January texts Part 1

The good news?  Phil kept in touch after he moved.  

The bad news?  Not much and mostly via very brief text messages.  No phone calls. By the middle of the month – no more Facebook messages.  We did manage a Facebook chat now and then…  No, he never said why things changed.  So I got a new lesson in patience, and learned to distill my thoughts into about 100 characters a message or less.  Ah, brevity! 

But it was something!

January 2011

Note: times show up in the Eastern zone, but his are an hour earlier (Central time)
New year, new day
Between Phil and You
[Phil posted a gorgeous photo of the view out his kitchen window at sunrise to his FB wall]

January 2 at 9:16am
Good morning! Hope your day is off to a great start! Amazing coffee view! Warm – 45, but rain and fog as the snow melts. Quiet lot. Have a great day!
Phil January 2 at 9:30am
Freezing this morning. In search of a newspaper. Not as easy as it sounds.

January 2 at 9:46am

Forget about the “dead trees” newspaper. Go online! The same news, only better!
Phil January 2 at 9:52am
Old fashioned. Still love the morning paper
January 2 at 10:11am
Sure. I know. I’m the last person on my floor get it delivered. But in a pinch… go to the net! The beach paper, the NY Times, and CNN, Google News and the BBC! Whee!
1:18 pm Me: Go Team!
1:19 pm Phil: Woo Hooo
2:23 pm Me: Looking good at half time!
3:45 pm Me: Congrats! [His teams won]
4:00 pm Me: Weird the final scores were exactly the same 
4:03 pm Me: Damn… when your teams wins, makes me want to…
4:13 pm Phil: Scream GO TEAM!
4:15 pm Me: Make you scream, yes…

Phil January 2 at 7:56pm
Having Legal Seafood Chowder for dinner. Sam’s carries it. Yummy!

8:02 pm Phil: [photo of his living room fire]
8:03 pm Ahhh.  Chowder and a fire.  And House on TV
8:10 pm Me: Wow, looks awesome!  We’re eating at Tx Roadhouse again.

January 2 at 9:15pm
This [him eating Legal Seafood chowder] makes me smile. A lot. JJJ

January 2 at 9:30pm
P.S. I made up my mind.

Back to work
Between Phil and You
January 3 at 8:02am
Good morning! Happy Monday! Gorgeous morning here – clear, cold, windy…31. Quiet in the lot. Snow mostly gone except for the 30 ft mountain at this end. Have a great day!
January 3 at 10:20am
Are you in the office today? I’m back to work! Everyone is cheery, thank goodness. Shouldn’t take two weeks off… forget why it’s important. And I have to sit at my desk. Which you have seared. Again. 🙂
January 3 at 4:28pm
Hope you’re being productive! Quiet here. Still tough to catch up, and get ready to be out for surgery tomorrow. But able to focus, thank god. Off to help a peep in crisis!
6:51 pm Me: You survive? We’re at Tx Roadhouse again, peep in crisis needed prime rib

January 3 at 11:14pm
Headed to bed. Check in at MGH 9 am. Home by noon, in theory. Trying not to worry, mostly succeeding. Not scared about surgery… waiting is the worst, but that’s my office manager side. Sleep well, sweet man.
Tuesday, January 4
12:01 am Phil: Yeah, good day.  Having a pre-bed scotch
12:09 am Phil: Prime rib is a good thing. Enjoy.
7:29 am Me: Morning! Off to MGH for 2nd surgery. Have a great day!
2:51 pm Me: Had an easy time, home eating a cheeseburger!  J
3:15 pm Phil: Good for you!  Glad to hear it. J
10:21 pm Phil: Good day, learned a lot, completely worn out.  Time for bed.
10:22 pm Me: Feeling good.  Korean dinner.  Nap.  Sleep well, sweet man.
Wednesday, January 5
10:21 pm Me: Good day? Stayed home per doc’s order, but got lots done
Thursday, January 6
8:09 am Morning!  Gorgeous day. Back to work.  Have a great day!
11:40 am Me: Tell me there are no racy videos you broadcast in prior commands…
12:13 pm Phil: Uh no.  J
12:14 pm Phil: I am good on that front.
12:14 pm Me: Phew.  J
12:15 pm Me: did you know him?
12:16 pm Phil: No but I know people who do
12:51 pm Me: Reasonable demotion or scapegoated?
1:22 pm Phil: Much ado over nothing in my opinion.  Sensationalism and over reaction.  Those videos were done five years ago.
1:24 pm Me: That’s what I thought.  Thanks.
6:28 pm Me: First time tasting bacon cream cheese… OMG delicious!

From: Sassy Girl
Subject: Recipe for bacon cream cheese
Date: January 6, 2011 6:35:00 PM EST
To: Phil

Here’s a recipe – don’t think there are eggs in the version I bought handmade from the gourmet store, but it tastes amazing!  Sort of like boursin spread but slightly bacon… yum!  


7:19 pm Phil: Bacon!  Bacon anything is delicious.
7:52 pm Me: Sent you recipe…Might be good for your Super Bowl party.  J

Friday, January 7
4:41 pm Me: Time to relax yet?  Hope you had a good week…
5:21 pm Phil: Was an amazing week!  I’m headed off to the bar in a few for a drink with the rest of the gang.  This is fun, lots of work but great fun.  Had Deep dish with real Italian sausage, bacon, ricotta cheese, oh my god!  Going to go check out other places to eat over the weekend.  I’m beat though.  Been a heck of a week.  Hope you had a good one too. 
6:40 pm Me: Fabulous to hear it’s fun, you can drink w/ them, and you found great food!  I had fun drooling over menus online.  Enjoy!
Saturday, January 8

Phil January 8 at 7:48am
Cold windy morning here. On my way to the gym and then to hang some things up on the walls. Snowed last night. Gotta love this weather. Typing on my new IPAD. Cool little toy!
8:07 am Me: Good morning! Snow!  Busy project work day – set up snacks.  Have a great day!
10: 10 am Me: [photo of snowy parking lot]
Snowy Saturday!
10:15 am Phil: Yuck! Snowed here last night.
10:19 am Me: It’s coming down in big flakes, almost a white-out, but camera won’t show that. How much did you get?
10:22 am Phil: Maybe an inch, supposed to get more today
10:24 am Phil: [photo of gorgeous view out his window]
My view from the recliner
10:25 am Me: Breathtaking view!
10:28 am Me: Wish I could um… Kneel at your feet.  feeling frisky.
January 8 at 10:29am

Ooh… IPADs are wicked cool. What’s a neat trick it does? Will it replace the laptop? And the Kindle? Parts of the phone?

11:00 am Me: Oh, I adore egg mcmuffins!  Hubby talked me into popping across the street to get him breakfast…

January 8 at 11:14am
Week was good and bad. Good news from surgeon – 2nd surgery a success – no more cancer cells! On to oncology 1/24. Bleh. Great Vietnamese food from Ginger Exchange – bao bao (teryaki beef & lettuce in poofy bun). Work was very quiet. Staff liked my presents – asian china soup bowls and miso soup mix. Dad is in very bad shape. Hubby being major jerk – wants new cats right away when I’m not ready, and met young woman new years eve he can’t shut up about. *sigh* But I feel great. Project work is great!

January 8 at 12:06pm
Busy project morning – did paperwork! Helped with publicity – approved the press release and updated newspaper contact list, then read proposal draft for the next project! Woot! Off to buy snacks, and see my dad. Whee! Have a great day!

2:03 pm Me: Got project peeps fed.  Off to see dad!
3:17 pm Me: [photo of a nursing home]
Nursing home in the snow… Dad’s not good.  How’s your dad?
3:20 pm Phil: Better today.  Dad is Cranky which is a good thing.
3:21 pm Me: Your dad home?
3:25 pm Me: or rehab?
3:26 pm Me: Yay for cranky!   J Going to see Mom now.
3:44 pm Phil: Still at the hospital
4:08 pm Me: Saw Mom.  She scared us w/ a bladder infection but better today.  How’s your Mom?
10:23 pm Phil: Whoooooooo! Let’s go team!
10:27 pm Me: Woot!  Why are they playing tonight?
10:28 pm Phil: Play offs!
11:03 pm Me: Wow… that was amazing!  Congrats!  [his team won]
11:05 pm Phil: What a game!!!!!!!
11:05 pm Me: you doing a happy dance?
11:06 pm Phil: Oh yeah!  Oh yeah!
11:34 pm Me: Oh, great… 
11:39 pm Phil: Yeah!
Sunday, January 9

8:08 am Me: Good morning!

[He posted a photo on Facebook of his breakfast]

3:23 pm Phil: Franks Diner in Kenosha, full garbage plate with three meats!  I need a nap!
3:24 pm Me: Hee!  I was just reading about them online.
3:26 pm Me: Serious Eats blogged about them less than a month ago.
3:26 pm Phil: Oh my god, what a plate full of food!
3:27 pm Phil: Awesome, fun place
3:27 pm Me: did you talk to them?
3:29 pm Phil: Oh yeah, met the owners, great folks
3:30 pm Phil: 5 eggs, must have been a lb of sausage, ham and bacon too
3:30 pm Me: drool
4:53 pm Me: off to project mtg, then a big dinner with 25 people!  J Remember Christopher’s?  That’s the pub for tonight.  Have a great evening!  <3
5:35 pm Phil: Have fun!

January 9 at 11:46pm
Meeting went really fast and well – less than 45 minutes to go into two proposals and four reports. Zoom!  People said I know how to run a meeting. Yup.
January 9 at 11:52pm
Great evening – 30 people! We changed the restaurant last minute and had to reach everyone with 4 hours notice. Whee! We had the upper floor of the pub, table hopped and made announcements and sang! Hubby stayed home, so I hosted and mingled alone.  I got hugs, too. Success!

January 10 at 12:26am
After midnight… in trouble thinking philosophical drivel again. Don’t dare type anything except… sleep well, sweet man. 🙂

Monday, January 10
7:39 am Me: Good morning! Hope you have a great Monday.  Clear and cold, 20, here.
7:52 am Phil: Good morning. Finished my workout.  Ready to start the day.  No garbage plate today!  Supposed to snow.
Tuesday, January 11
8:02 am Me: Good morning!  Hope your Tuesday will be fun.  Cold here, 21, sun.  But threatening a foot of snow overnight.  Whee!

January 11 at 8:23am
Phil The start of another day! Have a dinner this evening at Cafe Pyrenees in Libertyville. Snowing again. I love it. My brother will be here tomorrow. Excited about that! Hope you have an amazing day!

January 11 at 11:06am
You love snow? That didn’t take long to win you over.  Oooh. Restaurant looks incredible. Paella photos? 🙂 Are you exploring or being wined and dined by co-workers?

Phil January 11 at 11:09am
Wined and dined. I’m sure I will go back though. I’m enjoying the weather cause it’s different. See how I feel in a few months.

January 11 at 5:00pm
Hope you had a good day.  Starting to settle in?  The forecast is scaring the crap out of people.  My employer announced we’re closed tomorrow! SNOW DAY! We’re never closed… weird. So I get to stay home and PARTY! heh.

January 11 at 6:47pm
Having thai food for supper… chicken satay and tom ka guy, that soup I got you to try. Yum.

Tom kha gai (Lao: ຕົ້ມຂ່າໄກ່; Thai: ต้มข่าไก่, RTGS: tom kha kai, IPA: [tôm kʰàː kàj]), literally “chicken galangal soup”) is a spicy hot soup in Laotian cuisine and Thai Cuisine. This soup is made with coconut milk, galangal, lemon grass and chicken. The fried chillies add a smoky flavor as well as

January 11 at 10:47pm
Hope you had a nice evening out. Just watched NCIS. They mentioned National Harbor. Everything is pointing my head back there tonight. Heh. Sleep well, sweet man.

Wednesday, January 12
7:49 am Me: [photo of very snowy parking lot] Wednesday white out!
7:51 am Phil: Got over a foot here too.  Gonna be great weather for the game Sunday!
8:01 am Me: Woke up from a dream about us… Grocery shopping!  Laughing at seeing Freihoffer’s choc chip cookies here.  So odd what my sleeping brain does!
8:04 am Phil: I used to love those cookies.   J
8:07 am Me: I was on the Freddie Freihoffer Show on TV for my 4th birthday.  Freaky.
8:12 am Phil: Cool.  I remember that show.
8:13 am Me: Did you leave one of the doggies at the beach?
8:35 am Phil: Oh no!  All here
8:37 am Me: Hunh.  Guess one of them is camera shy… Cool
9:24 am Phil: She’s too fast.  Other two are hams.
9:25 am Me: She must sleep sometime… J
9:54 am Me: Snow day breakfast – ham and cheese omelet, toast with European style butter and raspberry jam, sliced kiwi and OJ!  

8:57 pm Me: Snow supper!  Chunky beef stew, mushrooms and garlic added, over no yolk egg noodles, sprinkled with parmesan cheese! 

Thursday, January 13
5:59 pm Phil: Whoooooo hoooooo  Great DAY!
10:21 pm Me: Everything go well? 
11:04 pm Phil: Awesome!
11:06 pm Me: Hooray!  Tell me a little
11:11 pm Me:  If you’re worn out, never mind.  I can wait…. Maybe call me when your walking the dogs or some time.   J
11:13 pm Me: but I am wicked curious!

Friday, January 14
7:34 am Me: Good morning!  Hope your day is off to a super start.  Clear and cold.  19…brrr.
8:31 am Phil: Just finished at the gym.  Ready for work!
8:32 am Me: Woot!
8:33 am Me: driving to work? or walking?  J
9:18 am Me: Sign at McDonald’s says “Tall, Sweet and has hot friends…” Reminded me of you!  Have a wonderful day

6:07 pm Me: Red velvet cupcake!

7:15 pm Me: Wish you were here… Huge hotel room – gorgeous view. King size bed, dual shower head – gives me ideas, things we could do, oof.  They’re using it for a project meeting.
8:06 pm Me: Major computer problems last minute… Praying hard they can work around it.  Never a dull moment!  Hope you’re having a calmer evening that I am!
9:08 pm Me: Chaos has been avoided!  Headed to the Grand Ballroom to set up.  Ah, projects!
Saturday, January 15
12:28 am Me: It all came together!  HUGE crowd… nearly 250!  Headed home to collapse.  Sleep well, sweet man.
12:59 am Phil: Nite Sass.  Sleep well.  Glad it all worked out.
9:08 am Me: Good morning!  Happy Saturday!  Cold and clear, 19.

10:44 am Me:  Zoe’s brunch – ham/cheese omelet, English muffin, home fries, banana bread and OJ!
Sunday, January 16
3:40 pm  Me: [photo of the 99 restaurant front door] Calypso shrimp.  Yum!
4:27 pm Me: Bring it!  Time to stop the talk and walk the walk!
4:45 pm Phil: Whooooo!   [start of the play-off game]
6:05 pm Me: Happy half-time, kid.
6:09 pm Phil: What a game!
6:15 pm Me: J
7:46 pm Me: Wow!  Congrazs  J J  [when his team won]
11:36 pm Me:  Hey, kid, you look wicked hot smoking that cigar…. Gave me ideas…. 😉 Sleep well, sweet man.
Monday, January 17
11:10 am Phil: What address for gmail?  Is it .net or .com?
11:52 am Me: .com or go to google main page and click on the tab top center
Tuesday, January 18
8:13 am Me: Good morning!  Nasty here – snow with sleet over it, rain coming… Slippery!  Hope you have a fun day!
8:19 am Phil: Wet and icky here too.  Gonna be a great day!
6:16 pm Me: Good day?  Man this weather sucks – pouring rain over the ice, deep water or slush.  Bleh.  Staying in and doing project publicity!
11:51 pm Me: Hope you had a good evening.  Quiet here, did online publicity.  Saw NCIS.  Remembered D.C. fondly.  Sleep well, sweet man.

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