The Crazed Lawyer

Thursday, August 22, 2013
·        3:34 PM  Sassy: Hiya!
·        3:35 PM  Sassy: Smooch.
·        3:36 PM  The Lawyer: how are you today???
·        3:37 PM  Sassy: Work is a zoo! I have managed not to strangle anyone. ; )
·        3:38 PM  Sassy: How’re you?
·        3:46 PM  The Lawyer: aaah… crazed…
·        3:46 PM  Sassy: You thrive on that right?
·        3:50 PM  The Lawyer: not right now… miserable…
·        3:50 PM  Sassy: awww…
·        3:50 PM  Sassy: can I help?
·        3:57 PM  The Lawyer: naah… just work thing…
·        3:58 PM  Sassy: If I came down there and closed the door and sat on your desk and unbuttoned your shirt and…
·        4:01 PM  Sassy: my top?
·        4:01 PM  Sassy: I know… bad bad Sassy

  • 4:07 PM

    The Lawyer:
    sorry– have to run… crisis
  • 4:10 PM

The Lawyer plans for much more

Tuesday, August 20, 2013
3:03 PM
The Lawyer: thank you for lunch– excited about seeing you again…
·       3:03 PM
Sassy: You’re are most welcome! It was fun.
·       3:04 PM
Sassy: Damn… I did not want to stop!
·       3:04 PM
The Lawyer: me neither… I definitely want more…. much more!
·       3:07 PM
Sassy: Sending you the story we talked about. Be sure to display images… and be alone.  : )  
From: Sassy
To: The Lawyer 
[I sent him the full story about a sexy hike in an email but you can read it via this link]
        3:39 PM

The Lawyer: I’m looking right now…

3:41 PM

Sassy: .  : )  
·       3:44 PM
The Lawyer: what a great story… unfortunately, my office computer has a porn screen so I couldn’t click through… but… ever want to go for a hike?   : )   
·       3:45 PM
Sassy: Shouldn’t have to click… other than “show images” at the top
·       3:45 PM
Sassy:  the links are to the photos
·       3:45 PM
Sassy: in case people want to know where they came from
·       3:45 PM
Sassy: I try to give credit where credit is due.   : )  
·       3:46 PM
Sassy: I try to make it so they can be read at work without getting a guy in trouble.    : )  
·       3:46 PM
The Lawyer: there are two nice ones– one of her, and one of both of them… those I did like– plus the view from the hill was pretty good too!
·       3:46 PM
Sassy: Believe it or not, I actually climbed that mountain
·       3:47 PM
The Lawyer: Katahdin?
·       3:47 PM
The Lawyer: I’m impressed!
·       3:47 PM
Sassy: Beech Mountain, in Acadia National Park in Maine
·       3:48 PM
The Lawyer: oh– sorry Katahdin is in Baxter State Park– way north
·       3:48 PM
Sassy: On my honeymoon.   : )  
·       3:48 PM
The Lawyer: aaah… so… did you… ?  ; )
·       3:48 PM
Sassy: nope
·       3:49 PM
Sassy: Do you ever hike?
·       3:49 PM
The Lawyer: well… let’s find as good a view, with less height…and more privacy!!
·       3:49 PM
The Lawyer: some— do you??
·       3:49 PM
Sassy: Not much
·       3:51 PM
The Lawyer: well… we need to find a spot… but indoors first, I suggest!
·       3:51 PM
Sassy: yes
·       3:51 PM
Sassy: You make me smile
·       3:52 PM
Sassy: and um.. drip!
·       4:01 PM
The Lawyer: mmm… I’m afraid to get up from behind my desk this afternoon…. the daydreams!!
·       4:03 PM
Sassy: Hee!
·       4:03 PM
Sassy: You have plans for you and me?
·       4:03 PM
The Lawyer: not to be crass or prying, but might you have a recommendation for a hotel/place? I may be getting ahead of myself here, but forgive my enthusiasm…
·       4:03 PM
Sassy: Yes. I have some ideas
·       4:06 PM
Sassy: Is it tricky for you to pay? If it would be easier, I can deal and we can figure it money later?
·       4:07 PM
The Lawyer: I can pay… might be better to pay you cash if you could put it on a card, but I’ll figure a way.
·       4:07 PM
Sassy: I can easily put it on my card.
·       4:08 PM
Sassy: I’ve had luck at the La Quinta near Assembly Square mall, just off Rte 93 or Rte 28
·       4:09 PM
The Lawyer: that sounds good for me– convenient for you??
·       4:09 PM
Sassy: Or the Holiday Inn in Somerville
·       4:11 PM
Sassy: Easy from Rutherford Ave, or Rte 99
·       4:19 PM
The Lawyer: either sounds doable, as long as you’re ok with them
·       4:19 PM
Sassy: They’re fine. Very close and easy for me
·       4:19 PM
Sassy: and off my beaten path in terms of seeing people I know
·       4:20 PM
Sassy: We do need to be careful in the parking lot, lobby
·       4:21 PM
The Lawyer: certainly ok for me… so the next question will be…. when is good for you? this may be tricky, as next week will be tough for me.
·       4:21 PM
The Lawyer: agreed– we can stage somehow, maybe
·       4:23 PM
Sassy: I can go check in and send you a room number.
·       4:24 PM
The Lawyer: mmmn… and then I’ll come knocking on your chamber door….  ; )
·       4:24 PM
Sassy: If any of this sounds odd or you have better ideas, don’t hesitate to say
·       4:25 PM
Sassy: I’ll bring water and snacks.  : )
·       4:25 PM
Sassy: and my bodacious self.
·       4:26 PM
The Lawyer: your bodacious self is what I truly want!!
·       4:27 PM
The Lawyer: I am, he said somewhat abashedly, quiveringly erect….
·       4:28 PM
Sassy: Yay!
·       4:29 PM
Sassy: I am very very wet
·       4:29 PM
Sassy: And it’s all your fault!
·       4:30 PM
Sassy: Are you thinking… tomorrow? Friday?
·       4:31 PM
Sassy: How long?
 4:34 PM
Sassy: I could probably sneak out of work at say 1:30 or later…
·       4:34 PM
Sassy: Saturday or Sunday could work, if you have any openings
·       4:35 PM
Sassy: Email me… I have to run.
·       4:35 PM
Sassy: Mwah!
·       4:49 PM
The Lawyer: I will!


From: The Lawyer
To: Sassy
Sent: Aug 20, 2013 6:44 PM
Subject: have to run
my schedule is getting complicated–weekends usually are not good– next week am supposed to take a couple of days off to visit relatives… 🙁   
let’s discuss!   don’t want to miss the opportunity!!
From: Sassy
To: The Lawyer
Sent: Tuesday, August 20, 2013 10:23 PM
Subject: Re: have to run
Tom!  I can’t tell you how great it is to see your name in my inbox!  It’s awesome! 
I want to see you.  Touch your. Taste you.  Hear your moans and sighs!  I can work with your schedule except M-Th next week.  I am eager but patient.  If there’s any way I can it easier, say so. 
Have sweet sexy dreams dear man. 


Meeting The Lawyer Again

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

The Lawyer was the first AM man I met.  We exchanged emails for a week about a year ago, then had a delightful lunch on a beautiful Thursday afternoon in September 2012, and kissed in the parking lot of the church down the street.  He charmed me.  We talked through October.  He asked me if a hotel could be our next meet and I said yes.  He disappeared.  I wrote back at Thanksgiving and again at New Year’s.  Nothing came of it.  

A second chance:
He pinged me in Yahoo IM today. When I saw his name, I thought I’d hit the wrong button somehow… I was in the midst of emailing with Glider that I met yesterday.  

·       11:29 AM
The Lawyer: hello, sweet lady!
·       11:29 AM
Sassy: Hiya!
·       11:29 AM
The Lawyer: how are you doing?
·       11:30 AM
Sassy: I’m great! You?
·       11:33 AM
The Lawyer: pretty good, overall… enjoying the summer??
·       11:33 AM
Sassy: Been a rough summer
·       11:34 AM
Sassy: Mom had open heart surgery end-of-May
·       11:34 AM
Sassy: and a stroke in the midst of recovery
·       11:34 AM
Sassy: so she went from fully functional, live alone, etc. to needing someone there most of the time
·       11:35 AM
Sassy: So I’ve been dealing with her, and my sisters to split the work
·       11:36 AM
The Lawyer: ouch… Western Mass, right? Do you have to go out there regularly?
·       11:36 AM
Sassy: No, she’s nearby, thank goodness!
·       11:36 AM
Sassy: You been getting some time off?
·       11:38 AM
The Lawyer: unfortunately, no– been a very rough work-summer– hoping to get a few days off before Labor day– but I imagine you’ve been working throughout as well!
·       11:38 AM
Sassy: This week and next are the craziest of the year for me.
·       11:38 AM
The Lawyer: getting ready? 
·       11:38 AM
Sassy: yup
·       11:39 AM
Sassy: You finding lovely ladies to play with?
·       11:39 AM
The Lawyer: I wish– how about you?? finding a beau??
·       11:40 AM
Sassy: You on the shelf? That is awful! You are such a catch!
·       11:41 AM
The Lawyer: awww… C’mon… my problem is that I drop out of sight from time to time– I’m certainly no catch!
·       11:41 AM
Sassy: I’ve been trying… had a very bad meet in July that made me very skittish but I am starting to try again
·       11:43 AM
The Lawyer: I always regretted my behavior with you, for multiple reasons!
·       11:43 AM
Sassy: Eh… stuff happens.
·       11:43 AM
Sassy: I was thinking of you yesterday in fact
·       11:43 AM
Sassy: And smiling
·       11:44 AM
Sassy: But thanks for saying
·       11:44 AM
The Lawyer: well….. I’d certainly be interested, if you ever were….
·       11:45 AM
Sassy: I am
·       11:46 AM
The Lawyer: really? I have very fond memories of a church parking lot!
 11:47 AM
Sassy: Yes. That was soo hot
·       11:47 AM
Sassy: I walked by there yesterday
·       11:47 AM
Sassy: thought of my hand in your front pocket.  😉
·       11:48 AM
The Lawyer: mmmn…. it was all good… combination of kissing you and our bodies pressed together….
·       11:51 AM
Sassy: Yes. Oh yes. Ahem. YES!
·       11:52 AM
The Lawyer: mmmn… I would very much like to renew our acquaintance, m’lady… what say you?
·       11:53 AM
Sassy: Yes please.
·       11:54 AM
The Lawyer: mmmn.. let’s have lunch or something, then…
·       11:54 AM
Sassy: Sounds great!
·       11:56 AM
The Lawyer: tomorrow?
·       11:58 AM
Sassy: I have a staff lunch from 12-1:30 pm…
·       11:59 AM
Sassy: Ugh!
·       11:59 AM
The Lawyer: ok, we’ll figure it out– when would be good?
·       12:01 PM
Sassy: I am looking at the calendar…
·       12:02 PM
Sassy: Do you have options other than lunch? or does that get really tricky?
·       12:02 PM
The Lawyer: do-able, but may take a little planning
·       12:05 PM
Sassy: I’m sorry… I am usually completely flexible but I am looking at running meetings or conference Th/F, M/Tu and W/Th! Ugh. After next week, much easier!
·       12:05 PM
The Lawyer: any suggestions?
·       12:06 PM
Sassy: later afternoon?
·       12:06 PM
Sassy: breakfast?
·       12:07 PM
Sassy: I’d much rather be with you… sigh
·       12:08 PM
The Lawyer: where are you now?
·       12:08 PM
Sassy: work
·       12:08 PM
Sassy: Can you do today lunch?
·       12:08 PM
Sassy: Yes!
·       12:09 PM
The Lawyer: can leave in 3 minutes to catch redline– where shall we meet?
·       12:09 PM
Sassy: wherever you say…
·       12:09 PM
The Lawyer: I’m pretty open– name a place
12:11 PM
Sassy: Hmm…
·       12:11 PM
Sassy: Border Cafe on Church Street? or Grafton Street Grille on Mass Ave
·       12:12 PM
Sassy: John Harvard’s?
·       12:12 PM
The Lawyer: Border cafe– sounds great– about 20/30 min.
·       12:12 PM
Sassy: Okay.
·       12:12 PM
Sassy: Yay!
·       12:12 PM
The Lawyer: see you– I’m leaving right now!!
·       12:13 PM
Sassy: You are awesome!

He apologized so sweetly for not following up last year, and asked me to lunch.  In 20 minutes!  I dashed out to meet him.  He was already there!  We hugged “like old friends do” and he led me into the restaurant. He is so tall and trim! He looked handsome in a fancy tailored suit and button-down dress shirt. We got a quiet booth at the back and traded stories. He told me about his kids, and his adventures and we got nostalgic about the good old days working downtown. He has the most wonderful smile and a twinkle in his eyes. He looks at me like I am very sexy, if a bit bizarre because of the strange men I wind up meeting. He makes me smile.

As we left the restaurant, he said he needed to kiss me again.  I was a total hussy – I pulled him into the doorway of a closed business and snogged him, right there on the street!  He held me close and kissed me back with abandon! I rubbed my hips against him and he moaned into my mouth. It was so tough to stop… I wanted to unbutton his shirt and… sigh.  He makes me feel so alive! So treasured!

He said he would go back to the office and check his calendar.  I thought I’d never see him again. He said September.  For real. I didn’t believe him.

Second chat with Glider

From: Gilder
To: Sassy
Sent:  Aug 19, 2013 7:09 AM 
Re: Clues
Your couch sounds so inviting
From: Gilder
To: Sassy
Sent:  Aug 19, 2013 7:11 AM 
Re: Clues
Not really a hard ass. It just seemed every girl I was with seemed surprised I was such a teddy bear.
What sexy blogs do you read? What type of porn do you like?
I have to be in your area today. I’ll be on the look out for a silver haired buxom beauty.
From: Sassy
To: Glider
Sent: Monday, August 19, 2013 8:47 AM
Subject: Re: Clues
Good morning!  
Mmm… teddy bear?  Very nice.  
There isn’t much p0rn made for my tastes… I like to see both the man and woman, hear them, see them being nice to each other.  I’ve found a couple in my browsing.  Mostly I watch things I think a man will like, since that is much easier to find! I’ll dig some out and share if you’re interested.  
I keep up with about a dozen blogs.  Here’s a sexy 3-part slice of the best – a woman blogger about her 
adventures on a visit to Seattle.
The set-up
Part I
Part 2 
Enjoy!  Have fun in my city today!  
From: Gilder
To: Sassy
Sent:  Aug 19, 2013 8:48 AM 
Re: Clues
I’d have more fun if I bumped into you. Spontaneous is great!



·       8:44 AM
Glider: Good Morning
·       8:46 AM
Sassy: Morning! I am writing to you right this minute!
·       8:48 AM
Sassy: Have to drive to work! More later…
·       8:49 AM
Glider: perfect.
·       8:49 AM
Sassy: What?
·       8:49 AM
Glider: more later is perfect
·       8:49 AM
Sassy: Aha!
·       8:49 AM
Sassy: Mwah!
·       8:49 AM
Glider: Sorry if I was too bold but when I realized I was in your area I took a chance
·       8:50 AM
Sassy: You make me smile.
·       8:50 AM

Glider: thanks,me too
From: Gilder
To: Sassy
Sent:  Aug 19, 2013 9:20 AM 
Re: Clues
Interesting reading to say the least.  A little dominance?
From: Sassy 
To: Glider
Sent: Monday, August 19, 2013 11:11 AM
Subject: Re: Clues
Did you know about sexy blogs before this?  There are thousands of them, for every kink and personality type!  Kat talks about Ashley Madison a lot.  She has amazing adventures and writes so well about them!  She is into doms, anal and fisting… not my kink but I find it fascinating.  Doms can be hot if they have the woman’s pleasure as their goal, if he pays attention to her so that her orgasm is his goal.  If he gets off on controlling just to boss her around, then no.  And calling someone master or sir?  Nope.  I like to be more of an equal partner in my adventures. 
So which end of my area has your attention today? Sorry I was too slow on the uptake to arrange something… let’s blame it on Monday and me up way too late last night.  Ask again soon.  🙂 

From: Gilder
To: Sassy
Sent:  Aug 19, 2013 11:17 AM 
Re: Clues
I can be in anywhere you like
From: Gilder
To: Sassy
Sent:  Aug 19, 2013 11:19 AM 
Re: Clues
of course your orgasm would be the goal
From: Gilder
To: Sassy
Sent:  Aug 19, 2013 11:20 AM 
Re: Clues

I’m not a stalker. You’ve just stirred me up



·       11:11 AM
Glider: nice to see you pop up
·       11:14 AM
Sassy: Of course I am in the midst of writing to you.
·       11:14 AM
Sassy: You must feel the vibes or something?
·       11:15 AM
Sassy: I am searching for some naughty gif or vid to send…
·       11:16 AM
Glider: I do feel the vibes and it’s good
·       11:16 AM
Sassy: Hope I am not too shocking
·       11:17 AM
Glider: not at all
·       11:18 AM
Glider: I like it
·       11:18 AM
Sassy: Has a woman sent you her p0rn faves before?
·       11:19 AM
Glider: never
·       11:19 AM
Sassy: Here’s a quick one…
·       11:19 AM

·       11:20 AM
Sassy: It should move..
·       11:20 AM
Glider: his hand should be inside her though
·       11:21 AM
Sassy: My hands would not be on the bed!
·       11:21 AM
Glider: we think alike
·       11:22 AM
Sassy: I am bad that way… I try to just enjoy but I tend to watch a bit and then start saying… but I’d like it better like this…
·       11:22 AM
Glider: bad is so good
·       11:24 AM
Sassy: What do you watch?
·       11:25 AM
Glider: don’t get too see much but I like oral in many positions
·       11:26 AM
Sassy: There are a lot of wonderful BJ ones
·       11:26 AM
Sassy: Have you watched Camille Crimson?
·       11:27 AM
Glider: no but I will now
·       11:27 AM
Sassy: Here’s my favorite

·       11:28 AM
Sassy: It’s tough to find men doing women, other than for about 10 seconds on the way to doing something else
·       11:30 AM
Sassy: There are a lot of lesbian ones but that is not my thing, though I get why men like
·       11:32 AM
Glider: you are blowing my mind
·       11:38 AM
Glider: sorry if jumped the gun regarding bumping into you today but thought it would be so hot if even for a few minutes
 11:41 AM

Sassy: Men have found it surprising how open and forthright I am about sexy discussions
·       11:41 AM
Sassy: So you like Camille’s video? She has taught me a lot.
·       11:42 AM
Glider: I find you exciting and delightful
·       11:42 AM
Sassy: I used to think BJs were just sucking but now I know better.
·       11:42 AM
Glider: no there is quite a bit more from a male perspective
·       11:42 AM
Sassy: Yes… licking… kissing… looking up… different things with my hands…
·       11:43 AM
Glider: and do you enjoy receiving?
·       11:43 AM
Sassy: Oh yes
·       11:43 AM
Glider: the looking up is so hot
·       11:43 AM
Sassy: It can be even more exciting and intimate than sex sometimes
·       11:43 AM
Glider: I enjoy reciprocating
·       11:44 AM
Glider: you are so very right
·       11:45 AM
Sassy: I used to be… okay… I’ll do this to make him happy. but now I’ve found ways to make it very exciting for me
·       11:45 AM
Sassy: The trick is to take your time
·       11:45 AM
Glider: i’m smitten
·       11:46 AM
Glider: until the explosion occurs
·       11:47 AM
Sassy: Do you know the term “edging?”
·       11:47 AM
Glider: yes I do
·       11:48 AM
Glider: you like to put me there or be on it?
·       11:49 AM
Sassy: I’ve had fun edging a man.
·       11:50 AM
Glider: I could attempt to deal with that
·       11:50 AM
Sassy: It depends on if you’re multi-orgasmic?
·       11:50 AM
Sassy: Most men our age are once and done.
·       11:52 AM
Glider: with the right person I may be up for the challenge
·       11:52 AM
Sassy: Not usually a first time activity… too keyed up…
·       11:52 AM
Glider: 2nd or 3rd perhaps
·       11:53 AM
Glider: I need to bump into you
·       11:55 AM
Glider: heading to your area in a moment. I dare you to be so bold
·       12:00 PM
Glider: if you can let me know what area and I will figure something out
·       12:01 PM
Glider: email me if yes. Can you tell I’m eager?
·       12:01 PM
Sassy: I’m in the [place redacted] area…
·       12:02 PM
Sassy: I don’t usually recommend meets around here due to the parking and craziness
·       12:07 PM

Sassy: You do sound interested.  🙂


From: Sassy 
To: Glider
Sent: Monday, August 19, 2013 12:17 PM
Subject: Re: Clues
No worries.  Being desired is one of the strongest aphrodisiacs!
From: Gilder
To: Sassy
Sent:  Aug 19, 2013 12:18 PM
Re: Clues
I didn’t hear no
From: Gilder
To: Sassy
Sent:  Aug 19, 2013 12:47 PM
Re: Clues
All alone with an hour to kill. What’s a boy to do?
From: Sassy 
To: Glider
Sent: Monday, August 19, 2013 12:55 PM
Subject: Re: Clues
Find a quiet spot and call a lovely lady with a sultry voice? 
From: Gilder
To: Sassy
Sent:  Aug 19, 2013 12:56 PM
Re: Clues
From: Gilder
To: Sassy
Sent:  Aug 19, 2013 1:01 PM
Re: Clues
[his phone number]
From: Gilder
To: Sassy
Sent:  Aug 19, 2013 1:05 PM
Re: Clues
Just say the word
From: Sassy 
To: Glider
Sent: Monday, August 19, 2013 1:12 PM
Subject: Re: Clues
Okay.  Call?
I have a Google Voice number.  It may ask you to say your name the first time you call, and then I have to say it’s okay, so there may be a little lag… and I will have to get to a private space.   Please don’t write this number on any bathroom walls.  🙂 
[my number]
From: Gilder
To: Sassy
Sent:  Aug 19, 2013 1:05 PM
Re: Clues
I’ll call when you are alone. Just tell me

First chat with Glider

Friday, August 16, 2013
·        11:18 AM
Sassy: Hiya
·        11:18 AM
Sassy: Happy Friday!
·        11:20 AM
Glider: Same to you. Working?
·        11:20 AM
Sassy: Yes. You?
·        11:20 AM
Glider: Yes but would rather not
·        11:20 AM
Sassy: I hear ya
·        11:20 AM
Glider: you in Boston?
·        11:20 AM
Sassy: Yes.
·        11:21 AM
Glider: lived there many years ago
·        11:21 AM
Sassy: while in school?
·        11:21 AM
Glider: no younger days
·        11:22 AM
Sassy: where are you now?
·        11:22 AM
Glider:  western suburb
·        11:22 AM
Sassy: Ah!
·        11:23 AM
Sassy: I went there to eat once. 
·        11:23 AM
Glider: where?
·        11:25 AM
Glider: what part of Boston?
·        11:25 AM
Sassy: Hmmm… a barbecue place on the main street …
·        11:25 AM
Sassy: They had chocolate bacon.
·        11:25 AM
Glider: ah, I remember that place
·        11:25 AM
Glider: decadent
·        11:25 AM
Sassy: I don’t think it’s there anymore…
11:25 AM
Glider:  you’re right
·        11:27 AM
Glider: so we are both playing while at work
·        11:27 AM
Sassy: Yes. Do you have your own office?
·        11:28 AM
Glider: yes I am there now
·        11:28 AM
Sassy: I work in an open office… lots of people around.
·        11:28 AM
Glider: and they are none the wiser
·        11:28 AM
Sassy: yup
·        11:29 AM
Glider: it’s a good sneaky feeling
 11:29 AM
Sassy:  😉 
·        11:29 AM
Glider: looking busy
·        11:29 AM
Glider: I was glad you responded to me
·        11:31 AM
Sassy: It can be nerve-wracking waiting so I try to respond as soon as I can
·        11:32 AM
Glider: me too.if I can I like to be responsive quickly
·        11:33 AM
Glider: Met any fellas on AM yet?
·        11:34 AM
Sassy: Yes. You met any lovely women?
·        11:35 AM
Glider: I’ve met a few but no keepers so to speak
·        11:36 AM
Sassy: Sounds familiar.
·        11:36 AM
Glider: if there is such a thing as a keeper there
·        11:39 AM
Glider: your description of yourself is exquisite
·        11:44 AM
Sassy: thanks!
·        11:44 AM
Sassy: I tossed it up there one night, was afraid I’d lose my nerve if I pondered it too long
·        11:45 AM
Glider: sometimes it’s best not to over think, sometimes it is
·        11:46 AM
Sassy: My friends talked me into it… I was convinced no man would respond.
·        11:47 AM
Glider: you were obviously proven wrong
·        11:48 AM
Sassy: How did you find the site?
·        11:49 AM
Glider: friend let it slip he was on there
·        11:49 AM
Sassy: Cool!
·       11:51 AM
Glider: he doesn’t know I am. I was pretty casual about it
·        11:54 AM
Sassy: Are the stats you put up accurate?
·        11:55 AM
Glider: yes they are. I figure why lie. if I were to meet someone it wouldn’t work. you?
·        11:55 AM
Sassy: Yes.
·        11:55 AM
Sassy: I’ve been running into guys who are MUCH older than they say.
·        11:55 AM
Glider: 52
·        11:55 AM
Sassy: Age doesn’t matter much, but when they put 50 and they’re 68…
·        11:56 AM
Glider: who are they kidding?
·        11:56 AM
Sassy: I don’t mind a little fudging, for security reasons, so their wife can’t id them… but that’s a bit much!
 11:57 AM
Sassy: Do you need to run? You said noon… don’t want to make you late for something.
·        11:58 AM
Glider: no, gotta run by 12:30 but you can always catch me on email
·        11:58 AM
Glider: good memory
·        11:58 AM
Sassy: Yahoo email is horked right now. Grrr..
·        11:58 AM
Sassy: Thank you ever so much for the early morning message… made me smile.
·        11:58 AM
Glider: I’m glad it did
·        11:59 AM
Sassy: Great way to start my day!
·        11:59 AM
Glider: yahoo mail never works when you are sneaking around
·        11:59 AM
Sassy: Many days I would be like… whatever.
·        11:59 AM
Sassy: But in the early going I wanted to connect so badly!
·        12:00 PM
Glider: I understand completely
·        12:02 PM
Sassy: Do you have hair?
·        12:03 PM
Glider: full head
·        12:03 PM
Sassy: Yay! Doesn’t matter… just wondered.
·        12:05 PM
Glider: what color hair for you?
·        12:05 PM
Sassy: Silver.  Long
·        12:06 PM
Glider: Silver is very nice. I have some of that
·        12:09 PM
Glider: More that I like to admit
·       12:13 PM
Sassy: Awww… you probably look distinguished?
·        12:14 PM
Glider: that’s sweet
·        12:16 PM
Sassy: So what brings you to AM?
·        12:17 PM
Glider: woke up one day and asked myself if this is all there is.
·        12:18 PM
Glider: you?
·        12:18 PM
Sassy: I get nothing at home… finished cancer treatment and said…I don’t want to live half a life… I want to be touched and touch someone…
·        12:19 PM
Glider: like roommates?
·        12:20 PM
Sassy: Yes. We’re a good team, except in the bedroom.
·        12:20 PM
Glider: any guilt?
·        12:20 PM
Sassy: None
·        12:21 PM
Sassy: You?
·        12:21 PM
Glider: zero
·        12:21 PM
Sassy: Phew. That’s good. I have run into some guilt kings.
·        12:21 PM
Glider: wrong place for them to be
·        12:22 PM
Sassy: A lot of guys jump in before they realize what it all means
·        12:22 PM
Sassy: I get it… but… ugh
·        12:23 PM
Sassy: It never would’ve occurred to me to cheat but an old flame found me… someone I dated for 3 weeks in h.s. (holding hands at lunch mostly)
·        12:24 PM
Sassy: He wanted to finish what we started 30+ yrs ago
·        12:24 PM
Glider: and did you?
·        12:24 PM
Sassy: Yes.
·        12:24 PM
Sassy:  But he is military… miles away
·        12:24 PM
Sassy: He encouraged me to find someone local… live it up
·        12:25 PM
Glider: how would you see something working out?
·        12:25 PM
Sassy: It sounds so trite.. but…
·        12:26 PM
Sassy: find a nice man to be with now and then
·        12:27 PM
Sassy: So many of the details depend on the guy’s schedule, finances etc.
·        12:27 PM
Glider: it isn’t easy
·        12:30 PM
Sassy: I get a lot of time off, so I end up taking a morning or afternoon…
·        12:30 PM
Sassy: I am very flexible
·        12:30 PM
Sassy: Can do almost any time… H doesn’t watch over me at all
  12:31 PM
Glider: I am out of the office quite a bit so that could work
·        12:31 PM
Sassy: I can also do evenings or weekends, but you probably can’t?
·        12:34 PM
Glider: takes a bit more notice but possible
·        12:34 PM
Sassy: Interesting
·        12:35 PM
Sassy: I need to run to lunch.. would like to chat more soon… if you’re still interested.
·        12:36 PM
Glider: absolutely but you will have to catch me on email. ok?
·        12:36 PM
Sassy: Sure.
·        12:37 PM
Glider: enjoy the lunch and imagine sharing it with a new guy
·        12:37 PM
Sassy: MInd if I ask you random questions? No right/wrong answers… just poke around, get an idea of what you like?
·        12:37 PM
Sassy: In email… I mean
·        12:37 PM
Glider: please do
·       12:38 PM
Glider: ask me anything
·        12:38 PM
Sassy: If you don’t want to answer any, I understand
·        12:38 PM
Glider: do my best
·        12:38 PM
Sassy: Keep yourself safe, until you know I am not part of the evil in this world. 
·        12:39 PM
Glider: I don’t sense any evil
·        12:39 PM
Sassy:  🙂
·        12:40 PM
Sassy: Try to misbehave!
·        12:41 PM
Glider: that I can handle
·        12:43 PM
Sassy: Mwah!
·        12:45 PM

Glider: Back at you sexy!


Tuesday, May 14, 2013
Hiya kid!  How can it be only Tuesday?  Yesterday felt like three days!  Have a terrific day!
Yesterday started bad.  Remember the 18 yr old who died Valentine’s?  His mother’s boyfriend died Mother’s Day. WTF?  Then there’s news from a best pal in London – they’re divorcing.  No hint of it before this.  Ugh.  Work was nuts, ordering food for 8 events. 
Then I got a lunch offer from an online dater I had just started texting!  We had a great lunch, then walked to the river for “dessert.” Nothing like necking in the sunshine!  He said nice things, swelled my head.  Good thing he had on dark pants!  What a day!
3:56pm Phil
Awwww.  You have been busy.  Glad lunch turned out well. Why were dark pants a good thing? Glad it worked out and you had fun.  Up to my ass in alligators!
Dark pants hide wet spots.
Tried to pick up my car – the speedometer and tachometer were dead!  So I left it.  Argh!  Hauling my ass home on the bus again. Grr. Tomorrow will be better, right?
8:36pm Phil
Thought it was wet spot
[photo of his face and chest in a hoodie, sitting outside]
Hiya Handsome!  You sure are looking sexy!  Thanks for the pic!

Wet spots happen to certain men around me. I wasn’t doing nothin’ except kissing him, stroking, cupping and… whispering naughty things!

8:59pm Phil
It’s the combination of all of the above. We like the stroking and naughty things
9:07pm Phil
I liked it when you were stroking me too
Damn if my dick didn’t jump to attention
Really? Nice.  I like stroking you. And sucking on you.  And licking… mmm.  Such a gorgeous cock!  
What are you drinking?
I also like it when you stroke me. 
9:36pm Phil
I like that too. Very average cock but glad you like it.
[photo of his gorgeous cock]
Now that’s the dessert for me!  What are you thinking about?
9:42pm Phil
You stroking it
mmmmm… I want to… so much.

[Gif of a woman jerking off a man]
If you click on it… she moves. Just trying to help out. 
10:51pm Phil
Love it! Hot!
10:57pm Phil
Oil and slippery, wonderful and sexy
Yes… can’t stop watching… imagining us.
11:02pm Phil
You can do that any time
Yes please… looks so hot!

Trying AM Chat

Saturday, April 20, 2013
I decided to try AM chat tonight.  I haven’t done it for a long time because it costs men a lot of money, and attracts THE WORST spellers and the men looking to collect photos.  None of that appeals!  But I was home alone and bored, so I turned on that feature about 9 pm.
Very quickly, a guy pinged me.  He had an uninspired user name – 3 letters and 3 numbers that don’t mean anything to me and don’t produce anything when I google except that he’s on other dating sites like Adult Friend Finder, Plenty of Fish and a couple swinger/swap sites.  He was polite, with good spelling, and didn’t start off with crude offers.  I clicked on his profile… hmm.  He has my ideal stats – my age, tall, with some weight on him.  Wow.  If he’s telling the truth, he lives about three miles away, but in a very different part of town that is a mix of insular street toughs and yuppies gentrifying the neighborhood.  I wonder which he is?  
He is easy to talk with, asks good questions, tells funny stories.  He doesn’t ask for a photo.  His wife is away for the weekend and he’s lonely.  So he has hopped onto AM to find someone for RIGHT NOW.  He wants me to come over to his house!  Shades of Craigslist.  Yetch.  Yeah… so not happening!!!  I tell him this is way too fast for me, not my style.  He keeps typing. 
He asks if he can see me, wants to call me to make a plan.  Even that seems too much too soon, but I decide it can’t hurt.  We’ve been chatting for two hours and I feel a real connection.  He says he has to walk the dog – he will be back in 15 minutes and we can talk then.  I look at the clock… it’s 11 pm.  Wow!  Time flies when you have a nice man to talk with! 
I go catch up on Facebook, read a few emails, glancing at the clock.  Finally it’s been 15 minutes and… nothing.  I wait.  I type a little something to be sure the AM chat is still active.  30 minutes… 45… it’s midnight.  
Silence.  Grrr… I wonder if he got mugged and is lying in a gutter.  I wonder if his wife called.  Did he get a better offer?  I wonder… if I am an idiot.  I turn off AM’s chat feature and resolve never to turn it back on.  I don’t need this roller coaster ride!  
Maybe you can tell me why a guy would talk to me for two hours, tell me he wants to meet tonight, and if not, then for lunch tomorrow, ask to talk on the phone to settle the details and then…NOT CALL?!  No call, no email, no message on AM.  When did the lie start?

Hottest video

Saturday, April 13, 2013
FYI – Remember that family in the big house by the river down the road from you? The dad died of cancer Friday night about 8:20 pm.  [obituary URL]  The daughter is one of Sis’ best friends.  
9:56am Phil
Awww, sorry to hear that.
Off to lunch with Mom.  Have a super Saturday!
11:08am Phil
You too Sass, enjoy! Doing my taxes in the snow.
[photo of his smiling face at home]
Gosh…what fun!  Ugh. 
Thanks for sharing your sexy smile!
11:36am Phil
[photo of his smiling face and naked shoulders]
OH MY! shoulders…swoon!!
Makes me want to bite
While you are buried inside
1:44pm Phil
Sure, laugh…you rascal!
What about something hot for breakfast?
Figures… FB is censoring again.  Grrrr… I emailed it.
Hope that works.  Enjoy.
12 minutes

Off to Hubby’s project meeting with Mom.  Have a great evening, kid!
11:54pm Phil
Damn that was hot!
Yup. Glad you liked it. 
11:56pm Phil
Watching it again
12:13am Phil
Damn, you have the best stuff, thanks!
You are very welcome.  When he came twice I knew I had to send it to you.  One of the better ones I’ve seen in a while.
12:14am Phil
Loved watching him eat her pussy and ass
Was awesome, still hard from watching
Her reaction at the end was so hot… he took very good care of her.
12:16am Phil
[photo of his erect cock]
Oh hell yeah
Wow… want THAT.
12:17am Phil
Not as nice as the guy in the movie but stays hard for multiple times too
I thought yours is better… his was… lopsided!
12:18am Phil
But unlike the guy in the movie, this one has cum in your pussy and mouth
This was naked in your kitchen and in your bed
And this one made you cum
I remember it slamming me from behind about 15 minutes after we got to the hotel!
12:21am Phil
My tongue was in your pussy within moments
You acted surprised to find my tongue inside you and pleased to have my cock inside you
Hot hot hot hot
That was soooo much fun!
12:23am Phil
Yes it was, great sex, great food, loved it
I wanted to fuck you the first time I had your ass in my hands.
Took awhile but worth the wait.
You’re making me blush… you are so sweet.
12:25am Phil
I’m glad
You ever learn to use that dildo?
Hope so
No.  *sigh
I have learned a lot since you’ve seen me… watched a lot of porn!
12:29am Phil
Trying to work a trip to New England.
Maybe you could show me. Love to enjoy your new skills
I suppose I could…
I’ve been focusing on blow jobs…
12:30am Phil
Or we can just have lobster,
You were already pretty good there
I’ve learned to look up.
12:31am Phil
That’s very hot
To lick… instead of just sucking.
12:31am Phil
Also hot, sucking, a little hand, licking, all fabulous
To finger fuck your ass in the same rhythm as my mouth!
12:32am Phil
I love that, feels amazing

Maybe you can help me break in my toys?
12:33am Phil
Love to.
Damn… you make me smile.  So wide.
12:35am Phil
Good for you
Are there other things you want to try?  BJs… vibes… hmmm…
12:41am Phil
I want to bury my cock balls deep and fuck your tight pussy till you cum.
Then I,d like that blowjob. Love to feel your tongue, fingers, toy in my ass too
You do make the best plans.
12:42am Phil
This conversation is having an effect on me.
12:43am Phil
Good, hope your pussy gets a little moist
Heh… one word… DRIPPING!
12:44am Phil
Like to fuck your tits and cum on your face too
And mouth of course
Okay… clenching, too!  Rawr!
12:44am Phil
Dripping is good
Oh yes… please please please
12:45am Phil
Love those juices running between your legs and down your ass
The way you set me on fire?  No problem.
12:48am Phil
Love it, like to spank your clit with my cock
hot dog in my bun!
12:49am Phil
Oh yeah, sounds like fun
Oooof… I want to touch that skinny body. 
12:55am Phil
Like to put my hot dog in your bun
Can you imagine it?
Rubbing up and down… mmmm…
12:55am Phil
I can, I can
My dick is dripping, just tasted, sweet
12:56am Phil
Dream big… we’ll make it happen!
12:58am Phil
Needs a hot mouth, pussy, ass
[photo of his erect cock] 
Crap… I want to show that to the back of my throat!
Come here kid… right here… >points to my mouth!
1:02am Phil
That feels incredible, love fucking your hot mouth
Loved cumming in your mouth
My mind is racing… you say just a few words and my mind goes nuts and my body… mmmm.  la la la
1:08am Phil
I’m glad, I hope your fingers find their way to your dripping pussy
I’ve been pressing down with the heel of my hand… tugging at the lips… mmmmf….
1:09am Phil
Nice, rub that sensitive clit
I’m just stroking my cock, licking pre cum off my fingers
Oh!  I wish it was my hand!
1:15am Phil
Me too or your mouth. Sent you a clip
1:15 am TEXT
26 sec video of him pumping his cock, with a beautiful drop of pre-cum
Holy shit that is HOT! Thank you!!!!
1:17am Phil
My pleasure!
Something to enjoy while you get off
I may wear that one out!
1:24am Phil
If you do, I’ll send you another with a cum shot
oh my.  You are like the Big Bopper!
You knooooow what I like!
1:26am Phil
Ha ha! I’m off to bed Sass.  Glad I was able to get you hot and bothered. Wish I’d been able to shoot that load down your throat
I have a good memory of when you did… will run thru it.
Sleep well, sweet man.
Nite babe

Polite Panties Man

Panties Man disappeared for another week, but then was so sweet to check in on me when I told him I’d been sick.   We kept missing each other, popping back forth between IM and email.  
·       Mar 29 8:24 AM Rick: Good morning! how the week flew by. It is as if we chatted yesterday, but it was a whole week ago. How was your week?
From: Sassy
To: Panties Man
Sent:  Sat, Mar 30, 2013 2:44 PM
Subject: Up and down
Hiya Rick! 
Hope you are enjoying this spring day!  In a word… my week sucked.  I got food poisoning and was a total wreck!  I thought I would die and wished I could!  Arrrgh!  I am finally feeling a little better today and hoping to make it to Easter dinner with the family tomorrow night.  Hope your week was better than mine! 
·       Mar 30 2:53 PM Rick: food poisoning??!! I had that once, and it was Awful!
·       Mar 30 2:54 PM Rick: glad you’re better, though something like that can take a bit of time to get over.
From: Rick
To: Sassy
Sent: Mar 30, 2013
Subject: Re: Up and down 3:59 PM 
That does suck!!  I had it once; horrible, horrible feeling.  Glad you’re better!  Hopefully you weren’t planning on hosting Easter yourself! 
 How are things otherwise?  I’ve been holed up all day catching up on things, so couldn’t get out again (and thus didn’t send you a note…)
I have thought often of what you said about that nightie.  I couldn’t take it myself, but would love to see and feel it.  And any time we got together, it would be a wonderful thing to share!  I’m getting quite excited (and need to shift in my seat) thinking about it!.
·       Mar 31 10:18 PM Rick: hey there. feeling better?
·       Mar 31 10:28 PM Rick: ready for another week of work?

Meet evaporation

Surprise, surprise… no meeting today!  It’s okay… I know better by now.  I just play along, let him dream and never for one moment take it seriously.  At least he tells me!  
Saturday, March 23, 2013 
·       Mar 23 9:38 AM Rick: Good morning!
·       Mar 23 9:38 AM Rick: bad news today, and a very big sad face 🙁 
·       Mar 23 9:38 AM Rick: busy with kids and can’t get out to meet up with you.
·       Mar 23 10:46 AM Sassy: No worries.
·       Mar 23 10:46 AM Sassy: Thanks for saying.