Sassy Answers: No Camping

Dear Readers,  
So wonderful you are here today!  Thanks for stopping by!  It’s time for a little break from the Philip and Sassy and her adventures on Ashley Madison saga, since Philip and none of my AM men wrote to me today and I didn’t write to any of them!  So I am going to answer a question a sweet blog fan asked me.
Q.  Do you like to go camping? 
A.  I’ll  tell you a secret.  I DON’T LIKE CAMPING!  
I have never been camping.  Oh… wait… there was that one time when I was six and my dad decided it would be great fun to drive from Upstate NY to NEW MEXICO to go to Boy Scout camp in the middle of the desert and sleep in a tent for days in the blazing heat in August!  I did go to church camp every summer for years as a child and into my teenage years.  Philip first kissed me around the camp fire.  But we slept in cabins and ate in a lodge and it was okay.  I wouldn’t go back today. 
A lot of men put “camping” on their online dating profiles thinking it will make them look studly and nature-loving and what a nice escape and…whatever.  NO THANK YOU!
I do see photos now and then, such as the one below, and know that the only way to see that scenery is to go camping and I am tempted for like… TWO SECONDS.  But really?  No.
Kat’s tale of camping with R is one of my favorite stories, and Max from Thoughts of a Mystic Satyr goes camping all the time and comes back with sexy stories but it still does not make me want to go camping.  No hauling stuff for miles over odd terrain.  No making meals over a fire.  No washing dishes in the lake.  No pooping in an outhouse or worse.  No cold showers!  No sleeping on the ground or wood or a cot.  With big bugs!!  And no air conditioning!  EEEEK! 
I did write a fantasy about hiking, which is not camping but a little too close for comfort.  But in my mind, she got to go back to the Sea Breeze Ocean View Motel in Bar Harbor after all that walking and playing around.  
Would I go if the right man invited me?  Oh… that’s a tough question.  Please don’t ask me go camping!  If you want to go, more power to ya, buddy.  Move on to the next lady who likes that stuff.
My idea of camping is having to stay at the Motel 6 instead of the Courtyard by Marriott!  *shudders*  Give me the great indoors any day!  

One thought on “Sassy Answers: No Camping

  1. I like my creature comforts as well. They never seem to have the little one cup coffee makers at campsites the way they do at Marriott or even Holiday Inn. I don’t like my coffee to be too far away when I wake up!

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