Floridian flirts

May 13, 2019 Monday

Date: May 13th – 2:00pm
From: Floridian
AM Message

Giggle is such a great onomatopoeic word. It makes me giggle. And fair warning, nibbling my left ear could lead to injury. I have a gold stud, representing my former status as one. As for narrative, I tried once before but got precious few serious inquiries, mostly from saccharine babies looking for a sugar daddy. I prefer intelligent, bodacious women from my era. You clearly fit the bill. I’m sorry you’re unavailable on this trip back but maybe, hopefully, future sojourns will be more fruitful. And I’ll bring a piece of fruit you can nibble on. And you know what kind of trouble that can bring. Josh


Date: May 13th – 3:19pm
From: Floridian
AM Message

Per your suggestion, I’ve added an opus (did you know the plural of opus is opera?) to my profile in hopes attracting someone like you. Or you, whichever works best. Have a read. Josh


Date: May 13th – 10:34 pm
From: Sassy

AM Message

Your Priority Message to Sassy has been successfully opened.


Date: May 13th – 10:35 pm

AM Message

Your Priority Message to Sassy has been successfully opened.

[These are more automated messages that AM sends him from my account.  I begin to wonder if there’s a sale for Mother’s Day or something that would make that feature free for awhile, as it seems silly for him to spend money on that over and over]


Date:May 13th – 10:48 pm
From: Sassy

AM Message

Hiya Josh! Wow! Thanks for taking my advice and filling your profile with paragraphs! I like it! You are quite a charmer. I can’t say I completely understand it but it makes me want to. If it doesn’t work, try something else. Did you find someone for this weekend? Please bring some sunshine with you! I can’t tell if I am someone you’d want to touch but we’d definitely have fun talking. You intrigue me. I want to ask you lots of questions, but hesitate to take up your time if I can’t meet. If you feel like exploring my Sassy brain, I’ll leave the light on for you.


Date: May 13th – 11:16 pm

AM Message
Hi again! Thank you for helping me smile on a rainy Monday evening. Glad I could get you giggling. That is a grand way to start the week, yes? You tempt me to be silly and sexy. I’ve never nibbled a gold stud… could be a treat… hmmm. Makes me wonder. I like nibbling nuts better than fruit. Big trouble. Whee! I will admit you have me looking at my calendar to see what I could cancel, but I am locked in. Will you really be back north sometime? I’m retiring in 39 days (yes I am counting the days!) and have so much to do, but life should be calmer after June. Hope you have uneventful travel and wave to the north this weekend. I’ll be winking in your direction. -Sassy

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