States I’ve visited

Monday, November 4, 2013

This is fun! Using different colors made me see new things.
Only 6 states to go!
Green: states where I’ve spent a significant amount of time
Blue: states that I have been to a few times or have spent several days
Amber: states where I have at least spent one night
Red: states that I have just passed through

Is it a football night?  Hope it’s a good one, kid!
10:45pm Phil
Good game. Taking the DC job, back with the military as a civilian
Wow!  Congratulations!   Relieved to have that settled?

2 thoughts on “States I’ve visited

  1. I love these, the only places I’ve not been too are: RI,SD, ND, NE, OK, NM, OR, WA, ID, MT, WYO, AK, and HI

    I lived in six states and two states I’ve lived in twice

  2. Max says:

    I love these! Of the lower 48, I’m missing VT, NH, ID, NM.

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