
250,000… that is a BIG NUMBER!  I don’t see that number very often but I saw it yesterday because my humble blog reached a major milestone.  It blows my mind.  Sometime Sunday afternoon while I was out and about, someone clicked on my blog for 250,000th time!  Wowie zowie!   Was that you?  Thank you!  

I so appreciate each of you who read and comment and celebrate my great days with me, sticking with me when life was not so great, and coming back to find out what wacky adventure I get up to next!

I can’t tell anyone in my real life, so I hope you will celebrate with me now! I’m doing the Sassy Happy Dance! 

It took me a long time (over two years) to get to 100,000 hits on March 3, 2014… 27 months.  And then another 17 months to get to 200,000!  Here’s a fun graph from Blogger that shows my blog’s hits by month from December 2011 to now.  Nothing like a great graph!   Hard to believe it’s been almost five years since I discovered Riff Dawg’s sexy blog!  I spent the entire Thanksgiving weekend reading it and realizing I had to start sharing the story of my sex life with the entire internet!

Same Sassy Girl  ·  Stats  ›  Overview 

Graph of Blogger page views
Huge thanks to the top seven blogs that refer people to my blog: 
Please pop in again soon for more Sassy shenanigans!  After quite a few months with very little action, August will finally bring some excitement and new men to my life!  Where will I go next?!  Will the Universe be kind?  Stay tuned!

0 thoughts on “250,000K

  1. Congratulations you deserve it. Entertaining and fun xxx

  2. Thanks LC! So great to share the blogosphere with you.

  3. Thanks Ryan! You lead and I follow!

  4. Thanks SC! Great to see you here. Hope life is treating you well!!

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