Tell Me Why

October 15, 2010
[from my private blog]
Why didn’t he call me? 
He was stuck in his car alone for at least three hours.  I told him I could talk.  That I’d love to keep him company.  I sent him FB msgs so he’d know I was around.  Then how I wished he was around.  Nothing. 
It would have made my day to hear his voice.  He would not have had to talk to me for long. 
Ugh.  I hate this roller coaster. 
  • Tues/Wed/Thu – A life changing 39 hours together in D.C.
  • Fri-Wed – One tiny message a day for a week. 
  • I sent a sexy photo. He said he was sorry. WHAT?
  • Thurs – I said I was NOT SORRY.   No answer.  Finally, a lovely late night chat.  Asked if I could go see him again in November.
  • Friday – nothing.  No call.  No msg.  No answers.  Texted him a photo of new Thai place.  Nada.

Why?  If I knew why, it could go a long way.  Does it have anything to do with me? Is he over it?  He has definitely got it under control.  Or is it only to do with him?  Why can’t he talk to me? Arrrgh…

One thought on “Tell Me Why

  1. Welcome to “THE LIFE”.

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