Back scratch chat

Year 2 – middle of Week 20
Sunday, January 1, 2012
10:38 am Phil
Morning, Quick turn on the machine this morning and then football. Other friends just lonely and depressed. Sad that I don’t have any way to help other than to listen.
11:51 am Good morning! Out at dim sum! yum. Listening is VERY important. Fixing horizon is different. Happy football!
12:06 pm Phil
Enjoy! Sounds like a great way to start the new year. Gotta set up the TVs for football! Have a great day!
1:24pm Phil
1:24pm Um, Hellooooo!
Are they winning? 
I’m hot for you…
1:38pm Phil
Playing well today
1:39pm I’d like you to tackle me…
during a commercial, of course
1:56pm Phil
LOL, I hit hard
You know I like it HARD!  or you could bend over for a snap and I could fuck you… hmmm… dumplings make me HORNY!
2:43pm Phil
Ha ha either sounds like fun

Would you like it if I put my tongue in your ass?
2:45pm Phil
Of course!
Then lie back, spread your legs, raise your knees and I will put my hands on your ass… spreads your cheeks and lick that precious hole… and stick it in!  Moan, kid….
4:25pm Phil
Gonna put my finger inside myself… get it nice and wet, the press it inside you.
I’m going to wiggle around until I find that spot, the one that makes everything tingle
4:53pm Phil
You are such a bad girl. Who knew?!
Oh, yeah?  You gonna spank me?
Oh, you knew… even before I did!
4:56pm Phil
I had an idea
I didn’t… you unleashed the sexy in me!  I dunno about you, but for me it just keeps getting hotter.
5:06pm Phil
The more you know………
I found another video… not sure if I should send it or not. 
It’s long and kind of odd… and I am not promising to do all that… but it is HOT.  But you probably have enough to watch today. 
I’ll just whisper in your ear about fucking your ass with the pretty purple bubble toy and lots of lube…
while I suck on that steel pipe between your legs…
mmm… Indian food for supper.  Love that chicken tikka masala!
Do you like to have your back scratched?  I’m puzzling over why no one talks about it as sexy… I find it quite erotic. 

Balcony Back Door

Thursday, December 29
hiya kid.  I’m thinking of you, hoping the miles are rolling along and the weather won’t be too bad. 
Had a fabulous day at the beach yesterday… I love the shore in the Winter! 
Just got word that my pal the Marine is on the ground in California.  Woot!  Much relieved.  Feels like I’ve been holding my breath the entire time he was in Afghanistan and now I can let it out!
wish I was with you… rubbing on your knee and gazing at your smiling face and watching the scenery. 
Had a nice Thai dinner with my gal pal.  Hope you’re almost there…
Phil: Safe at home. Cigar and scotch to unwind. Nice.
Yay!  Thank you so much for letting me know. 
Long day?
I missed you… my mind was racing with scenarios.
Phil: we left at 5. got here about 8. not bad. Just needed some me time. Was nice to have half hour to unwind. Gym in the morning will help.
Making lobster mac and cheese for New Years Eve. Yum!
Oh my…
having a gang over?
I’ve never had lobster Mac&cheese
got lots of lobster yesterday… lobster bisque and casserole.
Sooo good
Phil: Had bisque yesterday too. Was fabulous.
Any idea why your old girlfriend from high school tried to friend me yesterday?
Phil: I have no idea. May have seen you on my friend list. Get a lot of friend requests that way.
your friends list is locked, as least to me… Just wondered… no biggie.  Not going there. 
So you enjoyed your trip?
Phil: Got to spend time with family, saw a lot of friends. It was nice. Short time in NY but it was enough. Almost got to see that guy from choir but could not make it work. Just not enough time.
Tough staying at Mom’s – Sally and she just grate on one another.
I am trying not to say what I am thinking. 
You worn out or want to see a sexy photo?
Phil: Never too worn out for that
emailed it 🙂
Phil: Not wanting to open 🙁
Oh, dear… hang on

Phil: Attachment won’t open
Tried to email again as a document… see if that works. Ah, we really test the boundaries of technology!
Also ended up attached to the last FB message somehow… geez
Do you have a camera with a timer on it? 
Phil: I do

Phil: Cool pic. Another fantasy.
Always wanted to do that with people passing by unaware of what was happening above them.
Living on an upper floor is good for that…
The guy reminded me of you…
Phil: Yea, hard to see up there unless you have binocs and are looking. Used to watch this all the time when we were abroad. Lots of people doing lots of things on balconies 
You naughty boy…
Phil: Hey, they were in public
Actually had a girl finish, she was on top, and waved in the Caymans. Hot as hell. She was putting on a show
So you would wrap your arms around me… let me back into you…
Phil: Or just hold your hips and guide you on.
Then move…
Phil: Yup, pull almost all the way out and then a deep hard thrust
Oh, man… I am so wet… just from you typing a few words…
I would be tilting my hips, feel your hips on my ass… damn.
Phil: Does not take long in that position.
You would get a cum bath out of that
Phil: Mmmm… fill me up…
I might have to turn around and get on my knees and clean you off?
Phil: LOL, ooh, I like that. Might get a mouthful out of that. Now I need to hit the shower again
I mourn for all that cum you send down the drain…
Sleep well, sweet man. 

Phil: You too!
Think of me.
Phil: I will!
Kneeling at your feet, deep throating with my hands on your balls and my finger in your ass…
Phil: Ummmmmmmm
Grab my head… fuck my mouth, Philip.
Phil: Mission accomplished. Relaxed and ready for sleep. Nite.
Nite, kid.

All clear

Tuesday, December 27
Good morning!  43 windy.  Thinking of you and hoping you’re having an easy drive.  MGH called – Mammo came out ok, so relieved! 
Phil: Awesome!
You make it there yet?  I hope the drive is a breeze.  Quiet, surfing blogs looking for stuff a handsome fellow might like. 
Phil: Just got to our hometown, traffic sucked
Thanks for letting me know you made it!  I wish I was there… your family always look like so much fun!  Enjoy!

So glad you told me about crab bisque!  I tried it tonight… a slightly spicy version with corn.  So good!  Hope your enjoying the family! 

Spicy Southwest Crab Bisque

Shrimp, scallop, fish and LOBSTER scampi 
@ The 99, Somerville
Phil: Having a blast! anything with crab in it is good as far as I am concerned. Glad you enjoyed it.
My diary says 36 yrs ago, you said good-bye at church before leaving for the military, shaking hands w/ the guys.  You grabbed me around my waist with the other at the back of my neck and kissed me!  You hadn’t touched me in 2 yrs, so I was very surprised and could not figure out why.  That and my fantasy about us losing our virginity are keeping me entertained tonight!  Mmm…

Christmas Ass Play Chat

Sunday, December 25   CHRISTMAS

TEXT: 6:48 am Phil: Merry Christmas!
TEXT: 9:24 am Merry Christmas kid!
Off to Sis’s to help Santa make my niece’s day.  Hope you’re having a great Christmas! 
Phil: Looks like it was a nice day.  Great photos you posted!
Lovely day!  You? Wonderful photos of you and the gang
Phil: Very relaxing day. Vegging on the couch watching football
Ah… your kind of night. 
You and my health are the best gifts I got.
9:59pm Phil
Well cool!
Your little sister looks so much like a younger you
10:01pm Heh
Your son looks like a younger you!
10:03pm Phil You think?
10:04pm Not as cute, but similar.

10:05pm Phil Ha!

10:06pm But no worries… he doesn’t set off my… um… oh never mind.

10:07pm Phil He doesn’t get your pussy flowing? Good.

10:09pm Hey!  Not the way I would’ve put it but… yes.  Good thing, that would be inconvenient! 

I know sis sets off every man with a pulse. 

10:12pm Phil She’s cute

10:15pm My Marine friend is flying out of the Stan today… off to Krgystan and out!

10:17pm Phil That’s a good thing. Nice Christmas gift
10:19pm You tipsy?
Wondering if I can have my way with you…

10:20pm Phil Nope. Glass of wine with dinner. Why?

10:28pm Phil Hmmm

10:30pm Close your eyes for a moment, during a commercial… see me alone with you… tell me what to do? 

10:35pm Phil
I love to have my cock stroked. Vary the pressure, the other hand rubbing my balls fingers grazing my ass, maybe slipping inside, get me there and back off, over and over till I am begging to cum, then stroke it hard and as I start to cum, take me in your mouth finishing me there

10:45pm Phil Nice to lay back and enjoy

Mmmm… great idea! I love touching you, hearing you moan…and having your cement cock cum inside me.  No one has ever made me want to be fucked the way you do…

10:58pm Phil
You do like to get pounded. You like it deep and hard. Should have started this 30 years ago. I cum a ton in your tight hot pussy too

Damn… you make me hotter than a vindaloo…

11:12pm Phil
I do love vindaloo. Pulling my cock out of your drenched pussy and rubbing it between the cheeks of your ass. Thinking about…..

11:13pm Mmm…
11:18pm  Phil
Wouldn’t mind coming on your ass, your tits, your face, in your mouth, in your ass and deep inside that hot pussy

11:20pm Yes, please… I want you… all of you… on me, in me…

11:27pm Phil
Oh yeah, you dirty girl, I love it
You’d look great glistening in cum

You’d look fantastic lying on a bed with your legs in the air, me kneeling between them… putting a ridged toy inside you gently and pulling it back out… in… out… with one hand while I pump you with the other hand.  Find that P-spot…

11:35pm Phil
I know I’d love that. Fuck my ass with that toy while you stroke my cock in time, damn, makes my cock jump thinking about it

I’ve been watching video… learning…
Lots of lube…
never done it before… would love to pop your ass cherry!

11:44pm Phil Never had more than a finger. Loved that, Pretty sure I’d enjoy it

11:44pm Wanna see the video?  It’s a little odd, but quite… um… stimulating?

11:44pm Phil Sure

It may not let you click… says its a blocked URL…
If you don’t have a lot of time, you can skip to about
6 minutes in…
If the link doesn’t come across let me know and I can email it?

easier way… go to google and search for sophie_et_fred_-_strapon_on_male
it should be the first link…

11:58pm Phil Did not get it

12:01am Did Goggle work?
Very educational.  Let me know if it is too weird…

12:13am Phil That is so fucking hot.

12:13am HA!

12:13am Phil Love the sound of the toy sliding in and out
She had her tongue in his ass, I was like, hell yeah

12:15am the sounds he was making had me going…

12:15am Phil Oh yeah, fuck that ass
He is taking that strap on and loving it

which toy looked sexier?  I thought I’d like the more natural one, but the bubbles one actually um… affected me more.
the sound of it popping in and out… roarrrr

12:17am Phil
Both, guy just came, fuck. I need to step in the shower and jerk off, need to cum
Damn, that was hot!

12:18am You’re welcome.  
Something new to think about. 

12:18am Phil Always been interested in this

12:19am Ever seen something like this before?  (I hadn’t)

12:20am Phil Yeah, a fantasy of mine

12:20am I found the link on a cool site called “Bend over boyfriend”

12:21am Phil Stepping into the shower to get off

12:21am Enjoy!
I know… after you told me I went looking for stuff to please you

12:27am Phil Wow, that was fun

12:40am yay!
You still amaze me… how you react so well to the odd stuff I find for you. 
Have fun in the shower?

Christmas Eve CyberSex

Saturday, December 24         CHRISTMAS EVE
Phil: Happy Christmas Eve!
TEXT: 9:13 am Phil: Happy Christmas Eve!
TEXT: 9:25 am Phil: You ok kiddo?
Happy Christmas Eve to you!  And happy FOOTBALL!  Have fun with your pal. 

TEXT: 2:28 pm Thanks for checking on me, sweet man.  No, life is sucking but I try to keep it to myself.  Have fun!
TEXT: 2:59 pm Phil: Always.

Enjoying soft shell crab tempura at Toraya!
Phil: So what sucks so bad at Christmas. Hope it gets better. Grabbing Thai take out after church. Hope it’s a nice Christmas for you. It’s been nice to be home again.
Nevermind.  Don’t want to be a Debby Downer.  I can feel the fun pouring out of your FB!  It’s so wonderful to see.  Mmm… thai food!  We did Japanese – sukiyaki and sushi. 
You are looking so skinny! 
Phil: LOL, getting there
Long way to go but I am having a blast.
Family all around you now?
Just wondering if I’m allowed to be… um… fresh?
Phil: You can always be fresh
Been thinking about good uses for your long tongue
Phil: Works especially well on pussy.
Mmmmm… and ass?
Phil: Well as a matter of fact, yes
my chest?
Phil: Good on nipples too
Man… you make me so wet…
Phil: Good, that’s what the tongue is for
I’m standing against a wall, wearing black lace and leather – but not much… you kneeling, w/ your tongue on my clit and your fingers deep inside me… teasing me.. tasting me.
Phil: You need a hard cock in that wet pussy
Sounds you need to be fucked, hard and deep and then filled with a hot load of cum
Right, as always…

Phil: Loved fucking your hot mouth, feeling your tongue on my balls and ass
Loved watching you swallow my cum
My cock is rock hard thinking about it

Good!  that was so hot… you feel so good… taste so sweet! 
Oh!  I wish I could touch it..
put my hands on it… kiss it.
circle the crown with my tongue
Phil: Me too and your pussy is tight, damn it felt good
I want you behind me… watching it appear and disappear.
Phil: I’d like to be sucking on your clit, applying pressure with my tongue till your knees got weak
Mmmmm… I want you to find that G-spot and exploit it…
Phil: I like it like that, watching my cock pump in and out covered in your juices
Fun part is finding it
I can’t believe I got to be this old without knowing about it… had you heard of that before?
I think you hit in D.C. but I didn’t realize why…
Phil: I knew about the G spot
I’d heard of it, but didn’t realize it is “erectile tissue”  that sounds so hot…
Phil: Cool! I knew you came like crazy
Well.. Yes..  yes I did… I want you to do that again…
I am pondering your fingers… and your long tongue…
Are you touching yourself right now?
Phil: I have to get up early, santa and all, so I am off to bed. Hope I was able to provide some distraction
You provide THE BEST distraction… thank you!
Sleep well, sweet man. 
Merry Christmas!
I hope Santa is good to you… you’ve been very good this year!
Phil: Yes and I sent you a pic to prove it
Merry Christmas to you too
10:45 pm 
Phil: So You don’t have to imagine
[Two photos of his gorgeous cock]
10:54 pm Phil: Since you asked
Oh!  You know how to make my night! 
Damn, I want that at back of my throat.
Thank you!
Phil: Mmmmmmm
I want to lick it…
twirl my tongue into the eye..
kiss it.
then SUCK IT
pull up with my hand and down with my mouth…
put my other hand around your balls..
or further back
then I’d stop for a few moments… let you cool down…
then start again. 
sucking… pumping.. until…
you feel that tingle in your thighs.

Sex all day

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Good morning! Happy football day!

Phil: No football today 🙁    
How could you not be horny watching and reading that stuff? It’s all tasteful as well.  Fun nite last nite, plenty to eat and drink.  Enjoy the day.

I know you like watching football no matter what they’re doing, but it might be just as well for them to rest a bit and re-think?  It was the .gif files last night… have you run across those yet?  They’re kind of a tease, but man… they certainly make me wish you were within reach to see if this or that position actually works.   Check out the kissing and tugging one…or prelude to a fuck.  Yum.

He was watching the game, but muted the tv when a stupid commercial came on for the third time.  He heard a noise from the other room… she was shifting in her creaky desk chair. Then there was a low moaning.  Hmmmm… he’d always wanted to watch her getting off, but never managed to catch her at it.  He slipped quietly down the hall and peeked around the doorframe.  She was reading that blog again. 

Phil: Lol, you go girl!

Does that make your dick jump a little?

Phil: Well of course!

Tell me what you see when you look in that doorway?  What you’d want to see…

Phil: Nothing like watching people fuck and suck to get your hand in your panties. Eyes closed, fingers moving quickly, sound of fingers moving over wet slippery flesh, smell of sex in the room. Would have to come close to see better, stroke my cock while watching and then touch it to your lips as I cum.

Damn kid.. I adore where you took that.. you make me so wet!!  The thought of you watching me… it’s freaky and fabulous all at once.  I’m going to bend over my desk… tell me what you’d do then? 

Phil: Shove this hard cock into that wet pussy and fuck the hell out of you. Long hard strokes

OMG… I need that.. so hard, so hot… pound me! Let me hear your balls slapping against me.  Feel you hands squeeze my ass… your hips against my skin… pull me onto your cock, Philip.  Deep.  Fuck me… tell me what you see?

Phil: Pussy gripping my cock. Juices running everywhere, cock hard, wet slippery, cheeks spread, ass making me wonder what that right hole would be like
Tight hole

Mmmm… you make me so crazy… you are so good… so… hot… this is what I was made for… for you… my insides are clenching, trying to milk you… but you can switch to another tunnel if you want… what would you do? 

Phil: Finish the pussy. Slip in finger in the ass maybe. Cum in that clenching pussy first. Maybe round two could involve the other hole. Or fucking your mouth, orrrr

Mmmmph…I love it when you fill me, cum inside me…mmm. I’m so hot, I want to do it all.  First will you let me taste you?  I can get you all wet, you can fuck my mouth, feel my throat, my hands on your cock and balls… Stroking, twisting… sucking. Would you come a third time, in my mouth? then explore my ass?

Phil: Love it when you swallow my cock, suck it, lick it, and then swallow that hot cum as it sprays into your mouth.

So sweet…yum.  It makes me burn… having your cock between my lips..mmm.   Now what?  I’m tempted to get my vial of spiced lube that warms on contact, get you all slippery so you can slide inside my ass.  Would you do that?
Phil: Of course. Slow and easy, following your cues, off to the shower to clean up and stroke my cock till I explode. Need the release. Slip a finger or two up that wet pussy and get off too.

Oh, my man… I wish I could go to that shower with you.  Watch you…
What a day it has been!  Fucking you over the course of it has been incredible!  Sleep well, sweet man.

Getting Scrod

Year 2 Week 8
Thursday, October 6
7:44 am Phil
Drove down. Chop House was amazing. Carrie was funny as hell. Nice theater. Enjoying my time with a hot cup of coffee. Enjoy your day.
8:07 am
Good morning! 48 sun. Seeing the podiatrist, get free ugly shoes! Looking forward to the long weekend.  Hope your Thursday rolls!

6:29 pm
Getting scrod for supper!  Amazing rice pilaf with spinach. Yum. 

Visit #3 Heading home

Thursday, September 15
10:56 am Heading out.  Thank you for a lovely time.  Have fun today!
11:27 am Phil: Drive carefully.  Thank you, we will.  🙂
11:28 am Phil: Had fun with you.  Would have enjoyed Bristol.  Next time!
12:11 pm Home.  Easy, fast trip.  Hope same for you!
12:12 pm Bristol next time!  Come back soon, please.   🙂
12:17 pm Oh!  The capitol of Sweden is Stockholm.  🙂
12:22 pm  Phil: Yup.  Drove by Evelyns.  Had a great time there.
12:53 That sunset was idyllic.  Maybe we’ll find the beach next time.  It’s not on google maps but the road is…
12:54 pm Are they taking you out to lunch?
1:14 pm Phil: Nope, gonna grab a samich
1:15 pm All unpacked, headed out for lunch!
1:16 pm Just wanted to be sure I didn’t screw up and hit the same restaurant.  🙂
1:53 pm We’re going for Chinese.
10:04 pm Phil: [photo of the lunch spot he found] Cool little place
11:10 pm Nifty!  What did you eat?
11:13 pm Phil: had the BLT and a canoli
11:17 pm Yum.  You make me smile.  🙂
11:17 pm You at the hotel?
11:20 pm Phil: Packed, tucked in and ready for sleep.  Great day, good food, now tired.  Up at 3:30 to head to the airport.

11:21 pm Sweet dreams, kid.
11:22 pm  Phil: Thank you.  Posted a lot of pics.  Fun day.
11:22 pm They were fabulous!
11:23 pm So bizarre to have you so close… How was the traffic?
11:24 pm Phil: Sucked going back
11:29 pm This first night away from you is tough, had such a great time, so fun, so comfortable… but looking at photos and smiling!  You should sleep.  Safe travels!
11:30 pm Phil:  Nite, thank you.

Visit #3 Come now!

[this is part 2 of my account of Visit #3 – you can find part 1 here:]

Monday, September 12, 2011 (continued) 

9:58pm Phil
Sitting here naked watching the game
Stop saying things like that or I will get in my car now. 
And knock on your door.
And kneel at your feet. 
And do what you tell me to do.

10:01pm Phil
Sitting here stroking my cock

Tell me why I shouldn’t get in my car.

10:03pm Phil
if you do that, you are liable to end up with a mouth full of cock

I said tell me why not… not something that makes me do it! 

10:07pm Phil
You might get cum in your mouth

I’m serious… I can be there in just over an hour…

10:11 pm TEXT Phil: You might have to swallow this
[photo of his erect cock in his hand]

10:12pm Phil
i’m serious, you’ll end up with cum in your mouth

I’m going to put my hands and my mouth and my massager on you…

10:13pm Phil
oh hell yeah

10:14 pm TEXT: Mmmmmmm….

I have peanut M&Ms

10:15pm Phil
tasting pre cum, mmmmmm

10:15 pm TEXT Phil: So you knew my cock is really in my hand
10:17 pm TEXT stop that.  Wait for me.
10:17 pm TEXT Phil: Hurry up

I’m gonna leave now…
See you soon…

10:31pm Phil
Stepping into the shower

Here.  On my way in.

Visit #3 Tuesday Plan

Monday, September 12
8:01 am
Good morning! 63 and sunny. Happy Monday, Philip.
8:31 am Phil
Happy Monday!
12:02 pm Phil
Getting on the plane, heading your way. 
There’s an unsuspecting Lobster in my future
12:20 pm 
Hooray! Eager to hear the plan.

12:21 pm Phil
Plan? I got no plan.
12:21 pm
So I can come down there tonight and stay all week?
1:08 pm Phil 
I have to look at the sked. Busy tonight. Meetings all day.  Dinners Wed, Thursday, some fancy places.  They are keeping us busy. I just want to watch the game tonight. 
1:10 pm  
Ah, so there is a plan!  Just let me know, whatever. I’ll fill in.
1:45 pm 
So it looks like Tuesday for me?
4:12 pm Phil
Here in Lobster Land
Ready for a beer
4:34 pm

4:45 pm   
So you want to decimate some lobsters with me tomorrow night?
6:36 pm Phil
Sounds like a plan. Now we need to fill it in a bit like where and when
About to head out 
8:10 pm Phil       
Had amazing dinner

8:28 pm Phil
Where we going?

8:45 pm Phil
You are the local, come on girl
9:20 pm 
Sorry…hung up at dinner. We can meet at the Courtyard by Marriott
9:21 pm 
It’s close to your conference. 
I’ll text you a room#. Remind me of your phone number and what time you’ll be there.
9:28 pm 
From there to dinner? There were 3 places I thought looked good but if you hear of something better, I’m flexible.
 9:43 pm         

          welcome to quito’s restaurant specializing in seafood 
          prepared Italian style.

The German place 
         Evelyn’s has been serving local favorites for over 40 years! We strive for a clean, comfortable and relaxed family atmosphere where the food and our guests are our priority.

9:28 pm Phil
I am staying at that Marriott
Rm #xxx

9:49 pm 
That’s totally bizarre.
9:50 pm Phil
here’s my phone #xxx-xxx-xxxx

9:56 pm Phil
Why is that?

9:56 pm
What time should I be there?
9:57 pm Phil
I suspect we will done by 6:30 pm