February Part 2 Hairless

Tuesday, February 15
7:41 am Phil: Woooooo!  Another busy ass day!  Have a great one.  That Korean seafood pancake sounds awesome.
7:58 am Morning!
8:05 am cold here again.  20’s.  Stayed up late working out the next 4 weeks publicity for 5 events, try to get each out there but not overdo.  Shared a google spreadsheet w/sis – great way to collaborate! 
8:15 am Today is my last day with hair for awhile.  Shave tomorrow.  There will be photos.  Trying to look on the bright side.  Bought a Red Sox wool hat!
8:34 am Phil:  It will grow back.  Ugly ass hat though
8:35 am Brat.  ;-P
4:16 pm Would you wear an MIT t-shirt?  Noticed a sale.  Can they mail to your office?
4:18 pm Phil: Sure
4:18 pm Phil: I won’t wear a Boston Red Sox shirt
4:19 pm Give me a little credit.  Brat.
4:43 pm The entire baseball season is going to be like this, isn’t it?  Bring it!
9:47 pm  Quiet evening, Chinese leftovers and laundry.  Off to watch NCIS and Westminster Dog Show!  Puppies!
10:12 pm Phil: Still working.  Working dinner with the bigwigs and now catching up on Admin.  Good thing I like my work. 🙂
10:35 pm  Yikes.
10:35 pm Time for Best in Show!  Doggies!
10:57 pm The Scottish deerhound named Hickory won!  First time for that breed.  Looks like a furry greyhound. 
12:01 am I hope you’re home now.  If not, call me. 🙂 Sleep well, sweet man.
Wednesday, February 16
7:24 am Phil:  Walked in the house at 11, back at work at 6 am.  Gonna be a long one today.  Was asked last night to go to Florida later this spring for a week.  Geez. Good thing I’ve got energizer batteries!  Good luck today.  That’s still an ugly ass hat. 🙂
8:07 am Dude!  Florida!
5:28 pm My long hair is gone.  🙁  Here’s the new do [Photo of me in the long brown wig].

7:02 pm Was brave, went out to dinner in the wig, yummy shrimp etouffee, okra and hush puppies!  Hope you survived the busy day.
9:46 pm Phil: You look Awesome!
9:48 pm Thanks.  You’re sweet.
9:53 pm  Good day?
10:00 pm Phil:  Yeah busy but awesome.
10:54 pm Thanks for making me laugh and being there today.  Made a big difference.  Sleep well, sweet man.
Thursday, February 17
7:26 am Phil: Thank you.  Have a great day today.  Weekend can’t come soon enough.
7:56 am Good morning!  Warm, going to 50!  Off to work, then Chemo #2 at 2:30 pm w/ mom.  Whee.  Have a tiptop day!
8:38 am  Phil: Good luck girl.  Kinda warm for an ugly wool hat though
8:42 am Hee!  Rockin the wig today!
1:47 pm Sitting outside at work, waiting for my ride, feels like Spring! 
2:08 pm Phil: Warm here too!  Snow is gone!  I love it.
6:31 pm Home.  Feeling fine.  Nurse said if I did well first round, should continue that way.  Hope so.  Have a good evening.
6:40 pm Phil:  If you start feeling sick to your stomach, it’s the hat.:) would make me sick too
6:42 pm Brat. 🙂
6:45 pm Fyi – I spent most of chemo thinking about you.  In my kitchen… Mmmm.  😉
6:47 pm Phil: Ha ha, gotta keep your mind off it some how.  🙂
6:47 pm Only this time, I did drop to the floor and do it right.:)
6:49 pm Phil: Ah, now that sounds like fun.  🙂
6:52 pm In my mind, you liked it a lot. Produced… a reaction.

6:52 pm Phil: That would be a mouthful of cum.  😀
6:53 pm Sweet. 🙂
6:54 pm then there was a very interesting shower….
7:07 pm Made the hospital time fly by.
7:18 pm Phil: Glad I could help!
7:20 pm Do men (you) think women who are smooth, i.e. no hair down there, are sexy?
7:29 pm Or is that just too odd….
7:39 pm Phil: Absolutely sexy
7:40 pm Phil: It’s very sexy.  Most guys like to see the pussy
7:43 pm  Well, let’s just say that head hair is not the only hair that falls out during chemo. 🙂 Hope that heats up some fantasies.
7:43 pm Phil: Ha ha
7:45 pm Not that you have time for such things….
7:47 pm Sorry if that was TMI.  I blame it on the drugs.  Yes, that’s it.  The drugs makes me less civilized.
11:11 pm Off to bed.  Feeling fine.  So odd after all the warnings.  Sleep well, sweet man.
Friday, February 18
9:20 am Good morning!  Warm, might hit 60!  Off to work , then event, then party.  Whee!  Have a fab Friday, Kid.
3:17 pm Working right along since I got here… Can’t believe how good I feel.  Psyched for the after party.  Meetings done?  Googled and found good press.  Good quote from you.
4:26 pm Phil: Yeah yeah.  Enjoy.  Had a good day but it’s been a long one already.  Have fun!
4:49 pm Is Monday a holiday for you?  We got out early, now at sushi place.
6:47 pm At the event!  So wish you were here… have a great evening!  [posted a photo on FB]
6:52 pm Phil: Wig looks great on you!  Love the party outfit.
6:55 pm Aww, thank you kind sir.
1:06 am Finally home – amazing evening!  Great party!  Crashing now.  Sleep well, sweet man.
Saturday, February 19
8:16 am Good morning!  37 and staying there.  Can you have a quiet day?  Hope it’s fun.
8:49 am I go back to MGH for qwik bone marrow booster shot, then take Hubby to eye doc and new glasses shop.  Whee.
12:05 pm Phil:  had espresso, walked the dogs, going to do a wine walk.  Enjoying a slow quiet day.  Kinda nice.  Loved the party photos!  Some pretty fabulous bazoombas there. 🙂 Have a great day!
2:48 pm Home again.  Easy shot, then yummy burrito and guac at gas station Mexican shop, 2 hrs waiting at eye place.  Ick.  Ooh… wine walk sounds so you.  Bazoombas hee!
3:50 pm Phil: Having a ball.  31 shops to explore, all serving free wine.  What a blast!
4:08 pm Photos?  Nap time.  Sending you a story link.  If you feel inspired to add to it, go ahead.  If not, no worries.   Only you and I have access.
5:33 pm Phil: Oh cool!  This is fun.  What a hoot.  Hundreds of winos staggering around. 🙂
8:09 pm Event #6 about to start, full house!  Hope you’re having a great evening!
9:42 pm Fun chat with project alums.  Buy any vino?
10:04 pm Phil: Drank a bunch
10:54 pm Event #6 is done!  Very smooth.  Too sleepy to party… dropping off the gang and heading home to my computer. 🙂
11:34 pm Home at last.  Sleep well, sweet man.
Sunday, February 20
3:01 pm Event #7 starting…. Hope you’re having a nice day.
4:31 pm Phil: Watching the race.  Nice slow day.
6:24 pm Race? Event #7 is done.  Off to TgiFriday’s for steak.
6:45 pm Phil: Daytona 500.  The race.  Enjoy deener.
7:29 pm went for mozz sticks, ribs, petite sirloin, mashed potato, sweet potato fries.  Oh, and peanut butter choc pie… Yum.  So much for not being able to eat during chemo!
8:38 pm Home at last.  So glad I don’t have to work tomorrow.
8:50 pm Heaven help me… I want to switch places w/ that dog… 🙂
 [Phil posted a photo to FB with his dog on his lap)
10:27 pm Bushed.  Bed now.  Sweet dreams.
12:58 am Phil: Nite
Monday, February 21
5:15 am Woke up laughing… funny dream.  Light snow. 25.  Good morning to you. Happy Prez Day!
11:56 am Being decadent… had breakfast delivered!  Hash, poached eggs, toast, fruit salad, home fries and Bacon!  Hope your day is great!
4:57 pm Productive day around the condo, lots of cleaning.  Dad’s in bad shape – spent 45 minutes talking funeral/burial with Mom.  How’s your dad?  Did he get home? 
8:37 pm talked to sis – she’s boarding a flight in California!  Wish I was there. 🙂 waiting on Chinese, mouth sore, need soup.  Hope your day was good!
10:30 pm I want you
10:32 pm but I’ll just smile quietly and say good night, sweet man.  😀
10:39 pm Unless you ask for more…
11:28 pm Phil: Hey, Dad is back in the hospital.  Should be in rehab later this week.  So sad about your dad, I’ll remember him in my prayers.  I’m beat and off to bed.  Night.
Tuesday, February 22
7:51 am Good morning!  Clear and cold, 12!  Brrr.  Back to work.  Have a super Tuesday! 
8:07 am Phil: Snowing here!  It’s gorgeous!  Have a great day!
3:36 pm one of THOSE days… feel like crap, no brain, mom needs me at the cemetery, leaving work early, dad off all meds except morphine.  Hope it won’t be long now.  Eep.  Hope your day is better
10:08 pm Very strange NCIS…
11:32 pm Had thai soup, satay – ultimate comfort food!  Feeling a little better.  Sleep well.  <3.
11:43 pm Phil:  Good nite.  Got my MIT shirt! Thankyou.  Still praying for your dad.  Been through this and know how hard and miserable it is. 
11:51 pm You are so good to me… Thank you kid.
11:53 pm Phil:  Love the Beaver mascot.  🙂
11:54 pm Heh.  Nature’s engineer.  And a sly reference to um… You know.
11:55 pm Phil: Yea, I know. 😉
11:57 pm I didn’t think anything could make me giggle tonight but you manage to… Heh.
Wednesday, February 23
6:01 am Good morning!  Have a wicked good Wednesday!
6:07 pm Done w/ the funeral home.  Easy.  Good people.  Out for dinner – getting schrod.
10:26 pm Worn out.  Chemo yuck.  Going to get lost in a memory of an October night in D.C.… sleep well, sweet man.
10:27 pm  Phil: Goodnite.

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