new ideas.
Phil October 28 at 11:31am
Oatmeal, yogurt, banana, high fiber cereal with skim milk for breakfast. Very often just coffee. Just one of the above.

Lunch, fruit or turkey sandwich on wheat or grain bread, any veggies I like. I often forget to eat until evening. Have had nothing today, going to fast to eat, maybe later. Try to suck down 5 or 6 glasses of water.

October 28 at 11:41am
I should’ve taken today off! Feels like a Monday! Arrgh!
No work to do at the office, and my phone and FB and email are jumping with questions about my local project. It’s bizarre how much I do on something I’m “not working on.” But it’s great to use my experience to calm them when they’re in panic mode. 
And my sister is melting down because her husband was supposed to be home from his trip at 11:15 am, but his flight got canceled and he won’t get in until 7 pm… after a week alone with my niece she is fried. They share taking care of her more than any couple I’ve ever seen, so it’s tough when one of them is away. I tried to buck her up with a funny video. Whee!
October 28 at 1:03pm
Thanks for the food ideas! That’s actually food I might eat. Wow! that rarely happens when I ask people. Shouldn’t be surprised that your answers make so much sense to me, but I still am.
Philip? Please, please don’t forget to eat. Don’t sabotage yourself. You know it’s bad for you… makes you less effective. And makes everyone else stupid. Give your brain and body something to run on. Really. Find an energy bar or something to put in your desk or your backpack that you can snarf on the run. Please. If not for you, then for me. Think of me smiling at you or whatever else works to get you to eat. Early every day. And middle of the day. Please?
October 28 at 3:29pm keeps telling me that someone signed my guest book on August 18th. 🙂

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