Six beaches

Monday, October 10
Happy Columbus Day!

From my public journal

Another beautiful day that beckoned me to the beach!   I didn’t want to drive very far, so I did some targeted research with Google maps, scouring the shore line for a restaurant and a beach-filled drive to get there.  
We took off about 3 pm and headed north to Revere.   We saw six beaches:
1) Revere – The tide was out and you could see beach for miles!  

2) Nahant – I made a little detour over the causeway to Nahant Beach.  Several people there.  

3 &4) Then it was up Rte 1a through Lynn and Swampscott, and on into

5) Marblehead to Devereaux Beach

Lady’s Cove, Marblehead

6) Chandler Hovey Park with its ancient lighthouse and rocky shore and panoramic view of the harbor and Salem Sound and the ocean.  It was so clear, I felt like I could see Portugal!

One thought on “Six beaches

  1. Beautiful, at that first beach did you shout or ring those warning shots and bells of freedom and warn those British they arn’t going to take our guns and freedom! 🙂

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