Saturday sun
Between Phil and You
September 25 at 6:30am
Good morning! I hope you are having a great day so far. What’s up with my favorite beach boy today?
Gorgeous dawn here… sun lighting the underside of the high patches of clouds. It’s a hot one already – 72 degrees headed into the mid 80’s. Kinda bizarre for September. But it matches my mood. 🙂
Phil September 25 at 6:47am
Your tits still have me hard! I have to see them all!
September 25 at 6:54am
My, my… don’t you ever sleep? up late last night… texting at 2 am. at it again before 7 am. Very interesting. You are so cute when you’re horny. Heh. So relieved you liked the photo. Not used to letting anyone see those.. very strange being admired for anything physical. But very nice.
September 25 at 6:59am
What will it be like when you can see them …em.. in the flesh? Maybe you’ll kiss my neck while you slide the straps off my shoulders…
Phil September 25 at 7:12am
Very sexy, very hot, my cock is going to look great sliding between them.
September 25 at 7:26am
This should make dinner more interesting… yes? Now that you know a little more about what awaits you…
September 25 at 7:33am
Maybe my nipples need to take a tour of your body? A “kiss and tits” tour? Hmmm… I could rub them on your foot. Tit on one foot, lips on the other? What’s good to do to a foot?
On either side of the back of your knee. On your ass. Pressed against your back. Your face… mmmm…. definitely your aching cock. haven’t thought much about this before. Very fertile territory.
Phil September 25 at 7:58am
Nipple tour sounds wonderful. Nipples gliding over my body sounds wonderful. Can’t wait to see them. Have to get to the PC camera some time, we can chat while you watch me stroke my cock and cum. Might be a fun evening. Maybe you would show me your tits to help get me off. Not that I need much help but man would that be hot. Hmmmm
Phil September 25 at 8:04am
Like to see those strap slip off your shoulder, a hint of nipple being displayed, the strap fall further, now an entire nipple is on display. My cock is to the bursting point, I want to cum directly on that nipple, spraying hot cum between your tits, onto your neck, your chin, geez
[Go read the Tits Chat if you haven’t already]
September 25 at 8:43am
nearly laughed myself silly. It’s a concert video…he basically begs people to take their shirts off, says that world peace depends on topless women and men. And they do! Hee!
September 25 at 8:55am
Philip… can you hear me saying your name? Feels like an incantation, a spell… brings on magical moments. You are… so… sexy. Wonderful. amazing. delightful. incredible! I could go on and on. All the hyperbolic adjectives fit you today!
September 25 at 9:06am
I’m so happy I could figure out the right thing to send you, to inspire you. Not bad for a newbie to the entire sexting thing, eh? entices… teases. Torments. Heh. You ask for more, but I say not showing is hotter. Let’s your imagination run wild. Gotta leave something to be discovered in person. But it is nice to be asked for more.
Every time I think I’ve seen how far you can go, you go further. So hot.
Going out of my mind wanting you. It is so tough… almost every fiber of my being tells me to get in my car and find you and fuck you over and over. *sigh*
Though I begin to wonder how anything can be better than right now? Right now is so… FABULOUS!!! But I hear you saying “It will be better… it will all senses at once… it will be THE BEST.” Oh, how I want to believe that.
September 25 at 10:19am
“Red Sox knock Yankees out of first place.” Hee hee hee…
Phil September 25 at 10:47am
Bite me!
On the neck, nipple, ass
September 25 at 11:11am
So great that if the Sox can’t win the pennant, they can spoil it for the dreaded Yankees! I suppose that makes me a bad person. 🙂
I’d like to spoil you… definitely gonna taste and bite your neck, nipple, ass… then try your shoulder, earlobe, back, hip, and each and every one of your toes! Oh, man… that’s hot.
September 25 at 12:40pm
Looking at your kitchen cabinets in a new way? Hope so.
If you are alone there, making coffee, thinking of me… cock in your hand… suddenly I slip in and wrap my arms around your mid-section, press myself against your back and give you a 20-second hug. Breathe in that “fresh from the shower” smell of you. Then start whispering in your ear about what I want you to do, ask what you’d like to me to do… and do it. Rev each other up. Very quietly touching, tasting, teasing…
Listen to the coffee brewing, Philip… dripping… so the sound will forever remind you of what is happening… what is about to happen…
Maybe I’ll turn you around, away from the coffee and let you get a good look at my chest. Watch your eyes grow wide… watch you smile and leer… let you touch and taste… every inch. It will make me wild… set me on fire lower down. Make me ache for you.
I’ll press you back against the cabinet, nuzzle into the fur below your tan line… blow on the hot skin there… lick my way down… suck on you… watch your toes curl on the floor…. put my fingers around you and tug up gently… circling you with a thumb and forefinger like a ring of fire… spreading my fingers down the shaft… squeeze your balls once, twice, three times… put one finger inside me and then in your ass, part of me inside you… slowly twirling and pressing… in time with the sucking… until I can have some sweet and sticky protein for breakfast.
September 25 at 12:42pm
Before long, you’re going to sit me up on the counter, soaking wet, look deep into my eyes and spread my knees and find your way up inside me with your tongue, teasing, flicking… then your fingers, testing… so tight… so hot. I am twisting now… writhing… slipping, but you keep me in place.
Finally you can’t wait anymore… your cock is demanding a home… Pressing inside… deeper in one steady, gentle move, testing… holding my hips, feeling the wet heat… my head against the upper cabinets….my hands in your hair, kissing you, whispering “fuck me… do it…” then my hands on your back, scratching, ending on your ass, grabbing, urging you to move, to pound.. finding a way inside you, touching you from inside, pulsing around you… clenching… losing control… begging… “give it all to me… let go, Philip… oh… oh… yes. I need… all of you… I want you!”
very very hot. damn… I need a towel… again. never have I been so wet. So happy. You… mmmm..
Now it’s time for BACON.
September 25 at 12:43pm
There.. that ought to spice up your morning routine. 😉
September 25 at 2:22pm
I am so bad… hiding from the heat. had brunch delivered. The height of decadence. “Grand Slam” of scrambled eggs, sausage, bacon, home fries and french toast. And a fruit cup! Whee! I haven’t felt hungry in weeks, but today I do. I wonder why…
September 25 at 2:37pm
ok… must get away from the computer. Eyeballs falling out… Maybe I will get someone to take more photos of body parts… probably take a nap, or just lie there wishing you were with me. Catch you later!
September 25 at 7:41pm
Yankees no-hit through six: Red Sox WIN AGAIN! Hee hee hee…
September 25 at 10:25pm
Quiet evening here. Hubby out… I’m catching up on chores like opening snail mail and paying bills, cleaning out my email inbox… sucks to do it, but good when it’s done! Thinking of you and my breasts. (There’s an odd sentence). 🙂