All Night Long

Sunday stroll
Between Phil and You
September 26 at 1:00am
Wee hours of the morning… heading to bed. Thinking of a sweet, sexy man. Sleep well. Dream of cleavage!
September 26 at 7:59am
Good morning! I hope your Sunday is off to a great start.
So quiet here. Another pretty morning here… but cool…only to get into the 60’s. Trees are that burnt orange color half way down. Flocks of gulls circling… ah, New England!
September 26 at 8:19am
Feeling like “church lady” this morning. I’m listening to hymns. Youtube has lots of them… His Eye is on the Sparrow, Precious Lord, Take My Hand; Be Thou My Vision, The Old Rugged Cross.  I stick songs in my head first thing, so I can sing all day. Maybe I will get my dad singing… I’m off to spend the morning with Dad so my Mom can get to her church. Have a great day!
September 26 at 11:12am
Hi, there. Hear anything good at church today? I’m cleaning up Dad’s email. Kept him awake for an hour! Even got him to walk in the hall and sit in the sunshine in the lobby. Got him to shave! Whee! Then he took off on me…went back to bed. Ah, well. Must take heart in the small triumphs.
September 26 at 4:23pm
Patriots win! I will wish the same for your team.
Phil September 26 at 5:18pm
Thank you!

September 26 at 8:11pm
You driving in the morning? I’d love to chat – call me anytime.
September 26 at 8:12pm
Looks like your team has some life in the them today!

Phil September 26 at 8:15pm 
Woo hoooooo

September 26 at 9:43pm
Wow…looks like a great game so far. They’re all over them!
Phil September 26 at 9:47pm
gonna be close, always is
September 26 at 11:40pm
Wow. What a nail biter.
Phil September 26 at 11:48pm
What a game!
September 27 at 12:02am
Hooray!  Party time!

Lionel Ritchie’s “All Night Long” posted to my FB wall

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