Song I wrote for you

September 17 at 4:17pm
Speaking of singing… I remembered this morning that you inspired me to write to write a song, way back when. Another thing that’s part of my life and I’d forgotten is tied to you. Hope it’s not too freaky.
Maybe I can sing it for you sometime. I might even have played it for you when I wrote it. I used to sit in the sanctuary at church and play for hours. I have a very brief memory of you sitting on the piano bench with me, singing something and smiling.
It’s a very upbeat, jazzy tune with optimistic lyrics. I think I wrote it right after I met you. Peppy, piano tune. Not the best rhymes, but hey. 14 years old, ya know? I only wrote two or three songs back then. So not many people inspired me like you did.
I’ve been feeling upbeat lately, so here it is again.
[lovely lyrics but can’t post it in the blog… sorry!]
September 17 at 10:43pm
Hey there, handsome. Hope you are having a good evening.
Made it over to MIT for the musical. Hubby was out of sorts, so I went alone. Chatted with friends in the audience. The place was packed. Who knew pink hair is the in thing with college students?
Sadly, show was awful. The music director thought staccato was the only way to sing…probably to increase their diction. Ick. So choppy! I was bad and left at intermission. Only done that once before. Ah, well. Live and learn.
September 17 at 10:44pm
When I got bored, I thought about meeting you for dinner. Focusing on first hug. kisses. groping. trying to decide how far to go in my mind. I replayed it about six different ways. All good. It seems more possible than it did before.
I looked at overalls online today. I am the only woman in history thinking about sexy clothes to wear on a date who is looking at bib overalls!
Phil September 17 at 11:14pm
Sorry H was out of sorts and the show was not great. Sad about the deaths. Painting is done. Looks good. House is still a disaster. Wife did nothing between Tuesday and Friday. I hate that. Went and sat in the tub with a scotch. Just wanted to be left alone for a bit. That did not happen either. Laziness drives me crazy. I’ll get over it. Bibs are sexy. Nothing is sexy. Jeans and a sweater are sexy. Don’t put so much thought into it. Just be you. 🙂

Phil September 17 at 11:16pm
Need a massage. Need some loving. Guess I’m just needy tonight. Goodnight Babe. Sleep well.
September 18 at 12:00am
Ooh! Messages… I get so excited when I see a little number at the top of my FB page. I know it’s from you! And you know just what to say. “Just be you.” Good plan. Just want to be the best possible me. Will give me confidence and courage. And drive you wild. Heh.
I wish I could fulfill your needs right now. Rub your back, whisper softly to you about more…sleep well.

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