That 25 message day

My head is spinning from yesterday.  We exchanged a dozen messages in which he 

  • apologized for dumping me years ago
  • gave me back amazing memories of my first kiss  
  • got all sexy, saying he wants me… no matter what I look like now 
  • then got even sexier in a chat!

My mind and my body came to life in a way it hasn’t for… YEARS!  

A new day dawned.  August 25th… while I was running the conference and he was sitting in meetings and then driving to the beach… we sent 25 messages back and forth.   I told him about my life and my work, and he was sexy back.  Here are the best of them!

August 25 at 6:54am
Good morning. It’s another dreary day here…and I have to go in to work early. And the silly cat barfed on the rug.  And I am thinking of you and smiling.
Phil August 25 at 10:08am
I don’t believe for a second that you aren’t as exciting in person. Last nite was fun and sexy. Went to sleep with a big smile. Have been grinning much of the day. Glad we shook the cobwebs off old feelings. You are much too young to not be appreciated as the hot, sexy woman that you are. You deserve to be ravaged and enjoyed. Still thinking about how you have learned to use your hands. Makes me instantly hard just thinking about it. Loved having you tell me I made you wet. Have a great day. I like the grown up Sassy.
August 25 at 10:19am
I found a photo of that girl, age 14. My sister has a page of her old photos.  It’s one of those Olan Mills family photos.  I’ll email you a link to her album.  

Phil August 25 at 10:40am
You are that girl. Always will be. Silly girl.
Phil August 25 at 10:48am
That picture brings back a flood of memories. That’s how I remember your Mom and Dad. See the same girl sitting on a carousel in your FB photo. Love your hair, I remember the glasses. Several good pictures in that album. Thank you. My memory was pretty good.
Between You and Phil
Phil August 25 at 12:19pm
Sitting in a meeting, imagining you last night. Good image. Enjoyed flipping through your sister’s old photos.  Still thinking about pressing you against the wall, you able to feel me hard and ready, kissing your neck, working towards your breast, a sigh as I take your nipple in my mouth. Geez, not gonna get any work done this way. 
August 25 at 12:47pm
Taking a break for lunch… staff chattering all around me at the conference, munching on bag lunches…if they only knew what was going on under the desk! There’s all sorts of tingling going on…and it’s your fault! It is great the way I can give you a little snippet of a dream and you can spin it into the most amazing magic!
Phil August 25 at 2:52pm
Tingling is good. Everyone should tingle. I’m glad I can do that. I just added how I would enhance the dream. I know how I would carry that out. We would shift to the couch cause your knees got weak. From your breasts, I would have continued on until my tongue was circling and then licking that wonderful wet spot. Would find what you liked and then focus until you cum. Then move to the bed and start all over.

August 25 at 3:14pm
Finally made it back to my office. Is your meeting over yet?
Have you heard the saying “I’ll be in my bunk”? Folks in the sci fi world use it as a code for “I am so turned on, I have to go away and um…take care of it on my own.” It’s from the old TV series, “Firefly.” Here’s a clip – watch first 30 seconds 

 Did you see that series? There were only 14 episodes and a movie “Serenity” made, but it’s an amazing “space western” with funny bits, good guys vs. bad guys fighting and space travel. Definitely worth getting the DVD if you haven’t seen it. 
Anyway…I will be in my bunk. *cough*
Phil August 25 at 4:35pm
I have a mental image of you in your bunk. That has me very turned on again. I never saw the series though. I was in my bunk last night though. Made a mess too. Thought about your hands bringing me close again and again and then finally letting me go. I love oral giving and receiving. When was the last time anyone made you cum over and over with their tongue and then replaced their tongue with something longer and harder? Damn, I need to go to my bunk again.

Hope you enjoyed going to your bunk. Sure turned me on. I remember vividly slipping my fingers inside you and then licking your juices from my fingers. You smelled wonderful and I loved the way you tasted. Would have loved to clean your fingers in your bunk.

August 25 at 9:02pm
So since we’ve tackled my history, religion and my hobbies, I can ask you ANOTHER QUESTION. What are your your politics? Do you vote? Democrat? Republican? Some other theory? Are there any issues that you get worked up about?

Between You and Phil
Phil August 25 at 9:49pm
What an interesting story of your life. It sounds like a wonderful adventure. Been reading and driving. Have to read it more carefully later. Feel like a kid. I get all excited when a msg pops in. Thank you!

August 25 at 9:56pm
Wait a sec…you are driving and reading? That doesn’t sound safe…be careful! Nothing bad can happen to you now, you here?  I was waiting…hoping for one more message before I go to bed. Now I can go. More tomorrow in between conference sessions.
Phil August 25 at 10:05pm
Sweet dreams

[He texted a photo of his face and naked upper body.  No one had ever texted me a photo!]

August 25 at 10:20pm
I can hear you saying “WAIT! One more message before you go!” And then you send me THAT PICTURE! Holy cow…
What it would be like to have dinner with you?
To be able to see your smile.
To see the twinkle in your eyes.
To feel you touch my arm when you ask me to pass the rolls and feel a jolt of electricity unlike any in a long, long time.
To hear your voice. Maybe some teasing, salacious words whispered…
or a stray hand between bites.
To hear your breath catch when I whisper back. Something poetic…or dirty.
To hear you laugh!
But the harsh torture of not being to tell what you are thinking, whether you are entranced or polite. The torture of waiting…not being able to touch you in other places..yet? Or maybe we decide not ever.
Sweet torture. Sucking on lobster legs…slowly, loudly. Licking my fingers…to get off the butter. Losing a piece of lobster down my front and gingerly fetching it…unbuttoning an extra button to reveal a little more flesh…then buttoning it again. You twisting in your chair. Staring…a gaze so hot I almost melt into a puddle of desire.
Skipping dessert?
Phil August 25 at 10:20pm
Made it to the beach. Good night. Hope u have sexy dreams
Phil August 25 at 10:39pm
I love it! Would like to do that. Lots of touching, teasing, flesh exposed, walking behind you pressing my hard cock against you as I walk by. Catching glimpses down your shirt. Deciding to have each other for desert. Hard again. I love this feeling. May not make it all the way to December.
Good Night
Between You and Phil
Phil August 25 at 11:55pm
Getting ready to step into the shower. Just found the yearbook with dance picture of us. You look so hot. Thinking about you sucking lobster legs and licking the butter off your fingers. My dirty little mind is seeing something very different. The tease is very important, makes the entire thing. When you get to the point where you want to rip each others clothes off, you got it right. I’d like it much more slowly, button by button, licking, kissing, sucking. Unbuttoned your pants, slipping them off you. Kissing and licking down outside your panties. Feeling you get wetter. Pushing them aside so my tongue can slip inside of you. Tasting you, feeling your body tense as my tongue touches that sweet spot. Feeling your hips push against me pulling my tongue deeper. Your juices now flowing, legs shaking, slight moans, breaths coming quicker and becoming gasps and then feeling you cum. Ummmmm. I yearn to feel your hands on my cock stroking me, teasing, bringing me so close. I’ll go to sleep with those thoughts. Also can’t help thinking about rubbing my cock over your pussy, up and down, easing in and then back out, teasing, feeling your hips thrust up to meet me and then finally thrusting deep and hard inside you

The hot chat

August 24, 2010
Phil    Better get to bed girl                               10:58pm
Me     Oh, hello!
Phil     hope we have a date for lobster when I am in New England
I’ll drive to Boston                                             10:59pm
Me     The idea scares the crap out me
Phil     why?
I’ll behave                                                          11:00pm
Me     No, not about you…
Phil     we don’t have to do dinner. Don’t want to make you uncomfortable ever.
          would love to see you but only if you are comfortable with it    11:02pm
Me     I will probably get used to the idea…just feeling old and fat     11:05pm
Phil    You are younger than I am so you are not old. I look at your pictures and see the same Sassy. We all gain weight as we age, me too. I am certainly not the size I was. You might want to keep an eye on my hands. they always gravitated towards your ass.
sorry, that was true but probably crude             11:06pm
Me I have been thinking way too much about your hands, and my hands and…
Phil         me too. Remember touching you, tasting you,
been thinking about it for the past couple days.
Do you still powder your …..?                               11:08pm
Me     Phew…it’s hot in here!
Phil      that was inappropriate too
good. good for us, keeps the heart pumping         11:09pm
Me     That’s for sure.
Where was there powder?                                      11:10pm
Phil      You powdered your breasts. was wonderful
Me     Ah…of course…
Yes.                                                              11:11pm
Phil    sitting here in shorts and the impact of this discussion is rather obvious
Me     heh
Phil     that’s nice. Loved the powder
we did that at camp                                      11:12pm
Me     My goodness…you do have a mind like steel trap.
Phil      you were wearing overalls
Me     How can you remember that?!
Go on…                                                          11:13pm
Phil     I had my hands down the back of them. I’ll never forget that  11:14pm
Phil     It was a very hot weekend                           11:15pm
Me     Camp was always an adventure…
Phil     oh yea, we made it more so                        11:18pm
Phil     your lips were amazing, your tongue aggressive and so hot. Your body defied description. We never did anything bad though. Lot of touching but we were good kids
I have been sipping wine, hope I am not being too forward    11:19pm
Me     No. no…forward is good.
You had them…strong shoulders…arms…               11:20pm
Phil      I am so frigging hard, I assume this has a similar effect on you.       11:21pm
Me     Wet
Phil     Still got em. Never quit working out
you always were.                                             11:22pm
Me     were?
Phil      wet. I loved the way you tasted and smelled    11:23pm
Me     Your fault, that…
Phil     good. I’m glad.                                             11:24pm
Phil     Always loved that I could make you wet
You never had any trouble making me hard     11:25pm
Me     There was…chemistry.
Phil     We never did anything about that but I did taste you on my fingers. Always wished i had the opportunity to do that the right way             11:26pm
Me     It’s so bizarre what was “allowed” and what wasn’t in those days…   11:28pm
Phil    We always had chemistry. yes, we were pretty tame. Lord knows I would have loved more.  Drives me crazy thinking of you hot and wet. I love it.  11:30pm
Me     I don’t recall you ever pressing me, I mean, in bad way. Some guys were pretty forceful and disappeared quickly when I made it clear where the line was…
Had you “gone all the way” already?
Is that too personal?                                                          11:31pm
Phil     I would never have pressed you to do anything you were not ready to do. I was not like that. never was, never will be. It was you I liked, may have loved, not what i could get from you
No, never. Did not till I was 19
Me     You know that was unusual, right?  Special….
Wow. I am surprised. You were so hot and all the girls were after you…       11:32pm
Phil  Not my style.
I was very tame. Nothing is too personal by the way. we have been having a very personal discussion.
I love it.                                                                  11:34pm
Me     So is your wife the only one?                         11:36pm
Phil      She was for 29 years. My first and only. We were separated for a couple years and I met someone. Was not what I hoped for.
Me     That must have been tough…                        11:38pm
Me     My mind is boggling…I thought with you being in the military and all… nevermind.                                                              
Phil     was coming for a while. We always got along great. We go out to eat, have fun, good conversations, the physical part did not click.  11:39pm
Phil  oh no, I never did that. I could not. I needed both the physical attraction and the emotional attraction. can’t get that from someone you just met. Only had that a couple times.                                                                  11:40pm
Me     I didn’t get married until I was much older, so I had a lot longer to make a fool of myself…
I’m coming up on 14 years of marriage soon.  I have been completely faithful, once I made the big promise.                                           11:41pm
Phil     good for you. I always wished I had the opportunity to make love to you. We were too young and I would never have pushed that on you.
you were very sexual. i’m sure you still are. Your husband is a lucky guy.  11:42pm
Me     No…I was a devoted virgin in those days. Seems silly now.
But I was so worried about guys gossiping…reputation was so important…11:43pm
Phil     I don’t know about that. Thought about what it would have been like over the years. thinking about it now.
I was not a gossiper
never told anybody anything about us and we were pretty active for the day  11:44pm
Me     Well…this is where it gets very personal…I don’t talk about this with anyone…why does it feel like I can tell you?        11:45pm
Phil we could always talk. It was easy for us. the physical part came naturally to us. I was not a pushy horny jerk. I just enjoyed spending time with you. The physical part was an added benefit.                               11:46pm
Me     I’m trying to figure out a way to talk about me without talking about my husband… tricky stuff.                          11:47pm
Phil      ahhhhh,
yea, that can get that way              11:48pm
Me     We don’t…I mean…he doesn’t…want me anymore in that way.
Phil     I will say that if I had ever had the opportunity with you, I would have taken it. I always knew that
oh that sucks. I am still a very horny boy           11:50pm
Me     I really don’t think you would now. Both the married bit and the fact that I am not what anyone would consider sexy anymore. Online, yes…on the phone, yes…still have my sexy voice…but
But here…I can put my hands on you and do what I want!       11:51pm
Phil      I would hold you and love you just because you are you.
Go ahead and touch away. I like it!                       11:53pm
Phil  Would still love to lick every inch of your body
especially the wet parts
Me     I had this dream the other night…you were in a hotel room, and I knocked at the door, and you gave me a big hug. And then turned to put on your shoes. I think my husband was in the car, and you turned back to me and pressed me against the wall.
And you said, very clearly, “I am going to do what I should have done years ago.”    11:54pm
Phil     MMMMMM, oh yea,                              11:54pm
Me     And you were hard as a rock, pressed against me…    11:55pm
Phil     I’m sure my cock was pressed against you and my hands on your breasts. Have thought about that as well
Me     (This dream was days ago, before you said anything much to me)
And I was trying to figure out how long I could stay there, with hubby out in the car…
And I couldn’t think…with you touching me…mouth…hands…
even your breathing was exciting…                     11:57pm
Phil     wow. I have always wanted you, still do. I want to undress you, touch and kiss you everywhere. Taste your breasts again. Feel you pressing back against me, knowing how wet you were.
I am breathing hard now, my breathing is not the only thing hard. Took the shorts off, much more comfortable                                    11:59pm
Phil     wish it were your hands touching me     12:01am
Phil     i would kneel down before you and slip my tongue inside of you. I want to taste you again so badly. Feel you knees go weak as you pulled me closer
Me     There was a big couch and you sat down and pulled me down with you…and I…was so close to you…
Phil     would pay special attention to those powdered breasts, sucking and licking your nipples
go on, I like this                                     12:02am
Me     That’s when the alarm went off!
Phil     this is a good dream
Me     It’s spooky…                                12:03am
Me     I don’t usually dream about…like that. Fantasies, yes, lots…but not dreams…
Phil     Sometimes dreams come true.  I could very easily see that scenario
Me     Oof.                                             12:05am
Phil      oof?
I could fill in the blanks after the alarm went off
Me     Sorry…losing my vocabulary…my brain is addled…was thinking about your tongue…                                         12:06am
Phil     I would truly love that, would love to make you cum with my tongue 12:08am
Me     Been forever…but you could probably change that.
Phil     Was always into your ass, so would have to pay attention there too. The thought of gently rubbing my hard cock against you, slowly easing inside of you has me ready to explode
I would.         12:08am
Me Pulsing     12:09am
Phil     Ummm, pulse away babe, that’s a good thing
now naked wishing I were with you the same way         12:11am
Phil     You never touched me and I always longed for that but I never pressed it. Like I said, never would.
hope you are getting off cause I am. wish we were doing it for real              12:12am
Me     I would definitely touch you now.
I didn’t touch you then? What a dope.        12:13am
Phil     I would definitely let you.
you never touched me
I touched you everywhere
Would love to do it again                           12:14am
Me     Damn…I am so mad at my mind…that it let go of all that…
but I have learned a bit since then
what to do with my hands
how to make you burn…
and feel like you are going to go over the edge, but then hold back…and burn some more…  12:16am
Phil     i WOULD LOVE THAT. Would love to see what you have learned.       12:17am
Phil     I would love that. would love to feel your hands working me, bringing me to the edge and then backing off and doing it again and again  12:18am
Me     There’s usually a spot…on the underside…to press and let go…squeeze…and pull just a bit…
Phil     man that’s hot. I am not looking to break anything up but I’d give a lot for a night like that                     12:19am
Me     I dunno… much of it may be that it is clandestine…not allowed…
Phil     i have that spot. Love to be touched there, very sensitive there
Maybe.                      12:20am
Me     Carrying through would put you back in conflict land…wouldn’t want that…
But it sure is hot to think about it…
talk about it…
Phil   don’t care. I need to cum, you need to cum, I’m a big boy now         12:21am
Me     I bet you are.
Phil    would love to have your feet over my shoulders, pounding you. I have always wanted to be inside you
bigger at the moment        12:23am

Me     When I think that far, I am on top of you…gently lowering over you…with your hands on my chest…and my hair draped all around you like a curtain, closing out the word…                        12:23am
Phil     Would also love to flip you over and get you on your knees and take you from behind
would love to be holding your breasts as you lower yourself onto me. I love a woman on top. Always loved your hair. That’s so sexy           12:25am
Phil    I am not big, actually measured once, 7 inches but thick and I don’t tire.
Me     Rocking…higher…lower…hair brushing you…
Phil    What’s your favorite thing sexually?       12:26am
Me     Hmmm…
Phil     ride my cock Sassy, mmmm, I have dreamed of this, oh yeaaaaa     12:27am
Me     deep kisses…words…the rhythm of the final moments…                 12:29am
Phil     I love to kiss. Always loved your tongue. I like to talk while making love, some times endearing, sometimes a little dirty, Love looking into your eyes as we finish
As I said, I love the way you kiss, the feel of your lips, your tongue entwined with mine
Me     Oh yes…but it’s all good…up, down, over, hand, tongues… front…back.     12:31am
Phil     We would leave each other totally spent  12:32am
Me     I’d let you rest for at least 10 minutes      12:33am
Phil     I want it all too. I have no taboos, if it feels good try it. I would lick every inch of your body first. 10 minutes is more than I need.
Me     then I’d have to start biting on your neck…you know that spot…licking…biting…
Phil     Umm, I like biting
I am creating a small puddle here
you have me dripping        12:34am
Me     Good                       12:35am
Phil    LOL, there’s my girl 12:35am
Me     I am still a sass…      12:36am
Phil    I want to be inside of you so badly, deep hard strokes
you are still a sassy thing, I love it
sassy, sexy, and hot as hell
attitude and personality has so much more to do with this than anything else. I remember this attitude. I loved it. Same Sassy. We would rock each other’s world     12:38am
Me     You do…
Feels like an earthquake… 12:39am

Phil    I want you that way. Would I embarrass you by whispering dirty things in your ear?
Me     At dinner?
Phil    we can start there, as my hand slides up your leg
Me     Wear loose pants.    12:40am
Phil    I will
Me     Heh
Phil   need room for growth
you do know there will be tongue involved in that kiss hello              12:41am
Me     I don’t know whether to leave myself a note that says “Do NOT go near his room or car” or a note that says “get him alone ASAP!”
This is where the scared witless part comes in…          12:42am
Phil     If we are alone, I am going to make love to you in every way we can think of. maybe that helps
Me     But I will set that aside for now                           12:44am
Phil     you have me so hard
hope I have you as wet. What are you wearing. Already told you I was naked                                                                                              12:45am
Me     Dark blue lace…                                                  12:45am
Phil     hope you enjoyed this as much as i have
I like lace
I like Blue, not as good as green but nice                     12:46am
Me     I don’t think that’s possible…you are having a pretty good time over there…but it has been wonderful..
NO green…never ever…
Phil     LOL
Me     But if you’d loan me a shirt…maybe…     12:47am
Phil     I would loan you a football jersey
Me     You are too kind…
As long as it not the Yankees!
Phil    you would look good in that and nothing else

Me     you take my breath away…                     12:48am
Phil    I would love to take your breath away     12:49am
Me     I’ll be better next time…less rusty…more focused…if there is a next time…
Me     I will work on shutting out reality and honing in on you and what’s make you moan…                                                           12:50am
Phil    oh there will a next time if you are willing. This was so hot. I am so hot now. This is just going to build up over the next couple of months        12:51am
Me     “The Longest Foreplay on record, folks…”
And then it will snow…about 3 feet…      12:51am
Phil    you make me moan. Your hands on me, your mouth on me, you riding my hard cock, feeling me explode inside of you
who cares.    12:52am
Phil     You pick the place, we’ll have drinks, eat great lobster and whisper dirty thoughts in each other’s ear. No guarantees about my hands
Me     I’ve got to sleep…I don’t want to right now…but tomorrow is going to be brutal at work
Though I will have a smile on my face and no one will know why.      12:53am
Phil     ok, I can’t sleep in my current condition but that’s ok. We should do this on the phone some time
a smile is wonderful.
You have a pretty smile     12:54am
Me     Thank you…              12:55am
Phil    no thank you. Was a sexy, hot night, with a sexy hot woman. Don’t ever let anyone tell you different
Phil    Nite Sass, sleep well, have a great day tomorrow. Good luck with the conference

New old memories

Phil August 24 at 10:00am
Bacon ice cream? I love bacon but I’m not sure I would eat bacon ice cream. Maybe beer ice cream. 🙂 The Thai tea and Chai sounded good. I like the green tea flavored ice cream too. Guess I just like ice cream to be honest. Looking forward to a little lobster though. It’s so expensive here.
August 24 at 3:58pm
Wow! Three messages. I feel like I hit the jackpot this morning! Food, pets, and kissing! Wheee! 😉
The weather was yucky here…cold, drizzle…
So jumping right in on the deep end…I don’t know why I trust you enough to “go there” but I do. Forgive me if I am rusty. I haven’t flirted or talked about…stuff like this for a long time.
I am really disappointed in my memory. Sounds like I’ve forgotten parts of my past that could have kept me warm on the long New England Winter nights. I am flattered and astonished. Flattered that you remember, when you’ve likely been with a lot of other good kissers since. Astonished that teenaged me was a good kisser (probably some of my first real kisses). But I guess there’s nothing quite like those first kisses…
I have poked, prodded and pummeled my brain to produce memories…but there is nothing. I want to know where I met you, how long we hung out, what we did and what it was like…but it’s all gone. Arrrgh! I did keep a diary in those days…I may have to dig into the closet. But I don’t think I wrote down very much, worried that my siblings or heaven forbid, parents, would read it.
There are brief flashes of a tall, handsome, older boy with long brown straight hair, gorgeous eyes very close to mine, and one sensory image of your hand pressing on my back while we were…close. There are vague feelings…sexy, safe, fun…and then massive heartbreak that only a 14 year girl could write about with such angst. I remember a notebook full of poems that I haven’t dared to read again. But it seems like it happened to someone else, a long time ago.
I need to ask a big favor. I want you to give me those memories back. Can you do that? It might be fun. Maybe a bit at a time…as you remember and have time. Like now you could write about “that day at camp” or “the most memorable and electric kiss of my life.” *blush* Why were you there with that girl? Where were we? What happened? How did you feel? If it is…teenage boy thoughts, which may be a bit…raw? that’s okay. One guy told me later, “I picked you because I heard you sleep around.” Which was funny because I didn’t ever sleep around, and never did it at all until much, much later. But it was interesting to know! So whatever you remember, no rush…be a bachelor again for me and tell me about that time when we were together. 
If this is all too weird, I understand. We can go back to baseball and bacon…
Phil August 24 at 4:35pm
Not weird at all. I have not been with many kissers, good or bad. Married for over 30 years and have behaved myself. We met at church.  I started attending a few years earlier. I was in the choir. I started going to the church because of another girl. In my Junior year, she went off to college. You and I were kind of buddies from church. You were so cute. I think we were both in the school  Chorus too. Some of the time line is sketchy. The camp was a church retreat. You asked me to go. I remember many of us jumping into the partially frozen pond. That nite there was a fire on the other side of the pond, people were singing and it was very nice. Towards the end of the bon fire, we both leaned back and it seemed like the most natural thing to kiss you. Our lips touched and then our mouths opened and it was so intense. It was not a long kiss cause we were with a group of people but I wanted to kiss you so badly and it was electric. We walked back up the hill towards the cabins holding hands. There was much more activity over the course of the evening. I found out where you wear powder. 🙂 It was a very intense weekend. We had a lot of fun together and it was very intense. We went to the football dance and the bon fire, met at church, then went out behind the old church. We were an item. I felt bad because of the other girl and we stopped seeing each other. Stupid on my part. She was dating a guy in college and I messed up a very nice thing. I did not start going out with you for any other reason than you were cute, we liked each other, you were a lot of fun and the like became something much more intense very quickly. You were not shy or inhibited but far from easy. We certainly did not sleep together but boy was i attracted to you. You don’t feel like that all that often in life so I have always thought of you, wondered how your life turned out. I’m glad its been good. I can go into more detail because there is some of that I’ll never forget either but I’m trying to be a gentleman.
Phil August 24 at 5:01pm
I did have long brown hair, brown eyes and i did hold you very close. I never dated anyone for any reason other than being physically and emotionally attracted. We had to click and be able to have fun together. We did. I was an ass and have always regretted that. I suspect the reason you don’t remember is you shut it out cause I hurt you for a very foolish reason. I always wished we’d had more time and I had just enjoyed the time we had. I enjoyed the time we had but we were not done and I was too young and foolish to recognize that. Was teenage love I guess. Who knows if and how long that lasts but I have never forgotten and so many of the memories are clear as day to me still. That one kiss will remain with me forever. there were lots of other kisses too but man when our lips met, wow. The rest of the evening was very heated so I assume you felt the same way I did back then.
Phil August 24 at 5:33pm
Next time I am home, I’ll find the picture of us dancing. That one will bring back some memories. That was a happy care free time but I also remember being very conflicted. I should not have been. Can’t go back though. I remember your glasses, they were round, the shape of your mouth, your chin, your hair. Your mouth was small, still is I’m sure. This may be more than you wanted to hear. Just tell me to hush and I’ll go back to talking about those damn Red Sox.
August 24 at 6:55pm
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you ever so much. Wow. I…wow. *gulp*
August 24 at 7:06pm
Is there such a thing as coincidence? Look at the title of the video someone posted to my FB within 30 minutes you writing about the camp kiss last night…I never heard of it before.

Kent & Anya – MY FIRST KISS.mp4
SYTYCD season 7 routine

Phil August 24 at 7:24pm
Wow! That’s kinda cool. 
Phil August 24 at 7:28pm
I hope the wow gulp did not mean I upset you. You asked. I am going to hit the gym and then open a bottle of wine and relax. Ask anything you like. Its nice to chat. I’m enjoying this. Wonderful to be in touch again. Like I said, we can go back to food if I am being too personal.
August 24 at 8:39pm
Oh, Phil…don’t worry. I am not upset. I am thrilled! There are so many thoughts swirling in my brain…and um..causing other parts of my body to react. *cough* That hasn’t happened in a long time. Oops. I am not supposed to be telling you that. Ah, well…
Anyway…first of all, thank you ever so much for
– remembering all that,
– thinking of me now and then over the years,
– being brave enough to get in touch,
– taking a chance asking me about the camp kiss,
– writing it all out for me, and
– explaining about why you ended it.
I do wonder what you thought would happen when you tried to be in touch.
The word you use…”intense” sounds exactly right. I have an impression of us “Fitting together”…physically, mentally… clicking as you said, in a way that doesn’t happen very often. Not specifics about you, exactly, but when I was with other guys thinking, “Gee, this is nice, but not like it was with Phil.”
Did we say “I love you” back then? I was usually slow to say those words.
I am pretty sure I thought when you ended it…”he’ll be sorry…some day he’ll say he was an ass and regrets it.” Heh. I only had to wait 30-something years. Hee! But I do understand now. It made sense to you at the time…you were 16 and trying to do the right thing. Very noble.
You are a very special guy. And a perceptive one. Incredibly perceptive… definitely keep writing. You are a gentleman. Whatever you write won’t change that. If it gets weird, I will tell you to hush. But don’t stop now! I like hearing it all, except for the bit about you liking the Yankees.
I would love to see that dance photo if you can find it.
When you mention dates, like “being married for years” I wonder where I was on that date…I know it’s impossible, but I wish I had a timeline of your life and mine so I could say “heh…he was getting married while I was…” if it was summer, I was home from college, working. Did you get married in a church? 
If there is anything you are curious about, from back then, or now, or in between, you can ask. We can talk about food, pets, and kissing! And whatever else is on your mind. I don’t know about you, but this is the most fun I’ve had in a long time. 🙂
Phil August 24 at 9:24pm
I’m thrilled other parts of your body reacted. Mine too. I do not remember if we said I love you. We did fit well. That has not happened that often. My wife and I fit but that was a rebound kind of thing. We became more good friends than anything else over the years. Comfortable but not terribly exciting. I went into the military out of high school. Met the recruiter at the County Fair. Went to boot camp. First time in a plane! Went to school and then met overseas.  So many countries! I was going to get out after that tour but decided to stay for a few more. I went to the beach and taught, played tons of sports, got married back home at the other church on the hill.  Got my college degree and went back to overseas. More countries! Had two kids. Became an officer – more countries. After that, many more tours on the East Coast. Its been a marvelous adventure.

I had no idea about reaching out. Did not expect to be talking about camp. Glad I can have a good effect on you. Just the thought of you did that to me. I have had to adjust several times to get comfortable. I can close my eyes and relive it all again. I can feel you. I remember holding you, holding your hand, touching you, unsure, afraid, you were and I am sure are still something else. I see the girl I knew in the way you write. Nice to know that girl is still there.
Phil August 24 at 10:51pm
off to bed. you have captivated my imagination. Going be hard sleeping on my stomach is all I can say. Hope you had a good evening.  Driving to the beach tomorrow night and then to North Thursday morning. Won’t tell you where my mind has been and is, but you can guess. Loved hearing that our discussion turned you on cause it sure as heck did me. I was aroused instantly. Nite Sassy, looking forward to hearing from you. I’ll find the picture of us and send it to you. have some others to post as well. Sleep well. Have fun dreams.
August 24 at 10:52pm
What adventures you’ve had! I will try to sum up the last 35 years of my life…but not tonight.
You are so sweet! I am so touched that you are sharing these thoughts…a rare thing. I will never forget this day. I can’t explain how special it makes me’s too tied up in my life now that we haven’t talked about…but it’s very good. It is marvelous to have some new “old memories.” I want to write more and read more and I want…

but I have to go to bed…running the big conference, may be off the grid for awhile tomorrow. Have to sleep.
Are you driving all day tomorrow? My mind is racing that you will be so close, only a few hours from here…but there’s no sense thinking that. And I am not very exciting in person where it would have to be all baseball and bacon.
Sweet dreams!

The name

Monday August 23 at 10:05am
Morning! I hope your week is off to a good start. It’s a rainy, cold, yucky day here, so I am looking for sunshine elsewhere.
I thought of about a dozen questions I wanted to ask you…but I will restrain myself and only ask one…When did you change to being called “Phil?” or was I the only one who thought of you as “Philip?”
Phil August 23 at 11:49am
You may ask me anything you like. Very few people call me Philip. I guess that happened in the military. I know in high school it was Philip. My Mother never called me anything but Philip (may have been a few choice words when she was mad). Over the years, I have simply become Phil. I’m pretty casual so Phil fits. I use Philip if it’s something more formal. Most of my high school friends still call me Philip. 

We had rain over the weekend but today is very plesant. Low 80s with sunshine. It has been so hot this summer, this is a nice break. Spent the weekend working on a neighbor’s house. Saw some old friends so it was nice. Meetings today at work so not too bad a day. Tomorrow driving North to visit family.  Hope you had a great weekend and hopefully the rain will quit and you will have a nice week. You are not a Patriots fan by any chance?
August 23 at 4:48pm
Thanks for the scoop on the name thing! You’ll always be Philip to me, unless in person you’ll seem more “Phil” now. Hard to say.
What a varied week you have! Meetings sound ghastly, but if it makes for a good day for you, that’s great. Safe travels…it is so good to get together with family in the summer.
I’m running a huge conference Wednesday and Thursday for 500 people. So my week at work is focused on that. I have lots of helpers, thank goodness. 
My weekend was busy – went out for lobster Friday night, helped my dad get to the doctor on Saturday, took an elderly friend out for her birthday Sunday, more visiting my parents. I did sneak in a nice brunch on Saturday. Bacon! My sister is away visiting in-laws. We share helping our folks, but with her gone, it is more on me right now.
I am not a football fan, so you and I are saved from much Pats discussions. Never been to a game except in high school! Living here, I can’t help but know what goes on with the Pats, as they are front page news. I used to be a diehard Red Sox fan, went every week. But I stopped during the strike in ’94 and got out of the habit. I do keep a close eye of them, and watch games with my dad. My big sport to follow is figuring skating.  My family and I traveled all over to see competitions from 1995-2004: Worlds, Nationals, Skate America and met all the big stars. But they messed up the scoring system after the Salt Lake Olympics and it has mostly killed the sport for us. Having seen it live, watching it on TV is awful. Imagine if TV only covered the fourth quarter of the football play-off games, three weeks after they happened. *sigh* 
Since you will be away, I guess I will sneak in one more question. You stay in D.C. during the week and head to the beach on the weekends?
Phil August 23 at 5:05pm
I have to say figure skating is not my thing although I do enjoy the artistry and athleticism required. I am a big football fan though. get to as many games as I can. I love my Yankees too. I think its wonderful that you have such interest and had the opportunity to travel and experience something you enjoy at that level. 

I do the geographic bachelor thing. I stay up here all week and commute to the Beach on the weekends. I hate the commute but it’s wonderful to get out of DC for the weekend. I get Facebook on my phone so I’m never really away. This has been a wonderful way to keep up with family and friends. 

I too love brunch and bacon! I try to only eat it once a week but do sneak in the occassional BLT. I figure the healthy stuff equals out the unhealthty tasty stuff so its ok. Lobster is so expensive here. I eat my fill any time I get to new England though. I have a trip to New England coming up and I will get my share. Back to work for a bit and then off to the gym. Allows me to have that bacon every now and again. 🙂
August 23 at 9:39pm
Hi, again. This is fun. I hope I am not pestering you too much. Beware…this message contains two questions! Heh. And an unsolicited opinion about your baseball tastes, a slight flirtation, and food chatter. 🙂
Yankees? Yetch. I can not understand that. They look like overpaid jerks from here.
“Geographic bachelor.” Never seen that phrase before. Very descriptive. Of course, the bachelor part had my mind wandering to places that an old married lady shouldn’t go, but never mind that.
Do you cook? I am not of much use in the kitchen, but I make really good reservations!
Lobster is on sale all over the place here. My little fish place around the corner has a special with lobster, mussels, corn on the cob and cole slaw for $15.95. Of course, the best cheap way to get it is to buy lobster at the grocery store, get them to steam it right there, then run home and eat it. Heh.  I go through spells where I could eat it every night. And then I don’t have any for months. Summer seems to bring on the cravings.
I tried bacon ice cream yesterday. Our local ice cream shop guy likes to try out odd flavors. It tasted more like bacon bits than regular, but it was tasty. Three of us split a kiddy cup just to see what it was like. Last week I tasted two new flavors – Thai Iced Tea, and Chai ice cream. Both were not good…tasted like tea that had steeped too long. Blech.
How did you end up with all those dogs? They are so cute. I looked at those photos several times!
Phil August 23 at 10:34pm
I do cook. I like to make Italian, anything on the grill, I like to try casseroles, and love any kind of seafood.  

Dogs find you, you know?  

Nothing wrong with flirtatious. Do you have any recollection of going to camp? Was the most memorable and electric kiss of my life. I’ll never forget it. Old married guys should not think like that but I am in the bachelor part of the week.

A strange sign

After I got Phil’s message, I poked around, and noticed a new name on my high school class list – Clint. I broke out in a cold sweat.  I wasn’t a fanatic about keeping my name off the internet, but I was careful.  Because of Clint.

Today we’d probably call him a bully.  Sexual harasser.  Stalker.  But in the 1970’s we didn’t know.  Boys picked on girls all the time and got away with it.  Clint was that pest in high school.  You know the type.  The creepy guy who would wait for me to spin the combination and open my locker, and then slam the door, making me late for class.  The jerk in my homeroom who’d say things first thing in the morning like, “Where’d you get that ugly shirt?”  or “Wow, you’re looking fat today!”  He’d tell greaser boys that I said I liked them.  And tell the handsome jock I was pining for that I’d said he was a doofus.  As we got older, he started punching me in the arm, and pinching my ass or my boobs.  Ouch!  Ugh.  

One night at a dance after another boy dumped me, Clint was oddly nice to me, telling me I looked pretty and asking me to dance.  During a slow dance, he whispered that he was hot for me, would do anything to “get in my pants.”  Um, really dude?  NO!  So he started calling me a slut and telling boys I had done all sorts of physical things with him.  Things that “nice girls” didn’t do.  Other boys believed him and asked me out, thinking I was easy.  They disappeared pretty quickly when they found out I was a virgin and determined to stay that way, though I had to endure a lot of dancing too close or wrestling matches in the back of cars.  They’d say, “…but Clint said you were easy!”  Ugh.  
I was very sad in the days after high school graduation, knowing I’d go away to college and never see my friends again.  But there were a few kids I was relieved never to see again and Clint was at the top of the list.  I left town and got on with my life, forgetting about the small town high school bullshit.  
Five years later, I went to a varsity basketball game over Thanksgiving with my little sister.  Clint’s little sister was there, talking about coming to Boston for college.  My sister told her I lived there.  I asked where Clint was these days, and she said California.  I smiled, happy that he was about as far away from me as possible.  
A week later I got a 12 page letter from Clint.  He professed undying love for me, then rambled on about the vicious, violent sexual things he’d do to me.  “Just say the word and I will leave my wife and come out there and fuck your brains out.”  I was terrified.  I threw up.  I warned my parents and little sister never to say anything about me to Clint’s family again, then put the letter in my strong box under the bed, telling the room mates to give it to the police if anything happened to me.  And started looking over my shoulder, wondering when he would appear to attack me.  
The terror dimmed over the years, but it was always in the back of my mind, making me wary of anything that would connect me with him on any level.  And cementing my desire not to associate with anyone from my high school.  My best friend talked me into going to our 10th reunion.  I went to see her and made her promise she would not let me out of her sight.  I took my husband to the 20th reunion with the same promise. Luckily, Clint didn’t appear at either event!  I had a lovely evening with a group of pleasant adults who bore little resemblance to the odd assortment of characters who populated my high school days.  
With the advent of the internet in the 90’s, I thought of him again.  I wasn’t a privacy fiend, but I was careful.  Luckily there was never any sign of him.  That was pretty typical of my classmates… very few of them signed up for and they didn’t appear in Google searches or even on Facebook when it appeared.  Luddites.  Yay!  
But suddenly here was his name on  And he had left his name on my profile months earlier, which I hadn’t noticed.  I began to panic, thinking about yanking my name off there and covering my tracks elsewhere.  Damn.  It gave me all sorts of second thoughts about talking to Phil.  
I decided to click on Clint’s profile, see where he was now.  There was a short note: 
“This is Clint’s wife of many years, Carolyn.  He passed away. We shared a wonderful life in California.”
I felt completely evil thinking it, but the first thought that popped into my head was, “HOORAY!  HE”S DEAD!”  I know, that’s not cool.  But I was so relieved.  I felt this huge weight being lifted off my shoulders!  I had not even realized how heavy it was.  I tried in vain to find an obituary online, but decided to believe it anyway.
And then suddenly it dawned on me that I discovered this strange and wonderful news because Phil had written to me.  A very good thing had come from him being in touch.  Maybe this was why it happened now?  I wondered if I could tell him in a way that wouldn’t involve me being gleeful over the death of another human being.  Would it freak him out that I connected the events in my mind?  Instead of being wary, I was suddenly excited to find out what other happy news he’d bring my way. 

Telling other people

Too many times over the weekend I read over his messages and our chat.  They made me smile.

I looked at his Facebook account.  There were dozens of photos!  I clicked on every photo posted, soaking up details about his home, his family, his pets, and his travels.  But mostly, I stared at him.  He still had a full head of dark hair, broad shoulders, a trim body and a beautiful smile.  I cringed thinking of the half dozen photos of me online… the frumpy older lady with her husband at some party.  I hate cameras!  Thank goodness my profile photo was one of me alone of a carousel with my hair down and a big smile.

It felt like this huge thing had happened.  Which seemed silly, but there you have it.

I told other people the news and began to pick up more facts about him.

  • My little sister was out of town, so I sent her an email. 

I hope you had all your excitement pre-flight and the rest was easy.

The relentless Classmates.Com send me an email saying “you’ve received a private message from Phil Xxxxx.”  I thought…”That’s it…they may have finally found a way to make me give them money.”  But then I thought, “Hey!  Maybe I can find him on Facebook.”  Couldn’t find him on Facebook.  So I googled him, found him on LinkedIn.  But can’t see details.  But that gave me enough info to find him on Facebook.  But wait…I don’t remember anything about him.  No point really.

So I went back to the Classmates message and thought  “I wonder how far it will let me get before it asks for money?”  and started clicking.  Lo and behold, it let me see the message for free!
Phil Xxxxx (view profile)
my name
August 18, 2010 08:28:29 AM
Hi, from Phil!
Hey, how have you been?  Hope life has treated you well.
Living in DC now, still in the military and enjoying it.
I get to the old home town several times a year.  Still many great memories.
There was a photo. Can’t see the guy I knew, but it seems harmless enough, so I sent a friend request on Facebook.  Then I realized this broke my resolve never to friend anyone from high school.  So I go check to see if he has any friends from there.  Nope.  Heh.  

We’ll see.  You can tell me I’m a dope now.


She thought the photo looked like him and said, “I can’t believe you friended him.  He hurt you so badly!”  I couldn’t believe she remembered that… she was in first grade when he left town!  
  • I sent a Facebook message to my best friend from high school, asked her if she remembered him.  She said she did and she couldn’t believe I didn’t because I had adored him and been so hurt when we broke up.  She remembered that he had long brown hair and was an athlete.  She thought it was a good thing it wasn’t one of my other goofy boyfriends (that she’d also dated) that had contacted me.  
  • I went to visit my mom and dad.  They remembered him fondly from church, said he had a beautiful voice and sang in the choir.  My mother said he was a good boy, always around to help out at events.  She thought she’d seen a photo in the local paper that he was promoted.  
  • I told my online penpals.  There were about half a dozen friends I wrote to every week.  I was fascinated at how their reactions varied from curiosity to a warning about married men who contact old flames to ignoring that news altogether!
  • I told my husband I’d heard from my first boyfriend in high school, and that he wanted to take me out for pizza when he was up here in December.  He thought that was interesting.  

I was surprised how much I thought about him.  I wanted to know more.

Two messages and a chat

I didn’t have to wait very long.  The very next morning, he sent me a Facebook message.

August 20 at 9:50am

How you doing? I see you are still living in Mass. In Washington myself. This is an account that I have tried to shut down. Looked for you from the FB account I use and could not find you. Guess you have searches blocked. look for me under Phil Xxxxx or email is Hope life is treating you well. I see a big smile so I assume that to be the case. Look forward to hearing from you.
I stared at it awhile.  It was so folksy!  straightforward and well-written with a little info and two ways to get more.   Which I desperately wanted to do.   So I starting writing.  I re-wrote it about 50 times, trying to be completely honest, upbeat and brief. 
August 20 at 10:55am
Philip! Wow! What a blast from the past! Great to see your smiling face on Classmates. I wish we could sit down over a pizza. 🙂
The FB account you’re trying to ditch is the only one that shows up when I google you or search FB. I can’t find your preferred account under that name or email either…I just enabled my public search setting, so you should be able to find my FB account with your other account now. Give it a try? Or we could switch to email. Whatever you prefer.
I’d love to hear about your life, family, work etc. Are you in D.C. itself or a burb? We visit Rockville MD sometimes. Who do you keep up from the old home town? My entire family lives here now – my parents moved over here – so I don’t go back anymore.
So ask me whatever you want to know, and tell me lots of news!
I sat at my desk at work, wondering if I’d said the right thing.  When will he write back?

I got another message very quickly!

August 20 at 11:20am
I do go back to the old home town fairly often. My entire family is still there. My brother lives there so I stay up there fairly often. I think of you every time I drive by the old church. Think about your Dad too. I hope he is doing well.
I don’t see that many people when I am in town. Most have moved away. I usually see people with my brother. The town seems to be fading but then I guess it always was. Still nice to go up there. Its a nice change from my place.
I have been in the military all these years. Its been a wonderful life. I’ve been just about every where anybody wants to go.  I am stationed in Washington now. I will be moving soon for one last tour and then retire and figure out what to do with myself. A beach house in Costa Rica sounds like a good start.
Been married to Sally all along. Had a bump in the road the past couple of years but on the mend now. Mid life crisis maybe, bitchy woman more likely. I have two kids.  there are pictures posted. Going to upload more over the weekend. Life has been good.
What are you up to now? It’s wonderful to hear from you. As I get older, I find myself more interested in old friends. Spent some time talking to folks from high school recently.
It’s great to be in touch. Please give my regards to your folks.
I was staring at that when the Facebook chat window opened!  

11:22am Phil Dropped you a quick note. getting ready to make the miserable drive to the beach. The drive sucks but its nice once I get there
11:22am Me Heh! It worked!
11:22am Phil I will be in your area in December. We could have that pizza, or maybe a lobster
11:23am Me Sounds great! Thanks for the note. How can it be 30+ years? Yikes… 
11:26am Phil Hard to believe. Just look at my pictures, you will see the years. Still feel good though.
11:27am Me I have to say I was wracking my brain trying to remember anything about you or us….not much left there. But I think you were “good people” so it’s fun to start over… 
11:30am Phil Was a long time ago. I still have fond memories, have not forgotten much. I hope I’m still good people. There’s a picture or two of us in a yearbook at a dance, talk about a blast from the past!
11:30am Me My dad just turned 88! 
11:31am Phil Wow, mine is 87, hard to believe.
11:32am Me He and Mom have a condo just down the hill from my little sister, her husband and their little girl 
11:33am Phil It’s nice that everyone is together. makes it so much easier to help them out and spend time. I have to make an effort to get up to see my folks. I go as often as i can now.
11:34am Me Yes, my dad just got home yesterday from a month in the hospital and rehab (broken toe, got awful infection, heart trouble etc) so nice they’re right here.
Where are your kids? How old?
11:35am Phil My kids live at the beach. Daughter and son in their 20’s.
11:36am Me I poked around FB looking at your family and was astonished to see that your younger brother has a son who is a big, married guy with kids. Yikes!
Are you a…grandfather? I have a mean old cat.  
11:37am Phil Oh no. I am not a grandfather. I’m not nearly mature enough for that. I’ve been accused of not growing up. Not sure I could live in a small town anymore. I’ve become spoiled by the convenience of city life. Was a great place to grow up though.
11:43am Me I loved it while I was there, but now look back and wonder how I ever lived in that fish bowl…
11:46am Phil Oh yea, everyone knew what you were doing. You managed to have a good time though.
11:47am Me I probably should stop babbling and let you drive off to the beach…and get back to work. This is a crazy time in my office.
12:01pm Phil Nothing wrong with a mean old cat. I have dogs. There are pictures of them posted.  I’m off to the beach.  Have a great weekend! Wonderful hearing from you. Looking forward to that pizza in December.
12:03pm Me Ping me whenever…have fun!

I copied the text out of the chat window into a Word doc, so I could read it over.  Holy cow!  We talked for 40 minutes.  He was so easy to talk with!  I could have kept going.  He’s such a nice guy!  So he’s got a trip up here… that’s probably what pushed him to find me.  I went back to work but could not help wondering… When will he contact me again?  

Due Diligence

I read his first message over and over.  And over again.   What did he mean by “great memories?”  I tried to remember more about him, but there was nothing.  How could my brain have let go of all that?

I finally clicked on his profile.  There was a photo of a smiling man, sitting at a table with a pizza and a bottle of red wine, about to pick up a slice.  I couldn’t see any sign of the boy I knew, but he was so cute!  It was a great photo – nothing flirty, just friendly.  I stared at it for a long while.  He had a full head of dark hair and a mustache.  I love mustaches.  He was trim, with lovely shoulders.  I’m a sucker for shoulders.  He had on jeans and a classy maroon sweater.  Casual, comfortable, and nice looking.  Inviting…

So I googled him.  Not much there.  Except for a Facebook account that listed the military as his employer.  Was that the one?  I didn’t want to reply on but here was my chance to be in touch without saying anything.  I didn’t want to risk a message if it turned out to be the wrong guy.  I could send him a friend request.  I puzzled over whether to do that… but then I put myself in his shoes.  And realized I did not want to leave him hanging.  He had done everything right.  I could at least reach out.  That way if he turned out to be an unpleasant correspondent, I could block him and be done with it.

I decided to sleep on it.  I went to work the next day and thought about it in between meetings.  When I got home, I looked at everything again – his message, his photo, his blank Facebook page… and made up my mind to get in touch.

So late in the evening of August 19th, I clicked the Friend Request button and went off to bed.

I lay awake wondering if he’d friend me or message me?  What did he want?

Reconnection: The First Message

How did it start?  On a warm summer Wednesday afternoon during a crazy week at work, I got home after a long day, and settled down at my desk to read a bunch of personal emails on my laptop in air-conditioned comfort with a big glass of water.  I had just taken a sip when I saw a message from that said “You got a PRIVATE MESSAGE from Phil Xxxxx.”  I sprayed water all over my keyboard!  

Are you listed on that site? tries to be a social network, listing the people from your class in high school who sign up, but it doesn’t get on most people’s radar.  They send a lot of email but you can’t get to the good stuff without buying a GOLD MEMBERSHIP.   I’ve managed to resist.  I had fun in high school but I moved away to college and moved on.  My Facebook is locked down so I don’t have to hear from them.  I keep in touch with my best friend via email, and the rest?  Eh.  But this message said I could read without paying, which meant the guy paid to write to me.  And he had gone beyond the usual channels to find out more about me.  No one else had tried to get in touch.  Why him?  Why now after 30-something years?

I wracked my brain trying to remember something about this guy.  There weren’t any memories left, just a few odd facts.  
  • He was my first love.  
  • He went to my church.  
  • We dated very briefly in the 1970’s when I was a freshman and he was a junior, which in those days amounted to holding hands in the hallway and stealing a few kisses in a dark corner at a dance.  
  • He broke my heart when he dumped me with the “let’s be friends” line. 
What could it hurt to read the message?  Curiosity won and I clicked the link.
Phil Xxxxx (view profile)
Sassy Girl
August 18, 2010 08:28:29 AM
Hi, from Phil!
Hey, how have you been?  Hope life has treated you well.  Living in DC now, still in the military and enjoying it.  I get to the old home town several times a year.  Still many great memories.
Hmmmm… that was anti-climactic.  But he seems harmless enough.  Should I answer?