That night in Mexico

He pinged me for a Facebook chat about 10:15 pm.  It was so hot, I forgot to make a record of it.  ARRGH! How could I not record it?  But it was a sign of how high he took me… Use your imagination on this one, but here are a few details. 

He asked me what was the wildest thing I had ever done sexually?  I usually balk at telling a prospective lover about the men in my past.  I’m not sure why, but I didn’t hesitate to tell him the story about the night long ago in Mexico at the disco when I was a wild and crazy 25 year-old.  My female friend and I were picked up by a couple of British soldiers.  
He listened to the first part of the story and said that he could totally see himself in that situation.  And so could I.  Role play!  He wove his reactions into my story, taking the place of the older soldier who was keeping the young kid out of trouble.  The guy who ended up in a hotel bed with me.  While the young kid was in the next bed with my friend.  And then we were all in the same bed together.  FOURSOME!  He was embellishing my story to make it better for me.  It made so much sense to me that I can’t remember the real story, only the version with him in it.  He took the hottest night of my life before he found me, and made it even hotter.  
Here’s how my story started: 
On our second night in a tropical paradise, Eleanor and I hopped a taxi to the disco attached to one of the fancy hotels on the water.  We made quite a pair – I was a tall, thin, busty woman with waist-length dark hair and a big smile.  She was a tall, thin, busty woman with long blond hair and a big smile.  We were waiting in line to get in when a couple of guys approached us and asked us to take them inside with us.  The bouncers weren’t allowing men into the club unless they were accompanying women.  They were cute and polite, well-dressed and clean shaven, said they’d buy us a drink, so we agreed.  
It turned out they were British soldiers.  Ricky was short, blond and cute in a baby-faced Brad Pitt “Thelma and Louise” way.  He had that wild and crazy look to him.  Fraser was taller, more handsome and quiet in a calm Kevin Costner “No Way Out” way.  His commander had assigned him to stick to Ricky, keep him out of trouble.  
Ricky and Eleanor dove onto the dance floor.  Fraser asked if I wanted to dance and I said I’d rather sit for a few minutes.  It was crowded, but we found a table overlooking the dance floor, ordered Cokes and took in the scene, chatting about our work.  It didn’t matter what he said, I loved his British accent!  During a break after a couple of dances, Ricky came over and whispered something in his ear, slapping a huge peso note on the table.  He looked uncomfortable.
“What did he say?” I asked.  Fraser blushed, looking unsure whether to tell me.  Then he leaned very close and whispered in my ear, nodding toward the money.
“I can have that if I can get my tongue down your throat in the next 30 seconds,” he answered sheepishly.  He shrugged, then smiled.  I smiled back. Ricky and Eleanor watched intently from the middle of the dance floor.   
“Go for it,” I told him.  He put his palm on my cheek and kissed me very softly on the lips.  Then he wove his fingers into my hair at the back of my neck, twisted his head and stuck his tongue down my throat, making quite a show of it so the couple watching would have no question that he had succeeded.  I didn’t respond, just let him win the bet.  He kissed me on the cheek, then sat back grinning, and gave Ricky a thumbs-up while pocketing the pesos.  Ricky came rushing over, gave him a high-five, then skipped back to the dance floor and grabbed Eleanor for a long kiss.  
Fraser took my hand and said, “Thank you.  I appreciate it.  I don’t usually give in to his antics, but I wanted to do it myself,” he admitted.  I smiled and squeezed his hand while the speakers blared Aretha Franklin belting out her latest dance tune “Who’s Zoomin’ Who?” 
and when the back-up singers got to those words… there was a power failure!  No lights, no air moving.  Silence.  Ricky and Eleanor made their way to our table.  And the lights came back on.  
“Let’s get outta here,” Ricky suggested.  Fraser nodded.  He took my hand and led us out through the crowd and the others followed. 

Tune in tomorrow when I tell Phil what our chat did to me.  

Tuesday talking

Scandalous status update
Between Phil and You
August 31 at 1:19am
Wondering if I should write in my status field “Sassy just helped one guy 600 miles away shoot his wad via FB chat with her husband reading in the chair next to her desk.” 😉
My sister said my new glasses make me look like a superhero in disguise… Wonder Sass, Super Sass, Mega Sass! I certainly feel pretty powerful right now. Wheee!

Phil August 31 at 7:28am
Good morning. Gorgeous morning! Have a great day! Glad to see your status does not say that! Had to check real quick 🙂
August 31 at 7:37am
Good morning! It is a beautiful morning…day 3 of the heat wave. Certainly has been strangely hot recently…*fans face*
Phil August 31 at 7:46am
LOL, slept well last night. Can’t imagine why. Drank a ton of water, had to replace all that fluid 🙂
August 31 at 8:02am
So glad to hear you slept well. 🙂
Our sandbox is on my mind. An interesting concept. It reminds me of being an aunt. My sister has this great child. She isn’t mine. I can’t live with her or control much of what happens with her. And I miss a lot of her best moments. But I don’t have to deal with the bad moments or wash her socks. I can swoop in every now and then and spoil her.
Similar concept with us…not real life…no socks to wash…no special moments at holidays…no day-to-day…no “take out the garbage!”…just the sandbox where we can play and talk and spoil each other. Our own island, maybe…for a more grown-up phrase. You don’t have to or get to deal with me all the time, so we are free to tackle life deepest moments…but not free in other ways. Very special to each other…And what we do there can make our lives better, give us a release, fill certain needs, teach each other stuff, gather strength for the rest of life…and memories. Does that make any sense?
Off to the shower…
Phil August 31 at 10:28am
Who knows. Conventional wisdom says all this other stuff. Last night was exciting and fun. Having a confidant, someone to share things with is cool. I am enjoying whatever us is. Nothing wrong with that. Off to the gym with me. Time to sweat.
August 31 at 2:07pm
Eating lunch at my desk…thinking of you. Hoping you are having a good day.
I’m doing the NY Times crossword puzzle. Not good at it, but I try. People in the office do it and we have fun talking about them, and I learn things. Today I learned that Nintendo owns the Seattle Mariners. Probably should’ve known that! They are “easy” on Mondays and get harder all week. I can do Mondays, some Tuesdays, a little Wednesday and not much else. It helps me with “Jeopardy!” when I watch that with my parents.
You said you like your Kindle. What do you like to read? I used to read a lot of books. Now, I try to read a book a year, just to prove that I still can, but I don’t have the patience or time for it.
I will be home alone tonight…definitely from 5:30 to 7…maybe longer. Hubby is going out to dinner.  
Phil August 31 at 2:42pm
I get home around 6 or so. I read mystery kind of stuff. Probably read a book a week. I read on the bike, elliptical or treadmill and that’s an hour a day. Also read while riding the Metro. I don’t do crosswords or any of the other puzzles. I try to devote a few hours a day to some form of exercise. Just back from a 3 mile fast walk. Having dinner with a friend tomorrow and I was not sure where it was so I walked there and back. Now I know. Still have to do push ups and abs and maybe go lift some tonight. Hope to talk to you a little later!

I could not wait to get home from work.  Two minutes after I got in the door, I was at my desk, a bundle of energy, desperate to hear his voice.  I wanted a way to explain to him how I felt. Here’s what I posted to my Facebook wall  

Flashdance Manic music video

To pass the time, I spent a few minutes searching the web for tips on how to talk to a long distance lover on the phone.  Here’s what I gleaned from it: 

Speak slowly, softer, lower – think sultry
Good opening lines:
      I wish you were here
      I was thinking about that time we…
Set the scene so he can picture you – tell him where you are, what you’re wearing, what you’re doing…
It’s okay to say you are wearing a red lace teddy even if you have on sweats
Compliment him…specific things like “your strong shoulders”
If what he is saying turns you on, tell him
Ask what he’d like you to do …make suggestions
    Tell me where to put my hands.
Ask what he is doing
Listen to the words he uses..cock?  dick?  Penis?  And repeat them back to him…
Phrases to say when you can’t think of anything else
            “Tell me more….”
            “Oh!  That feels so good…”
Or don’t say anything at all…breathe…moan…

Not very helpful.  I took a lot of deep breaths.  Practiced my “sultry voice.”  

He called my mobile phone about 6:30 pm.  I was on my back on my bed, listening to him talk.  Such a beautiful voice!  He didn’t talk about sexy stuff… he seemed strangely nervous. I made him laugh and he relaxed a little.  He’s picked up a slight Southern accent.  Oh, what that did to me!  It didn’t matter what he said, I was writhing and twitching but afraid to let on.  We shared random stories from our lives, recipes, memories, asked questions, gave answers, getting used to each other in a new medium.  His voice wrapped around me like an electric blanket… an amazing combination of hot and comforting.  My husband got home about 7:00 pm.  I shut the door to our room, but knew we had to say farewell soon.  He said he’d find me later online and was gone.  I stayed there, running over every word, breathing heavily.  Wondering why we didn’t get to sexier subjects, but deciding it was a good start.  I fell asleep.  I woke up about 10:00 pm and dashed back to my computer.  

Sexy Voice  
Between You and Phil
Phil August 31 at 9:51pm
Was wonderful to hear your sexy voice again. I enjoyed talking to you. Can’t wait for more. Can’t wait to feel your mouth on my cock, your fingers caressing my balls, finger slipping into my ass. Going to be amazing. I want you so bad

Monday night fireworks

August 30, 2010
9:56pm  Me hullo?  Home now.
Ate. Moved. Read your amazing messages…
10:01pm Phil  cool, glad you enjoyed
10:03pm Phil  naked
been thinking about fucking you all day
seems I have been hard all day
get naked and slip a finger into that hot wet pussy
10:06pm Me    You are so cute when you’re horny.
10:07pm Phil  been horny all friggin day
10:08pm Me    Hee hee…good. I feel like I’m on fire…inside.
10:08pm Phil  good, like you hot and wet
10:10pm Me    I was trying to decide which is hotter…thinking about you and me in my bed as teenagers, or you and me now…both pretty hot.
I got an iced chai from Starbucks today and someone tapped me on the shoulder and I turned and for a split second I thought it was you…nearly fainted.
10:11pm Phil we did not know what we were doing back then. I think now is much hotter. We had better bodies then but no clue how to use them
that would have been cool
[he texted me a photo of himself with a huge grin and his cock in his hand]
10:12pm Phil sent you a picture of what I have been playing with
10:20pm Me I can see you with that impish smile
10:20pm Phil wearing that smile now
nothing else but the smile
10:23pm Phil would love to feel your hands gently fondling me, stroking, making me harder and harder
10:23pm Me Thanks for the lollipop
10:23pm Phil would love to feel you licking the lolipop
would you suck me?
10:24pm Me sure
10:24pm Phil ummmm
10:24pm Me good use for my tongue
10:24pm  Phil I’d love to feel your tongue
10:24pm Me flick
10:25pm Phil in my mouth, on my nipples, on my cock, on my balls
10:25pm Me in that spot on your neck…
at the base of your spine
at the back of your knee
10:25pm Phil oh yes,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,oh damn yes, yes, yes
10:26pm Me on your hip
10:26pm Phi I can almost feel it, breathing hard, moving around to give you access
10:27pm Me nipple definitely…lick it. tug it with my teeth.  tweak it
10:27pm Phil I like teeth. no one thinks guys’ nipples are sensitive, what they don’t know
10:30 pm Me so you are hard and hot and naked and a little tipsy?
10:37pm Phil I am hard, hot, horny and naked. Maybe a bit tipsy
10:42pm Me So if I was there…I could…
10:42pm Phil yes?
10:42pm Me fuck your brains out? so to speak?
10:43pm Phil oh yea, fuck me baby, ride my cock and make us both cum
10:43pm Me I was thinking about making a mark on your body…but that would be evil…
10:44pm Phil depends where you made it
10:44pm Me Hee!  Neck is definitely out, I suppose…no turtle necks this time of year!
10:44pm Phil  do you like a tongue in your pussy?
10:44pm Me Yes, please.
10:45pm Phil I want to taste you
10:45pm Me Though I might break your nose…bucking up…sorry…
10:45pm Phil I have a sturdy nose, good for rubbing your clit
10:46pm Me that might be interesting to explain to the E.R. doc…”I hit a door.”
10:46pm Phil for what? buck away! get my tongue right where you want it
10:46pm Me I told elephant jokes to a guy in the elevator at home tonight…
You have me so keyed up I am telling elephant jokes to strange men
10:47pm Phil cool, thinking about me on my knees?
10:47pm Me Yup…in the elevator. Tres risky
10:47pm Phil under your dress, eating your hot sweet pussy
risky is fun too
10:48pm Me oh, yes…my hands in your hair…
10:48pm Phil hands on your ass pulling you close so I can slip my tongue deep inside you
10:48pm Me your hands…ummph…
10:49pm Phil oh yes
10:49pm Me good imageyou may drown…I am so wet.
10:49pm Phil want you to cum on my tongue
i want it all, all those sweet hot juices
I love that you are so wet. 
can’t wait to hear your voice
10:50pm Me So there’s camp, and the bus…are there others?
Might be tomorrow.
10:51pm Phil downstairs at church, in front of the school, the old school
10:51pm Me At Church?  What was I thinking?!
10:52pm Phil yeah, downstairs
10:52pm Me what happened?
10:52pm Phil in the living room at the parsonage
10:52pm Me wait…wait…one at a time…jumping jehusafat…in a Sunday school room?
10:53pm Phil We kissed, i ran my hands over your tits. You would not do anything else down there. Deep hot kisses though
10:53pm Me in the basement…
10:53pm Phil in the basement
10:53pm Me How did I stop you? Why did I stop you?
10:54pm Phil I never pushed you. Knew you were uncomfortable and we went no further
10:54pm Me hunh
10:55pm Phil I sure wanted you. Still do
10:56pm Me Hallelujah
10:56pm Phil wanted you to touch me so bad. I put your hand on my dick once, you didn’t take the offer even though my fingers were buried inside of you
10:57pm Me I think at that point I thought only sluts touched men.  I had no clue…
10:58pm Phil that’s ok. I would never push. Never wanted you to do anything you were not ready for. Wanted you so bad
10:59p Me You were the first one…
I am sort of amazed I was able to do what we did…must have been that chemistry…
When you remembered over the years…did you keep going in your mind? Have me touch you, lick you etc.
11:01pm Phil I never forced it. You did not hesitate to let me touch you everywhere. You had no issues
11:01pm Me Did you know soon after that time that we’d had something special? Or only much later?
I remember wanting to make you happy…
11:02pm Phil I knew then. Was very intense. I always went further in my mind.
11:02pm Me Good
11:02pm Phil you always said you would make me very happy. I did not need that
11:03pm Me Did not need what?
11:05pm Phil Did not need you to be sexual to make me happy. was wonderful but I was happy to just be with you
11:05pm Me You are so sweet…I mean that…it is so rare.
11:08pm Me Did you tell Tommy you’d been talking to me?
11:09pm Phil yeah, he said to say hi if I talked to you again
11:09pm Me Heh. So you didn’t tell him much. Whatever you said is okay
11:10pm Phil no, very conservative, would have asked lots of questions. 
he is very judgemental
11:12pm Me interesting.  Glad you’re the one who found me!
11:13pm Phil yeah, I say that too. He was much more aggressive than I was as a boy. I had sex much later
Me too
11:13pm Me I was really worried that you’d be all “military” and uber-narrow conservative and judgemental
11:14pm Phil Not so much
11:14p Me  Huh…I don’t remember much but I don’t remember him coming at me very fast… perhaps because he was younger than me…hard to fathom.
11:15pm Phil I don’t know. Glad I did not turn out to be what you expected
Hope you are not dissapointed
11:15pm Me It is quite a pleasant surprise
11:16pm Phil Wanting to stick my tongue in your ass is not all that military.
11:16pm Me I dated another kid who went off to the military. In about 8 weeks they had stripped him of every ounce of his individuality and openess and turned him into a military robot…really frightening. Didn’t see him after that, thank goodness
11:17pm Phil Not me.
11:17pm Me I dunno…that could be military…take what I want, to hell with you…
11:17pm Phil I’m still me
11:17pm Me It is quite stunning…I do remember chasing you…until you caught me.
I had a way of “putting myself in your way” I think…
11:18pm Phil If i was demanding to fuck you in the ass maybe. I’m assuming you would get some enjoyment out of my tongue
11:18pm Me Oh, yes…I think so…
11:20pm Me I mentioned to my dad that I had heard from you…he was in rather bad shape Sunday, couldn’t get his breath, pale, confused.
11:20pm Phil Good. I have been told a finger slipped in your ass before you cum makes you cum like a fire hose. never experienced it but more than willing to try
11:20pm Me But when I said your name, he smiled and said, “He was an athlete.”
Were you?
11:21pm Phil I’m so sorry. I know how hard that is. My dad is very bad too. Not sure how much longer he will hold on.
Yes i was 
11:22pm Me Hee.  He remembers more than I do, even in his confused state. 
11:22pm Phil Loved sports. 
11:22pm Me I have done that…finger in the ass, rest touching balls, had quite an effect…
11:24pm Phil I know i am very sensitive. Just brushing a finger across my ass sends shivers. A finger inside me would be incredible
11:26pm Phil Looked at a lot of pics of you in the yearbook. Damn you were hot
11:27pm Phil you were good at everything. Smart girl.
11:32pm Phil you had perfect tits. like half mellons. amazing
no one missed those. you wore bell bottoms but they were tight in the rear and on your legs, yummy
11:34pm Me There you go again…I can’t believe what you remember.
It’s very gratifying. and scary.
So did you watch me after we broke up? Was I weird to you?
11:35pm Phil I remember the powder, I remember your pert nipples, man oh man. you were never weird
11:36pm Me Phew
11:37pm Phil you were cute, hot, fun, funny,
11:37pm Me You said you looked at wedding photos…whose?
11:38pm Phil looked at the 74 yearbook. your sister’s photos – good pictures of you.
11:39pm Me I tried to find my yearbooks…haven’t found them yet. You would think in a small condo I could not hide anything, but I have somehow…
I didn’t realize when i sent you that one photo that you would have access to all of them.
It’s fine, just surprised me that you would know how to do that, and then take the time to do it….
11:40pm Phil looked at every picture of you in there– thought that was ok.
11:40pm Me She and I are best pals…she always says “Notice there are no photos of me and Mom…just me and Sassy. S holding me at my baptism, me sleeping on S, me riding on her shoulders, S feeding me.”
Sure. Fine.
11:42pm Me Her wedding as an extravaganza. She spent nearly $30K… big sit down dinner…flowers…dress…wines…endless photos.
11:42pm Phil was gorgeous
11:42pm Me  I told her you found me.
She said, “Why would you talk to him? He made you so miserable!”
So I told her you apologized.  She said something like “That way, there be dragons.”
11:44pm Phil LOL
11:45pm Me What was I doing in the photo with you at the dance?
11:46pm Phil guess I never realized I made you miserable. Always regretted that. very bad decision on my part
11:47pm Me BTW, sorry to be asking all these questions when we could be…what’s the right phrase…making love?
Was I wrapped around you? Or just shaking my groove thing?
11:47pm Phil was a fast dance
11:47pm Me I loved those dances…let me express horizontal ideas vertically…
Heh…haven’t heard that phrase in ages…
11:48pm Phil always liked the picture though
11:48pm Me  The music was great…such a beat…I knew all the words…I could move freely…
And get really close
11:48pm Phil i like that
11:48pm Me what?
11:48pm Phil I have always been moved by music
11:49pm Me You moved well…would dance, unlike many boys
i wonder if you still walk the same…you had a very distinctive gait
11:50pm Phil I don’t know. I liked to dance. not sure how I walk
11:51pm Me I loved my long hair…the way it moved around me…
Yes…there’s never been any question that I had breasts…no hiding them.
11:51pm Phil  me too. your hair was so soft, always smelled great
no. I see you still got em
can’t wait to slide my cock between them
11:53pm Me it might disappear…there’s quite a space there!
I want you so badly…
11:54pm Phil will probably re-appear in the vicinity of your mouth
11:54pm Me I haven’t felt like this in so long…
11:54pm Phil I want to make you cum over and over
want to touch you every where
Want to bury my cock in that hot wet pussy
Want to feel your tongue on mine
Your hands on my cock, on my ass, all over my body
11:56pm Me Ok
That’s fine with me…
11:57pm Phil Want to lick and suck your clit, slide my tongue inside of you
glad to hear it
11:59pm Phil stroking my dick thinking about it. Dripping pre-cum all over
12:00am Me I will be
12:00am Phil thinking about your finger slipping into my ass. That’s hot as hell.
12:00am Me right there with you..
under you
beside you
over you
12:01am Phil pussy wet?
12:01am Me soaked
12:01am Phil aweswome, fingers inside
12:02am Me not enough.  this one handed typing is tricky…
12:02am Phil wish we could talk
much easier and hotter
12:02am Me you will whisper to me? tell me how it feels?
12:03am Phil oh yes
12:03am Me I am working on tomorrow…convincing hubby to go out…
12:04am Phil be so hot
12:04am Me He’s less than 12 feet from me right now…in the next room 
12:04am Phil hear you telling me what you want
12:04am Me I hope i can speak.
12:05am Phil i could talk, you listen
12:05am Me I don’t usually have any trouble…but you leave me speechless half the time with the things you say
I told him you sent me about 17 messages today.
12:05am Phil cool, i like it. needed to cum all day
12:06am Me He said, “Wow. What does he want?”
12:06am Phil what did he think of that?
12:06am Me I said I wasn’t sure. Said he probably wants to do things with me.
He said, “what would he like to do?”
I said, “What’re we allowed to do?” 
12:07am Phil I want to fuck you silly, eat your pussy and ass, cum on your tits and in your mouth. not much really
12:07am Me You@!
He said, “Whatever you want. As long as you tell me about it.” sigh
12:08am Phil any of the above?  wow
12:09am Me This was standing in the garage, waiting for the elevator.
12:09am Phil still want to do all of the above
12:09am Me I wonder what it really means…But likely pretty much as he said
12:10am Phil don’t know
I am not trying to whisk you away
12:11am Me I wonder if he thinks “If I let her do that, she will let me sleep with someone else”
Sure. He doesn’t seem worried about that…rightly so, I think
12:12am Phil could be, don’t know
12:12am Me It would be interesting if we can manage this without pissing off either of our spouses.
I assume your wife would not be happy
12:12am Phil My wife would be livid
12:13am Me Let’s try to avoid that.
Does she know I was your jump off point for years?
I am not going to tell her anything. 
12:14am Phil yes, good idea. Don’t want to cause problems. would solve the guilt part for you though
She has no idea I lusted after you
12:15am Me I won’t be telling her anything. But be careful not to leave any clues. She can’t get to your email or FB, right?
What would solve the guilt part?
12:16am Phil you were though, still are my fantasy girl 
no, all private 
if your husband was ok with it for whatever reason
12:17am Me  I don’t feel guilty. He has his chance…doesn’t take it.
12:17am Phil I delete everything
12:20am Me I think it’s funny that you found me after you went back to your wife…not sure if is ha-ha or strange…
12:20am Me But it feels separate from us…
Like we have our own little place to play in sometimes…
12:20am Phil yes it does
nice place
12:22am Phil it’s late babe. still have not gotten off and I need to get some sleep soon
12:22am Me Sure.  Hubby just sat down in the recliner next to my desk…Reading
12:23am Phil means no help from you
12:23am Me I should have been asleep 2 hours ago. But I don’t want to sleep. I want to lick you until you explode
12:24am Phil that’s been one of my fantasies
12:24am Phil being in your mouth, you sucking me until I explode
your fingers rubbing behind my balls
12:25am Me and then I’d mark you, right above your nipple…so you’d see it every time you shower or shave…just a small mark…
12:25am Phil ummmmm
12:25am Me but my mark.
12:26am Phil sounds hot
12:26am Me and then I would curl around you
12:26am Phil stroking faster now
12:26am Me and put my hands on your ass and wiggle around…sliding a bit 
12:27am Phil oh yea
12:27am Me …until you could feel how wet you make me…and then I’d slide very close to you.
But back away. And then I’d slide across you again…wet…
12:27am Phil i cant wait to feel how wet you are
12:27am Me hot
12:28am Phil tease me Sassy
12:28am Me I would make that sound in your ear…you know the one
12:28am Phil oh yes
12:28am Me so you would know how much I am burning inside
and I would get closer
and closer
12:29am Phil i want to be inside you, fuck me please
12:29am Me and I would press you into me…
further and further
12:29am Phil so wet and hot
12:29am Me deeper
12:29am Phil oh god yes
12:29am Me breathing in your ear
begging for you to fill me
12:30am Phil thrusting deep
12:30am Me deeper
12:30am Phil oh yes
12:30am Me I would have to bite my lip to keep from screaming
and then I would give up
and let it out
12:31am Phil oh yeah, scream for me
12:31am Me I would not be demure
You would know the difference between S online and S in person
12:32am Phil gonna shoot inside you
12:32am Me You would know a part of me
feel it
just for you
and I would find a spot with my fingers inside you…
12:32am Phil cumming babe
12:33am Me somewhere that would make you cum like Niagara Falls.
12:33am Phil oh man so hot
12:33am Me you’d go a little crazy…almost blacking out for a moment.
losing control…
letting it all out…fast…hard. deep
then remember where you are, who are with, how long you’ve waited
and it would be better than you imagined
all the colors in the room brighter
12:34am Phil cum on Sassy, cum baby cum
12:34am Me You would think you could not go on for one more second
but you would
and it would get even hotter
12:35am Phil wow
damn girl
Me then my innermost muscles would start to clench around you. and let go. Milking you of every last ounce of energy and liquid and breath
You feel as if you’re going to pass out
But you are not. You are going to experience every second of it
12:36am Phil already feel that way
12:36am Me Your heart feels like it will burst out of your chest…
12:36am Phil ready to jump on a plane
12:37am Me But it won’t…it will beat inside your chest and you’ll feel it in your dick and inside me…
And you’ll feel my heart beating…
12:37am Phil oh yes, it’s amazing like that
12:37am Me and wonder if you have ever been this close to anyone ever…or ever will be again…
only you can’t really think and the thoughts fall away
and you are FEELING…every nerve firing off like rockets…
Bang bang bang…
12:38am Phil amazing
12:39am Me and you lose track…you just do it by instinct 
12:39am Phil just got off like a rocket
needed that
12:40am Me Really?
12:41am Phil oh hell yeah, cum all the way to my chin
12:43am Phil thank you. Be even better to be doing it for real
12:43am Me Wow. I am so glad I can really do it for you. 
12:45am Phil would like to curl up with you now and go to sleep
12:45am Me You can
I will watch over you
Rest. Relax.
12:46am Phil was very hot.
12:46am Me Good night, sweet man.
12:47am Phil nite baby sleep well
12:49am Phil is offline.

New Relationship Energy

Don’t you just love “New Relationship Energy?!”  21 messages and two chats with him today… WOW!

Phil August 30 at 5:21am
I have a definite idea. We would of course meet outside some place. We would see each other and walk towards one another. I would hug you, kiss you on the cheek, feeling your breasts against me. We would head towards the restaurant hand in hand
Phil August 30 at 5:25am
I’m up for talking on the phone. Very up for it. Love the thought of your hands doing something much more useful than typing. Sounds hot, sexy and fun. Got me hard instantly just thinking about it!

The wall 
Between Phil and You
August 30 at 8:26am
Good morning! Another hot day here…they’re saying we may get 5 days in the 90’s! That never happens here that late. It certainly fit my mood. 😉
Here’s a video for you to watch sometime. Ignore the first 20 seconds. It may explain where I got the idea that walls are sexy. Music is edgy and good words.
It’s from the British series “Red Cap” about the UK Army police in Germany. It’s mostly about their investigations of crimes, but there is a subplot about two of the officers trying to keep their hands off each other. The woman, Jo, is a gorgeous blond, so everyone assumes she’s a dope. But she is the smartest, toughest one of the bunch…very solitary and independent and fierce. She can charm men or break their arm. The guy, Phil Roper, is the gentle, friendly one, married, allowed to have longer hair so he can do undercover work, so everyone calls him “Hippy.”
So it’s all about her learning to be less independent…and more sexy.

Dinner details
Between Phil and You

Phil August 30 at 9:39am
We would sit side by side. That way we can touch and tease. I want to run my fingers along the inside of your thigh, teasing, maybe accidentally brush my hand across your breast. Gives you the opportunity to do what you like. Would love to feel your hand slide up my leg and then boldly grab my now very hard cock in your hand. The rest of dinner would be more of the same with some seductive finger licking and looks. 

I assume, I would have a room close by. As soon as the elevator door closes, I press you against the wall, my tongue darting into your mouth. My hard cock pressing into you, your hips pushing back. My hands go to your breasts, until the door opens. 

We get into the room tossing off clothes. Your eyes are glued to my cock, my eyes taking in your breasts, seeing your aroused nipples. I push you back on the bed, spread your legs and start licking and kissing up your thighs. My tongue is licking the outside of your pussy teasing before parting your lips and tasting you. It does not take long for you to cum for the first time. I am loving your taste, smell and the motion of your body as you go over the edge again. 

You push me back saying your turn. I lay back as you stroke me and then you bring your lips to the head of my cock and give it some gentle licks before taking it into your mouth. Its all I can do not to cum right there. Your fingers are playing with my balls and ass as you continue to lick and suck me. By now I am moaning and my hips are thrusting and then just before I cum, you back away. I take a nipple in my mouth gently sucking and licking. I spread your legs with my knee as I climb between them. My cock is brushing your pussy, we are looking into each others eyes as I slowly slide inside of you. So hot and so wet. When I am in, your eyes close as we begin to move together. It does not take long, I can tell you are about to cum and I can’t hold on as I cum inside you, I feel you go too. We lie together like that and start to move again faster and harder now. Just getting started.

Phil August 30 at 9:55am
Would love to hear some stories. Never had group sex before. Not opposed just never had the opportunity. Not sure I could keep track either. Anal is fun if its done gently and patiently. Dick is the dirtiest thing you have said, loved it. You would see me get hard and stay that way. I’ve had sex outside, been watched, did it with another couple in the room, been approached by swingers. Would love to hear your fantasies. I am neither shy nor inhibited. I am gentle though and patient, will take my cues from you. I would never go any place you did not want to go. Anything that feels good is ok with me. Not into pain at all. Have to admit I have thought of slipping my tongue in your ass, was not sure if that would make you uncomfortable. Hope this helps. My dick is not only hard but throbbing. Glad you liked the pics. Continuing to work out and diet to improve the view.

Phil August 30 at 10:02am
Hope you end up with wet panties and sudden urge to go to your bunk! 🙂
Phil August 30 at 10:09am
How did you go from so sexual to nothing? Have you at least taken care of things your self? Tell me more! Wish I was in place to take things in hand. Would love to cum on your tits and lick them clean. Damn I’m horny! 
Phil August 30 at 10:11am
Looked down and I have a large wet spot on the front of my pants. Cool!
August 30 at 12:05pm
Busy day at the office, so quick comments. I so wish I could call in sick and be at home to respond in full to each of these messages. I have this terrible fever… between my legs. And tingling in my chest. And my breathing is all labored and I can’t keep my hands above the desk! I need a cure. Maybe an appt. with Dr. Philip?
But there is a lot to do here. Payroll…emails…meetings… such fun. not.
Your visions of dinner sound just right! Although there are probably thousands of permutations all of which would be fine if we’re together. Has anyone ever told you that you write really well? You have a fabulous way of describing it so I can exactly what is happening. I don’t want it to be all about the physical side, but that is so powerful, it may take over. And with the short timing and distance, it seems right to focus on that when we are face-to-face. Or face to tits or whatever..
I was nodding (and then breathing a bit quickly) at each step, thinking “That could work” or “Oh…that would be so HOT!” Definitely BUNK material. I should have known a military guy would be able to figure out the logistics of a dinner. I am so used to doing all the planning in my life…it’s great to have someone who can plan, and what amazing plans they are!
I will warn you that I do swear a little more, and use more evocative, dirty words, in person. Typing them just doesn’t work for me. But in person, in your ear…you may hear them.
I have also been thinking about us as teenagers…thinking about what you’ve said about our times together. I’m trying to visualize you returning to me at some point in H.S…maybe after you went into the service. Trying to put aside what was (who you are with or who I’m with or the almost insurmountable taboos…) and think of what might have been…let our chemistry take over, when I had that girl’s body. My first time was fine, but I was thinking about what it would have been like with you. Were you ever in my teenage bed?
I wonder if you would have fantasized about me for the rest of your life if you’d been inside me then. Whether it would have made for better fantasies because you’d have had more real stuff to recall, or whether you’d have been over it once we did it all. No way to tell…but makes for interesting mental exercises.
And then I think about running into you during my wild first year on the Internet…figure out how email and chat worked together and putting them to good use.
And then I think about running into you when I was in London 10 years ago… making good use of the hotel room bed.

I guess I can sum that all up into “I’ve been thinking about you. A lot.”
Damn it…there seems to be no such thing as a short answer.

[We had a brief Facebook chat (which I didn’t keep…argh!) during my lunch hour. He described fucking me bent over my desk.  I explained that I work in an open office with other people, and at that very moment, my boss was sitting on the desk across from me, so if he was fucking me, it would be quite public and while that sounded hot, it might be a tad risky!]
Phil August 30 at 12:10pm
Seeing you talk about fucking me about made me have heart palpitations. Was not sure you used that word. You have been so demure. I was so hoping to hear you say fuck me at some point. Just saw flights to Logan, 78 bucks round trip. I can not wait to be deep inside you.
Phil August 30 at 12:21pm
Just read your message. I was never in your bed. Would have loved that. At camp I had my hands down the back of your coveralls. I loved holding your ass. Later we found a quite spot and I got to see, feel and taste your tits. It was on a school bus that I slipped a finger inside of you. You were so wet and smelled and tasted so good. If we had sex back then, I would still have fantasized about you. Would have relived it over and over. Would have thought about that hot ass and how I would have enjoyed that. Would have thought about you sucking me, me eating you. Would have been the same. 
August 30 at 12:47pm
The idea of you thinking about me all these years is wild…that while I was lying in a cold bed, or working my tail off, or watching figure skating in a cold arena, or seeing a play, you were all over the world thinking about me…it’s freaky and hot…it does make me wonder why now? Why did you wait so long to find me…I know, life happens.
And then I have a moment of panic when I think of what might have happened you, in harm’s way on a ship, or a frickin’ car accident in D.C. and I would never have known. And another panic when because something could happen at any moment now and I would never get to see you. Surely fate will not be that unkind. But look both ways before you cross the street, okay?
I am looking at Google maps seeing how long it takes to drive to D.C. and you are looking at flights to Logan. What a pair…
Phil August 30 at 1:00pm
I had no real way to contact you. Thinking about it and doing it are different things. I have been married for a long tie, was separated for awhile, now back together for a lot of reasons. Did not prevent my fantasies, did not stop me from thinking it. It’s very enjoyable to speak to a woman with few hang ups, who I feel I can be up front with. I feel like I can say anything to you. I like that.
Phil August 30 at 1:12pm
I’ll look both ways. As I said, not many women in my life and I remember them all. You always had an attitude that turned me on. You were very forward and I liked that a lot. Still do. I also am looking forward to catching up and talking. I’ll enjoy that. The sex will most likely take priority. Look forward to hearing some stories, talking on the phone where you feel comfortable. I can’t wait to hear your voice laying naked on my bed stroking my cock as we talk. Having you hear me when I cum. I want to hear you too. I want to know that your hands are squeezing your tit’s while the other is gently rubbing your clit, imagining that it was my tongue. You owe me a decent picture by the way. Be happy to exchange one for one. What would you like to see?
August 30 at 1:26pm
Are there really still “women with hang ups” at our age? Geesh.
I am around such open people…I forget the rest of the world is not so much. Only get reminded when I got to to the Midwest to visit Hubby’s family. Heh.
The community here is probably what most people would consider wild…whatever characteristic you look at, we have it all…straight, gay, transgendered, poly, BDSM and asexuals; Christian, Jewish, Buddhists, Hindu, mostly non-religious; Burlesque performers and teachers; rich, poor, sane and clincially insane…has taught me a lot.
Do you know any Poly people? There are lot of them here. Would not be surprised if you don’t even know what that is…I didn’t until recently.

August 30 at 1:38pm
A decent picture? I don’t think that’s what you mean…
I can’t fathom sending you a photo. You can’t imagine how tough it was for me to even show off my new glasses. You realize I got my husband to take that photo? There hasn’t been a photo of me that I’ve liked in about 15 years.
I will try to figure it out…but the combination of not having the body and “don’t email anything you don’t want to see on the front page of the paper” is stymying me. I think your imagination is better than anything I could send. I know that’s not fair. I will make it up to you somehow… 😉
Phil August 30 at 1:39pm
Have no idea what Poly is. Have lots of gay friends. Big fan of gay rights. Always felt people should be who and what they are. I don’t think I have many hangups. People should do what makes them happy. The Military forces us into a mold but you see and experience a lot. So what is Poly?

August 30 at 1:40pm
Wait…fingers…inside me…on a school bus? How the heck did that happen? Were there kids all around us? Tell!
Phil August 30 at 1:54pm
Many women/people with hangups at our age. I’ve been to nude beaches, like to be naked in fact. Been a hot tub naked with friends, strait and gay. Never had any issues with people seeing me or touching me. I know so many guys whose wives won’t do this or that. Some have wives who simply hate sex and always did. So yea, lots of hang ups
Phil August 30 at 2:08pm
No problem with a photo. I’ll never push anything. That’s not any fun. I trust you would not post my pics on the front page. I do not remember where we were coming back from. Chorus event, ball game, don’t remember. We were in the back of the bus, me by the window, you kind of leaned back on me. We were kissing and my hand was down the back of your pants. Over the course of the trip, my hand ended up down the front of your pants. You were so wet, my fingers slipped inside easily. You covered it with your arm. There were other kids all around. Was very hot. My dick was pressing into your side. I know you felt it but you would not touch me. You let me touch you any place I wanted. Loved holding your ass in my hands. Running my fingers down your crack….. Wish it had been my tongue.
Phil August 30 at 2:10pm
Getting nothing done. Can’t think of anything but fucking you. Gonna go to the gym. Need some kind of physical release.

August 30 at 3:03pm
Why did I go from 120 to 0 on the sex front? Tough to explain without explaining about hubby. I’ve typed a bunch of sentences and deleted them all. It’s complicated. In the same way that you don’t talk about your wife. Can do it, just not a fun topic.
The simple answer is “because he didn’t want me, told me I wasn’t attractive anymore.” Which is true.
Also, as you said, never had the opportunity. No one has offered…no one flirts with me or even looks at me twice. I don’t know what I would have done if a man  had gotten a crush on me. Probably nothing, as I was “church lady” or “head of the office lady.” But I am not at all sure.
But that makes him sound like a cold jerk, which he isn’t. He’s messed up. As in, severe mental illness. Was born that way, according to his mother. And abused as a child by the housekeeper and his old brothers. On lots of pills, doctors, therapists. Can’t work…on disability. Some days he is the creative, funny, talented guy. Other days he is non-functioning lump, sleeping, crying, cutting himself, angry, suicidal…never know which on any given day. He does not direct any of that at me. I know that one day I will come home and he will have killed himself. I’ve kept him from doing it for 16 years and will keep trying, but any given day his brain chemistry may finally fail spectacularly.
He thinks he is bisexual, and polyamorous, but he rarely does anything about it, as his medicines make him impotent.  He has been unfaithful but usually short-lived and sorry.
There…now tell me a little about your spousal situation and we’ll call it even and try to move beyond it. And get back to fun stuff!

Phil August 30 at 4:14pm
I have to say my situation is nothing like that. Wife has always been a very controlling pushy woman. She has few friends and a lot of people simply don’t care for her. As the years went on, she became more ill tempered and often down right nasty. I have a rather care free cavalier attitude that rubs her the wrong way some times. Sex had become unimaginative and routine. I performed when I was expected to. About two years ago, I decided I had enough and no longer wanted to be treated that way. I moved out. Stayed out a little over six months. Lived at the beach and had a blast. Kids talked me into trying again. Back for about 7 months and again, no real changes. This time we talked a lot more. The financial impact of a divorce would have been significant. We get along very well and she does the military wife thing very well. While I was gone, I dated a young lady who was amazing. Later discovered she was not being very honest with me and there were other issues as well. She was very uninhibited, easy to talk to, had that incredible attitude. Wife and I are wonderful friends, we enjoy dinners, wineries etc. I am very active, she is not. I love to party, love music, like to have a good time, her not so much. I am non judgmental, free spirited, she’s very conservative and controlled, no temper here, quick tempered there. I really have no limits sexually, she very conservative. She really does not know what I like, my fantasies, things I’d love to try. The things we have said to each other I would not say to her. Could never tell her I’d like to slip my tongue in your ass or anything even remotely kinkier than that. I never once cheated, just had a very predictable sex life. Guess that’s a hell of a lot better than no sex life. She likes being the officer’s wife. She is good at it. She enjoys the financial perks and being at the top of the military food chain. Not such a big deal to me. Guess that adequately covers that unless you have questions.

August 30 at 4:58pm
Thank you for sharing. I hope I answered your questions, and you can see why I didn’t automatically toss that in between camp and bus and dinner…it is nice to get away from it all for a moment. But it makes sense for you to understand where I am. And for me to know about your situation. May help avoid land mines.
So much of what goes on in one relationship is bouncing off what happened in another…I got the feeling when you asked me certain questions that it was “Wife won’t do this…will you?” Which is fine. Hubby was married before, and I am very different from his first wife, so I am used to the unsaid “well, she never let me” when he asks things.
I shouldn’t scoff about hang-ups, since I can’t manage to send you a photo. You have a great body and happily show it off. I have other talents that I hope to show you in other ways. Don’t hesitate to ask for what you want from me…photos, explanations, or ass-licking. I will do it if I can, or try to tell you why not. I will not think less of you for asking. I have come to believe more and more in honesty and openess. Which may get interesting when it comes down to being unfaithful…
I’m sad that you don’t have the perfect girl for you…and I don’t have a healthy husband who is attracted to me. I hope we can give each other some of what we’re missing on other fronts.
Phil August 30 at 5:33pm
I can honestly say it never occurred to me that wife won’t do this will you. My brain really does not work that way. I just found it very easy to talk about those things with you. Your outlook and attitude are very much more open minded. I do,t feel there is anything I would be inhibited to ask you. That’s a nice change. Being in the military and dealing with female comrades, they tend to be very open, frank and uninhibited. Had many sexual discussions over beers about what women liked and what guys liked. They told me things they did to their guys. Was educational. 

I’m interested in those other talents. What have you done that really turned a guy on? Anything that you considered really out there? I have close friends who are very open. We sit in their hot tub naked and talk about life, politics, sex. I openly admire her body, she openly looks at mine. Other than play footsies in the tub, we never explored anything further, but I learned a lot from her. She is a no taboo person and openly discusses her experiences. My only requirement is that my partner be clean. I shower a couple times a day often more. Morning, before bed and after a workout.

On my way home. Have a bar around the corner that does half price burgers and dollar margaritas on Monday. I like to hang out there and shoot darts, read, use the wi-fi. Gets me out of the apartment which is nice. My room mate teaches high school. He is also a coach. Good guy. That’s where I will be till later. Got facebook there and the game. Looking forward to later. Love to relieve a little tension. I can’t get real specific on a work machine but no issue on mine. Loved hearing fuck, dick, ass today. Gives me a better picture. That’s what I thought and imagined and hoped for. I don’t shock easily and you have said nothing shocking but damn. This is hot!

Poly 101 
Between Phil and You
August 30 at 5:50pm
So. What’s poly?
Very simply, it is the idea that you love more than one person at a time, with everyone aware of what’s going on.

They think monogamy is unnatural – that you can’t get everything you need from one person, and it is great to have more than one person in your life, and multiple people to support a household and raise children.
This is NOT polygamy, where one man is married to multiple women a la the old style Mormons. It is NOT swinging, were you swap partners for a night once a month on alternate Saturdays.
Around us, it means Jane is married to Joe, and they also live with Ken, who is sleeping with both of them and helping to raise Jane & Joe’s daughter Elaine.
Or Sara and Sam live together, and Sam goes out with Mary every Thursday night to see horror movies (which Sara hates) and get laid. Sara may go with Susie, or Steve on Thursdays. Or she may be monogamous. And straight. Or bi.
Or Nell would live with Ted, and 6 times a year, Ted would fly to D.C. to visit his secondary, Louise.
Lots of different models.
There was a great article in the Boston Globe about it awhile back that was  amazingly unsensational.
Terms – your wife is your “primary” and anyone else is a “secondary.”
So if you and your wife lived in a poly world, you could live with her and sleep with her and she could be an officer’s wife. and she would gladly let you fly up to see my now and then, and do all the sexy stuff she is not interested in, and she and I might be friends who help keep you happy. And she might go out with Fred while you’re away. We’d all talk about what she gets and what I get and what you get and figure out ways to split up the schedule and tasks etc.
(Phew…that sounds kind of impossible…but I have friends who’re making it work.)
I think more power to them. But I have enough trouble managing one relationship and feel monogamous myself.

But that was before you found me again and now I don’t know.
Read up and ask if you have questions.
Phil August 30 at 5:59pm
Wow, I had no clue. I know people who live like that and it works for them. No one knows except for very trusted friends cause we live in the bible belt and oh my goodness, the talk that would stir. My friends live downtown in a fairly liberal environment. My wife knows them but has no clue. Thinks the other guy just rents a room and they al get along really well. Little does she know. Did not know that kind of relationship had a name though. Would never be my wife’s thing. She freaks about the hot tub. I’m getting an education. I like it.

Bar & Cars 
Between Phil and You
August 30 at 6:10pm
So I am off to dinner at a local bar.  
And then I have to help one of my assistants from work move. This is what happens when you own a mini-van. Everyone calls you when they’re moving! I don’t move anything, just sit there thinking of you while her friends load my car. I wish you could ride along…
And the entire time, I will be thinking about you and not focusing on what I should be doing!
I will think of everything you wrote today…the bus…you coming between my breasts…you pressing me against the wall of the elevator. And more…
I had to giggle as I got into the elevator leaving work today…there is a female voice that says “Going down…” and I was imagining you in the elevator with me, licking me…
I will look for you online when I get home…gotta run.
Phil August 30 at 7:29pm
I have a truck and guess what. Difference is I help move. Big strong back comes in handy. I don”t mind. I’m always willing to lend a hand. 

What is your favorite place that you have visited. I have several. 
[he talks about places all over the world his military travels have taken him]

I love good food, love to cook. I like to entertain. I like people, like to be around people. I also like the quiet and being secluded. I love to read. My Kindle is my favorite toy. I like to exercise, play most sports, do my best to stay fit. I have been accussed of being to easy going, too laid back. I treat people the way I want to be treated. I can be direct when I need to be but not my preference. I’d be very happy in a beach house some place. 

I like art, I love music (all kinds), like movies, prefer theater, love New York (city), like Boston too except for their damn sports teams. 

I have always been monagamous but am not so sure about that any more. I am not looking to leave home, it’s not bad and it would cost me much more than its worth (I think). My life is comfortable. What I lack is passion. I am a passionate person in an unpassionate relationship. Perhaps i can get that else where and it will be ok. I truely don’t know. I was with a girl who saw nothing wrong with her openly flirting with other guys and coming onto another woman but let some one look at me and stand by. Not good. I was open to anything at this point. My experience has been very limited. I am open to your frank appraisal and recommendations. 

You may be the first women I have ever been with who will actually tell me what you want and what feels good. I will do the same. A finger, tongue, anything near my butt drives me crazy. Love it. Not sure why but I just do. I like to reciprocate as well. I like feet, I love tits (what man does not) do not mind the taste of my cum, like the taste of yours (I remember), want to bite, lick, kiss that ass that I held so many years ago. I realize it is not the same shape or size, neither is mine. So much for me is attitude. When a woman feels sexy and her attitude is, I’ll rock your world, that’s awesome. I like it when you also have no aversion to the way you taste and have no issue kissing me after I have gone down on you. I liked the elevator thought. Would love to go down on you in an elevator. Very exciting. 

I don’t know what this is. It’s sexy and it’s fun. It will be very hot. We both need to be able to deal with the aftermath. Will you feel guilty, will you expect more than I can deliver, will I be good enough, will the sex be amazing or dissapointing. I think I can answer that. Think my spelling is going to crap. Having margarittas and a burger. Rather be having you. Like to throw your legs over my shoulders and fuck you hard and fast, then slow and easy, and repeat. I love sex, think every inch of the body is sexy and an errogenous zone.  
Phil August 30 at 8:03pm
Bars are my kind of place. Good bar, good food, simple food. I like it. Probably a dark corner where we could explore each other. Don”t want much more than a glass of wine or a beer to drink. Want all my faculties working. Want to see, smell, feel and taste you completely. I want to cum inside you and on you. 

I am not comparing you to anyone. Could care less what anyone else will or will not do. I care what Sassy wants to do, enjoys doing. If you want to stick a finger up my ass, do it, if you don’t, don’t. If you like a tongue in your ass, great, I love to do that, if not tell me. I don’t need to do anything. This about two people pleasing each other. Its just as important to me to make you feel great and to please you as it is for me to be pleased. I want to hear you moan, gasp, sigh. I want to feel your pussy clench as you cum, watch your tits flush, feel you pull my tongue deeper inside of you. 

I am again so hard thinking about this. My cock is dripping and throbbing. I want to be talking or chatting to you as I stroke my cock, telling you what I’d like to do to do to you and what I’d like you to do to me. I want to cum with you listening. I want to hear you cum. I love knowing that I get you wet. I remember that hot, wet, sweet tasting pussy and I want more. I want to bury my cock deep inside of you and fuck you till we both explode. Can’t wait to feel my cum shoot deep inside of you, your pussy pulsating with your own orgasm, pulling every drop from me. Then we can lick and suck and stroke each other to another. Maybe between your tits, maybe on your ass, maybe in your mouth. Teach me some new cool stuff. I don’t know much. I have a hard cock that never goes down so I can play for a long time. I’m not one of those cum and done guys. I want to taste your tongue in my mouth, taste your lips. I want to suck your nipples into my mouth, gently biting, can’t wit to slip my cock between them. I like toys and I like to watch, all good. Man, I need to cum. Help me cum baby, I can’t wait!

Phil August 30 at 9:50pm
just out of the shower. laying naked in bed watching tv
August 30 at 9:57pm
Home now. Looking for you…

Sexy texts

A Series of Sunday sexy texts
Phil August 29 at 5:34pm
Hey, I like the glasses! 

Looks like your breasts would be amazing with a little lotion between them and a hard cock sliding between them. Not sure what you have done or not done. Would you take me into you mouth given the chance? Would love to feel your mouth slide over my cock, your hair falling to the side. Your hands holding my balls. 

Do you have a favorite sexual position? I’m a fan of missionary, I like the women on top riding me and I also love to be behind. Sitting here very hard, cock in hand, thinking about that. Can’t stop thinking about you stroking me to the point of cumming and then backing off and making it last. I could sit here and get off right now, I have a steady flow of pre-cum for lubrication but not ready yet. Maybe we can chat this week and get off together. I’d love to be stroking my cock, while your fingers were pleasing your wet pussy. That’s a very hot visual for me. Guess I’ll tuck it back in for now and go behave myself. Have a good afternoon Sassy.
Phil August 29 at 6:16pm
Moaning is a good thing. My only expectation when I first contacted you was to say hello and catch up with where life has taken us. It is so nice to hear the sassy girl. You were indeed sexy and sassy and fun. You were direct and not the least afraid to say what you wanted. I remember us being fun and very sexy while still well behaved. 

Life is a short journey, too short to never take any risks. I’m not looking for anything. I have no expectations. We have had a good time being flirtatious and having fun. I’ve had to go to my bunk a couple of times. I’m very excited about the opportunity to meet, have dinner, what ever. If something other than dinner happens, we will both feel that at dinner and dinner won’t take very long. 

I don’t believe in regrets. I have had wonderful experiences in life. Some turned out great, some not so much. I don’t regret anything though. I’d do it all again. What I regret is missed opportunities that I never took advantage of. I have always wondered about you. I have fantasized about you often over the years. More later.
[He texted me two full-length NAKED photos…with a hand covering his genitals]
August 29 at 8:24pm
HIO,,,thisss is the catt. The hooman lady dat feeds meeee wasz gonna write u,. Butt sheez passedddddd outta on the flour after zhe loskdoded at som pix. Bring toona. Kthnx by
Phil August 29 at 8:32pm
Got a betta one 🙂
That’s cute.
[He texted me a photo of him standing sideways with his cock erect]
August 29 at 9:24pm
You are an imp! A very handsome mischievous imp!
There I was, earlier today, standing in the bathroom mirror in a soft old t-shirt with a low neckline where the shoulders slide off, trying to figure out if it’s okay to show off a shoulder and a little cleavage without being burned at the stake as a wanton woman, and you are going full monty on me! Holy cow!
Those photos? I stared and stared…yowza. You are so amazing to look at.
At first, I thought I should say you should leave something for me to discover in person, but what I will say instead is this:
Now turn around and let me see the other side. 🙂
[He texted me a photo of his naked backside]
August 29 at 10:08pm
What would I like us to do? I have no idea right now. Have you done all this sexy stuff and want more? Or are you wishing to try? You don’t have to give details…just want to get some idea.
I am an odd mix right now. Do you want the good news or the bad news?
The bad news is that I’m like that that virgin girl – not shy or inhibited but terrified, with no confidence, not knowing what to do physically. I haven’t done anything for years. YEARS. I mean nothing. So I don’t know what I like anymore or even what is possible. I am not an athlete, never was. And I am wicked rusty and out of practice. Will it be like riding a bicycle, and all come back to me? Hope so. Lots of practice may be required. 🙂
On the good news front, I have lots of fantasies, and read and written erotic fiction, so my mind is very open.
And I had a very wild time as a young adult, and I live in a very liberal community. So I’ve done a lot – not going to write out a list but…I’ve done it. I can tell you stories if you like…but perhaps that’s best left to in person so I can watch your jaw drop and your dick rise. If you want to know now whether I’ve done any particular thing now, I can tell you. If you promise to try not to get weirded out.
Is there anything you could ask me to do that I wouldn’t try?
It boils down to “no threesomes and no lesbians.” And I am a little iffy on anal sex, as I got hurt that way when someone got carried away.  But I would probably trust you to try whatever.
I balk at multiple partners in the same bed. Not because of any philosophical objection, but due to the difficulty of keeping the emotional stuff from getting too complicated, and because I get so excited that I stop being able to think very quickly and can’t keep track of what I am supposed to be doing to whom…sort of the “can’t chew gum and walk at the same time” problem on a grander scale, so I have a hard time holding up my part of the activities.
I’ve had girl crushes and lusted after certain women, but when it gets to a bedroom, my strong hetero side and puritanical upbringing or something takes over and I just can’t do it.
I have this incredible trust in you, and a deep urge to show you how I feel and rock your world. My hope is that sparks will fly and we can tell each other what feels good, what we want and make it happen.
Sorry for another long answer…but communication is a good thing, right?
August 29 at 10:11pm
Had dinner with my folks. They honeymooned at your beach. In 1950. Heh.
August 29 at 10:13pm
I wish I could wolf whistle…you may have the hottest backside I have ever seen. And the shoulders…oh, oh..oh. That last photo caused quite a reaction.
August 29 at 10:14pm
Are you still traveling or home?
Phil August 29 at 10:16pm
August 29 at 10:23pm
So what are you seeing…if meeting/dinner could go just as you want it…what would happen? This can get a reaction from me now, and perhaps a game plan for later. I’d like to make your dreams come true…

August 29 at 11:57pm
So…talking on the phone. Sometime this week? Or is it too soon? Or maybe you’re not comfortable doing that? Or maybe my number on your cell phone bill could cause trouble…
The possibility of hearing your voice is tantalizing. (And being able to use my hands for something other than typing.)
I will hope for a time when hubby is out. Will ping you on FB chat some evening when the coast is clear? If you’re up for it…

Decide to have fun

A Sunny Sunday serious moment
Between Phil and You
August 29 at 1:17pm
It’s a hot day here in the big city. I hope your day is going well.
I am going to be serious for moment…a rare thing for me.
I am feeling calmer. I seem to have settled the internal debate.
I made good use of my quiet Saturday evening. I read back over what you’ve written to me in the messages and chats. You said some incredibly sweet and wise things. I picked up concepts that I missed the first time around in the heat of the moment. You are a very special man.
I did some reading online about reconnecting with first loves. I don’t usually pay much attention to Oprah, but it’s a topic on one of her forums – she recommended Gabriel Garcia Marques’ book “Love in the Age of Cholera” (which everyone says is not worth reading), but it does focus on the power of first love. Almost everyone in the forum who had been found by their first love, and followed through, said “Don’t do it!” But the way they describe what happened made me know it is worth a try for me. If you still want to.
I do have some risks, but I don’t have small children or a jealous husband or a judgmental community to worry about. I am mostly risking my heart and my sanity. Both of them have been crushed before and bounced back.
And with my dad so close to death, and the death of a friend this summer, in his sleep at age 39, I am focusing on how special each moment in life is…how something can happen to you at any time, so you have to say things now…do things there might not be another chance.
And there is the irresistibility of a second chance. They are so very rare. I am so incredibly grateful to you and proud of you for finding me and apologizing and offering to take a chance to see what could happen. And helping me remember that girl and how sassy I can be. And giving me a reason to be sassy. and sexy. You are made of
This week has certainly been glorious! and so worth it.
Therefore, I am resolved to stop fretting and enjoy whatever happens – online, on the phone or perhaps in person. Whatever we decide. For a little while or whatever. It will be more than I had before. I still need to be careful and think about each step. But I can do it. Because you have shown me that I can be me, and you will still care.
As Alfred Lord Tennyson said,
“Tis better to have loved and lost
than never to have loved at all.”
August 29 at 1:56pm
This way, I can concentrate on making you moan. Maybe even moan a little myself. 😉

New glasses

Morning coffee 

Between Phil and You
Phil August 28 at 8:01am
Morning.  Just finished up my run. Now I need coffee. Have a great day. 
August 28 at 8:20am
Good morning…another beautiful day here.
So how do you take your coffee?
People around here are always comparing Dunkin Donuts coffee to the new Paul Newman coffee available at McDonald’s, or Starbucks. We have a “K-cup” machine at work…one of the innovations I brought in last year to “perk” people up when we lost half our staff due to budget cuts.
I don’t drink coffee. I don’t do hot beverages, except for tea when I’m sick. I did learn to order a iced chai tea latte at Starbucks when everyone else needs their coffee.
When I went off to college, the first week the wise, old sophomores were talking to us about how to get along in college. They said, “You will learn to drink coffee, stay up all the night, and stop listening to John Denver.” I proved them wrong on all fronts. Hee!
So you can have all the wine and all the coffee. 🙂
Phil August 28 at 9:00am
I take my coffee black. I like Dunkin Donuts or Starbucks. I have a K cup at home and in the office. Love it. Also like John Denver. Many 20 hour days taught me to drink coffee. I’m not a soda person. Prefer water. Sipping a Dunkin cup now in fact. I liked the lobster sushi idea. Sounds like fun!

August 28 at 10:45am
Added bonus
I forgot to thank you for an unexpected bonus our reconnection produced. Thank you very much for reminding me of Classmates. This ended up being a great favor.
This is hard to explain…do you remember Clint? He was in my homeroom, had the locker next to mine, and was always a jerk to me. After graduation, he stalked me, sent me weird letters talking about violent things he wanted to do to me. Part of why it may have been tough for you to find me online. I was poking around Classmates after I read your note, and saw a profile for him, and froze. He hadn’t been there before or anywhere online. I was horrified, thinking that he had found a new way to bother me. Then I clicked and there was a note from his wife saying he died.  I hate to say it, but I was so relieved. I don’t have to look over my shoulder for him anymore! I feel bad for her, but this is a huge worry lifted from me.
So a huge thank you for your part in that. Sorry if that too weird…
August 28 at 11:11am
Yeah, I’m not a soda person either. I used to be a big diet Coke fan, but then I had my gall bladder removed…didn’t drink any soda for 10 days and it tasted weird after that.
So no alcohol, coffee or soda. I do drink a V-8 every morning, sometimes order a Virgin Bloody Mary at brunch, but mostly stick to water. What an odd thing to be talking about on a Saturday morning!
August 28 at 12:37pm
I’m off to the mall to get my eyes examined and buy new glasses. I broke the frame while having wild sex online with an old flame that has recently rekindled.  (Not really how they broke, but it sounds more exciting than “a screw fell out in the car, and the frames came apart.”)  Hope all went well today with your family.
August 28 at 4:16pm
Survived my eye exam. My eye doctor is the nicest guy in the world. He asked if I was spending a lot of time on the computer. I said yes, and he asked what for, so I told him “work all day and Facebook all night.” He giggled and I told him my first love had found me last week after 30+ years. He turned beet red. It was so cute. But then he got this cute smile and said, “Good for both of you?” And I said, “Oh yes.” He asked me a bunch of questions about Facebook… obviously not an online guy. I told him he should use it for his business. He was intrigued. Said he wants to learn to tweet. I haven’t messed with that yet.
Back from the mall momentarily…have to go back soon to get the new eyeglasses. They’re PURPLE! I decided my wire frames days are over. You inspired me to try something new.
I despise the mall…hadn’t been there since before Christmas. I am so NOT a shopper!
August 28 at 4:37pm
[He texted me another photo – sitting in an adirondack chair in the sunshine, in a t-shirt and plaid shorts, barefoot, drinking a beer and smiling]

You are going to drive me insane…you know that, right? Of course, as the golf people say, “That’s not a drive, that’s a short putt.”
The photo…You are torturing me! …and it’s wonderful. I was trying to figure out how I could take a photo of myself wearing new glasses and not much else. Just not in my nature somehow…you’ll have to use your imagination.
You send me a perfectly innocent photo, and I immediately start to think about how I could put my hand up those shorts so very easily…oh man, you have gorgeous legs! And that smile again. It makes me smile. And there is something about the arch of your foot…I give up. I am a lunatic!
I don’t think I can explain how odd this is for me…I can go months without noticing there are men around. And suddenly, I am looking at a photo and noticing all these spots on your body…especially where plaid meets plaid…and I just want to jump through the screen and roll you into that grass behind you…laughing, tickling, pressing against you until you blot out the sun above me and make it so I stop thinking…only feeling…damn.
Is there any cure for this?
Back to the mall. Then a Saturday night alone. Hubby is off to help strike a show and the cast party. *sigh* Wish you were here. Or where you could call me…but there will be other times. Patience…patience..
August 28 at 8:17pm
[I posted a photo on Facebook of me, with new glasses, outside on my balcony]
Posted a photo for you. No too saucy, but it’s a start. Hope it doesn’t make you run screaming…



Between Phil and You
August 27 at 7:46am
Good morning! It’s a beautiful summer morning here…just went out on my balcony to feel the sun on my face. I live in a high rise, so I can see out all over. Now I get to take a shower…

Phil August 27 at 8:34am
Good morning! No crystal ball here. No one knows what will happen. The flirtation is fun and harmless. Dinner will be fun. Any other decision will be made then I suspect. I know there is much to consider. I understand that. All those thoughts have run through my mind as well. Sparks, don’t know till we get there. It will be an enjoyable evening no matter what. What happens afterward, I don’t know. I am moving soon.  That will be an adventure.

I remember you dated my brother. Not weird for me. I’ll tell him I heard from you. I’m sure he remembers you fondly. He married a lovely woman, drives a truck and has a gorgeous place up on the mountain in the old home town. He is happy and doing well. Healthy, still very active. We all try to be. We are off to do wine tasting at some of the wineries today. Should be fun.

The Office

Between Phil and You
August 27 at 10:53am
Hiya! I’m back in my office today…trying to do as little as possible. Luckily, there isn’t much to do. 
I work in a big office with 4 desks, so no privacy at all. We have wall-to-ceiling windows on one side, so it’s bright and sunny today. The phone rings, people wander in and out…sort of Grand Central station! But I’ve learned to block it out and focus when I need to.
Today I can’t seem to focus on anything but…YOU! Your smile…your shoulders…your muscled arms…wondering about that first hug…and how you will smell…whether I will remember more then. That happens sometimes – I smell something and it opens up an rush of memory…like a particular kind of humid day it makes me think of London in July…or a certain food smell takes me back to a romantic dinner.
I woke up wondering what kind of car you drive. It doesn’t matter at all…just curious. I am not into cars…didn’t own one until 2003! Public transportation is so good here…didn’t need one very often. When I went to buy my first new car, they asked what I wanted and I said, “A blue one.” Heh. I ended up with a  mini-van. I need to tote lots of people and stuff around. And I like having a big car around me, feels safer. Though parking it in the city can be interesting. And the mileage is terrible.
I’m off to see another play tonight. I don’t get to see other shows very often, but two friends wrote a musical.  So it’s dinner in Boston, then the show. Lots of people I know there – in it and going to see it – including my sister.
Have fun at the wineries! Sounds like a perfect day for you. I can’t drink at all..wicked allergic…so that leaves more wine for you!

Dinner details

Between Phil and You

August 27 at 3:47pm
So what might you wear to dinner?
Would you wear a suit with a tie? or a t-shirt and jeans? …dress pants or sweats…button-down shirt or polo shirt?  I suppose a lot depends on what time of year it is…what you’re doing earlier that day and where we are meeting.  Trying to see you…feel the fabric against my skin when you hug me, feel the muscles of your back with my hands.  Where could I touch flesh while sitting at the table…and what I could help you take off later… buttons…zippers…Of course, just touching somewhere like the inner part of your wrist could be…stimulating. Maybe I will blow on it. Or lick it.
At some moments, I want to meet you at McD’s so it will take about 15 minutes to eat. Or Chinese take-out…chopsticks in bed. Other times, I picture a fancy place nearby where it always takes about 2.5 hours…heh. But they don’t have lobster.  I love trying to think of the perfect place. Though any place will be perfect if you are there.  Even if the food is awful, it may be the best dinner ever. 🙂
Phil August 27 at 4:21pm
I am very casual. Jeans or khakis with a nice shirt, maybe a jacket if the place is nicer. Seafood is my favorite but I like casual places with good food.

Phil August 27 at 6:00pm
Had a blast. Came back with 3 cases of wine. Good time. Allergic huh? Makes you the designated driver. The office sounds nice. No privacy anyway. Glad you are enjoying the photo of me! 
Phil August 27 at 10:31pm
Good nite. Good day. Hope you had a good one as well.
Phil August 27 at 10:49pm
A little tipsy and a lot tired. Thinking about dinner. All I really want to taste is your tongue. Better than any lobster.
August 27 at 11:14pm
Back from dinner and the play. All good, but spent much time musing on a certain dinner date…Philip a la mode.  Maybe I’ll eat lobster sushi off your tummy…

A Land Mine

A land mine

Between Phil and You
August 27 at 12:58am
Thanks for all your messages tonight…so amazing to have something so special waiting for me to read before bed. My mind is boggling about how great your imagination is…how wonderful you are sharing it…and how frickin hot it makes me! Rawrrrrr….
This is what I call a “land mine.” You step on it without knowing, and it just happens to be a convoluted mess.
The whole debate about what happens or doesn’t after dinner is not about you, but me. I’m airing both sides of what is going on my head. So you know. I am not worried about you forcing me into anything. Your sentence about wanting me to feel sexy and alive was so incredibly sweet.  You are…you do.
I am getting ahead of myself…caught up in the “what ifs” of our first dinner.
– what if it’s wonderful? Great! And then I never see him again and I ache…feel more empty than ever before.
-What if it’s awful? And we’ve ruined a marvelous past and current flirtation? That would suck. But then it could more easily be let go of…tried that, didn’t work, happy to have tried etc. move along…sadder but wiser.
– what if it’s wonderful and we want to see each other again? Do we sneak off to see other now and then, and keep flirting online and…
and what happens if I decide I want to be with you forever…and can’t.
The bottom line is…what do I want? 
What do you want? 
How do I tell what I want? 
How can I resist such a marvelous offer? 
How can I go through with it? 

It is so amazing to be wanted…I had literally given up on the idea of ever having sex again. The ground I built my life on is shaking…and I don’t know whether to hang onto the edge and stay safe, or let go and fall through into the abyss…that might be even better.
I know you don’t know the answers, and we shouldn’t try to figure things out before we know more…and I am certainly not asking for any promises. Geeze…you only friended me a week ago! And of course, it’s complicated by my life that you are only learning little bits about…and I don’t want to ruin a perfectly good thing with reality. I just want you to know why it’s complicated.
And maybe get some hints as to what you are thinking…if you have any clue…what might happen after dinner…after dessert. After breakfast…but if just listening and patting me gently on the head and saying “We’ll see…cross that bridge when we get there…” makes the most sense to you…you are most likely right.
It also likely comes from my wider experiences with men- the fact that I had five online relationships when I first got online in 1993-94. I met four of them. I was lucky…all four guys were exactly who they said they were. They hadn’t pumped up their resume, so to speak, or lied at all. Two of them were really nice guys, just not the guy for me. None of the online spark carried over into real life. Sparks flew with the other two. Had a lovely weekend with one…then never heard from him again. Had a lovely weekend with the other one…and married him. So I have seen the gamut of
– Never met
– met, no chemistry
– chemistry, then dumped
– chemistry, marriage.
Of course, my life is much more complicated now. I’m just trying to figure out which category we’ll end up in, or whether there is something new altogether I haven’t seen.
There is another part of my past that might be where we end up. Have you seen the movie, “Same Time, Next Year” with Alan Alda? It’s about a couple that meet at a hotel once a year, shows 4 or 5 of their interactions over the course of about 40 years. I had a friend like that…someone I saw once a year for six years. We met at an annual convention and got to talking. It was ridiculous…we were completely different in every way. He was 47 and I was 22. He was a die-hard conservative, and I was a rabid liberal. He was married. We had to agree to disagree on just about every topic we discussed. But it was fun to get insights into someone so opposite. The next year he admitted that he was smitten with me. I let things progress, but the sex was awful for me…but I could tell it meant the world to him. So we kept meeting until his reason to be at the annual conventions stopped. I met him one time after that, went to visit him when his wife was away. And he said he had to stop, because all he could think about was me, and he couldn’t live that way. I told him to call me when he needed to hear my voice, and he said that wouldn’t work because he’d be calling me every day. I understood. It was a relief for me. Probably would not have been true if the sex had been any good. I get an annual Christmas card so I know he is still alive…
And this doesn’t even touch on all the issues inside my marriage…which is good in a lot of ways but obviously out of whack. Definitely best left for later.
Wow…that got way too long. Didn’t mean to dump all this on you. Not sure I should send it…but I think you can deal with it.
I don’t need to know now…just know that I am thinking about it. Trying to explain. And it is mostly not about you. And I will try not to let it interfere with the delightful, delicious, delovely dinner ideas…
I will go to bed now…think about buying a skirt to wear…and maybe some sexy underthings that you can rip.

Thursday thoughts

I ran day 2 of my conference, and went out to the theater in the evening.  And Phil drove all day with his wife and kids in the car.  And we still managed to exchange 11 messages on Facebook.

August 26 at 9:14am
Is it okay for me to be sending you messages today? Don’t know who is in the car with you and whether it could be problematic. Of course, you may not be able to answer…
I am in bad shape when a simple sentence like “getting ready to step into the shower” sends me over the edge into an extended fantasy of what I could do if I were there… water…hands…mouth…egads. Wish I had more time to write that all out.
Teasing is good. Slow is usually good. Don’t know if we can manage that at the first…too much building up…
Though I still can’t quite see it happening for real. Very complicated…but I am trying to set that aside for now and just enjoy. I hate it when reality intrudes! Pushing it away…shove…kick…
Must run greet conference attendees and get them to the right rooms…pleasant professional, that’s me today!
Phil August 26 at 12:31pm
You can send me anything at any time. May take me a few to answer but love to hear from you!
August 26 at 12:43pm
Phew. I don’t know what you’ve said to whom…don’t want to get you in trouble. My husband does know you got in touch with me and that I am enjoying chatting with you, but not details. Have to run direct people to lunch…more later.
August 26 at 2:36pm
Eating lunch…a leftover kosher bag lunch that no one picked up – roast turkey on rye, potato salad, and a cookie! Quality stuff from the big Jewish deli in Boston. Staff is tired…ready to be done. But they’re still working hard, bless them.

I’m pondering why I like sharing little bits of my day with you…Maybe because it makes you seem closer.
I am visualizing you…the drive North…we did it so many times from my grandparents’ farm.  If I was with you, we could sing! Heh…what would we sing? Hymns…do you have favorites? Lady Gaga…”P-P-P-Poker Face!” or the Beatles “When I’m 64,” maybe Alan Jackson’s “Kiss an Angel Good Morning”…Carole King’s “You’ve Got A Friend?” I wonder if I could remember the words. Maybe you could teach me some of the newer religious music.
What part do you usually sing? We could do harmony…I am an alto these days, having progressed down from first soprano in H.S., 2nd soprano in college. I wonder if I will be a bass before I die!
We’d have to stop now and then for…kissing. The guys at the truck stop might get an eyeful. 🙂
Gotta run pack up. Be safe. *hugs*

Phil August 26 at 2:48pm
I told my wife we had been in touch. I have no PC up here, just my phone. I am a Republican though not die hard. I vote based on peoples position on the issues. I am very laid back. I don’t get upset about anything. I think people should earn their way, be compassionate towards others, allow people to be who they are. I’m pretty accepting, not shocked easily. I have almost no temper, don’t hold grudges. I have just always tried to stay me.
We are going to do dinner. Can’t wait to see you and actually talk. What happens, who knows. I know there is a ton of sexual energy. Always was. I would love to follow through. I love being wet and slippery in the shower. I would love to ravage you until we are both spent. I hope it is not offensive when I say cock. I can say penis or something like that. Hope the pictures were not offensive. I need to keep working on the weight I know. I still want to bury my cock deep inside of you, finding a rhythm and pace that you like. I want to feel you cum on my cock and then I want to cum deep inside of you. Is that offensive? 
August 26 at 3:22pm
Thanks for writing…I know you are having a long day and appreciate you sending me messages from your phone. My phone is completely dumb…can’t do much with it.
A Republican? Yikes. I was betting that you were. But this goes into the “Yankees” pile. 🙂 Up here, there are Democrats or democrats. Which is fine with me. Even the Democrats are too conservative for me most of the time. But I rarely get worked up about politics except for abortion rights (don’t tell me what to do with my own body!) and gay rights (why is it anyone’s business but theirs?!) But I try not to argue politics ever…no point.
Geesh…no grudges…you may have to tell me your faults some day so I don’t think you’re perfect. 🙂 But wait awhile. No sense shattering my illusions right now.
Please don’t fret about your weight. I probably outweigh you by 100 pounds. I have, as my mother puts it basically every time I see her, in shame, “let myself go.” I’ve tried lots of ways to change that but no luck. If I could change one thing about myself, that would be it.
Don’t worry about your language…the words you use are fine…and a clue into your mind, which is a very interesting place. It’s a little startling, because I haven’t seen it in a long time. But that’s okay, makes me realize this is a different thing from normal. And as my “normal” on that front is “zero” different is great! Don’t spend energy fretting about it. If there’s anything that bugs me, I will tell you. You can be real with me.

The picture you texted is too good…shoulders…smile…I can’t stop looking at it. I did wonder where you got that idea. I don’t think I can reciprocate…will think more about it. It was brilliant to send it. It is only bad in that it makes me ache to reach through the screen and touch you…and more.

August 26 at 5:28pm
Hope your drive is going well…wonder how far you’ve gotten…gorgeous day for driving.
Conference is done, everyone happy. Made it home…going to nap before I go out to the theater. Maybe I will dream…maybe something I can share. Still thinking about the last one…against the wall…and your extension of it. Whew…
Say hello to the old hometown for me. I was last there a few years ago for a going-away party for my parents before they moved over here.
I had a small fantasy about getting in my car and driving over there tonight… meeting you somewhere…know it is not in the cards, but it was fun to think about for a few moments. I do that a lot, try to play it out in my mind, see if I can find a scenario that would work. I can’t think of a place in town that would work. Maybe you can spin out an interesting story about what would happen if I was there.
Of course, any time I get within 30 miles of there, I start getting paranoid, looking over my shoulder and wondering who I will run into and who will call my parents and tell them how nice it was to run into me…can’t get away with anything. Shouldn’t matter anymore but old habits are hard to break.
So maybe we could meet half way…there’s a great mall with food court… public…safe for a first look…good gyros…and a hotel next door.
But you have family things to do. It’s fun to imagine.
Don’t pay any attention…just pondering. Can’t switch gears that fast from old, boring, faithful married lady to whatever I’d be if I followed through. Whole image of myself would have to change. Thought I’d never have a chance to even think about it. Possible…but complicated.
It’s odd how mixed up I am…the idea of dinner in December scares me, but then I am scheming to find you tomorrow. Heh.
Off to nap…then the show. Then home to check Facebook. May have to buy a smarter phone.
Phil August 26 at 5:51pm
Dinner is a certainty. Will see what we can set up. Will be back in October by myself. Good opportunity then. The fantasy is wonderful. Standing in the mall hard as can be thinking about it. Thinking about dinner, sitting next to you sliding my hand up under your dress, stroking the inside of your thigh, feeling your legs part so I can go higher, hearing you sigh, taking a breath as my fingers hit your panties. Sliping a finger underneath. Ummm
Phil August 26 at 10:17pm
Licking that finger as you watched. Feeling your hand now on my leg, sliding up to grasp my hardness. Both of us wanting the other. We would still be old married folk. Faithful, not so much. Understand, I will never force anything. This will never move past your comfort zone. Those are the rules. We can have fun, enjoy each other as far as your comfort goes. I never want you to say what was I thinking. If you said, it was hot, it was wonderful, made me feel sexy and alive. I’m very good with that. You are very special to me. I love learning about you, hearing your thoughts and fantasies. Would love to live them out. Do not for a second think I expect anything. What happens 🙂
Phil August 26 at 10:20pm
All of that said, I want you. I want to lick kiss, touch you every where. I want to feel your hands and mouth on me. Your body pressed close to mine. Just saying Sassy. You turn me on like you did 30 years ago.
Phil August 26 at 11:02pm
Hope the play went well. Sweet dreams

Between Phil and You
[He texted me a photo of his younger brother]

August 26 at 11:44pm
Thanks for the sweet photo of Tommy! That was a very nice thing to do.
I was kind of weirded out when I saw it, for two reasons:
1) Just this evening, you were taking that photo at the exact moment I was sitting at the play thinking of you two. The way you are reading my mind across the miles and the years is just plain spooky. What does it mean? On the same wavelength is an understatement.
The play was a very funny, sexy, and sad. I lost so many friends to AIDS… dredged that all up. *sigh*
I was thinking about you during the sexy parts, and several of the guys I dated in high school during the funny parts, and I was going through their names in my mind and suddenly I realized that I dated your brother. Duh…I know…just hadn’t connected that in my mind. I wanted to ask you about Tommy – is he healthy? Happy? What does he do? Is his wife nice?
But then I couldn’t remember if you knew that he took me to my prom, and worried that there might be weirdness on that front. And then I remembered that you would see Tommy this weekend, and that we should have talked about him earlier, settled any questions on that front. Make sure there isn’t any weirdness.
2) Does he know that he is toasting me? Did you tell him we were back in touch? (The irony of that phrase makes me giggle… touch…heh…I’ll say) Or did you tell him some other reason to take that photo?
Of course, once again I can’t remember anything about my relationship with him. He must of broken up with me, because I’ve only ever broken up with one guy and it wasn’t him. But I don’t recall any huge angst about it.
I do hope he remembers me kindly.
Again what is the matter with my brain. I still know my phone number, I swear.
In a way, I hope you can talk to him…or someone…about me and what’s going on…so you have an outlet to share your good news. On the other hand, I hope you don’t because…it could hurt people, so it scares the crap out of me. Whichever you chose is fine…I’m just noodling about it. Tired, emotional from the play…