FFF Voila

How can February be over already?!  Ah well, if it gets me closer to spring, I’m all for it!  It’s Flash Fiction Friday time, when the talented Tom from Three Spelling Mistakes inspires us to write with a provocative photo!  Pop over to his blog to see what he and other wonderful writers made of this photo.  My take is below. 

Here’s this week’s challenge: 

Word Limit: 250
Bonus Words: +50 if there’s a happy ending.
Required Word: Voilà
Forbidden Word: Viagra

Extra Credit: If you’re a man, write it from her point of view; if you’re a woman, write it from his.


Facebook pinged.  “Friend request from Sabrina Smith.”  Well, well… well!  I stared at it.  Should I reconnect?  I had kept my name but almost nothing else.

We fell in love in college.  I shouldn’t have let her get so close… I was a mess.  She was so sweet and sexy, I couldn’t resist!  We’d cuddle in her single bed reading poems or People magazine, painting our toenails or braiding my hair.  We spent hours making out.  She did this thing with her tongue on my nipple… I adored her!

I thought we’d be girlfriends forever.  But she got a job in NYC and I went to Boston.  We lost touch.  I focused on work and figuring out who I am.  LIfe happened.  

I friended her, poked around her wall a bit.  She hadn’t aged a day!  Still had that amazing smile… still hanging with women.  Her relationship status said, “It’s complicated.”  Can’t wait to hear that story!  

I sent her a generic note, “Great to see your smiling face! What’s new?” 

She wrote right back, “TERRY!!!!!  In Boston next week – dinner?”  So we wrote and I explained and it was like we’d never been apart!  It even got sexy.  I couldn’t wait to see her!  Touch her.  We discussed many ways we might give each other pleasure. 

The night finally arrived.  We’d long since skipped right to the “show up at my hotel” plan.  She was on the phone when I knocked, and whispered, “Just a sec…” strolling back to the  desk to make notes.  I went to the bathroom, showered and came out in a towel.  She was sitting on the bed, naked!  Her eyes grew wide when I opened the towel and shouted, “Voila!”

Her mouth fell open and she squealed, “You have boy parts now?! Fantastic!” 

4 thoughts on “FFF Voila

  1. Tom says:

    See, that’s why Facebook introduced all those new gender choices. 🙂 Although she seemed cool with it! Great take, Sassy!

  2. Sillyone says:

    What a great twist! I love a good laugh!

  3. Excellent change, I was wondering how it would go with the story, but you managed that quite nicely. Awesome

  4. Measha Stone says:

    That was great! Wonderful twist and very crafty of you! Loved it.

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