Eye of the Hurricane

Between Phil and You
September 3 at 8:10am
Good morning! Hope you made it there easily…and didn’t get drenched. Gorgeous morning here – typical pre-big blow.
Thank you for calling. Sharing. oxxx
Phil September 3 at 5:21pm
Got home fine. Weather was nothing. At the gym and then gonna cook. Will take pictures. Hope you had a good fay. Did Hurricane Earl pay a visit?

September 3 at 5:51pm
Hey, there sweet man!
Quiet day at work. Typical Friday before a long weekend. Got out early!
Earl’s knocking! Raining a little…hunkered down at home…seems like Long Island took most of the punch out of it. They’re now saying less than an inch of rain and 30 mph wind…we get more than that from a Nor’easter. Should be all done by morning.
Listening to favorite old folk songs on Youtube…feeling very virtuous for not posting anything about second chances, new sexy men etc. Posted one on my wall.  ooxxt

David Wilcox “Eye of the Hurricane” posted to my wall

[He texted me a photo of the huge lobster tails he made for supper]
September 3 at 9:10pm
Wow…those lobster tails rock! Thanks for the pix. Poetry on a plate. *drool* I’ve never seen anything like that except… you know. I want to grab them and put them in my mouth and…oops. Sorry. Forgot you are married on the weekends. 🙂

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