Saturday, April 12, 2014
From: Kris
To: Sassy
Sent: Saturday, April 12, 2014 2:01 PM
Subject: hope you’re having a good day / meet tomorrow or Monday?
Hi Sassy!
Hope your day is going well. Don’t know if you read my other emails yet…..Was wondering if you’d like to meet for lunch tomorrow (Sunday)—-or do an early dinner Monday night?
As per other email—I have a late afternoon session on Monday. Could leave there by 4:00 and meet you someplace by 5:00. Warm weather———–Vroom! Vroom!
If you want to chat tonight—what would be a good time? Thinking of you ALL the time. Getting VERY frisky—-wanting to “unwrap presents” soon…..fantasizing continually…..driving me CRAZY…….(it’s nice though). 
Kris: moan….groan…fantasizing….can’t stop thinking of u….read last email and get back to me…..hug & kiss 2:04 PM
Me: Oooh! How fun! Crazy day! More later! 2:08 PM
Kris: k….big hard hug….DEEP long kiss….feeling very naughty…glad i don’t drink…b cruisin hog (harley)…u can cruise one too….even if 2:17 PM
Kris: ….even if never on a bike….wink 2:18 PM
Me: You’re a rascal! I like that.
2:23 PM
Kris: u have no idea….hope you’ll find out…..for now “don’t want to frighten the children” (scare off a hot lover)….mwah! 2:36 PM
Me: Home. Chat? 9:03 PM
Kris: home…but can’t till later – still working…would b able to around 11 and would b up for it then cuz can sleep in tomorrow….but u may b tired….in meantime reply to my last email…..ignore all previous ones if u like…..sorry for “bombarding” u with so many at once….just an eager beaver 9:11 PM
Me: 11 pm is fine. Great end to my day! 9:13 PM
Kris: k….in the meantime read last email…but can tell me what u think when we chat…i had sucky day…..clutch on brand new f’n bike i paid a small fortune for not working…..didnt even get it on the street…..Arrgghh!!!!!…..u can cheer me up later 9:22 PM
From: Sassy
To: Kris
Sent: Saturday, April 12, 2014 9:21 PM
Re: hope you’re having a good day / meet tomorrow or Monday?
Hiya Eager Beaver Earnest Frisky Kris!
Hope you got to enjoy this beautiful weather!
Would adore another chance to suck on your… fingers. Lunch tomorrow sounds good. What time? Any certain food you’re hankering for? I have to be at a meeting by 5 pm and have a report to prep first, but can play midday!
So sorry I’ve been slow responding! My net connection going out last night, and then a nutty day today, kept me away from the computer. Had a disaster with my mom’s tax prep – major missing papers! Argh. Gave me the “stop the world, I need to step off!” feeling. But this too shall pass!
Talk to you soon!
Me: Replied to email. Sorry about the bike! Seems like everyone had an odd day… we can perk each other up soon! 9:24 PM
Kris: 30 minutes and counting…hate working….would have done it till midnight but u rescued me…back to work…..arrghhh….chat soon 10:31 PM
From: Kris
To: Sassy
Sent: Saturday, April 12, 2014 11:03 PM
Re: hope you’re having a good day / meet tomorrow or Monday?
Hi Sexy Sassy!
You are so awesome….I’m not used to someone so nice. Nice is a lame word….can’t describe it…..are you real?…..I expect to wake up any minute…talk soon!
Feeling all “lovey dovey”…