Panties Man Returns

Remember Panties Man?  He disappeared right after the holidays.  And reappeared three months later!  I wonder what happened?  We jumped right back in where we left off… him talking about meeting but it never happening. 
March 22, 2013 
·       Mar 22 3:22 PM Rick: hey!! remember me????
·       Mar 22 3:28 PM Sassy: HIya
·       Mar 22 3:29 PM Sassy: What’s up?
·       Mar 22 3:38 PM Rick: At work. It’s been so long!! I’m not online much, as you must have guessed. Work and life have been keeping me pretty darn busy.
·       Mar 22 3:39 PM Rick: How are things with you? Has the office drama calmed down? have you met anyone new?
·       Mar 22 3:39 PM Sassy: Great to know you’re still alive. 🙂  
·       Mar 22 3:39 PM Rick: Are you still sexy? Yes….I thought you were (and are!!) despite your comments to the contrary
·       Mar 22 3:40 PM Sassy: Rolling along… work is much calmer. Have new boss. 🙂 
·       Mar 22 3:40 PM Rick: do you like him/her?
·       Mar 22 3:40 PM Sassy: Can’t tell yet
·       Mar 22 3:40 PM Rick: ok.
·       Mar 22 3:40 PM Sassy: I am still fabulous and frisky.
·       Mar 22 3:41 PM Sassy: You met anyone else?
·       Mar 22 3:41 PM Rick: really! Good to hear! mmm….anywhere near Woburn right about now, so I can see for myself??
·       Mar 22 3:41 PM Rick: nope; no one on my dance card. Just work and school.
·       Mar 22 3:41 PM Sassy: How grim!
·       Mar 22 3:42 PM Sassy: Nope. At work… about to take Hubby clothes shopping. Bleh.
·       Mar 22 3:42 PM Rick: awww.
·       Mar 22 3:43 PM Rick: so, watcha wearing today? [laughing devil icon] 
·       Mar 22 3:43 PM Rick: anything pretty and sexy under those work clothes?
·       Mar 22 3:43 PM Rick: (that icon is me being a little devilish…but the icon is a bit more forceful than I had expected!)
·       Mar 22 3:44 PM Sassy: White bra you have seen in photo…. zzzz
·       Mar 22 3:44 PM Sassy: and blue floral panties. You?
·       Mar 22 3:45 PM Rick: just the normal guy-wear.
·       Mar 22 3:45 PM Sassy: You’re very cute when you’re devilish
·       Mar 22 3:45 PM Rick: (or maybe something else….
·       Mar 22 3:45 PM Sassy: what color?
·       Mar 22 3:46 PM Rick: awww, do I have to admit it?
·       Mar 22 3:46 PM Sassy: yup
·       Mar 22 3:46 PM Rick: mmmmm what if I don’t? 😉  
·       Mar 22 3:46 PM Sassy: thinking about slipping my fingers under them!
·       Mar 22 3:46 PM Rick: oh, man, that would be so hot.
·       Mar 22 3:46 PM Rick: tell me more…
·       Mar 22 3:46 PM Sassy: teasing, tantalizing… tasting!
·       Mar 22 3:46 PM Rick: tell me what you would enjoy doing; what would turn you on
·       Mar 22 3:47 PM Sassy: exploring your body
·       Mar 22 3:47 PMSassy: finding out what makes you moan
·       Mar 22 3:47 PM Rick: mmmmm….damn, we need to meet up to work on this.
·       Mar 22 3:47 PM Sassy: a very slow blow job
·       Mar 22 3:48 PM Rick: I have some Wed and Thur nights free for a couple of months, besides some Fridays. How do we make this work??
·       Mar 22 3:48 PM Rick: ohhhhh!!! I CRAVE having a blow job!!!
·       Mar 22 3:48 PM Rick: Please tell me what I need to do to get one!! Please; I’ll do nearly anything!!!
·       Mar 22 3:49 PM Sassy: You don’t need to do anything except present yourself and help me figure out a quiet spot
·       Mar 22 3:50 PM Sassy: And be nice to me. 🙂 
·       Mar 22 3:50 PM Sassy: Do you still want the negligee?
·       Mar 22 3:51 PM Rick: ok! but remember that I do like working for it; enjoy being dominated.
·       Mar 22 3:51 PM Sassy: I know…
·       Mar 22 3:51 PM Sassy: I’ll think on that
·       Mar 22 3:51 PM Rick: damn, i wish there was an easy, handy quiet spot. But I’ll work on this again. It is getting warmer, too, which presents more options.
·       Mar 22 3:51 PM Rick: oh! I’d love to see it!!!
·       Mar 22 3:52 PM Rick: and feel it…
·       Mar 22 3:52 PM Rick: and have you rub it on me, making me admit that I like it…
·       Mar 22 3:52 PM Sassy: I want you to have it.
·       Mar 22 3:52 PM Rick: really?
·       Mar 22 3:52 PM Sassy: Yes.
·       Mar 22 3:52 PM Rick: wow!
·       Mar 22 3:52 PM Sassy: If that is not problematic
·       Mar 22 3:52 PM Rick: honestly, it could raise questions in my house. I need to figure out how I can keep it.
·       Mar 22 3:53 PM Rick: now I’m getting pretty hard in my pants thinking about this. meeting up and you presenting it to me, making me admit I want to feel it.
·       Mar 22 3:53 PM Rick: you let me touch it and then you get me to admit that I want to try it on.
·       Mar 22 3:53 PM Sassy: that could be very fun
·       Mar 22 3:53 PM Rick: you make me admit it, and then beg to try it on, and I do (in this fantasy we’re in a room somewhere, obviously)
·       Mar 22 3:54 PM Sassy: I might have to run my hand up under it
·       Mar 22 3:54 PM Sassy: or down under it
·       Mar 22 3:54 PM Rick: once I’m wearing it, I’d be putty in your hands. you could do anything you wanted. This fantasy has you bending me over and playing with my ass, like those sites you showed me
·       Mar 22 3:54 PM Rick: yes…your hands would be all over me in it. I’d be your play thing!
·       Mar 22 3:54 PM Sassy: mmmm
·       Mar 22 3:55 PM Rick: I do tend to lose the focus after I ejaculate; in this fantasy you keep my focused, making me wear it long after I cum while you continue to play with me, or make me serve you
·       Mar 22 3:55 PM Rick: until I’m hard again. And then we play some more but you don’t let me cum, and make me get dressed with the nightie still on.
·       Mar 22 3:55 PM Rick: so I have to go home wearing it.
·       Mar 22 3:56 PM Sassy: wow… your brain is amazing1
·       Mar 22 3:56 PM Rick: wow….maybe I can find us a hotel room!
·       Mar 22 3:56 PM Rick: that just rolled off my head into my fingers. Did you like it?
·       Mar 22 3:56 PM Sassy: Yes.
·       Mar 22 3:56 PM Rick: mmmm….
·       Mar 22 4:00 PM Rick: wouldn’t it be fun to be in a hotel room, just the two of us, for a few hours?
·       Mar 22 4:01 PM Rick: we should start up by having other get-togethers first, just to spend some time with each other. I enjoyed speaking with you. And watching you as I brushed your arm with my fingers. And kissed you.
·       Mar 22 4:02 PM Sassy: I remember an electricity
·       Mar 22 4:02 PM Sassy: It would be good now that we might not be so nervous?
·       Mar 22 4:05 PM Rick: some nervousness is good.
·       Mar 22 4:06 PM Rick: with all that I shared after we last met, I wonder if you’ll be much less nervous and enjoy playing a more dominant role with my fetish. Maybe not…but maybe you’ll find yourself delightfully empowered by being able to manipulate me as your plaything.
·       Mar 22 4:08 PM Rick: ok, my friend, I need to be taking off. We need to seriously be in touch and find some time to get together. I have some time on Saturdays for a few weeks; what are you doing tomorrow??
·       Mar 22 4:09 PM Sassy: Nothing planned…
·       Mar 22 4:10 PM Rick: ok! I do have some schoolwork, but maybe????
·       Mar 22 4:10 PM Sassy: Yes.
·       Mar 22 4:10 PM Rick: just a casual meeting, if we can make it work. No expectations; just to say hello. 🙂 
·       Mar 22 4:11 PM Sassy: Sure
·       Mar 22 4:11 PM Rick: but if I were to get kidnapped….oh boy!
·       Mar 22 4:12 PM Sassy: Yum
·       Mar 22 4:12 PM Rick: ok, I do need to sign off; heading out. Might not be on tonight, but can check in. Feel free to write email and I’ll respond when I can.
·       Mar 22 4:12 PM Sassy: Just tell me where and I will be there.
·       Mar 22 4:12 PM Rick: (and dare I say that I am 100% for wearing…you know….so far in 2013. and what I had planned to be wearing tomorrow is pretty garish, so I’d be ripe for teasing for anyone who knew….)
·       Mar 22 4:13 PM Sassy: I will have to see it
·       Mar 22 4:13 PM Rick: We can check-in tomorrow; don’t know of a place off the top of my head, but we can figure something out.
·       Mar 22 4:13 PM Rick: well…I might resist letting you see it!
·       Mar 22 4:13 PM Sassy: I have my ways
·       Mar 22 4:13 PM Rick: actually, I know I will resist! I’d be blushing a storm.
·       Mar 22 4:14 PM Sassy: I’m going to put my hand on them
·       Mar 22 4:14 PM Rick: mmmm…thinking of you and your ways. ‘Come into my van to talk. Oh..the van is starting!! buckle up…..’
·       Mar 22 4:15 PM Rick: oh, man….that sounds soo exciting. But I will resist; and would love you using your ‘ways’ to break me down and submit. I have so many thoughts going through my head!
·       Mar 22 4:15 PM Sassy: Put your hand down there right now
·       Mar 22 4:15 PM Sassy: See my hand
·       Mar 22 4:16 PM Sassy: Stroke
·       Mar 22 4:16 PM Sassy: Now go
·       Mar 22 4:17 PM Rick: mmmm…yes ma’am!
·       Mar 22 4:17 PM Rick: talking like that makes me want to listen and obey you
·       Mar 22 4:17 PM Rick: i’m off! We’ll be in touch!

Final prep to meet

February 22, 2013 Friday
11:36 PM SmoothGuy: Hey there hot stuff! You up?
11:37 PM SmoothGuy: Ping
11:40 PM Sassy: Hiya!
11:40 PM Sassy: You’re up late!
11:46 PM SmoothGuy: Hi I’m back
11:47 PM SmoothGuy: I guess pretty late for me. Had a nap!
11:48 PM SmoothGuy: Are you a night owl?
11:48 PM Sassy: Yes
11:49 PM SmoothGuy: I like to be sometimes. But pay for it the next day.
11:49 PM Sassy: I seem to need less sleep as I get older.
11:49 PM SmoothGuy: Usually thinking too much about sex  : )
11:50 PM Sassy: Oooh!
11:50 PM SmoothGuy: Yep.  Not a bad thing
11:52 PM Sassy: Mmmm….You type 3 letters and my brain takes off!
11:52 PM SmoothGuy: I may have to go soon. But wanted to say tomorrow morning is 50-50. My wife is not going to the morning movie. My daughter is ambivalent ….Don’t know if you are even free still , but want to bring the possibility up
11:53 PM Sassy: Could…
11:54 PM Sassy: You won’t know til you leave the house, right?
11:54 PM SmoothGuy: I won’t know until around 9:00
11:55 PM SmoothGuy: To be there around 9:30 to 9:45
11:55 PM Sassy: I’ll hang loose, give me a shout
11:55 PM SmoothGuy: Great! I will email you either way by 9:00, earlier if I can
11:56 PM Sassy: Sounds great!
11:56 PM SmoothGuy: Would be pretty cool to finally meet… And start off with a nice hug
11:57 PM Sassy: Oh yes!
11:59 PM SmoothGuy: Ditto!!
12:00 AM SmoothGuy: Do hear some people coming upstairs now, so need to sign off… Will email you in the AM
12:00 AM SmoothGuy: Night

Planning to meet SmoothGuy

February 20, 2013 Wednesday
·       10:34 PM SmoothGuy: Hi there
·       10:34 PM SmoothGuy: Ping
·       10:36 PM Sassy: Hiya
·       10:36 PM SmoothGuy: Hi back!  About Saturday….
·       10:38 PM SmoothGuy: Tentative still, but I’m looking at 9:30 to 12:00 ish free
·       10:38 PM Sassy: Cool!
·       10:38 PM SmoothGuy: Burlington area, because that’s where the movie is
·       10:39 PM Sassy: That works
·       10:39 PM SmoothGuy: Tentative though…
·       10:39 PM Sassy: Sure
·       10:40 PM SmoothGuy: Need to go alone, but others may want to come …
·       10:40 PM SmoothGuy: Best I can do
·       10:41 PM Sassy: Of course
·       10:41 PM Sassy: If not, there are other times
·       10:41 PM Sassy: Don’t fret
·       10:43 PM SmoothGuy: Thanks. Just don’t want to set expectations that I can’t meet
·       10:43 PM Sassy: No expectations. Really. I know stuff happens.
·       10:43 PM Sassy: Just don’t stand me up… all I ask.
·       10:44 PM SmoothGuy: Do you want to meet at the movie theater? Or some place nearby for a breakfast type thing
·       10:44 PM SmoothGuy: Never stand you up
·       10:45 PM Sassy: Hmmm… whatever works for you.
·       10:45 PM Sassy: I looked around…
·       10:45 PM Sassy: there’s a Bickford’s, if you want to sit or a Panera for faster stuff
·       10:46 PM SmoothGuy: Panera sounds good.
·       10:47 PM Sassy: Do you know the strip mall with the Outback Steak House and Rouche Bros?
·       10:47 PM Sassy: Very close to 128
·       10:48 PM Sassy: Panera Bread 34 Cambridge Street Burlington, MA 01803 Just off exit 33A of Rte 128
·       10:48 PM SmoothGuy: I’m sure I can find it.
·       10:48 PM Sassy: If you’re looking at Outback, it’s on the left hand side
·       10:49 PM SmoothGuy: Thanks for the address. Your are pretty good with your hands : )
·       10:49 PM Sassy: Sure thing.
·       10:49 PM Sassy: Trying to make it less stressy
·       10:51 PM SmoothGuy: I’m sure you have many ways to relax me  < 3
·       10:51 PM Sassy: I hope so.
·       10:52 PM Sassy: But if I don’t, no worries, okay? Just be honest.  No harm, no foul.
·       10:53 PM SmoothGuy: Totally with you. This is suppose to be fun
·       10:53 PM Sassy: Yes.  Even if I don’t light your fire, we can talk.
·       10:53 PM SmoothGuy: And with consideration.
·       10:53 PM Sassy: We can laugh, eat a muffin
·       10:54 PM SmoothGuy: And kiss!!
·       10:54 PM Sassy: If you want…and grope.  : )
·       10:56 PM SmoothGuy: Nothing ever wrong with kissing and groping….
·       10:56 PM SmoothGuy: It’s how you see if a fire can start….
·       10:56 PM SmoothGuy: Worse case, just a lot of fun  : )
·       10:58 PM Sassy: Yes. If it doesn’t work, I make a good AM friend
·       10:59 PM Sassy: someone you can kibbitz about other gals with
·       11:00 PM SmoothGuy: You do at that
·       11:00 PM Sassy: I want you to be happy, even if it’s not with me
·       11:01 PM SmoothGuy: Looking forward to meeting
·       11:01 PM SmoothGuy: Thanks. You too
·       11:02 PM Sassy: I need a hug
·       11:03 PM SmoothGuy: I’m a good higher
·       11:05 PM Sassy: I bet
·       11:06 PM Sassy: When it’s been awhile… hugs are so… hot

Another spot to pleasure

·       10:25 PM SmoothGuy: Hi are you around?
·       10:25 PM SmoothGuy: Ping
·       10:34 PM SmoothGuy: Ping?
·       10:38 PM Sassy: Hiya!
·       10:38 PM SmoothGuy: Hey there
·       10:38 PM Sassy: Mwah!
·       10:40 PM SmoothGuy: For some reason I’ve been thinking about oral sex all day  : 0
·       10:40 PM Sassy: Hee hee
·       10:40 PM SmoothGuy: Well done.
·       10:41 PM Sassy: So sorry I make you think of sexy things.  ; )
·       10:41 PM Sassy: Maybe feel a little more alive than usual?
·       10:42 PM SmoothGuy: Felt very alive!
·       10:42 PM SmoothGuy: And hard now, again!
·       10:43 PM SmoothGuy: Hope can feel your lips around me one day
·       10:45 PM Sassy: me too… I adore making a man explode. That way.
·       10:47 PM SmoothGuy: Well, you certainly have me thinking about it quite often.
·       10:48 PM SmoothGuy: I just love making a woman shake and spasm with my mouth
·       10:48 PM SmoothGuy: Nothing better. Can almost taste it just typing.
·       10:49 PM Sassy: It’s so great when a man is into exploring “down there.”
·       10:49 PM SmoothGuy: A great pleasure in my book.
·       10:50 PM Sassy: Makes me lose my vocabulary!
·       10:50 PM SmoothGuy:  : )
·       10:51 PM SmoothGuy: To be very open, and a bit out there…..
·       10:52 PM SmoothGuy: I’d love to alternate and do a taste test with the vagina and the penis….  : )
·       10:52 PM Sassy: Heh. Lots of porn like that!
·       10:53 PM SmoothGuy: I’m sure there is. But, the real thing is such a turn on to think about
·       10:53 PM Sassy: Do you think about ass play?
·       10:53 PM SmoothGuy: ….and would be amazing to do.
·       10:54 PM SmoothGuy: Ass play in what sense?
·       10:54 PM Sassy: Someone putting things inside you
·       10:54 PM Sassy: tongue, finger, toys?
·       10:54 PM Sassy: going in and out, filling you?
·       10:55 PM Sassy: finding your p-spot?
·       10:55 PM SmoothGuy: Yes, that I do think about
·       10:55 PM Sassy: Cool
·       10:56 PM SmoothGuy: As long as it’s gentle
·       10:56 PM Sassy: sure
·       10:56 PM SmoothGuy: How about you?
·       10:56 PM Sassy: I did it once with someone who was not gentle…
·       10:56 PM Sassy: need to find someone who is better at it!
·       10:57 PM SmoothGuy: Ouch
·       10:57 PM Sassy: I have a box of toys I haven’t used… could see if any of them are enhancing…
·       10:57 PM SmoothGuy: Well, I’m willing to be led and taught in that regard
·       10:58 PM Sassy: We could explore together
·       10:58 PM SmoothGuy: That would be very nice to do together
·       10:59 PM SmoothGuy: Key is not being shy and communicating what feels good
·       10:59 PM Sassy: yes
·       11:01 PM SmoothGuy: Have you used your tongue with the ass play? Or received it ….
·       11:01 PM Sassy: Yes
·       11:01 PM SmoothGuy: Do tell …if that’s okay
·       11:03 PM Sassy: Tell what?
·       11:03 PM Sassy: I’m licking and sucking and keep going lower.  : )
·       11:04 PM Sassy: Usually put a finger up in there and wiggle, while sucking…
·       11:04 PM Sassy: Makes men says fun things like “I have never come so hard in my life.”  ; )
·       11:04 PM SmoothGuy: Must drive the guy crazy
·       11:05 PM Sassy: In a good way.
·       11:05 PM SmoothGuy: And have you received as well?
·       11:05 PM Sassy: Yes… fingers in both holes at once.
·       11:05 PM Sassy: licking on down…
·       11:06 PM Sassy: I get a little nervous about stuff from the ass getting higher up… causes big trouble… but most guys are careful…
·       11:06 PM Sassy: Geesh… I sound like such a trollop tonight!
·       11:07 PM SmoothGuy: Well, you may have to give me some tips, as I’m an ass virgin
·       11:07 PM SmoothGuy:  : )
·       11:08 PM Sassy: yum
·       11:08 PM Sassy: I’m not sure why it’s considered so naughty
·       11:09 PM Sassy: just another spot to pleasure
·       11:09 PM SmoothGuy: Do have to sign off soon  : (
·       11:09 PM Sassy: I do appreciate your popping in
·       11:09 PM Sassy: You make me smile
·       11:10 PM SmoothGuy: You make me smile!
·       11:10 PM SmoothGuy: I think the ass is taboo, which makes it naughty
·       11:11 PM Sassy: eh… just another spot to try
·       11:11 PM Sassy: I hope you have sexy dreams!
·       11:11 PM SmoothGuy: You too … Night
·       11:11 PM Sassy: Mwah!

Fantasy Fun

From: Sassy 
To: SmoothGuy
Sent: Sunday, February 10, 2013 2:27 pm
Subject: Snowy Day
Hiya!  Hope you weathered the storm in style and don’t have too much shoveling to do.  
Thinking of what we could do if you were marooned here… mmmm… glad you liked that positions web site! 
From: SmoothGuy
To: Sassy
Sent: Sunday, February 10, 2013 3:15 pm 
Subject: Re: Snowy Sunday
We made it through with all the power on, so all was good. Thanks for asking.  Sounds like you’re okay. 
Yes, I’ve been studying the positions. Would like to try most of the oral and doggy ones!
Have a nice day!
·       10:29 PM SmoothGuy: Ping
·        10:30 PM SmoothGuy: Ping
·        10:30 PM Sassy: Hiya!
·        10:30 PM SmoothGuy: Hi!
·        10:31 PM SmoothGuy: Been behaving today?
·        10:31 PM Sassy: Mostly
·        10:31 PM Sassy: You?
·        10:31 PM SmoothGuy: Too much looking at sex sites!
·        10:32 PM SmoothGuy: Am very horny. 
·        10:32 PM Sassy: Oh! How lovely. 
·        10:33 PM Sassy: any links to share?
·        10:33 PM SmoothGuy: So, wanted to ask – what’s your most favorite fantasy that you want to come true?
·        10:33 PM SmoothGuy: No limits
·        10:34 PM Sassy: Hmmm… been so long… I am stuck on simple things right now
·        10:34 PM Sassy: Still want to feel cum on my chest
·        10:34 PM Sassy: You?
·        10:35 PM SmoothGuy: To cum on your chest 
·        10:35 PM SmoothGuy: Actually…..
·        10:36 PM SmoothGuy: To stand next to a bed or chair with you sitting there …
·        10:36 PM SmoothGuy: You undo my belt…
·        10:36 PM SmoothGuy: Pull down my pants…
·        10:36 PM Sassy: I know how to do that.
·        10:36 PM SmoothGuy: Slide down my boxers.
·        10:37 PM SmoothGuy: Take me full and work your magic until I moan and explode
·        10:37 PM Sassy: when was the last time someone did that?
·        10:38 PM SmoothGuy: Decades 
·        10:39 PM Sassy: Hunh. I like doing that.
·        10:39 PM Sassy: adore tasting you…
·        10:39 PM Sassy: teasing you
·        10:39 PM Sassy: edging you over and over
·        10:39 PM Sassy: your hands in my hair
·        10:40 PM SmoothGuy: But what are we going to do on our second date? 
·        10:41 PM Sassy: Tackle your 2nd fantasy
·        10:41 PM Sassy: But I might have to work on the first one again… practice makes perfect
·        10:41 PM Sassy: You know I’m going to swallow, right?
·        10:41 PM Sassy: my throat closing around you…
·        10:42 PM Sassy: Geesh… every time I get frightened a guy is going to mention something kinky I can’t do, he says BJ and I am so relieved!
·        10:42 PM Sassy: I consider that a part of normal, every day play…
·        10:43 PM SmoothGuy: Well we are pretty predictable!!!
·        10:43 PM SmoothGuy: Want to play with you every day, then 
·        10:44 PM Sassy: I am astonished at all the women who won’t do it…
·        10:44 PM Sassy: makes me look so yummy so easily!
·        10:44 PM SmoothGuy: Let’s get back to you. You must have other fantasies
·        10:45 PM Sassy: shower stuff
·        10:46 PM SmoothGuy: Go on with the shower stuff…
·        10:46 PM Sassy: wet skin on skin
·        10:47 PM Sassy: lathering
·        10:47 PM Sassy: rinsing
·        10:47 PM SmoothGuy: Soaping up… From behind?
·        10:48 PM Sassy: pressed against the shower wall
·        10:48 PM SmoothGuy: Slipping my hand in and out?
·        10:48 PM Sassy: being teased with a hard cock
·        10:48 PM SmoothGuy: From behind or in front?
·        10:48 PM Sassy: it starts in the front
·        10:49 PM Sassy: watching you play
·        10:49 PM Sassy: watching me play
·        10:49 PM SmoothGuy: Then….
·        10:49 PM SmoothGuy: Go on …
·        10:49 PM Sassy: mmmf
·        10:50 PM Sassy: being pulled onto a cock
·        10:50 PM Sassy: from behind
·        10:50 PM Sassy: and pounded
·        10:50 PM Sassy: deep
·        10:50 PM Sassy: water pounding… man pounding
·        10:50 PM SmoothGuy: Are you bent over
·        10:51 PM Sassy: yes
·        10:51 PM Sassy: ass in his hands
·        10:51 PM Sassy: gripping, pulling
·        10:51 PM SmoothGuy: Love to massage your ass while thrusting
·        10:52 PM Sassy: maybe press a hand around, under… find that clit
·        10:52 PM SmoothGuy: Breathing hard, btw
·        10:52 PM Sassy: now?
·        10:52 PM SmoothGuy: Oh yeah, now
·        10:53 PM SmoothGuy: Guess yours is my fantasy too!
·        10:53 PM Sassy: touching?
·        10:53 PM SmoothGuy: But what about our third date now? 
·        10:53 PM Sassy: How convenient!
·        10:54 PM SmoothGuy: Good chemistry!
·        10:54 PM Sassy: you marking my chest
·        10:54 PM Sassy: with your teeth
·        10:54 PM SmoothGuy: Very nice. I made guttural sounds just now!
·        10:55 PM Sassy: my hands on your hair… talking very dirty to you
·        10:55 PM SmoothGuy: Still love your breast picture, btw.
·        10:56 PM SmoothGuy: While I’m being brazen tonight, any other pics to share?
·        10:56 PM SmoothGuy: For sexual purposes only 
·        11:00 PM Sassy: sent [sent belly button and neon pink panties]
·        11:03 PM SmoothGuy: Thanks. Like pink. Very nice and my imagination is running wild 
·        11:03 PM Sassy: Which direction?
·        11:03 PM SmoothGuy: You know… Slowly taking them off…
·        11:03 PM SmoothGuy: With my mouth…
·        11:03 PM Sassy: ooh!
·        11:04 PM SmoothGuy: After kissing through them for several minutes…
·        11:04 PM SmoothGuy: And enjoying the wonderful smells and tastes…
·        11:05 PM Sassy: mmmmm
·        11:05 PM SmoothGuy: Then getting to the warm essence
·        11:05 PM Sassy: is this something you don’t usually get to do either?
·        11:05 PM SmoothGuy: But enough about our first date  
·        11:05 PM Sassy: Hee!
·        11:06 PM Sassy: You are so good.
·        11:06 PM SmoothGuy: Not in my memory
·        11:07 PM SmoothGuy: You’re pretty amazing
·        11:07 PM SmoothGuy: So, typical guy question …
·        11:07 PM Sassy: Another thing I think of as an every time thing!
·        11:07 PM Sassy: Yes?
·        11:08 PM SmoothGuy: Any fantasies with threesomes? And be honest, as I will
·        11:09 PM Sassy: Some… MFM
·        11:09 PM Sassy: Or MMFM
·        11:10 PM Sassy: I did FMMF one time
·        11:10 PM Sassy: You?
·        11:13 PM SmoothGuy: Have had a fantasy about MFM for some time. But never have made any effort there.
·        11:13 PM SmoothGuy: But it turns me on
·        11:14 PM Sassy: both working on F or all on each other?
·        11:14 PM SmoothGuy: Not as much as FMF but it’s there
·        11:15 PM Sassy: you like to watch or do?
·        11:15 PM SmoothGuy: All on each other. Mostly scared about disease or may have already tried
·        11:15 PM SmoothGuy: With the mm part
·        11:16 PM Sassy: why do men seem more scary?
·        11:16 PM SmoothGuy: Do and watch
·        11:16 PM Sassy: I want to hear you talk about this… watch your face
·        11:16 PM Sassy: hear the details of what you imagine
·        11:17 PM SmoothGuy: Mostly scary because i think stds would be more prevalent
·        11:17 PM Sassy: hunh
·        11:18 PM SmoothGuy: Very interested in playing with the other guy and you back and forth
·        11:18 PM Sassy: cool
·        11:18 PM Sassy: nice when a guy is not hung up on “ewww man cooties!’
·        11:18 PM SmoothGuy: Cool
·        11:18 PM SmoothGuy: Nope. Sex is good.
·        11:19 PM Sassy: Do you think about watching your wife with other men?
·        11:19 PM Sassy: Many of the bi-curious men I know, do
·        11:19 PM SmoothGuy: Always wondered about the sensation of sucking a cock
·        11:19 PM SmoothGuy: Sure, used to
·        11:19 PM Sassy: I would think a guy might now how to please another man…
·        11:20 PM Sassy: I assume she would not join in this party.
·        11:20 PM SmoothGuy: But now the other way
·        11:20 PM SmoothGuy: No not at all
·        11:21 PM SmoothGuy: Would need a man friend or couple friend of yours
·        11:21 PM Sassy: tricky
·        11:21 PM SmoothGuy: I would imagine. But a powerful fantasy.
·        11:22 PM Sassy: Sure…
·        11:30 PM SmoothGuy: So, ever any female fantasies for you?
·        11:30 PM Sassy: I had a girl crush
·        11:30 PM Sassy: tried…but just… I dunno… I’m so het
·        11:30 PM Sassy: but that was a long time ago.
·        11:31 PM SmoothGuy: Ah, but do you have an interest now?
·        11:31 PM Sassy: but I try not to exclude by gender
·        11:31 PM Sassy: if the right person turns me on, I hope I could follow through now
·        11:31 PM SmoothGuy: Is that a yes?
·        11:32 PM Sassy: Sure
·        11:33 PM SmoothGuy: So, maybe down the road, say we become a couple, then possibly swing with another couple. Not that I’m not way ahead of myself or anything
·        11:33 PM Sassy: mostly a “if it feels good, do it” person
·        11:33 PM Sassy: Heh… you do get way ahead. it’s rather cute.
·        11:34 PM Sassy: swinging often mean just switching..
·        11:34 PM Sassy: foursome would be better
·        11:34 PM SmoothGuy: Or just with another guy added to be as direct and true fantasy like as possible
·        11:34 PM Sassy: in my mind
·        11:35 PM Sassy: or another woman… both of us working on you?
·        11:35 PM Sassy: ah the possibilities…
·        11:35 PM Sassy: It unusual for you to express this?
·        11:35 PM SmoothGuy: But first, us…. Plenty of fantasies there
·        11:36 PM SmoothGuy: Yes, unusual, but you seem to be so open sexually and not hung up at all
·        11:36 PM Sassy: Yup
·        11:37 PM Sassy: I adore listening… poking around in your head… knowing what turns you on…
·        11:37 PM SmoothGuy: Two woman? Every guys dream
·        11:37 PM Sassy: Heh
·        11:37 PM SmoothGuy: But, totally honest, a mfm would be my ultimate fantasy
·        11:38 PM SmoothGuy: With me taking turns on pleasuring you both orally
·        11:39 PM Sassy: very hot
·        11:39 PM SmoothGuy: Hope not too strange for you
·        11:39 PM Sassy: not at all
·        11:39 PM Sassy: I read a whole blog where the guy talked about it a lot
·        11:39 PM SmoothGuy: Nice to hear….second date kind of stuff 
·        11:40 PMSmoothGuy: We only live once
·        11:40 PM Sassy: yup
·        11:40 PM Sassy: Glad you are branching out
·        11:41 PM SmoothGuy: Glad you are open to listening
·        11:41 PM Sassy: No harm in it…
·        11:41 PM SmoothGuy: And maybe helping make it come true
·        11:42 PM SmoothGuy: Time to hit the bed. Plus my battery is about out. Night.


IM Friday Feb 8, 2013
10:50 PM SmoothGuy: Ping
10:50 PM SmoothGuy: Ping
10:51 PM Sassy: hiya!
10:51 PM SmoothGuy: Enjoying the storm ?
10:51 PM SmoothGuy: Hi
10:51 PM Sassy: bored but fine.
10:51 PM Sassy: You?
10:52 PM SmoothGuy: Love this weather.
10:52 PM Sassy: Why?.
10:52 PM SmoothGuy: As long as power stays on
10:53 PM SmoothGuy: Why? Just the power of nature.
10:53 PM Sassy: It is impressive!
10:53 PM Sassy: I have all the essentials – ice cream, chips, chili cheese dogs…
10:53 PM SmoothGuy: Btw, only have 5 minutes or so but wanted to say hi.
10:54 PM SmoothGuy: Me too – chocolate wine and cheese
10:54 PM Sassy: hee hee
10:54 PM Sassy: not sure why storms make me hungry
10:54 PM Sassy: and horny!
10:55 PM SmoothGuy: I think it’s the comforting instinct
10:55 PM Sassy: An AM guy who had not written in ages offered to come over and “plow my driveway”
10:56 PM SmoothGuy: Food and sex. Yes.
10:56 PM SmoothGuy: Creative
10:56 PM Sassy: Too bad I don’t own one.
10:56 PM SmoothGuy: Are you being plowed later?
10:57 PM Sassy: Do you have the right equipment?
10:57 PM SmoothGuy: Oh yes!
10:57 PM SmoothGuy: Needs to get used soon
10:58 PM Sassy: I can think of some uses
10:58 PM SmoothGuy: Might need some lubrication
10:59 PM SmoothGuy: Such as….
10:59 PM Sassy: plugging a hole
11:00 PM Sassy: comforting
11:00 PM Sassy: exciting
11:00 PM Sassy: teasing
11:00 PM Sassy: tantilizing
11:01 PM SmoothGuy:  
11:02 PM SmoothGuy: Did we ever discuss your favorite position? I may want to study up 
11:03 PM Sassy: Depends on the day. : )
11:03 PM Sassy: doggie’s great
11:03 PM Sassy: the deck chair is fun
11:04 PM Sassy: the head over the bed sucking is nice
11:04 PM Sassy: you?
11:04 PM SmoothGuy: Enjoy doggie a lot! How does the deck chair work?
11:07 PM SmoothGuy: Head over the bed  You on top and me sucking on your nipples may be a bit of heaven.
11:07 PM Sassy: yum
11:08 PM SmoothGuy: Nice and slow. Deep penetration. Deep kissing.
11:09 PM Sassy: basically my legs on your shoulders. Whee!
11:10 PM Sassy: animations are oddly mesmerizing
11:11 PM SmoothGuy: Of course, my favorite is you lying naked on the bed, legs elevated and me spending a half hour bringing you to climax with my tongue
11:11 PM Sassy: very nice
11:12 PM Sassy: saw a new one recently… hard to explain, will have to demonstrate… mostly my legs over your hips, you bent at the waist, beside me, pressing in from under
11:12 PM Sassy: able to touch here or there or kiss while doing it
11:13 PM SmoothGuy: Nice web link I approve
11:13 PM Sassy: I adore trying new angles, mixing it up
11:14 PM SmoothGuy: Nice one to try. Love to experiment too.
11:15 PM SmoothGuy: Need to run. Have a good night. Hope we explore some angles together!
11:15 PM  Sassy: Mwah!

Virgin hair

IM Thursday, Feb 7, 2013
10:25 PM SmoothGuy: Ping
10:25 PM SmoothGuy: Ping
10:25 PM SmoothGuy: Hi there!
10:26 PM Sassy: hiya!
10:26 PM Sassy: Yay!
10:26 PM Sassy: I heard it this time…
10:26 PM SmoothGuy: Great!
10:27 PM SmoothGuy: You looking forward to the blizzard?
10:27 PM Sassy: Ugh
10:27 PM Sassy: Trying to figure out if my project peeps can meet on Saturday
10:27 PM SmoothGuy: Fun!
10:27 PM Sassy: been fielding inquires and theories and looking at all day
10:28 PM SmoothGuy: Oh, real life.
10:28 PM SmoothGuy: Forgot about that
10:28 PM Sassy: and my boss can’t figure out the weather stuff online…
10:28 PM Sassy: heh
10:28 PM Sassy: We’ve never cancelled… karma may be catching up to me
10:28 PM SmoothGuy: Cancel Saturday. 30 inches.
10:28 PM Sassy: well… we are supposed to meet at 3 PM and 8 PM    
10:29 PM Sassy: they’ve closed the T… when will it reopen?
10:29 PM Sassy: when will the snow STOP?
10:29 PM SmoothGuy: Governor will close the roads
10:29 PM Sassy: yes… but when will he reopen them?
10:29 PM SmoothGuy: Latest is Saturday at noon
10:29 PM Sassy: tricky
10:29 PM SmoothGuy: But need time to clear the roads
10:30 PM Sassy: yeah…
10:30 PM Sassy: so far we’re saying we’ll be there…
10:30 PM Sassy: and we’ll honor 3 PM tickets at 8 PM    
10:30 PM SmoothGuy: Pretty clear cut. Many won’t be able to make it
10:30 PM Sassy: Yeah… but we can’t reschedule
10:30 PM Sassy: and it’s for charity
10:30 PM SmoothGuy: Sorry for you though. Can you just reschedule?
10:31 PM SmoothGuy: Ouch.
10:31 PM Sassy: ah well…
10:31 PM Sassy: You don’t need to hear all this!
10:31 PM SmoothGuy: Mother nature can be a bitch
10:31 PM SmoothGuy: No problem.
10:32 PM SmoothGuy: Part of being a person
10:32 PM Sassy: I don’t usually share about this stuff… but somehow…
10:32 PM Sassy: you seem safe!
10:32 PM Sassy: and sexy…
10:33 PM SmoothGuy: Thanks. You seem very safe too
10:33 PM SmoothGuy: Which is why
10:34 PM SmoothGuy: I’m very interested in your sexy body! 
10:34 PM Sassy: Yay!
10:34 PM SmoothGuy: Ditto
10:36 PM Sassy: fantasizing?
10:36 PM SmoothGuy: Don’t recall if I asked. Blonde, brunette , red head, or combo. Or should I wait to find out?
10:36 PM Sassy: hmmm…
10:37 PM SmoothGuy: Curious. But would help 
10:40 PM SmoothGuy: Hmmmm…. sounds enticing. Are you changing as we speak? 
10:40 PM Sassy: changing?
10:42 PM SmoothGuy: Changing hair color. Just a witticism !
10:42 PM Sassy: Heh…
10:42 PM Sassy: I think about it
10:42 PM SmoothGuy: Poor one at that 
10:42 PM Sassy: I had waist length dark brown hair until I got sick
10:42 PM Sassy: That’s how I see myself
10:43 PM Sassy: And I worry that the silver is a huge turn off…
10:44 PM SmoothGuy: Not to me. Mauve
10:44 PM Sassy: Hee hee
10:44 PM Sassy: It is virgin hair, which is rather fun
10:44 PM SmoothGuy: Maybe if i was twenty
10:44 PM Sassy: never been cut
10:45 PM Sassy: It’s down below my shoulders now
10:45 PM SmoothGuy: I like long hair so that’s nice.
10:45 PM Sassy: you can grab onto it?
10:46 PM SmoothGuy: Nice to run my hands through
10:46 PM Sassy: It is very soft
10:46 PM Sassy: I was surprised… thought it would be like steel wool!
10:46 PM Sassy: and the ends are all curly
10:47 PM SmoothGuy: Soft is nice. Would remind me of the soft hair down below.
10:47 PM Sassy: gonna play with that?
10:47 PM SmoothGuy: Like curly too.
10:47 PM SmoothGuy:  : )
10:48 PM SmoothGuy: Would like to as well
10:48 PM SmoothGuy: Run my nose and mouth through it
10:48 PM SmoothGuy: Rub it gently
10:49 PM SmoothGuy: Soft kisses
10:49 PM Sassy: mmmm hmmm
10:49 PM SmoothGuy: Breath it in
10:50 PM SmoothGuy: Use my tongue to take several long licks below
10:50 PM Sassy: ooooh
10:50 PM SmoothGuy: With just a little penetration.
10:50 PM Sassy: hips will roll… trying to get to you
10:51 PM SmoothGuy: And then just kiss you very deeply over and over
10:51 PM Sassy: mmmf… you make me so wet!
10:52 PM Sassy: will you have to work tomorrow?
10:52 PM SmoothGuy: Nice  You make me very hard
10:52 PM SmoothGuy: Working from home. You?
10:53 PM Sassy: remains to be seen.
10:53 PM Sassy: Right now employer says closing at noon
10:53 PM Sassy: but boss may say never mind
10:53 PM SmoothGuy: Shouldn’t. Be a big problem
10:53 PM SmoothGuy: At noon
10:53 PM Sassy: yeah…
10:53 PM Sassy: unless everyone gets out then
10:53 PM SmoothGuy: Would leave then no matter what
10:54 PM Sassy: Were you raised around here?
10:55 PM SmoothGuy: Internet burp
10:55 PM Sassy: heh
10:56 PM SmoothGuy: Need to go now. Hope the storm
10:56 PM Sassy: Sleep well, sweets
10:56 PM SmoothGuy: Works out for you.
10:56 PM Sassy: Think of the buxom wench
10:56 PM SmoothGuy: Before I go,,,,
10:57 PM SmoothGuy: Any thoughts on meeting? Next weekend?
10:57 PM Sassy: Yes
10:57 PM SmoothGuy: 16th
10:57 PM SmoothGuy: And…
10:57 PM SmoothGuy: ?
10:57 PM Sassy: Sounds good
10:59 PM SmoothGuy: Sorry. Saturday the 16th look okay? Maybe am?
10:59 PM Sassy: Yes
10:59 PM SmoothGuy: Very nice!
10:59 PM SmoothGuy: Meet at a breakfast type place?
11:00 PM Sassy: Sure
11:00 PM SmoothGuy: You’re in Boston area?
11:00 PM Sassy: Yes
11:01 PM SmoothGuy: Burlington too far? Want to be safe for you.
11:01 PM Sassy: Can do that easily
11:02 PM SmoothGuy: Great! Me too
11:02 PM SmoothGuy: We can pick a place
11:03 PM SmoothGuy: Later. I’m open to ideas, was thinking near the mall
11:03 PM Sassy: trying to think of places…
11:04 PM SmoothGuy: Can look at a map, later on. Tentative plAns?
11:04 PM Sassy: I can be wherever, whenever…
11:05 PM Sassy: should play hard to get but so over all that crap
11:06 PM SmoothGuy: Me too.
11:06 PM SmoothGuy: I’m sure you will have me at hello 
11:07 PM Sassy: I’m going to hug you…
11:07 PM Sassy: like an old friend
11:08 PM Sassy: and look deep into your eyes
11:08 PM Sassy: and let go
11:08 PM Sassy: after that… up to you!
11:09 PM SmoothGuy: Well.., thanks for no pressure 
11:09 PM SmoothGuy: I’ll hug you back
11:09 PM Sassy: There isn’t really
11:10 PM Sassy: If it works out, YAY!
11:10 PM Sassy: If not… whatever.
11:10 PM Sassy: Just be honest.
11:10 PM SmoothGuy: Probably want to kiss you right there
11:10 PM Sassy: It will be fine
11:10 PM Sassy: hmmm… risky
11:10 PM SmoothGuy: But will behave
11:11 PM Sassy: we’ll see what sort of corner we can find
11:11 PM Sassy: if you want
11:11 PM Sassy: or we can sit in my car
11:11 PM Sassy: you can muse on that!
11:11 PM SmoothGuy: Always nice to kiss first and get the nervousness out of the wAy
11:12 PM SmoothGuy: Then see how it goes
11:12 PM SmoothGuy: At least we end up with nice memories
11:12 PM Sassy: oh yes
11:13 PM SmoothGuy: Nice plan : )
11:13 PM SmoothGuy: Though you would be tempting to touch me all over!
11:14 PM Sassy: Never can tell what I’ll touch
11:14 PM SmoothGuy: Might be hard to resist you!
11:14 PM Sassy: If you let me
11:15 PM SmoothGuy: I’m open to you.
11:16 PM Sassy:  : )
11:16 PM SmoothGuy: I’m afraid it would be hard to push you away.
11:17 PM Sassy: I wonder if you want it that way…
11:17 PM SmoothGuy: Meaning?
11:18 PM Sassy: to be so… enthralled
11:18 PM Sassy: that you forget the outside world
11:18 PM Sassy: Or if that will freak you out.
11:20 PM SmoothGuy: Not worried about freaking out. But realize that slow is good too.
11:20 PM Sassy: Oh yes
11:20 PM SmoothGuy: Should stop at just kissing, if we want. And enjoy a nice bite to eat
11:21 PM Sassy: Savor
11:21 PM SmoothGuy: With you on that
11:21 PM SmoothGuy: So kisses and bagels?
11:21 PM Sassy: heh.  Sounds like a movie
11:22 PM SmoothGuy: And then more kisses
11:22 PM SmoothGuy: Nice movie 
11:22 PM SmoothGuy: And play it by ear
11:23 PM Sassy: Definitely playing with your ears
11:23 PM Sassy: ; )
11:23 PM SmoothGuy: Really better sign off
11:23 PM Sassy: nite
11:23 PM  SmoothGuy: Enjoy the snow

Mostly licking you

 IM   February 4, 2013 
11:28 PM    SmoothGuy: Hi up tonight?
11:44 PM   Sassy: Yes!
11:45 PM   Sassy: Still there?
11:45 PM   Sassy: Ugh… I’ve got to figure out how to hear it when you ping…
11:45 PM   SmoothGuy: I’m here.
11:45 PM   SmoothGuy: Maybe I should spam you. In a nice way  🙂
11:48 PM   Sassy: Mwah!
11:48 PM   SmoothGuy: Ping
11:48 PM   SmoothGuy: Ping
11:48 PM   Sassy: You have a fun weekend?
11:48 PM   SmoothGuy: Ping 🙂
11:49 PM   SmoothGuy: Very tiring. Though no reason to complain. How about yourself?
11:49 PM   Sassy: Very low key… nice
11:50 PM   Sassy: thought about you!
11:50 PM   SmoothGuy: In a naked way, I hope!
11:52 PM   Sassy: oh yes…
11:53 PM   Sassy: In a naked very hard breathing funny moaning kinda way
11:54 PM   SmoothGuy: Now you are just making me hard again …. Like picturing you naked
11:55 PM   Sassy: Do you picture touching me?
11:55 PM   Sassy: or me touching you?
11:57 PM   SmoothGuy: Me touching you big time. Mostly licking you
11:57 PM   Sassy: mmmm
11:59 PM   SmoothGuy: Wanted to ask you if you might be free to meet the weekend of the 16th?
11:59 PM   Sassy: Sure
11:59 PM   Sassy: You know it’s a holiday weekend, right?
IM   February 5, 2013 
12:01 AM SmoothGuy: Yep, but not for me  I’m thinking that Saturday. May take a “me day” and go “gambling”
12:06 AM SmoothGuy: Hey good night. Need to go. Have a nice day tomorrow.
12:06 AM Sassy: Night, sweets

Enjoy each other

IM Feb 1, 2013
11:09 PM SmoothGuy: Quick hi, about to go to bed
11:10 PM SmoothGuy: Just wanted to remind you that I do want to meet when we can!
11:10 PM Sassy: Hiya!
11:10 PM Sassy: Mwah!
11:11 PM SmoothGuy: Yep, wife coming to bed soon!
11:11 PM Sassy: Whee!
11:11 PM SmoothGuy: But wish we were together 
11:12 PM Sassy: Yum
11:12 PM Sassy: Sleep well, dear man.
11:12 PM Sassy: Dream of a buxom vixen…
11:13 PM SmoothGuy: Still up now, my vixen!
11:14 PM Sassy: Your brain or other parts?
11:14 PM SmoothGuy: Thinking about your nice breasts, among other things 
11:14 PM Sassy: Gonna put your hands on them?
11:15 PM SmoothGuy: Was thinking about my mouth!
11:15 PM Sassy: Mmmm…
11:15 PM Sassy: bite a bit?
11:16 PM Sassy: They are more than a mouthful!
11:16 PM SmoothGuy: And your nipples… Which I imagine are quite nice
11:16 PM SmoothGuy: Maybe nibble
11:17 PM SmoothGuy: Can just imagine my tongue sliding over them
11:17 PM SmoothGuy: Nice long licks
11:17 PM SmoothGuy: And longer sucks
11:19 PM SmoothGuy: Can’t meet until weekend of the 15th. Know it’s a way out, but might it work?
11:19 PM Sassy: Yes
11:20 PM SmoothGuy: Would like to do, if we like each other in person, like we do online
11:20 PM Sassy: oh?
11:21 PM SmoothGuy: That’s great! Saturday or Sunday better?
11:21 PM SmoothGuy: Oh? Means what, exactly? A bit lost 
11:22 PM Sassy: Saturday better but earlier Sunday is fine.
11:22 PM Sassy: Just wondered what you want to do, like we do online…
11:23 PM Sassy: Oh! I get it now…. sexy stuff. 
11:23 PM Sassy: Yeah… if we get past the if’s… sounds delightful.
11:23 PM SmoothGuy: Early Sunday might be best for me, but need to get closer to the day
11:24 PM SmoothGuy: Yes, sexy stuff! But in a slow way and no pressure.
11:25 PM SmoothGuy: Though, can’t wait to kiss you!
11:28 PM Sassy: Fun to think about?
11:29 PM SmoothGuy: Yes, fun for sure. I’m optimistic that we will be good together.
11:30 PM Sassy: Remember that the usual rules don’t apply
11:30 PM Sassy: I’m not going to bear your children or be seen with you or meet your family!
11:35 PM SmoothGuy: May have to just sign off at anytime. Wanted to warn you.
11:35 PM SmoothGuy: The main rule is that we enjoy each other
11:36 PM SmoothGuy: And have fun playing
11:36 PM SmoothGuy: Gtg
11:36 PM Sassy: Yes
11:36 PM Sassy: nite!
11:37 PM SmoothGuy: Wait I’m back! For now.
11:37 PM SmoothGuy: Nice adrenaline rush though 
11:37 PM SmoothGuy: Gtg again
11:38 PM Sassy: Are you living dangerously?
IM Feb 02, 2013
8:01 AM SmoothGuy: No. That’s why I got off fast. Gives myself a cushion. Plus on an iPod not a pc. Have a nice weekend; I’ll be out of town visiting family.

Potential to play

Tuesday, January 29, 2013
7:40 PM SmoothGuy: Hi there. You around?
7:41 PM Sassy: Yes indeed! Hiya!
7:43 PM Sassy: What’s up?
7:43 PM SmoothGuy: Hey. How are you feeling these days?
7:43 PM Sassy: Feeling much better! Still coughing a little, but my brain is back. Thank for asking!
7:44 PM SmoothGuy: Nice to have your brain back, i bet.
7:44 PM Sassy: Oh yes…
7:45 PM Sassy: Breathing is also nice.
7:45 PM SmoothGuy: And good to get healthier
7:45 PM Sassy: You have a good shower last night?
7:45 PM SmoothGuy: Very productive.  Thanks
7:45 PM Sassy: Yum
7:46 PM SmoothGuy: Was lonely though. Maybe down the road…
7:46 PM Sassy: Oh yes
7:47 PM SmoothGuy: Would be nice to soap you up
7:47 PM Sassy: Get me dirty first… or second?
7:47 PM SmoothGuy: Spend a real long time on your breasts
7:48 PM Sassy: steamy

7:48 PM SmoothGuy: While pressing up against you from behind
7:48 PM Sassy: mmmmm
7:49 PM SmoothGuy: Get you dirty second. Nice and clean first.
7:49 PM Sassy: ah
7:50 PM SmoothGuy: Then dry you very nicely.
7:50 PM SmoothGuy: Make sure I inspect every part of you
7:50 PM SmoothGuy: Some parts I’m sure will stay wet
7:50 PM Sassy: Oh yes… all plumbing in working order here
7:50 PM Sassy:    🙂
7:51 PM SmoothGuy:    🙂
7:52 PM SmoothGuy: Btw, do you enjoy feet massages?
7:56 PM Sassy: yes… but it takes a certain… skill. Because I am ticklish, but it can be done.
7:56 PM Sassy: I even have a photo of me getting one! (just the ankle area!) They did them for free during chemo… ask a perk and free advertising for massage therapists
7:57 PM SmoothGuy: I’ll remember the ticklish part!
8:00 PM Sassy: Why do you ask?
8:01 PM SmoothGuy: I adore giving them. See your pleasure a different way
8:05 PM SmoothGuy: I assume chemo worked completely?
8:05 PM Sassy: Yup. Whole and cancer free.
8:05 PM SmoothGuy: Excellent!
8:05 PM Sassy: I was lucky, able to work the whole time
8:06 PM Sassy: only missed actual chemo days, as it made me stupid
8:06 PM SmoothGuy: A good story in the end. How long ago?
8:06 PM Sassy: Had surgery Dec. 2010, Chemo Feb-May 2011, radiation every frickin weekday from June 20-Aug 4, 2011.
8:07 PM Sassy: and I didn’t even get any superpower from it!
8:08 PM Sassy: Cut, poisoned and fried. Whee!
8:09 PM SmoothGuy: Well, maybe a super personality!
8:09 PM Sassy: awww
8:09 PM SmoothGuy: Meant to ask, are you ever free during the work week, during the day?
8:10 PM Sassy: Sure.  Can have a “doctors appointment” or a personal day, vacation day, sick day…
8:11 PM Sassy:  I get like… 52 days off a year.  Why?
8:12 PM SmoothGuy: I’m asking because I sometimes take random days myself too. I get 30 days myself.
8:12 PM SmoothGuy: Nice to know the potential 
8:14 PM Sassy: Hey… we could play!
8:14 PM Sassy: You’re asking good questions tonight!

8:16 PM SmoothGuy: Looking forward to meeting and then playing!  Bye